Climate protestors

What the fuck is going on with with these stupid bastards? A load of thick unwashed and attention seeking academics are disrupting the capital by putting boats in Oxford Circus and supergluing themselves to windows and trains while that stupid old sod Prattemborough bangs on about the death of the planet.

So what’s the answer? Well here’s the punch line – they don’t have one. Never mind. Protesting will solve everything.

Here’s my answer. Leave the stupid bastards superglued to whatever they attach themselves to until they starve and wallow in their own shit. Glued yourself to a train? Hold on tight because its leaving on time. Parked a boat in Oxford Street? Bulldoze the fucker and anyone who gets in the way.

And while we’re at it, starve the bastards of the oxygen of publicity by ignoring them on the media. Some silly bitch appeared on Good Morning Britain yesterday and Madeley asked what was the point of it all. She replied “It got me on TV” which pretty much sums it all up.

She actually said that she expected the human race to be extinct within her childrens’ lifetime. And this cunt is a lecturer teaching our children!?! Well, let’s hope the silly cow leads the way and going extinct first.

There’s some really stupid people out there. Why the fuck do we pander to them?

Fuck ’em all and the horse they rode in on..

Nominated by Dioclese

Extinction Rebellion are in desperate need of nomination. A bunch of middle class, private school, university ‘educated’ jobless fucktards, who think they have a divine right to tell us plebs that we need to stop using planes, cars, trucks, vans, trains, motorbikes, etc, and start using more eco friendly modes of transport. Presumably they mean walk, ride donkeys, horses, camels, Great Danes, pedal bikes.

For the past three days, these ignorant, arrogant posh fuckers have brought chaos to London…sorry…MORE chaos to London, by staging protests and causing a massive nuisance to road users, commuters and businesses. Not to mention the cost to the taxpayer for policing and the inevitable clean up of rubbish that these ‘eco’ warriors will inevitably leave behind them. When I joined the protest of military veterans in London, in support of Sgt Alexander Blackman (Marine A), we did so peacefully, respectfully and tidily. Plod had little to do that day, because unlike on protests such as their suffering now, they didn’t have to make any arrests, or put up with any abuse. Many of them are military veterans themselves, so they knew the score. And I dare Westminster council was quite pleased, because they didn’t have to pay for any clean up. Unlike these fuckers though.

This morning (Wednesday 17th April) Adam Boulton had one of the leaders of this group of trust funders on, and completely destroyed him, to the point that little Tarquin spat his dummy out and stormed off. The only thing that spoiled it, was Boulton referring to the group as right wing. Fucking what? Robin Boardman-Pattison is his name. Real working class name that, isn’t it? RBP reckons that we should all stop taking foreign holidays because, muh airplanes are killing the world. The interweb is not a good place to be if you’re a hypocrite. And Robin Boardman-Pattison is a massive hypocrite. There are loads of photos of this gobby little shite on his jollies. His foreign jollies. Skiing in the alps, visiting Pisa, Rome, other EU countries, and various exotic destinations around the world. And I dare most of his chums have similar photos too. I’m pretty sure they didn’t walk to their foreign holidays, they must have taken bikes. Or horses? Nah. We all know the cunts got their by plane.

I have a theory. I don’t think these dickweeds really want everyone to stop using things like cars and planes. I think they want us plebs to stop using cars and planes, so that THEY can drive and fly wherever they want, without being disturbed by us unwashed peasants. Fuck off Extinction Rebellion. You want my car? Come get it. I’ll show you a great view of it’s underside.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

103 thoughts on “Climate protestors

  1. There’s supposedly an oil boom about to happen in the US northwest, and then there’s canadian tar sands. Oil will only die out when it is uneconomic to extract, but all of those profits fror Exxon, BP and Shell aren’t sitting bank accounts; quite a few billion goes into R & D to discover and recover more remote deposits. Same with gas.
    All that shit i was told at school about us having 30 years of oil is just that; shit.

    • Does the impending North American oil boom have any connection to the massive cunt boom we are currently experiencing in dear old Blighty? We should be told.

  2. If this had been a demonstration against the fudging of Brexit they would have rolled out water canons and police in riot gear. This whole thing is being sanctioned;

    The ‘save the environment’ thing is just an excuse to get us away from cars and mobility so only the rich can use it whilst everyone else gets rammed into dense urban areas. It’s the inevitable outcome from our beginnings on common land as peasants, kicked off and herded into factories and towns, and finally confined to dense urban areas aka the barnyard.

  3. Remember David Belellamy ?
    Well as it happens he question the holiest of cows global warming saying disgusting things like he doesn’t believe it for one moment.
    That sealed his fate as far as the Beeb were concerned, he never worked again.
    That’s why you don’t see Him anymore.

    • Yeah that’s true. The cunt was a massive star because he fitted the stereotype of the crazy, lovable scientist like Magnus Pyke before him. But as soon as he questioned the orthodoxy he was shunned like a 16th century recusant.
      The cunt is still alive I believe.

  4. I would use a combine harvester running on old engine oil to sort these cunts in the streets out. I can just imagine them getting hovered up by the beast while it belches black smoke out, fucking brilliant.

  5. Well hopefully some of these cunts will face similar disruption to their shitty little lives when there’s another protest about something or other which will result in blocked streets, delays and fuck knows what else. I bet they will soon jump on social media moaning about all those selfish protester cunts preventing them from getting on with their wanky little lives.

    Fuck them!

  6. The limp wristers are planning to invade Heathrow tomorrow. Any airport these days is a high security location. Hopefully the coppers will get stuck in to the hippy cunts and bang their scruffy arses up.

    • Wouldn’t hold your breath. The last time a similar bunch of cunts invaded an airport (compromising safety) they were treated with kid gloves and got off in court with a slap on the wrist.

      These entitled cunts love making ordinary people’s lives a misery.

  7. The world has been around for longer than any cunt can imagine and it’ll still be here long after we’ve killed ourselves. The earth has a surprise or two in store for us all.

  8. MP, “fucking” is a word I really have a problem with re Emma Thomson.
    “Bleeding” would, IMHO, be more appropriate, with suggestions of being on the rag, or dry, itchy cunt…

    But I DO know what you mean, good sir !

  9. Multi millionaire, champagne socialist and well known remoaner Emma fucking Thompson has now joined the righteous cause.
    Right on sister.

    • Emma Thompson is a hypocritical luvvy cunt of the first degree. She flew in from LA to attend but the rest of us are only allowed to fly in cases of extreme emergency. Stupid cow.

  10. I live near Marble Arch and I wondered down with the Mrs last night to view some of these cunts at close quarters. Marble Arch looks like a filthy squat now, littered with tents, banners, posters and the graffiti of these deluded twats. There was a food stand dishing out some revolting vegan slop you wouldn’t give to a dog. At the centre of it all was some cunt with an American accent dressed like Gandalf the Grey, haranguing some fool who’d been stupid enough to get involved in a debate with him. The Mrs, who is more tolerant than me, spoke with some protestors, polite enough but deluded fuckers, who kept telling her how nice the police had been to them. Says it all, really.

  11. Overpopulation is the root cause of climate change, they won’t admit that because it would mean owning up to their hypocrisy – I’m looking at you, Mrs. 50 year old, new-age, hippie mother carrying that mewling cabbage in a back strap like a Congo native.
    Bravo to the ones who won’t breed, however, they’re still cunts for disrupting an entire city and airport with their pissy protesting and bongo banging.

    It’s very easy to blame middle class whitey for using air and road vehicles, it suits their political narrative. They won’t touch on the subject of breeding in the third world (India 1.37 billion, Pakistan 210 million), or of the breeding habits of the third worlders living it up in this country, that doesn’t suit their narrative.

    We are truly fucked as a species.

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