*EMERGENCY CUNTING* – The “Cancel Brexit” petition.
No. 1 “Most read” article on the BBC news website (which, given the shameless promotion of their own programmes in this list should be taken with a pinch of salt. Yes Victoria Derbyshite, I’m looking at you).
“‘Cancel Brexit’ petition passes 1m signatures on Parliament site”, thunders the headline.
Wow! 1 million!!
To coin a phrase of a distinguished member of this parish:
Fuck off.
Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet
Loadsa fucking publicity about the e-petition to cancel Brexit. Not a fucking word about the one I signed back in January to leave with no deal.
Balanced coverage isn’t it? What else did you expect?
Fuck ’em and the ship they sail in…
Nominated by Dioclese
No doubt this feeble attempt against democracy has thousands of Pavels, Helgas, Rolants, Günters, and Barbara Babooshkas.
“Democracy in the UK all but dead” said Donald Trump Jr. The most honest (and depressing) thing I have heard all week.
Hard to doubt the veracity of that Cap’n M, but by week’s end, it would appear quite a few Quentins, Tarquelies, and Portlies too.
It could also be a part of the white the rabbit out of the hat the conjurers have been planning all along. A bit fkn obvious, and I’ve been suggesting this for weeks.
We can only wait and see.
Too much spiff, but this should be the turning point.
It’s looking good so far
Unlikely cs. Petitions hardly ever have an effect.
But what if gets to 2 million 3 million?
We are in uncharted waters, OC. I wouldn’t put anything beyond of the realms of possibility these days.
That’s still a fraction of all those who voted, yet alone Remain voters.
And auto bots captain……
What angers me most is the number of poofter “celebrities” who have signed shit like this or given voice to it, and they spend fuck all time in this country the cuntfaced Branson for example.
How could anyone be taken in by rich ponces (Hugh Grant anyone?) – rich wankers telling the rest of us what we should do.
It never seems to occur even to the class-ridden Daily Mirror that all the biggest mouths for Remain have the biggest bank balances – Blair, Gina Miller’s husband, Branson, Heseltine – indeed, fuck the lot of them.
Can’t listen to the news anymore,its like some cruel,aural torture Fuck Brexit,fuck Cameron,he should have been lashed to the mast and MADE to stay and sort out his clusterfuck. Dirty little,entitled, Eton CUNT. Much more and i’ll sling the telly,radio and go off grid. Cunts,now get out of my fucking site.
I will say no more. Except fuck them and especially fuck The New European propaganda sheet.
Heard one of these pricks on the radio tonight. 5 live to be exact. Tony Livsey tore him apart. Surprising for the BBC.
He couldn’t handle the 17 million vs 1 million point. He sort of clammed up and stuttered. Almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
I await caughtspedding’s opinion on the matter
Await no more, this is part of the dénoument
a farce has a the final denoument…
So it does, so it does, Mijnheer!
Twit, eh?
yes a twit, the use of schoolboy latin to flummox, the constant pedantic corrections, the assumption Komodo was an ‘ally’ (against who? we plebs?) twit, a twit, as in ‘twitting the headmaster’
Have another drink, Sir!
Schoolboy Latin? Gave it up in the 2nd form! No more intention to flummox than the next man, and mutatis mutandis at least you can easily look up nolens volens.
Pedantic corrections? Fewer than most!
And certainly fewer than the Grandmaster of pedantic corrections himself, Komodo.
Is he, perhaps, the Headmaster?
Bit harsh, MP, and it’s just a bit of fun. But as seen on the windows of Ladbrokes, “when the fun stops, stop!”
You’ve got hold of the wrong end of the stick, I fear (but care little), and no Latin involved!
Go well!
Nowt wrong with being a pregnant goldfish, educated or otherwise, eh CS?
Have to say boy, your spelling is atrocious on occasion!
Good morning ?
“The use of random foreign languages to impress” might be more accurate, MP. But that ‘ally’ comment was a dead giveaway. Wanted to play tag team games, I guess. Not with this cunt.
CS, Why should anyone have to look up anything you yourself have probably had to look up already? Answer: because you’re having a giggle (‘tee hee’) at the expense of the site? Stop pissing about, ffs. Or go back to CM and annoy them.
Especially bad spelling with SwiftKey™, I observe, RTC.
I oscillate between using it – for celerity, and not – for accuracy.
Any specific, recent examples (other than genuine parapraxis, typos and the like?) Of the type “miniscule” (when not a typo), “seperate”,
“wird”, “embarass” & c?
Though my spelling was pretty fair, tbh.
What about that pettition?
Are you the Headmaster, Komodo?
CM site is humourless crap of the very worst kind, and I haven’t looked on it in weeks, but imagine you may still enjoy it.
No, you’re wrong about the use of “ally” being in any way of deep meaning. You are overthinking it.
Rather elegantly, in fact, it was merely a reference to the fact that on my first day on ISAC I remembered your gravatar from Craig Murray’s horseshit, and had a friendly exchange about it. I think your rebarbative comments had already established we are not ad idem.
No plebs in my thought processes, (I am rather anti-elitist in truth, unlike my fellow Jesuan Andrew Mitchell), per Miles Plastic’s mild invective.
Unless you are indeed “in with the scooters” well… You can scoot off too, old fruit!
Sorry – and no offence taken or given. That may be more your line, but certainly isn’t mine. Just keep it civil, or better still skip my comments so you don’t get wound up. As shall I try to.
(Good luck at CM, btw: that’s about to “fold”, so I hear, or at least scale back).
Still giggling, then. And still inebriated with the exuberance of your own verbosity. Pffft.
Incidentally, if I’m a troll, as you have claimed before, why do you feed me so lavishly?
Not giggling at all, rather weary, in fact.
Carefully-crafted rapier ripostes like “inebriated with the exuberance of your own verbosity” rather suggests to me you are an old hand at this, and surely more experienced than I am.
Try this for a last word, Mr K:
Piss off!
Right, cs, if you don’t grow the fuck up, apologise to everyone – especially Komodo – for your behaviour and stop behaving like a cunt to other people on here you’re getting banned. This has gone far enough.
I loathe the BBC with every fibre of my being. Just an Establishment propaganda machine and a very unsubtle one at that. They can stick their remoaner petition up their libtard arses.
Tangoman jr is bang on the money. It takes an outsider to see it in all it’s stark reality. Where he comes from they would be loading up their weapons right now……full metal jacket.
It seems like an attempt to run a de facto referendum….without even going to the bother of giving “Leavers” a vote this time….
We don’t live in a democracy and haven’t done for years. What we live in is an elected dictatorship.
It certainly seems that way.
Thank the Lord, if only that were true! We’ve just splashed untold growth possibilities over the last three years, while deceiving the public we have the lowest unemployment since Ted Heath.
The deceit is all the more grotesque due to its entirely counterfactual bases – more than anything significant since 1789 France; mainly because so many believe in its truth. That appears to be everyone on here, and another 13% three years ago, I suppose.
This is all just opinion of course, but what type of twit would take such a gamble? Nobody (apart from Boris’s Big Red Bus Brigade) said there’d be any economic upside, and Rees – Mogg, the utter fraud, admitted the sunlit uplands may be 50 years off 18 months ago.
Obviously the EU is conceptually shit, but it’s still an economic club (95+%) and we currently have our cake and eat it in a big way. We can leave in the future if it genuinely becomes disadvantageous, but it simply is the wrong timing.
Do people on here have such a high opinion of Cameron to believe his timing for a referendum was simply perfection itself? Or just that we should never had joined (I agree) and the sooner we leave the better (I don’t agree)?
I must admit that I voted “Leave” pretty much as a “Fuck you” rejection of Project Fear. I have written on here before that I had doubts about it as the time has gone by.
However,if the referendum was run again, I would again vote “leave”. I am a bloody-minded Cunt sick of being lectured by the “Great and Good”. This allied to the fact that I’m old enough and familyless enough to no longer give a damn what happens to the “you stole my future” generation means that I would have no problem with not following the (possibly) sensible and realistic route of wanting to see us crawl for forgiveness to a bunch of foreigners.
I really am that ignorant and uneducated. What a Cunt.
Fair point, Dick.
Having been abroad, I’ve always been pro-Europe. However, I had a German Rhinelander Gt. Gt. grandfather, and a Scottie grandfather also.
I do NOT however think that Merkel-Douchebag is the best thing since sliced bread, and as far as Nicola Turdgun, well I wouldn’t touch her with anything, unless it had just come out of a steelworks and was still white-hot.
The EU gets the same bum’s rush from me, and I am now resolutely sticking to my guns, because I am praying that all the twattermongs, face-achers and lefty libtard luvvies will all assemble at the nearest high point, and take a running jump, the arrogant, sneery cuuuuunts.
Good morning to all fellow cunters, don’t let the bastards grind you down.
I quote yet again, Mr Fiddler, the late & great Trevor Howard (from “Sir Henry at Rawlinson End”, 1980):
“What’s thinking got to do with decisions?”
I laughed at those who cried ‘you stole my/kids’ future’.
Stock response: looking at your profile, you /your kids didn’t have much of one anyway.
I think one the main issues with many CS is we never actually joined! We were simply railroaded into the EU , the UK only ever gave its consent to the original EEC in 1973 which is a completely different construct to the dirigiste top down organisation that is the EU….
It started with that utter cunt major giving away sovereign and executive powers when he signed the Maastricht treaty without asking for public consent.
Followed by Blair signing the Lisbon treaty again changing our membership without offering the UK a vote ……
The French people however got a vote a rejected it by a large majority of 62% ? instead of accepting that clear rejection of the treaty it was simply pushed into the French parliament who ratified it against the will of the people……..
Many other countries have rejected the EU in referendum and have been made to think again, the UK is just the latest,
even if leave won again does anybody believe that instruction would be carried out?
What percentage would remain have to win by to conclusively finish the argument?
Ladies and gentleman we could be entering the NEVERENDUM…..
Personally I’m all for a Europe of cooperation and friendship I’m just no fan of the dictatorial EU ….
But that’s just my opinion.
Brown and David Milliband signed the Lisbon treaty, not Blair. Can’t blame everything on Teflon Tony.
True but Blair did the ground work and promised a vote on it in parliament on the 20th April in his commons statement he declared
“ let the question be asked , let the battle be joined” in respect of a public vote to EU membership……
leaving cyclops to renege…….
20th April 2004 …….
Actually I’m not sure brown turned up for the signing ceremony leaving millipede to do the deed……
Millipede signed at ceremony brown later as he was unavailable on that date
I love a good portmanteau.
A good portmanteau, ladies. Not like ‘Man-splaining’
An elected dictatorship of individuals who choose one supreme individual!
Votes coming in from all over Europe. A cunt on the New European proudly boasts “more than a million votes in less than a day”. I answered the cunt with the following retort – still not the 17.4 million votes cast in one day you gormless cunt. Needless to say it didnt make print. I can cunt parliamentarians all day long for what they are; Spineless hypocritical traitorous cunts. Aided and abetted by the cunts from BBC, ITV and channel 4 plus almost every daily and of course Sly news. Pointed and loaded questions from Radio 4’s Evan Davies as usual trying very hard to hide his knicker tops as a committed common purpose remoaning cunt.
Add to that the equally odious and awful cunt Peston and Tom Thumb Bradby, James Mates and what bonfire of cunts would be complete without that fucking hideous wobbly gobbed Jockess Kuntsberg. Our whole parliament, the mandarins both sides of the channel and the whole media are just ……..cunts arent they?
There is no saving grace to any of these cunts, unashamed and unabashed at doing away with the democratic will of the majority. Why didnt they just fix the fucking vote a la Russian / Banana Republics? At least those of us who wanted to leave (desperately) would have sucked it up and moved on.
And to top it all off despite humongous amounts of your hard earned wonga given (and stolen from) more is needed to bail out another African shithole. BBC children in need have just coined in £60+ million – divert it there. Ah, I forgot, that would put a whole load of other fucking charriddeees out in the cold – why not ask bird shit head Milipede? He was bragging he has a charity worth $750 m a year. Job sorted. The only loser seems to be water aid – never fucking happy blambos are they? And worse to come – Question time from Belfast. Early night with a wank mag methinks 😉
OK – which bit did Wordcunt find offensive apart from lots of the use of the word “cunt” which is I believe why we cunts are here 😉
I am old enough to remember Richard Baker start the news with : ‘It’s 6 O’Clock and here is the news’. Now they might as well start it: ‘It’s 6:OClock and here is the Agenda’. ‘ And over to our deputy political correspondent in Downing Street for more on the agenda’ ‘And we can cross over now to Brussels for an update on the agenda’. ‘ And we have a special report from New Zealand on the latest events affecting the Agenda’. ‘
We will see, a petition means nothing. I don’t think anyone knows how this is going to end. Cameron took a gamble and the result of the referendum was unexpected. It’s morphed now, there are loosely assembled sides but even they are divided on how to achieve their desired result. The EU is more united but still divided and the upcoming elections could change everything again.
For sure even if Brexit is stopped the unintended consequences will multiply and be magnified.
The disconnect between the people and parliament is huge and the establishment is infighting.
Maybe Brexit won’t happen yet but it will happen because Pandora’s box is wide open like Katie Prices snatch.
I don’t think either side want a Harvey.
Harvey has more integrity than either side. None of the so called leaders of leave stuck around to see the job through and in my eyes none of them deserve any respect. Leave belongs to the people and if we are to achieve our aim we have to keep fighting. Boris and co hijacker a grass roots movement for their own ends.
In a way I almost want them to stop Brexit, it would blow the lid of our sham democracy.
All we lack is a real right wing truely conservative leader and party, not the light blue globalists mincing socialist Tory party that are all about appeasing every cunt that’s trying to fuck us over.
I can’t think of any petition that meant anything, I agree. This one may be a precedent in that respect; it’s looking rather probable thay it will be (a part of) the white rabbit I was hoping for, but not too long to wait to find out.
It’s a part of the process I’ve been expecting, and so far I’ve been rather pleased.
This was replying to Opinionated Cunt, but the nesting got fucked up, as so often
Typical WordPress cs. Wordcunt more like.
Could it actually be a conspiracy. The reaction to Mrs May’s speech. MPs supposedly angry and minded not to vote for her deal because if it. Now this.
That fucking Soubry woman…her mouth is like a fucking duck’s…quack quack quack…
Soubry should be hanged for wasting police time, given the number of times she’s cried wolf.
Soubry is just a frustrated ugly old cow. She is probably just upset that Chuckaduckie hasn’t had her knickers down yet. Come to that Mrs. Chuckaduckie probably hasn’t had that “honour” yet…….
Annie Lennox is a vile Jew hating bitch.
The Eurythmics was good in its way: somewhat original, very chippy Jockanese, and in tune with a Zeitgeist.
Furthermore, I had my first decent sexual experience (and with more than one chick) to the soundtrack of Touch, so get to fuck!
Are the jews off limits here or something? They’re due a good cunting imo.
Not to my knowledge. We generally put through posts unless they’re particularly graphic or contain potentially criminal/libellous material.
If you’ve been modded it’s probably because you’re a first time poster. After that, it will usually be the fault of Cuntpress and their shitty software which randomly bins comments.
No, not off limits but be original, no conspiracy theories or the usual crap.
When these remoaner cunts win their bent 2nd referendum do they really imagine that that will be the end of it?
They may be angry that they lost but they ain’t seen nothing yet.
Even if people are only half as fucking angry as me at having their vote stolen from them that is a shitload of angry cunts.
People fought and died for the vote in this country.
Don’t forget that you EU scumsuckers.
100% agree Freddie.
Mutter Futters the lot of em!
I just wish pompous fuckers like Grieve and Wedgwood-Benn’s son Hilary lived in the real world where they would have to engage with ordinary people – and all the ethnics and scum they are content to allow in under EU regulations, where they would actually hear people telling them to go and fuck themselves.
Given the publicity the fucking bbc have been giving this cunt petition across all its platforms, no wonder it’s achieved this number. Add the fact that remainers are single minded on the issue, it’s almost their sole reason for being, those soulless twats that have been camped out in Westminster, waving flags and chanting like it’s some form of religious mantra. Empty vessels make most noise. Fuck them.
I doubt the validity of on-line polls. I speak from experience. Mrs Boggs in her doteage is addicted to TV soap and she reads a site called Digital Spy, who often run polls to discover best actor, best whatever, and the silly bitch will often vote half a dozen times for the same person just using a different email address each time. She has done this also on the numerous magazines and “award bodies” who run such rubbish.
I would not put it past fuckwits like Blair and his flamboyant friends to pay people to act like this. I can see Grieve and Benn handing out a dozen email addresses to their spouses and their friends.
I was 17 at the time of the 2015 General Election. I demand a revote.
This was meant as a reply to LOTR post.
There’s one reason and one reason only that there’s so much momentum and fervour around delaying and or cancelling Brexit. Because the slaves to it know full full well that it will, to, ahem, cadge a quote, “bring the EU within measurable distance of its end”. Doubleplusgood.
So telling Mrs Plastic how angry I am about what is happening over Brexit and this petition. Anyway, forgotten for a while. But then, just before sleep, she hands me her phone. She is the 1, 227, 119th signatory.
I’d get a divorce if I were you.
I’m so done with fucking Brexit, or rather Non-Brexit.
I am at the point of either obtaining myself a noose from Poundland (not sure they stock them as yet though) or launching something very large at the TV the next time I see or hear anything more about this fucking farce.
The ‘something large’ might well be my entire head of course. My Mother won’t be best pleased if she is unable to watch her fix of ‘Taggart’ re-runs though.
These Remoaners just will not give up, will they? Democracy is clearly a dirty word to them, unless of course it delivers the results that they require. I just cannot comprehend how a fair win suddenly became an unfair win and undemocratic? Does all of this shit occur after a general election? People suck it up, resign themselves to the fact that things did not go their way and move on.
As for their endless, patronising bleating that ‘people didn’t know what they would be getting and were misled’……..well doesn’t that happen before and after every general election?? Are voters not consistently in the dark as to what will REALLY happen if their chosen party get in, despite all of the assurances and schmoozing ? Don’t they always lie and mislead the electorate as to what they will and won’t do if they win… and most of what they promised never happens?
So how is the process of this referendum ANY DIFFERENT TO ANY OTHER VOTE THAT PRECEDED IT?
These tantruming babies need to stop throwing their toys out of the pram. It is beyond childish, has gone on long enough and I for one am utterly bored of their shite.
Don’t be so done NC. It’s what they want!
Keep the faith ……. it’s going to happen but it’s just a case of the Maybot abortion of a Treaty or managed no deal which in the circumstances is the very best we can hope for and longer run the best outcome anyway.
I suspect you’re right, CW. They are doubtless hoping we will all get so shit bored of this process that we will want to scrap it.
I’m trying to keep the faith though, as you say ! 🙂
They had a nice polypropylene –100kg breaking strain – rope in B&M last year. I bought a few hanks for low money at the end of the season (never knew rope was seasonal!)
Nice jazzy selection of colours, softish too; and I’m sure you could craft up some kind of vehicle to Eternity with it. Have a dekko, Nurse.
Thanks for the heads up, caughtspedding.
There is a B&M just up the road here in Cuntytown, so I will have a butchers post haste.
If I chicken out, I can also use it to tie up and flog BoJo, the wiggy tosser. He is my local (stifles a laugh and some spew) ‘MP’.
That’s if I can get my hands on the slippery cunt.
I started to watch ‘the papers review’ on Sky News at 10.30.
When they started to talk about this petition, Jasmin ‘alibi’ brown (or should that be CUNT) started clapping her hands ” I signed it straight away…look it’s going up, higher and higher” – at this point, I was about to lose my shit and throw something at my tv (thankfully I remembered I love my Plasma, and you can’t buy them anymore).
These fucking Cunts seriously piss me off – nearly as much as the 18 year old flakes who started watching the news on their iPhones “I was 16 at the referendum – I didn’t get a say, & as it affects me, I want a new vote” – just Fuck off you snowflake Cunt. There are people who voted last time who are now dead – do we get a fucking ouji board to find out if they changed their minds?
Fuck off back to check your latest app, or watch ‘baby shark’ on youtube whilst you walk in front of moving cars, then bird the drivers for not looking where ‘they’ are going – CUNTS
Monied pansies, monied actor laddies and peacefuls and dark!es seem to make up the bulk of the whingers. Before anyone takes this fucking poll too seriously they ought to consider that “Tower Hamlets” voting systems might be at work here – vote early vote often.
As for Alibi Brown, as she loathes this country so much perhaps she should put her burqa back on and fuck off home.
Soubry should be hanged for wasting police time, given the number of times she’s cried wolf.
I don’t think a reason is needed.
Getting quite a lot of publicity this morning, with sly fat face hardly able to contain his smirk as he proclaimed the petition was over the 1million mark. Cue a day of snowflake voting as it gains media saturation. Cunts.
Treachery aside, I would like you all to follow my two recent examples when it comes to “charadee”.
I give to the British Red Cross on a monthly basis via direct debit. I do this because they help where help is needed irrespective of race or religion. Obviously they do work in the dark continent but they also were there in Nepal after the Earthquake, etc.
So, being on their books, I’m an easy touch for the latest crisis of the day. This happens to be Mozambique and Mali.
Generally I ignore these emails but this time I replied: “Unfortunately I cannot give any more money to this causes because David Lammy – MP for Tottenham – has said that Africa no longer needs my ‘white saviour’ money.”
Similarly in town there were a few “box rattlers” inside the Tesco entrance and I said the same thing, using that exact same quote, when one lady said: “You’re the 3rd one today who’s said that!”
So fellow cunters I urge you to do the same thing. Name and shame that racist cunt with charadee outfits quoting his “white saviour” quip (whether you intended to give or not).
It will eventually get back to the millionaire fund keepers and hopefully something will be said about Mr Lammy and his cunt attitude.
He won’t apologise (as he’d expect his white-guilt counterparts to do) but hopefully some of those £125 quid a year Jaffa Cakes (that we pay for) will taste just that little bit more bitter!
Of course when you leave the “black/coloured/darkies/whatever the fuck we are supposed to call them” now, to organise the relief effort, it’s so expertly done and organised, nobody would have to starve or rely on white saviors to rescue them in helicopter’s from there slums.
No doubt there be an extra 1million asylum seekers heading for a nearby shore to you soon…
Only the 3rd? How utterly depressing.
The results of elections in the Netherlands this week hasn’t been trumpeted much on MSM.
I wonder why ?
Good morning.
What result?!
The ones in which the governing coalition lost their Senate majority, due to one of those pesky ‘ far right populist parties ‘
Little by little …….
Thanks for the news. You would think a licence fee paid vastly global News arm of a corporation would have reported something like that, with an unbiased opinion of course 🙂
Call me old fashioned, but I have never had any faith in on line polls. I do not support e-voting ( even though the UK Government is enthusiastic)
e-Voting is the obvious way to manipulate an election.
Something that is really shitting in my shreddies at the moment is this ‘calm and orderly exit’ platitude. Trying to play to the British cultural stereotype.. fuck right off you duplicitous cunts, Mays deal is not an exit.
Contrast that to ‘cliff edge’, ‘chaos’.. fucking sick of the one way narrative.
Fuck fuckity fuckwits. 29th was the original deadline, you failed, we now embrace no-deal.
100% Chunky – May’s so called “Agreement” is the stitch-up of the Century. ?
The government v the people.
Make sure to vote for independents at every given opportunity. I don’t need to smash my local area up to get my revenge, I will withdraw my cooperation with government at every given opportunity.
Parliament you broke your contact with me, do not forget that, I won’t!
No, vote UKIP. Let’s get Batten into Number 10.
100% agree
I’d like to shit in these people’s dinners, the soft-soaped cunts.
When all of this is over, done and dusted, Britain free, and the media circus moving to new pastures. I want to see a day of Judgement, as pilloried and beaten members of the “elite” are carted through the streets to Tyburn to be publicly humiliated, stripped flogged then hung. I want to see the likes of Blair and all his key cronies burned alive, following of course, the removal of testes with a blunt knife and other atrocities too painful to discuss on these saintly pages.
I want to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the last boatload of Gimmegrants, settlers, newcomers and peacefuls depart these Isles to return to their ancestral shit pits. And a new way of living where any subsequent form of Government consults firstly ( and only ) with members of this hallowed site, before any decision is made.
Fuck the current House of Comments, the scum that float in that shit bowl, and the twat who needs shoved inside that fucking woolsack silenced forever!
I dont really care about this petition other than the fact it has raised the stakes for revoking article 50.
Nothing valid about it, email and postcode…. lol.
The cunts in parliament, maybe one of the Lib Dems, for instance Cable Cunt, should put through a motion to revoke….
That will kill it off for sure and the remoaning cunts will be back to the ‘peoples vote’
After last night its May Deal or we are in for another year or two, its a mega stitch up.
Give us your Wonga!
I understand the EU have unilaterally taken No Deal on the 29th off the table and have given us another 2 weeks to hand over the £39 billion… otherwise they’ll have to move the goalposts again.
Exactly RTCp, and the April date isnt a cliff edge for No Deal, its the date we have to start the process for electing UK MEP’s.
They couldnt be clearer, if they had said 22 May then there couldnt be any way back so I am sure they are now hoping that on the 11th of Aptil we will ask for a year or more.
Can’t fault these EU cunts, thay have our balls firmly clamped in the vice and are turning tye screw.
Either the 39 billion divorce or we just keep handing over our subs.
Electing UK MEPs? The Brexit Party would win by a landslide! Better that than pay £39 billion to be trapped in the Customs Union in perpetuity. Cunts.
I looked at Sly News this morning and was surprised how fast New Zealand has become an Islamic state.
Every local cunt seems to have surrendered to the Peaceful population and are fawning over them apologising for being White cuckold Kafirs. What a depressing state of affairs .
I did consider NZ as a future bolt-hole in case things got completely out of hand here in the UK.
Seems the land of the Kiwi is now just as fucked as the UK, if not even more so.
I had my eyes on it too. Might still be alright though, they do prefer urban shitholes to nest and multiply in rather than the lush countryside. They’re allergic to greenery, pleasantry, and nature.
On sky….
Just watching Sandro Gozi former Italian undersecretary of European affairs who is a European federalist ( his words not mine) unsurprisingly thinks the decision to leave the EU should rest with parliament!! But he respects the decision of the British people? Say what cunt!!
Followed up by gormless turd the ironically named lord Adonis who thinks article 50 should be revoked, parliament call a referendum confirming its decision to end Brexit!
So Adonis breaks cover and now wants a referendum to be on a proposition to support the decision of parliament to end Brexit……
Boulton asks a question regarding the legitimacy of the huge number calling for Brexit to be cancelled on gov site?
Adonis replied its completely legitimate and the only people that have ever cheated were leave with the help of Russian interference? , what that was Adonis didn’t say? Quell surprise
Princess Leia/Angelina Jolie/ Jaycinda needs to stop virtue signalling ASAP.
I have travelled all over NZ. This bleeding heart apologized gist shite will soon backfire. People of all religions following the mudslime call to prayer as a tribute? Fuck right off!
There is one of those convert twats, Mohammed Folds,prison imam in Bristol who says that because bees follow one queen we should all follow Allah.
Fuck off you silly hat wearing fairy tale preacher.
Last night at SOAS the home of reasoned debate on Israel some radical terrorist sympathisers were droning on about the usual lies. A 300 seat auditorium was booked. Less than 50 people turned up…..
A sign of things to come, I hope.
Like you krav I’ve travelled all over NZ
And having spent lots of time with kiwis and agree with you , her BS will fail and fail big time…….
Got good friends in Canada and the same things happening there, people are starting to turn on Trudeaus PC nonsense…..
O’Shithead this morning is urging his listeners to feel compassion for Leavers… because they were “conned” by Leave campaigners.
Apparently the liberal elite have never thought of people who voted Leave as thick, stupid or racist, NO! Only that they were criminally misled by the “weapons grade liars and racists and snake oil salesmen” who campaigned for independence from the benevolent EU.
Phew! That’s alright then, no more divided Britain, the liberal elite loves everyone, Leavers and Remainers alike.
“Compassion for the conned” is today’s slogan. Nice man all along.
Don’t worry cunters, now switching off…
I’ve already left the EU as stated previously.
My party on the 29th is going to be epic. I have even persuaded the local pub to have a leaving party. They will only be serving drinks made in the UK or out of the EU!
Adieu pour toujours Union Européenne.
Auf wiedersehen für immer Europäische Union.