Brandon Lewis

Brandon Lewis is a right cunt. Now, to be fair, you have to be a bit of a cunt to chair the Tory Party whilst Teflon Treeza is leading it but as Mark Twain once said “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Bully Boy Brandon is telling party members that “Campaigning for or endorsement of any other political party is incompatible with membership of the party.” It goes on to say “The board will not hesitate to enforce these rules.”

So as a card carrying Tory, Brandon reckons that he’ll kick me out of I support Farage. Well if they apply that rule then the Tory Party is about to shrink radically. So fuck you, Brandon. Bring it on!

But then Twain also said “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” He also said “Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.”

Wise man, Mr Twain. The Tories could learn a lot from him…

Nominated by Dioclese

57 thoughts on “Brandon Lewis

  1. Well you’ve made yourself very clear Mr Lewis so thanks for that.
    Now, what are you going to say to your two faced bitch of a boss cooking up a nice carve up with the fucking Labour Party behind closed doors?
    What are the rules on that cuntface?

    • Slightly OT but Steptoe today refused to give into the EU cocksuckers in his party who *demanded* a 2nd referendum, and this upset the pansy MP for Hove Peter Kyle on PM on Wireless 4 tonight. I thought the little fairy was going to cry or throw a tantrum. He wasn’t happy I am happy to say. I don’t suppose Dame Kier is either.

    • He is like a fag smoking beer quaffing phoenix while cunts like Labour and the Tories will implode.

  2. What the fuck is that cunt Lewis talking about!!

    He says members will be kicked out for supporting another party.

    Well I think a lot of members are about to kick the whole Cuntservative party down the pan for becoming the Lib Dem’s in disguise. They are the ones that have stolen the party and now they threaten to kick the real conservatives out for advocating conservative values.

    The Conservatives have become a bunch of weak, politically correct, virtue signaling, incompetent, diseased, smelly Lib Dem cunt flaps. Fuck the lot of them. I hope they cease to exist.

  3. Sounds like this Lewis cunt is a bit worried about the way people are going to vote.
    Well that makes a change! He’ll be pretending he believes in democracy next the fucking prick.

  4. He must be part of the grubby Tory hierarchy who are desperately searching for “dirt” on any MP who hasn’t fallen into line voting for the Fourth Reich/Hunchback deal. He does look the sort to go rummaging in drawers or rubbish bins to procure evidence, sniffing at damp tissues and soiled grundies.

  5. My EU polling card arrived today, the 650 should be taken out and shot, maybe not the SNP or Lib Dems, shooting is too good for those Cunts!!!!

    My vote for local elections will be a “message”

    For EU elections, the Brexit Party.

    • On the 23rd of June 2016 I walked to the polling station with a trip in my step to vote Leave in the Referendum. On the 23rd of May this year I will have to trudge to the polling station again to vote for The Brexit Party. Why am I having to do this? I voted Leave and Leave won.

  6. Dear fellow bogus Conservatives and DUP associates.

    If you vote for my very good Slave State Deal, I promise to resign.

    Yours insincerely,

    Treasoner xx


    Mark my words, she’s a Juncker robot in drag.

  7. Er……… because we’re not leaving?
    No nearer today than 3 fucking years ago.

    • …and still chucking them £1 Billion a month to spend on their roads/ railways/ sewers/ housing/ champagne-glugging.

  8. Looks like I’m getting my marching orders then. In this highly charged atmosphere that is just about the most dogwankiest thing he could have said. That statement alone could well alienate those undecided. Arrogant fuckwit.

  9. At least he’s thinking of the Conservative party’s future finances. Instead of hiring some huge conference centre and hotel for their next conference, a phone-box and a two man tent should suffice.

    Arrogant Prick.

  10. I don’t know about that Mr Fiddler. I’m sure their EU friends can bung them a big wedge of our money for their annual piss up, services rendered and all that.
    Whether any cunt turns up is another question.

    • True enough, Freddie. I don’t think that these politicians understand just how much anger there genuinely is regarding Brexit.(or lack of it). They seem to believe that all the fuss’ll die down eventually and they can continue on their merry way treating the voting public like fools…and the worst of it is,they’re probably right.

  11. Another incoherent Labour pledge re Brexit. They are now promising to back a ‘People’s Vote’ in their EU election propaganda leaflets. But only if:

    1. They are unable to secure a General Election.
    2. The “Tory Brexit Deal” is not altered to suit Labour demands.

    They will not however commit to putting any Brexit deal of their own to a ‘People’s Vote’ because that would not be necessary (obviously). ?

    All clear now?

    • I couldn’t give a Fuck what any political party “pledges”. Is there anyone still daft enough to believe a single word that any politician says?

      Evening, RTC.

      • Evening Dick. I hope my post did’nt give the impression that I believe a single word any of them say. Quite the opposite in fact. My post was offered for the purposes of entertainment only.

      • I’m going to vote in the most “offensive / hateful” way possible. As much as I admire Nigel, it is UKIP for me, as they do not appear to be in denial about the threat posed by the slimes. Furthermore, if anyone doesn’t like it, they can a) fuck orf, and b) if they call me Adolf Hitler, I shall take it as a compliment.
        Just FO&DO, you arrogant, lefty-libtard, EU-cocksucking wankpuffins.

    • Absolutely. They’re waiting to see which way the cat will jump. Very sensible. If the elected government can’t commit, why the hell should they?

      Pass the popcorn. Enjoy.

      • As I understand it the elected Government is committed to NOT holding a second referendum. Not that I believe anything they say of course…

      • Of course they don’t want a 2nd referendum, that just wastes time and money, they want to go straight to ‘remain’.

      • Corbyn’s Labour Party are the new Lib-Dems – pretending to be all things to all men, women, LGBTQXYZs, trannies, libtards, feminazis, climate change popularists, etc, presenting a different face North /South, depending on whatever seat they’re standing in.

        Pro-Brexit in Leave areas. Pro Remain in Remain areas.

        An ideas /principles free zone.

        At least the Lib-Dems are now upfront about where they stand on Brexit… regardless of the seats they’re standing in.

  12. Looks like the Tories will be hitting the financial rocks fairly soon to me:

    Private Eye had an orgasm over this a couple of issues ago, but Guido has the gist of it. Sheleg’s brother isn’t mentioned by Guido, but has a dishonourable mention in the Panama Papers – offshore binary options – as well as being closely associated with Ehud’s allegedly questionable affairs.

    Nice to see the Tories virtue signalling, though. Not a trace of antisemitism there…the Shelegs are Israelis. Weeelll…you really can’t trust your countrymen, can you?

    Welcome to the swamp.

  13. Every single Labour MP says in every single interview ‘ we’ve been very clear where we stand on brexit’ then procede to fill the studio with a kind of thick shitty fog.
    Two faced thick wankers all.

  14. Michael Gove is not a big a cunt as I thought. He basically fucked off those environment cunts today.

    I would happily nuke the self opinionated fucktards.

    • No word from Govey on the complaint from several countryside associations regarding Natural England’s abrupt suspension of the general license to kill pest bird species, though. Wouldn’t trust the cunt further than I could bounce him off a wall, personally.

      • Evening Jack

        Must admit to quite liking Chris Packham.

        There was a one hour documentary on about him probably over a year ago now which my family and I watched, twice I think.

        He has been diagnosed with Ménierè’s disease and Aspergers resulting in him being socially awkward and a bit of an odd fellow.

        But I do think his heart is in the right place and that he is an animal lover and a kind person.

        Think the world would be a better place with more people like him.

        Anyway, that’s my opinion of the man.

        Good evening.

      • Good evening Willie. I think he just goes too far, his heart may be in the right place but he gets carried away.Tunnel visioned.

      • Magpies are cunts. I’m forever scaring the marauding fucking twats off, they’re after Sparrow and Blackbird chicks ( Will WordPress let Blackbird chicks through ? The world holds its breath ……. )
        Get to fuck.

      • Also phew. Packham’s concerns about the protection of birds would be fully met by culling cats countrywide. Or should we declare open season on sparrowhawks?

        2-3 million pigeons were shot last year. That’s a hell of a lot of crops saved. I get both woodies and ferals in my garden, after anything I plant, also four cats from my neighbours, but nary a magpie.

        Someone’s been sending Packham believable death threats, and the police are taking it seriously, apparently. Given that the BASC in its entirety hates his fucking guts, I’d say that was reasonable.

    • The Gove puppet only does what’s good for the Gove puppet Krav, trust me. In a House full of slimy snakes he is the slipperiest of them all.
      I swear he must have had at least a dozen tongue transplants by now. Even stray starving dogs turn their nose up at the ones he’s thrown away.

  15. Who’s the last person you’d have concluding a tory party election broadcast ?
    Theresa May, that’s who. You’d want her well out of the way, considering the Brexit car crash of the last three years.
    So who concluded this evenings broadcast ?
    Another chunk of votes down the pan.

    In other news, ANARCHY IN THE U.S.A. …John Lydon is complaining about vagrants in his upmarket home suburb of Venice Beach.
    There’s shit and sharps on the beach,
    There’s a tent in his garden,
    And I don’t caaaaaaaaaaaare !!!
    Good evening gentlemen.

    • That’s rotten luck for Johnny. Perhaps he could send some of his tramps over here. We have plenty of people always willing to help out the poor…….Gary Taxdodger, Lily Slagheap, Bendydick Cumonmesnatch, James O’Shthead to name but four.

      • Evening again Jack

        Almost embarrassed to admit I very much admire John Lydon these days.

        Anti establishment and a very interesting individual.

        Seem to remember him bein on with Andrew Neil and Diane Abbott of all people who looked at him like she would have viewed a piece of dog shit on her shoe. But I could be wrong on this.

        Here he is with Adam Boulton.

      • Good evening again Willie. JL recently stated that he is in favour of the monarchy. I don’t think he’s anti establishment but he can be quite astute and funny, he’ll never be ‘ forever young ‘ though, like Sid

  16. He looks like a used car salesman.
    (apologies to any real used car salesmen reading this)

  17. Why no virtue signalling about the slaughter of Christian worshippers in Sri Lanka? I know: Because the left hate Christian’s and only virtue signal for Muslims.

    And Cambridge university is a cunt of an organisation. They are going to investigate any possible links to slavery and pay reperations. What an absolute load of wank. Fuck off you bunch of cunts.

    • Maybe they will cut funding for courses on 20th Century Feminism and Lesbian Dance Theory.

  18. Looking at that headline pic of Lewis, and am instantly reminded of “The Lights are on, but…..”

    • But there’s nothing going on. Same here. Confirmed when I heard him speak. You can change your mind though. I thought the same about David Lidington, a cypher, but hearing him at the despatch box there maybe is a teensy weensy bit in him.

  19. First there was: The Stepford Wives.

    Then there was: The Stepford Children.

    Now we have: The Stepford MPs!

    If Kate Hoey or John Redwood come out of Parliament with a 1,000yd stare and saying “vote for May’s deal” you know what’s happened!

  20. Kate Hoey would never do that.

    Oh, wait a minute, i’ve just joined the Green Party and bought a vegan cook book.

    What the fuck is happening to me?

  21. I thought that Mark Twain quote was actually from Abraham Lincoln……. Must have been mistaken.

  22. Before anyone can fully judge whether an individual is worthy of a nomination, I truly believe that you should have first hand experience of the person in question.

    I have met this sullen and humourless arsehole and can confirm that he is a 100%, fully fledged, 24 carat cunt.

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