The Tory Party

At my advanced time of life there are not many things that I can genuinely claim to have never done before, but tonight I can genuinely say that I have done so.

Tonight I was ejected from the AGM of my local Conservative Constituency Association. Yes, I admit to being a card carrying member of the Tory Party. In fact I joined last year with the express desire of being able to hold my Remainer MP to account for defying the will of her constituents.

Now party politics is not new to me. In 2015 I voted for UKIP and was a member of UKIP at the time. UKIP meetings were a bit of a shambles but at least they were all singing from the same hymn sheet and believed passionately in what they were putting forward to the electorate which is more than I can say for the Tories.

It started badly as not one single person on the front table thought to introduce themselves as they got up to speak. This always bodes ill with me because of the arrogant assumption that they are so bloody important we are just expected to know who they are. I’d never seen them before so was forced to ask – which didn’t go down well. Never mind.

After the usual formal waffle it was our MPs turn to address the meeting. The chap next to me leapt in and gave an passionate address about the Brexit shambles and the splits in the party and how if they didn’t get their shit together they would be massacred at the next election and how he’d never vote for them again. Pretty much what I intended to say so he saved me the trouble.

This was met with much derision from the assembled masses and a sprited response from the MP who proceeded to bang on about how much better things were under the Tories and how Corbyn was too dangerous to be allowed into power. Much of this has sod all to do with Brexit and totally failed to address my friend’s point.

I could resist no longer. I interjected by asking why if things were so good for the UK why we were kowtowing to a bunch of unelected EU dictators and why we didn’t have the balls to tell them to get stuffed. She waffled on about how good the Capitulation Agreement was because we needed a deal for our own good.

I asked what we would be getting for our money. That’s 39 billion plus 10 billion a year for the two year transition plus 8.4 billion a year that we collect on import duties and hand over to Brussels. That’s a total of 76 billion pounds or £1,200 for every person regardless of age in the UK.

That was met with a grunt of disgust from a bloke behind me so I pointed out that for a party that professes to care for the disadvantaged and needy in society, robbing them of £1,200 per head was a little hypocritical.

Our illustrious MP was a getting a little flustered at this point and got really cross when I continued by asking her what the whip would be in the forthcoming votes (she’s a whip) and how she justified supporting remain in defiance of the Conservative manifesto and against the wishes of the electorate in her leave voting Constituency.

At this point she lost the plot and suggested I leave the meeting, so as I could no longer tolerate her unbearable arrogance and hypocrisy, I decided to comply.

It will be interesting to see how that is reported in the minutes. Probably along the lines of “there was a sprited discussion with our MP” fullstop. After all, nobody asked my name and I didn’t tell them. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.

The Tory Party was once known as the nasty party but I prefer to regard it now as the Arrogant Party. Seems its OK to be open and a ‘broad church, one nation Conservative’ as long as you go along with everything they say without question.

That’s not my way as my regular reader will know and never will be, so I say a heart felt “Fuck you” as I exit stage right.

Is it any wonder the EU are shitting all over us with this shower in charge?…

Nominated by Dioclese

87 thoughts on “The Tory Party

    • Let’s just pray that Flabbott &Co. get nowhere…
      Trying to think sensibly, but I really feel a seismic political shift brewing; I feel it’s going to roll towards UKIP vs. The Independent Group (or whatever Sourpuss & Spearchucker call themselves, in their piss-stinking echo=chamber of a public call box).

      • I wouldn’t bother ‘trying to think sensibly’ in the current age HBH. There’s no point.

  1. Mayhem is panning out exactly the way I thought she would.

    Last minute blackmail – Take my deal, and be fucked over for decades to come, or just stay in the EU, and be…

    Well done for giving the cunts some well-deserved grief, Dio.
    Problem is that politicos are such slimy bastards, nothing sticks to them, and they seem immune to any amount of verbal abuse.

    As my Grannie frequently said, “public flogging is too good for them.”
    I think we should give it a try, anyway.

  2. Is she doing her best Marlon Brando impression?
    “I’m going to make Parliament a Brexshit deal they can refuse”.

  3. Nothing of note will happen in this chicken shit country until the lights start going out.
    People are too weak and relatively comfortable for bravery.
    And if you’re genuinely a threat to the 2 party system, you’ll be mowed down like a certain T. Robinson…

    • Given how our energy infrastructure is now about as British as HP sauce I wouldn’t think it will be all that long until the lights go out.

      And I agree. We’re too fat for war right now, way too comfy to rock the boat. No doubt it will all kick off just after the majority of boomers have tucked themselves into their golden coffins.

  4. Tell the bitch to fuck off ! Dump her plan, If she is to be known evermore as the traitor to dump Brexit, then she is a fucking moron. I don’t believe her ego would allow her the humiliation of the title “Cunt of the MIllenia ” Not even Hitler could claim that title compared to her.

  5. Useless cunts to the core!

    Labour are no better!

    Let’s start voting elsewhere because none of those cunts deserve our votes that’s for sure.

  6. Whether we like it or not, we have to vote Tory because the alternative is unthinkable. Our MP supports Mays deal but as we voted 62% to leave, I guess he has to.

    • May’s deal is not Leaving, in fact it’s worse than Remain… at least with Remain we’d live to fight another day.

      May’s deal hands the 4th Reich power to keep us tied to their apron strings in perpetuity – unable to compete with them on the world market, no top table representation, a rule taker not a rule maker, and paying £39billion for the privilege.

      And they’ll be back for more in a couple of years, you can fucking bank on it!

      But of course that’s been their cunting plan all along…

      • One thing I’ve been pondering is, if we stupidly accepted May’s ‘deal’ and could very well be trapped in to the EU’s clutches forever, because we would no longer have a say on future policies, we would basically be a proxy EU member. That would mean we’d have to accept whatever Brussels said, so they could in theory demand we adopt the Euro and we wouldn’t be able to do fuck all about it. I can’t see how anyone, even the current crop of cunt MP’s would see May’s deal as appealing.

    • As you say there isnt an alternative, Sad state of affairs, but I cant agree with RTCp, if we remain there will never be another day, unless we get WW3.
      The May deal is a massive sell out, from the start too soft to say to the EU that we would leave on WTO as that is the default, maybe then there would have been terms negociated.
      The UK must leave on the 29th, I just hope that one country (any) says fuck off when we ask for an extension.

      • May’s deal is an EU dictated trap. The only hope for a real Brexit now is No Deal.

      • I agree RTCp, No deal is the only way but the 650 will never allow it, there are very few outcomes now, May deal will be rejected, No deal will be rejected, we are heading for No Brexit, just not sure how we will get there.

      • As per the exact wording of the EU treaty of Lisbon 2007 and the EU Withdrawal Act of 2018, leaving the EU with no deal is the default.

        We are leaving no matter what and the only way to change that is to extend article 50’s negotiation period with the consent of all 27 member state Parliaments, the Council of the EU and the EU Parliament (none of which is going to happen).

        After that, the only way to extend the negotiation period is to repeal the EU Withdrawal Act 2018 and no cunt in Parliament is going to do that if they want to be reelected.

    • Do we really have to vote Tory ?

      The one thing that English politicos fear the most is the breakdown of the two-party Lab-Con system, which serves them so very nicely…
      Scotty, Ireland and Wales of course have other local alternatives they can turn to.

      I am turning to UKIP once and for all. Am I really going to waste my vote putting The Maybot, Elmer Fudd, and the likes of David Gauke, Ken Clarke and that piss-stinking old cunt Heseltine back into office ? Not fucking likely.
      If EVERYBODY who was pissed off with the treachery seeping out of the Tory party anus actually voted UKIP, the latter might stand some sort of chance.
      I can’t see millions deserting to vote Liebore. Not this time, they are about as charismatic as the contents of the cat’s litter box.

  7. On behalf of fellow cunters, I would like to say a heartfelt “Well done” to Dioclese. It’s high time all these spineless politicians were called to account.

    I salute you, Sir!

  8. Apparently we are not to brand those who defy the will of the people as traitors anymore, as they may be upset by it.

    So….what shall we call the cunts?

  9. I had it with these traitorious backstabbing cunts , recently Jacob Ress Mogg criticised fellow tory members for being islamaphobic proving what a weak cunt he is then said “if you are islamaphobic I don’t want your support” consider it done you twit and gee Jacob ever think that maybe islam is something to justifiably be scared of?

    You look at all the bombings, stabbings and terrorist attacks in the last 30 or 40 years hell in the last 10 years maybe tally up those innocents and then tell me I got nothing to be afraid of okie dokie m8 Also any christian still supporting the catholic church and their very liberal open border stance seriously needs their head examined and have the gall to call themselves conservative along with all the gay priests and their sexual abuse of people

    Great cunting dio cheers m8

  10. Diocese

    I am sorry to hear about this. In 1987 I worked at party HQ in London. Maggie was PM and I can not tell you how amazing it was.

    Don’t give up.

    Oh, some um bongo is on LBC saying aspiring barristers parents should lock away their kitchen knives.

    Racist! How are they supposed to chop yam?

    • Asda is to stop selling single knives, that’s right, inconvenience law abiding customers who don’t feel the need to off somebody because they showed insufficient ‘respect’.

      • Wow, Asda are really gonna put one up black stab fest cunts. I doubt whether they will even be able to leave the house. Well done Asda, solved it in one go.

      • Of course, anyone that does buy their kitchen knives from Asda are a bit of a cunt anyway.

    • Krav, if, as you’ve noted before, you were working for Maggie in 1987, in, say, your 20s – you must now, in your 50s, be a bit old for wanking off over Justin Bieber ?

      • What He stone and get up to is none of your business.

        I have his 2019 challenger still unwrapped: You can guess why.

      • Ha Ha. I have 2 O Levels in English, along with an A Level in English, so I have no need of predictive text / spellcheck / Auto text but if you need to rely on them, no worries. I’m sure JB would be deeply gratified by your devotion, Krav. Have yourself a great evening !

      • Chicken drumsticks, casualty and some problems when the boyfriend goes to bed.

      • I am 57, and I make it my business to have at least a daily wank; use it or lose it, as is said.

        It’s fun, and my memory is still good enough to remember some hot young females from my junior years. Failing that, there are still (unbelievably) some attractive ones around to fuel my perverted imagination.

      • I’m fucking fucked. A weekend of purest debauchery behind me, and altogether lovely jubbly…Fucked, completely fucked.
        The purest of debauchery, utterly disgraceful, and no one died this time.(RIP: Teddy Heath, a damned good egg he was, though a poor organist).
        I crept in a recital at Bowden Parish Church yesterday evening (St Mary’s with St Luk
        es). The programme was: Widor VI final, Mulet Esquisses Byzantine–Tu es Petrus, and a spot of Lefébure-Wély. Good exercise, crap music, and a good dénoument after a load of fanny batter an’ all.

        The best bit of the weekend was indeedthe pussy-licking, in and out heavy richness, cognac and 70%+ pure cocaine hydrochloride fuelled madness. Why do these mountaineers bother with Nanga Parbat and K2? There’s just no need for such foolishness.
        Makes life worth living, imho. I recommend such activity to cunters near and far.

  11. Apparently those who know better than us are having a “meaningful vote” this week. Which must mean that our vote was “meaningless” back in 2016. Fucking arrogant cunts

    • Just wait. The shit is coming, and the fan is only just starting to warm. Methinks the politico’s will not be laughing for much longer. Certainly party politics are dead ( or soon will be ) and I believe I hear the scratching sound of Cv’s hastily written in the dark corridors of power.

  12. She could hardly admit that the deal was designed to fail a parliamentary vote.

    She won’t say that Theresa had decided from the start to fuck brexit.

    Remain by default looks more likely now. How long has it taken them to come up with the worst possible deal?

    Cunts all of them.

    • But we still have the vote., and they will have to get used to being isolated in a mass of independents, itinerants, monster raving loonies, rear ends of a pantomime horse and so on…..who will be at the top then? My guess….the rear end of the pantomime horse!

      • I had hopes for JRM but he’s probably the worst of the lot of them – gave us hope then turned to be just another cunt.

      • I’m still out on that one. The press are attempting to discredit him, and that can mean only one thing……

  13. Great cunting.

    Have voted for Tory party for majority of my life. Occasionally UKIP and once I am ashamed to admit the Lib Dems.

    Never again. Wrote to my local ex MP (Ben Gummer) to ask what the fuck the Tories are doing and that I would never vote Tory again. Wrote to Theresa May twice, firstly to question her self appointed strong and stable slogan, and secondly to say I had enough of her and repeat her party have lost my vote for as long as I have the ability to vote.

    Self serving out of touch arrogant wankers led by a spineless traitorous delusional liar.

    “We do control our borders”. No we don’t.

    “The reduction in the number of police officers has no direct correlation to the increase in crime”. Yes it does.

    “I am delivering the Brexit people voted for”. Don’t think so Theresa.

    The Tory Party. Now a national fucking disgrace. Gave up believing the total bollocks May or her party (and the opposition Labour cunts) spouted years ago.


  14. I could be imagining this, but there seem to be quite a few user names on this thread possibly trying to goad other users into making outrageous statements…….

  15. The reduction of police officers has not had a direct effect on the increase in crime. Simple assumption and statistical analys. If the reduction caused the increase, then the perpetrators demographics would collerate with the general population, but we all know it doesnt. 90% of stabbers are fucking black, or non English. Does anyone really think having a few more police will deter them? Of course fucking not. It’s not a police problem, it’s a coloured problem. Communication breakdown.

    • Is that Led Zep you’re quoting CnR?

      BTW – It’s culture that’s the problem, not colour.

    • The Daily Fail are reporting that serious crime offenders, eg stabbers, don’t get jailed til their third or fourth offence. Make of that what you will.

  16. After B.liar, I promised I’d never vote liebour ever again.
    After Theresa the Appeaser I’ll never vote Tory again either.
    Farage bailed before the job was done and he’s now jumped on the “there’s a rasist, there’s a n@zi, there’s a homophobe….” bandwagon so he’s not getting my vote.
    No-one but UKIP left to vote for.
    …imagine if Tommy Robinson ever became an MP…. the looks on their faces … the booing … the tantrums …. the tears …. they’d have to call him “the right honourable gentleman”.
    Unlikely but it would be fun.

  17. I shall be retiring soon to my bed gentlemen, but before I go, I shall leave you with this.

    The only decent Tory, is infact a LavaTORY,
    It makes no pretence to be anything other than a panfull of shit .

    Goodnight gentlemen .

  18. Diane Abbott now fears she will be taped.

    I have worked with some of the countries most dangerous murderers and sex offenders, some serving whole life terms.

    Not one of them would mount that.

  19. Abbott bleating on that death of third sandpit kid is a stain on the government. Good, if that’s a stain, bring out the tampax.

  20. I have an idea: why not have one day a year where we all gather at Westminster and throw old teabags and stale scones and the like at our political class? Could even tie it into charity fundraising efforts – 50p for 50 hardened scones or feces filled Eccles cakes for example. I think I’m on to something here.

    • Yea.
      Or darts.

      Or they get the 50p but I get to throw it at them from 2 yards away as hard as I can.

  21. Drumsticks of KFC for Abbott,Lammy and Butler.

    Man ,dem love dat chicken!

    Oops up side my head and pass the Dutch pot Pon de left hand side, old man river….

      • Which inspires a subcunting: The increasing use of ‘draw’ for ‘drawer’ by those who should know better (as you do). Culprits: wimminz presenters on R4, students. The decline continues.

  22. The Telerag, 9.21 pm, 9th March:

    “Support for No Deal Brexit backed by public as poll finds growing number think UK should leave without a deal.

    ComRes found that 44% thought that UK should leave without a deal if Brussels refuses to make further concessions. Less than a third (30%) disagreed.
    The 44% is a 6 point rise on January’s figures.”

    It might not be long before in excess of 50% believe that we should leave without a deal, comments Harriet Belinda Hubbard, Editor of “Loud-Mouthed Women On Luxury Trains.”

  23. ISIS slag: Listen up bitch,listen real good..

    You went to Syria of your own volition now fucking deal with it
    I am sorry for the loss of your child: he is not to blame but you need to fuck right off.

    As for rice muncher and ex copper Dal Baboon.” I demand a serious case review.” Well I demand you shut the fuck up!

  24. Both parties are falling apart at the seams totally unable to do anything except virtue signal and lie through their teeth. None of them know what the fuck to do about anything.

    Excellent. ?

      • They’re all on the same side Mr Puff, always have been and always will be. With each passing day that will become increasingly obvious to even the dumbest cunt in the street.
        That’s my hope anyway.

        Burn baby, burn!

      • Tory’s manifesto

        Brexit means Brexit. Leaving the European Union. Leaving the Single Market. Leaving the Customs Union.

        Vote for us.

        Labour’s manifesto

        Brexit means Brexit. Leaving the European Union. Leaving the Single Market. Leaving the Customs Union.

        Vote for us.

        Both clearly had no intention of delivering.

        How in the 21st century can an election be held on lies and false promises, that this seems perfectly acceptable and that there are no repercussions or penalties to those who choose to do so?

      • You strike an optimistic note Freddie… but there’s an awful lot of awfully dumb cunts out there. IMO, common sense has never been in such short supply.

        I sincerely hope you’re right.

      • I didn’t say I was right I said I was hoping. It ain’t much but it’s all i’ve got.


  25. Womens sports on the BBC news tonight. England women won their respective matches in rugby
    I’ll sleep well tonight…

    • I already slept well …. during the women’s rugby.
      Only joking. I wouldn’t watch that shit if you paid me.

  26. How quickly, and how high do you think we could build a gallows for all these traitors to swing from, in Whitehall ?
    I’ll book my train ticket now, to help give these self-serving bastards what they deserve.
    Cunts…the lot of them !

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