The Tory Party

At my advanced time of life there are not many things that I can genuinely claim to have never done before, but tonight I can genuinely say that I have done so.

Tonight I was ejected from the AGM of my local Conservative Constituency Association. Yes, I admit to being a card carrying member of the Tory Party. In fact I joined last year with the express desire of being able to hold my Remainer MP to account for defying the will of her constituents.

Now party politics is not new to me. In 2015 I voted for UKIP and was a member of UKIP at the time. UKIP meetings were a bit of a shambles but at least they were all singing from the same hymn sheet and believed passionately in what they were putting forward to the electorate which is more than I can say for the Tories.

It started badly as not one single person on the front table thought to introduce themselves as they got up to speak. This always bodes ill with me because of the arrogant assumption that they are so bloody important we are just expected to know who they are. I’d never seen them before so was forced to ask – which didn’t go down well. Never mind.

After the usual formal waffle it was our MPs turn to address the meeting. The chap next to me leapt in and gave an passionate address about the Brexit shambles and the splits in the party and how if they didn’t get their shit together they would be massacred at the next election and how he’d never vote for them again. Pretty much what I intended to say so he saved me the trouble.

This was met with much derision from the assembled masses and a sprited response from the MP who proceeded to bang on about how much better things were under the Tories and how Corbyn was too dangerous to be allowed into power. Much of this has sod all to do with Brexit and totally failed to address my friend’s point.

I could resist no longer. I interjected by asking why if things were so good for the UK why we were kowtowing to a bunch of unelected EU dictators and why we didn’t have the balls to tell them to get stuffed. She waffled on about how good the Capitulation Agreement was because we needed a deal for our own good.

I asked what we would be getting for our money. That’s 39 billion plus 10 billion a year for the two year transition plus 8.4 billion a year that we collect on import duties and hand over to Brussels. That’s a total of 76 billion pounds or £1,200 for every person regardless of age in the UK.

That was met with a grunt of disgust from a bloke behind me so I pointed out that for a party that professes to care for the disadvantaged and needy in society, robbing them of £1,200 per head was a little hypocritical.

Our illustrious MP was a getting a little flustered at this point and got really cross when I continued by asking her what the whip would be in the forthcoming votes (she’s a whip) and how she justified supporting remain in defiance of the Conservative manifesto and against the wishes of the electorate in her leave voting Constituency.

At this point she lost the plot and suggested I leave the meeting, so as I could no longer tolerate her unbearable arrogance and hypocrisy, I decided to comply.

It will be interesting to see how that is reported in the minutes. Probably along the lines of “there was a sprited discussion with our MP” fullstop. After all, nobody asked my name and I didn’t tell them. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.

The Tory Party was once known as the nasty party but I prefer to regard it now as the Arrogant Party. Seems its OK to be open and a ‘broad church, one nation Conservative’ as long as you go along with everything they say without question.

That’s not my way as my regular reader will know and never will be, so I say a heart felt “Fuck you” as I exit stage right.

Is it any wonder the EU are shitting all over us with this shower in charge?…

Nominated by Dioclese

87 thoughts on “The Tory Party

  1. I’m hoping the Brexit Party will take off though Farage will be treated like Trump by the media.

  2. Congratulations, Dioclese, but in my very humble opinion, you should have stayed until you got clear answers to your clear questions, perhaps provoking violence which would have had to appear in the minutes! Though I fully understand why you didn’t.

    I voted leave, against my own immediate advantage, in the forlorn hope that our politicians might see what had happened to the nation as a result of our surrender of sovereignty and decide to repair it. There was also a strong element of ‘fuck the lot of you’ – confirmed in full by what happened next – with a nascent expectation that a cat would appear among the political pigeons. And this has certainly been the case. It may yet force a major rethink about the governance of the country as the current shambles dissolves into utter chaos, as it is set to do.

    If it does, anyone resentful of the hijacking of our nationhood, by immigrants, Europe or anyone else, would do well to stay in the meeting, and continue to put awkward questions. And this should not be a left-right issue, as I will never tire of saying. It’s far more important than that.

  3. Great Cunting

    Mutter Futters the lot of them….

    Separately….and this all said fellow Cunters please don’t give up — I said some time ago that Mays incompetence might yet win the day. I would not be so sure we don’t end up with a WTO/GATT Brexit by mistake. Sure I am not ordering cases of English fizz just yet but even if we have a ‘no deal’ vote that does not mean we will not end up with just that. Follow the likes of Mogg and Christopher Howarth – people who understand the constitutional implications of where we are — it’s not as easy as the remoaners think. I guess there is still a 30/40% chance of getting a clean break which is the best outcome considering the cluster fuck of negotiations to date.

  4. Totally agree ACWCC, i live in the peoples republic of South Yorkshire so my vote is quite meaningless as we always get Labour. I would be hung if people found out but at Theresa the appeasers disastrous GE in 2017 i voted tory ( for the first and last time ) on the strength of the her commitment to “no deal is better than a bad deal”, .
    A few people in our constituency must have felt the same as the majority for our MP ( the vile disgusting angela smith, i won’t use capital letters for her name she’s really not worth it) was cut by quite a margin. I can’t express how betrayed i feel, but come the next GE the tories will be destroyed if Brexit is voted through on this plan or delayed. LEAVE MEANS LEAVE the filthy disgusting tory/european cunts.

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