The favoured medium of whinging losers with nothing better to do than spend half their lives screaming and howling in search for ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’. Full of attention seeking narcissists (Owen Jones/Every Irish journalist), desperate to tell everyone how outraged they are over the latest non-event.
It is also ugly, full of wankstains who love nothing more than attacking people with whom they disagree. Just look at what happened to the young Trump supporters at the pro-life rally a few weeks ago. An edited video was circulated online, portraying the young lads in a negative light, and within the space of a few hours a mob were doxing these teenagers, calling for violence against them etc.
I’m against censorship, but I’d like to see this awful site banned.
I’d argue that it also has a pernicious influence on politics. How many virtue signalling politicians form their opinions based on the feminazi/Corbyn twatter cult, who will attack you if you don’t subscribe to their religious beliefs.
Fuck twatter.
Nominanted by An Irish Cunt
Never had it, never wanted it, never will have it.
I’ve heard it’s favoured by d-list celebrities, unimportant MPs, vainglorious footballers, and other cunts.
Its just another fucking useless piece of the the social media bullshit.
What started as tool for connecting friends and family has now turned into bear pit, I have no time for it.
I have a facebook account but it is as private as i can make it, just connected to a few friends and I still get random notifications of “suggested friends” now most of these people have no connection to me in any way nor any of my friends so what the fuck is going on!
Tweeting…. thats for the birds!
Off topic…… On the news pictures of a tent in a park….. another stabbing in east london….. not really breaking news anymore.
More like breaking wind…
There’s an awful stench around; I wonder if Sourbry’s in Cardiff today…
Plenty of goat-diddlers and dalekistani wimminz.
E I Addio=Ayoade, HBH, thanks – I was a tad curious, but not a lot.
I must be slowing up; I have vaguely heard of him, and should have twigged your unchallenging jeu de mots. (Though was at a natural disadvantage in – thankfully – not having seen the HSBC “commercial breaks”.)
A quick peek on wiki reveals he was at Catz, also that he’s married to fellow Cantabrigian Lydia Fox, daughter of James Fox. So it’s all luvvies together. I was correct about the dusky-skinned, well-educated/spoken London-centric “entertainer” then!
I also noticed that he’s been “professionally” associated with Noel Fielding, Stephen Fry, Mitchell and Webb, all of whom I despise and loathe.
I couldn’t bring myself to view the advertisement(s), but can imagine it/they is/are entirely irksome and unedifying.
Aspiring architect down?
Oh horrors! What a loss to the country .
Off topic, but absolutely sick of hearing….
Antisemitism in the Labour party.
Fucking boring, why dont the Jewish Labour movement set up their own party!
Or simply set up their own gas chambers and be done with it.
I was think more along the lines of new labour, but substituting Jew for new.
Oh the hay I could make with that remark if I wanted to smear you as an anttisemite!
Pro-Israel Cunter Calls for Gas Chambers Shock Horror!
I think you’re being too unapologetic….
I won’t have anything to do with it. If I got started on that I would spend 24/7 winding up and slagging off remoaners and libtards. There’s no end to those fucking cunts.
I signed up to Twitter in 2008. As an “early-adopter”, I couldn’t see the point– and there wasn’t much back then, because no-one was on it. I also never properly got my head round how it worked, and what it offered that Faecesbook, MySpace, Friendsreunited (etc, etc) didn’t. I never “followed” anyone, nor vice versa, and assumed my account had lapsed.
Astoundingly, my account is still active (I just checked to find my joining date on the off-chance). There is a small amount of shit from Summer 2011 like “stay home mom makes $2500 per day”, which I don’t fully understand, but otherwise that’s it.
Blanco. Nice.
Fucking Aubameyang?
The funniest thing is when twats say that something has caused a “Twitter storm”….
Is there anything in the world more unimportant than a bunch of opinionated, deranged, unhinged, sjw pricks having a temper tantrum?
Twitter is cuntish because it’s given power to people that would otherwise be weak, helpless and ignored. Now the most useless in society can gang up to get someone fired or wreck someone’s life just for having a different opinion.
It should be shut down.
Diane Abbott latest….#slavery #grenfellracisthonkeys #jeremysprizewinningmarrows #freeshamimabegum #chigguntonite.
I have beenbeen banned from Twitter mire times than I have wanked over Justin Bieber
Twitter used to cause a shit storm at my last work place as members of the public used to use it to publicly grass staff up for making minor mistakes or blatantly lie, to which you were always guilty until proven innocent. So it was always an enemy of mine. My news feed also now seems to include people’s opinions on twitter as ‘news’. If I wanted opinions instead of factual news I’d watch the Al beeb or sly news. Twatter is just a hive of cunts all talking over each other usually about fuck all.
Social media is a shit stain upon society. It needs ( like an arse ) to be wiped clean !
YES, not just twitter, but all that shit. I pretty much ignore 98% of printed news these days because they fucking think a bunch of shit people say online is newsworthy, the lazy fucks!! The mortal withdrawal such a shutdown would cause to so many cunts who bitch endlessly about how mean or unfair X is might even clean up the gene pool.
Opinions are indeed like assholes.
Limiting your message to 180 characters has created a medium only good for one thing, slagging off other people. You can’t have any sort of constructive dialogue with that limit.
It is an electronic mob. Though I did get much joy out of getting personally blocked by Owen Jones, Obrien, and the rest of the usual wankjockeys. To know I vexed them for 0.2 seconds, and that thousands of others have too.. not quite as great as shitting on their doorstep but it saved me that bus journey at least.
You don’t need constructive dialogue, 180 is more than enough characters to tell somebody they are a cunt.
I’ve heard people say that twitter gives them an insight into the lives of our betters ie. politicians, actors and all those type of cunts. What a load of shit, it’s just perfect for virtue signalling bollocks by libtards.
I will never sign up as I’d have plod round cos of the abuse I’d handed out to Lineker.
And Lily Allen.
And Anna Soubry.
And David Fuckin Lammy……
Social media and smart phones are the end of civilisation. I’m in London this weekend and nobody seems to able to exist without a phone in their hands. I’ve had several “collisions” with cunts with their heads down. Flying back to the Highlands today where, thank fuck, this cuntery hasn’t reached epidemic levels.
A worthy cunting.
Twitter is absolute fucking poison. The last time i had an account i was accidentally deleted because i was suspected of being a Russian bot ( I followed a few conservative types). About a week later i was shadow-banned for ‘abusive behaviour’ then again a week later. The site is entirely skewed towatds Leftist activism and their hatred. I gave up.
Since then i find left wing comddians, as the Irish Cunt points out, are calling for violence against schoolboys for joining in with an Native American’s rain dance, while telling ex-buzzfeed staff ‘learn to code’ is abusive behaviour.
Well fuck that. Twitter: For Social Justice Wankers, by Social Justice Wankers