The Genderless

I would like to vent my cunting fury at the genderless.
These twats believe they are whatever gender they want to be, at whatever time it suits them.
These snowflakes are seeping through the woodwork and the cunts are targeting the young specifically. A pair of Canadian cunts are raising their boy as genderless and ultimately, they want him to choose what he wants to identify himself. I’ve a mate living in Sweden and, his daughter has a classmate, whose parents send a three year old boy to school wearing pink dresses every day. The parents are fucking hailed as progressives.
Fucking poof fairy cakes everywhere, and it’s getting normalised.
Watch out fellas, there will be one of these fruits in your kids/grandkids school.


Nominated by Cuntflappage

90 thoughts on “The Genderless

  1. Does anyone know what happens to all the ‘tackle’ these cunts have lopped off? I’m thinking of opening a second hand cock and bollocks yard so the fucktards who have them off can pop them in and I give them a pathetically poor price for their hairy bits, and then the equally demented gobshites who are looking for a nice set can come and get them for a fair, but hugely inflated price. I wonder if Dragons den might be interested ? Probably be right up Deborah Meadens Street or the other Cruella de Ville Cunt

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