*EMERGENCY CUNTING* – The “Cancel Brexit” petition.
No. 1 “Most read” article on the BBC news website (which, given the shameless promotion of their own programmes in this list should be taken with a pinch of salt. Yes Victoria Derbyshite, I’m looking at you).
“‘Cancel Brexit’ petition passes 1m signatures on Parliament site”, thunders the headline.
Wow! 1 million!!
To coin a phrase of a distinguished member of this parish:
Fuck off.
Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet
Loadsa fucking publicity about the e-petition to cancel Brexit. Not a fucking word about the one I signed back in January to leave with no deal.
Balanced coverage isn’t it? What else did you expect?
Fuck ’em and the ship they sail in…
Nominated by Dioclese
I have that cunt O’Brien on in the car. He is the biggest cunt ever.
Turn the cunt off now Krav, or VERY soon you’ll have an uncontrollable urge to CRASH!
We’re never going to leave. Self serving politicians and Naive public won’t let it happen.
But you all knew that anyway.
Afternoon cunters, fucking great site… so glad I’ve found it. Who knew searching “Treason May is a cunt” had such joyous consequences – venting off about cunts is highly enjoyable and as the missus is a filthy libtard cunt, you may just save my sanity. Long live free speech!
This fucking petition is really boiling my piss. We all fucking know that this is a bullshit petition, there’s no fuckin way they would have received so many signatures in such a short space of time. Only bots Mohammeds and filthy commies would be signing up to this anyway. Although if the Bastion of Buggery and Communism was fuckin pushing the agenda…I’m sure every panty-waisted BBC NPC fell over each other to sign it.
What the fuck happened to this once great island? Where the fuck did these cunty snowflakes appear from? When I’m PM all these soft cunts will be doing 20 years hard labour in a Middlesbrough rock breaking camp followed by immediate deportation to Somalia.
And those utter cunts in parliament now willy all be wearing rope fuckin neckties!
Admin note: It’s great you’ve found the site PW but you might want to change your name as cunty WordPress has the second part of it as a trigger word.
Welcome to the (only) home of sanity, PW.
If he changes it to wôg, that might work. Let’s see…
How about a “Theresa flash your gash” petition, the idea being if it gets enough signatures Theresa is bound to flash her gash at the next summit meeting,.
Brexit will be sorted in an instance, the EU will kick us out!
Great idea M’Lud. They would also kick us out if we restored the Death Penalty. Fucking simples.
Is she did that not only would the EU throw us out it would send the stock markets in to meltdown!!
I can see the suns headline already
Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave. If his ghost wasn’t already pissed off at being labelled a ‘villain’ by labour chief cunt Mcdonald, it must be driving his soul to despair, waiting for someone in the British government to grow a fucking pair, and tell these over-fed EU cunts where to fucking go.
Oh, and as for that French fucking pansy ‘macaroon’, I hope the yellow vest brigade sets his fucking palace on fire, while he’s mincing his was around Brussels, grining at the TV cameras and telling us what we should do. Take your fucking suggestions, and shove them up your garlic eating sphyncter, you fucking Cunt. Ne looks like he’d piss himself if you waved a screwdriver under his nose.
Excellent post ?
Emergency cunting for the good old BBC. The female beeboid newreader is virtually shouting into the mike like some demented North Korea announcer, that the ‘peoples vote*’ demonstration is attracting hundreds of thousands and that the online petition has a record breaking 4.5 million signatures. No mention of the overseas signatures or the fact that many, many, many people have signed more than once. It’s the unique way these cunts are funded.
*peoples vote used in the same sense as communist states have ‘democratic’ somewhere in their titles.
Emergency cunting, my masters, should it please you -sorry to call 999, but this cunt cannot go uncunted – for Margaret Anne Newsome Georgiadou. Who is the cunt behind the current petition to revoke Article 50. And seems to be in favour of violence to that end. Please see:
In which:
Georgiadou and two other Remainers discuss at great lengths how to purchase “completely legal” paintball guns and them load them with “solid ‘training balls’” that will cause “extreme pain”. Georgiadou asks if people “need a licence” to own one and “where can you buy?” She then jokes about shooting Brexiteers “with impunity”… .
In Guido’s words:
This is not just idle threats of violence against politicians, Georgiadou and her associates were engaged in detailed discussions of how to purchase weapons within the bounds of the law and modify them to cause maximum pain, then talking about going to Parliament. Deeply concerning…
Is she one of the ancient Shropshire Georgiadous, I wonder? Can’t possibly be a Greek one – they invented democracy. And someone prepared to go public on her intention violently to break the law couldn’t possibly have run a fraudulent petition to support her undemocratic cause. Could they? Course not. Only the far right does that sort of thing. You know…populists.
What a scintillating laser-illuminated cunt.
Classic quote from the silly bitch that started this piece of nonsense :
“With a referendum this is what happens – because it’s not very democratic. It’s majoritarian. The majority wins”
Does the stupid woman not understand that that’s the very definition of democracy? You have a free vote and the majority wins. No wonder we’re in the shit if people are really this stupid…
OK. Again. I know.
But when do these cunts give up? We’ve got their silly petition (currently being signed by half of the 3rd fucking world) and yet another march in London. They’re giving it the biggun over both and of course their fellow travellers the BBC, Graun and the rest of the leftie medie are covering this in a way that it’s like some grass roots movement that’s just shot up over night.
It’s the sense of entitlement that I find most perturbing. ‘Well, you had your vote. But we didn’t like the answer. So, we’ll keep making a loud and annoying pest of ourselves until someone does’. Its not surprising most of these cunts are middle class and not without a small sense of entitlement.
And jesus fuck, look at these cunts marching. It’s the usual mix of effniks, elderly ladies from Greenham common, zeta males with beards from every corner of the Island and of course, the ‘slebs’. Hugh Grant has come out saying ‘every sane person in the country’ should sign the petition. This is the cunt that goes out for blowjobs off black whores when he had a tasty little piece tucked up at home probably wondering when he was getting in.
Annie Lennox (not had a hit in about 20 years, as irrelevant as my nans washing machine)
David Mictchell (yeh, quelle sur-fucking-prise)
Brian Cox (usual cuntery)
Jennifer Saunders (don’t even really remember what she was funny for)
Nicola Strugeon (Krankie tribute band)
We are becoming more and divided as a nation and I do not think any of this will end well. Although if Hugh and Annie end up in enternment camps, I will take a decidedly ‘laissez faire’ attitude. I’m sure that’s what our european overlords qould like. Cunts.
The short little teapot, short with spout, pour her over and shit comes out.
Yes it’s that Nicola Sturgeon twittering on today about having the democracy of a People’s vote being ignored.
Whilst carefully forgetting to mention that the first referendum result has been ignored by Parliament cus it wasn’t the answer she wanted. A bit like the Scottish Independence referendum.
What a little sturgeon cunt she is, why don’t she just fuck off back north of the border and keep her fishtraps shut.
A rapid-fire cunting for the creator of the Revoke Article 50 petition, Margaret Anne Georgiadou.
I’m sure she (along with a few deluded saps I know of personally) went off to London for a champagne picnic.. err, ‘march for the people’s vote’… swaddled in blue and gold, but also decided to ask her mates on facebook about buying guns legally. The solution, her chums told her, was paintball guns, filled with hard rubber training rounds. Much jocular snorting has been had over miniature scotch quail eggs, chilled Moet and talk of shooting Brexit voters and attacking Westminster, whilst calling for the deaths of politicians who won’t put a stop to this ghastly democracy (as if they were actually honouring it in the first place).
I’m sure even friends of Mo’ would now be facing a bit of an investigation on such evidence.
What’s with you Brits? Here in the USA, we are gobsmacked by the cunty cowardice of your government.
Do you have recall laws in the UK? Get every anti-Brexit cunty cunt pulled out of office NOW.