The British Political System
I recently signed a petition to call for an automatic by-election if an MP leaves the party they were voted in on e.g. Anna Sourberry. The petition was unsuccessful and the Cabinet Office responded here:
Apparently you vote for an individual, not a party and that individual can do what they like once elected. The individual doesn’t constitutionally represent the party they stood for. Wtf?? Well we have a rotten system don’t we? The House of Lords is unelected, we have government by an unelected cabinet and now it turns out that your MPs are just a random collection of individuals.
I’m staggered that our constitution is a shit fest of unfairness. Bunch of cuuuunts!
Nominated by Cuntologist
I’m only surprised they admit it. That they’ve abandoned all pretence of a representative democracy, even though it’s now completely obvious that your representative will probably be a parachuted-in party hack and that he will do anything for a pretend role in the Cabinet except listen to his constituents.
Ok, this is a brown journalist in the Grauniad. But he seems to have noticed this as well:
PS (from that link)
Reviewing the backgrounds of the MPs elected in 2017, Channel 4 News found that over half had come from backgrounds in politics, law, or business and finance. In fact, more MPs come from finance alone than from social work, the military, engineering and farming put together.
And –
This is what a real democratic crisis looks like: failed policies forced down the throats of a public whose own representatives don’t get them, and whose media see them only as fodder for vox pops. Institution after institution failing to legislate, reflect or report on the very people who pay for them to exist. This is the very definition of national failure. And until it is even acknowledged, Britain will be stuck, seething with resentment, in a political quagmire.
Another interesting fact is the amount of western leaders who are childless, not directly related but personallly I believe it’s telling.
Leaders witty no direct investment in the future.
To be honest I think there are far too many pansies in Parliament (nearly all Remainers regardless of party) that strange little Moyle fellow from Brighton Kempton was on TV yesterday getting all upset about parents not wanting their kids taught about homosexuality, by the by.
Even the married ones often seem to treat their partner as a beard (male or female) and I swear on Jess Phillips jockstrap that so many “flamboyant” Labourites when they listen to the camp, mincing pleading voice of Blair and his effeminate gestures suspect he is one of them.
What an excellent article Komodo. He,s not on this site is he ?
Ok article to a point bit I voted brexit not because of spending cuts.
Same here, but I don’t think the article is focussed on Brexit – making a more general point, I thought. Dick Fiddler expands on this well (see below).
good article and accurate
Like everything else in this country it is a fucking joke.
Both Tory and Labour manifesto’s clearly stated vote for us to give you Brexit. This means leaving the single market and customs union.
What is the point of party policy or manifesto’s if the MP’s are then permitted to do what the fuck they want.
A party must be legally bound to follow their manifesto, as are their elected MP’s. If an MP goes against the party policy they must be replaced.
The current system with MP’s going against both their own party manifesto and those who voted them is a not fit for democratic purpose farcical undemocratical disgrace and should be overhauled.
Individual candidates for election stand on the basis of their party’s Manifesto. Accordingly, any person voting for a particular candidate does so on the basis that said candidate will, if elected, seek to implement their party’s policies as narrated in said Manifesto and as directed by that party’s Whips rather than follow their own personal agendas.
To claim otherwise is to negate the entire system of political representation in this country. Or it would have done so had not our beloved MPs already achieved that feat by their treasonous behaviour over Brexit.
er , no they do not stand on the party manifesto. That’s what I thought but no, you vote for an individual.
Sourberry and others say they stood on their own manifesto. I’ve only just woken up to the rottenness.
What constitution? Anyone here get taught the British constitution in school?
Kids learn British Values (libtard values) but nothing about a constitution.
I despair to see Americans watch their constitution sidelined as it does if applied put power in the hand of the individual citizen.
As predicted by the president that signed it into being the citizens would let it slip away.
I favour the ‘Passport to Pimlico’ approach….
‘The Napoleon of Notting Hill’ is also inspirational.
I only wish we had a proper Constitution. If I were in power that would be one of my policies.
For years we have allowed a rotten system to flourish. From a Monarchy based on nothing bar an accident of birth,through a House of Lords made up of hereditary Peers,political cronies and God freaks,through to the House of Commons comprising of “I’ll do anything to climb the greasy-pole” yes men,liars,criminals and the odd left-wing “fossil”.
The civil-service is dominated by Oxbridge types,which is,admittedly,not necessarily a bad thing,but when one “type” dominates any institution, too much old-school tie nepotism surely follows ( Doesn’t matter that Giles is a moron,he went to Eton,don’t ya know). The Police have been hijacked by a vocal and all conquering (I’ll use the dreaded word) Snowflake minority intent on inflicting their idea of tolerance on the majority come Hell or High Water.
The one thing that unites all of the above is a contempt for The United Kingdom and it’s people. They believe that they can do,say and act in whatever way suits their needs…..and,you know what? They’re right.
Fuck them and Fuck us for allowing it to reach this position. The one good thing that has come from this Brexit debacle is that it has thrown light on the type of people who are our “Leaders”..dishonest,self-serving trash. I have no time for the French,but at least the buggers aren’t frightened of making their displeasure known. What do we do in this Country as we are comprehensively ignored and betrayed? Sweet Fuck- All,that’s what.
I wouldn’t give a shit if the whole Country slipped beneath the waves,and neither, I suspect,would our European “partners”. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Fuck Off.
Morning Dick, excellent analysis.
Mass assisted dying is the way to go imho, time we made use of Trident.
When push cones to shove probably find it doesn’t work Ruff Tuff. Billions of pounds of tax payers money for fuck all.? Very much par for the course.
“Billions of pounds of tax payers money for fuck all.”
That rings a bell Willie. Sounds suspiciously like May’s bogus Brexit ‘agreement’.
Or we find the warheads work but sadly the yank missiles fail to launch and it turns most of Scotland into glass.
Really enjoyed that Dick! Clear and precise, right on the button. Cheers !
I’ll also say that today’s politicians are a mix of Blair…motivated by greed,and Mr. Cameron…motivated by self-entitlement. They also enjoy the quality of hubris,which Blair and Cameron oozed.
Fuck them.
An inspiring piece of text Mr Fiddler. Would you be offended if I were to use it in its entirety ( less the name or where it came from) on another forum?
No problem,Cuntsville,but you may want to tidy it up a bit.
Thanks Dick. I think any editing will only take the stark reality out of what it’s saying , so I’ll post it , warts and all.
Thanks once again.
With very few excdeptions, most politicians are dishonest, self-important, self-serving shits.
I am sick of the BBC keep broadcasting the whinging of Dominic Grieve and Hilary Benn. Two different parties, two look-alikies with steel rimmed glasses like Nazi officers and two cheeks of the same arse. Fuck them.
Neither of the two cunts have enough substance to constitute an arse cheek, the lack just screams ‘hole’.
Being a CUNT is a prerequisite for any local or national politician. The system allows for greed, corruption and self interest which then turns them into GALATIC CUNTS. Hopefully we will see the imminent death of the failed two party system. We could then have a period of independent politicians of proven integrity, until temptation turns them into CUNTS too.
The problem is that shit-stains like that tart from Peterborough who went to chokey for perverting the course of justice, got sacked from Labour now pretends to be “Independent”. Then you have Chuckaduckie and his group of no-hoper remainers, who say they are “Independent” Nick Boles who doesn’t seem to know what he is (“Independent” but hoping to keep the tory whip), it is besmirching the word “Independent”. It seems to be used by cunts and rogues to hold on to their £78,000 till the general election
I have recently volunteered my services for the Brexit party. If Brexit does not happen obviously. And only if Nigel is aboard.
Never thought of myself as a cunt but perhaps I am and just don’t know it.
That is utter bollocks.
I would hasten a wild guess that EVERYONE votes for an individual based on the party they represent, not the individual themselves, as we all know that the vast majority of them are self-serving, unlikeable cunts…….we just want to make sure that the MP we have is of the party we favour, end of.
Never once in my voting life have I even looked at a candidate as an individual and thought, ‘Yep. I like him/her. I like their thinking and what they are putting forward’.
More like ‘I’m not voting for any Labour tosser’.
Frankly, all politicians are a piece of shit anyway, whether they constitutionally represent a party or not. They rarely do what they promise, they rarely bring to parliament and represent what their constituents demand and Brexit is a classic example.
To have a desire to get into the political sphere takes a certain type of individual.
Usually a cunt.
Agree. Manifesto’s are Party Based. Independents rarely if ever have anything to match. We are advised to “read and digest ” a manifesto before voting ( which few if any do ) and certainly where I come from , the Party to collect your vote is genetic almost !
ìts true people vote for the party, how can anyone know the candidate based on a leaflet through the door.
As you say it’s as much who you will not vote for as who you will.
I 100% agree with your last two paragraphs, as well as much of the foregoing Nurse C.
You may not remember the “7-Up”Granada TV [mainly Michael Apted’s] series. In particular the 1970 episode where the 14 year-old children were saying “what they want to be when they grow up”. See:
Start watching from 16:40 for the maximum relevance to the discussion here (or watch it all!)
[John Brisby didn’t turn out quite such a cunt in the end, but make your own mind up. Certainly those who do make it into politics are gold-plated cunts, we can all agree on that. ]
I don’t know anyone who votes positively for any Party. Most cunts vote for the least worst option, or the candidate most likely to keep an even worse Candidate /Party from being elected.
I live in a marginal constituency (Con/Lab). I vote Tory to keep Labour out, not because I have any faith in the Tories, they’re just the least worst option imo.
Until the voting system is changed to a system of proportional representation, the two main parties will continue to dominate the political landscape.
Afternoon, RTC.
Perhaps not anymore, and after the fiasco of the last three years you may well be correct in the future.
Historically, however, it has been an uncontroversial and incontrovertible truth that the vast majority of voters align prima facie with a party, with that minority you describe being somewhat pejoratively referred to as “swing voters”.
Hence the ubiquitous parachutes and the “safe seats”.
Afternoon CS.
Rowdy behaviour (Sourbry vs Farage) on Politics Live a few minutes ago. Sourbry showing her true colours, stifling debate, talking loudly over Farage, must have been taking lessons from her hero O’Shithead. Brillo eventually told her to shut the fuck up, too little too late.
It’s certainly getting extremely untidy, albeit horribly predictably so.
I’m not a political animal, but it’s hard to avoid this guff for the moment.
I do think that big changes in voting behaviour will prove to be among the more enduring and potentially damaging fallout of this whole sorry cobbler’s –or should that be cobblers’? How many awls and how many shoemakers?
A good deal of damage already done, for sure, and much more to come I, expect. Not my bag in any event, and in any case not much I can do (or say) which will make any difference.
Hope you’re OK
I’ve been worse, thanks.
Confidence in our democracy will likely take decades to restore, if ever. Time we moved to a more direct form of citizen participation, the technology exists, but the 1450 parasites in the combined Houses of Parliament will resist it with even more vigour than they resisted having their crooked expenses revealed.
It was a farce RTCp, did you hear the silly cow saying she be afraid to go home tonight….
I would have respect for the bitch if she would just tell the truth that she wants to revoke A50
Brillo: “This isn’t the Anna Soubry Show…” ?
I never bothered to look at a candidate much other than ask is it from the party I want, yeah, ok tick.
The reply from the government on this petition spells out our mis-thinking. MPs can do what they want, can vote against the whip, can go independent and still stay in their seat!!!
Fucking load of bollocks. If Chucky, Sourberries and that mob were elected as individuals then why is it such a big deal that they resigned from their parties? If MPs are individuals then there should be no such a thing as the Party Whip right?
Fucking cunts just make it up as they go along.
Fuck them all to hell!
Spot on as usual Freddie !
If we vote for the individual, what has party got to do with the result? How can Labour or Conservative win a General Election when we didn’t vote for them? The best that can be said is that parliament is a coalition of 650 individuals.
No whip now for Chukka and co.
We love it really. Our political system is a reflection of our class obsession in this country, and also the state of our collective moral decay.
Why we keep looking to these cunts for solutions I’ll never understand. You want unfettered personal freedom to indulge in any action, but you expect there to not be any consequences. Madness. How long will it take people to realize we’re not individual particles in a vacuum?
The public sucks. Fuck hope.
I’m doing an electrical test and the tenant has James o’cuntface on the radio. I think I’m going to have to sit in the van and cool off soon.
The sycophantic fawning over anyone that agrees with him….
Now he’s saying that we don’t think and just listen to sound bites and if we actually had to think then we’d call it off. But that would make us in the top 60% of people….
52 % voted to leave you twat.
So 40% of people are thick idiots and all of them voted brexit.
I don’t get his maths.
Apparently we don’t use our brains or think.
If only he knew what I was thinking now, the cunt.
Oh and obviously he needs to mention islamophobia….
This cunt needs retiring. Who the fuck wants him on the radio?
*deep breath*
Prickface O’ Shitbrain needs a three-phase encounter…
Greetings from an ECS “Ancillary Operative.”
Jobbie is preaching to the unemployed mainly. He is unimportant. Nobody wants him on tv. He failed at TV actually.
Also consider how wound up he is about Brexit. Jobbie looks like a man having a nervous breakdown and downs a pint of Whiskey everyday.
Excellent cunting ……
That Soubry and the band of umunna fuck wits are allowed to do this is absolutely outrageous!
Let’s flip this, a dozen conservatives leave and form a hard right group calling themselves “The dictator group”
I’m sure the establishment would get into gear and ( rightly) stop it happening by hook or by crook?
TIG has absolutely no fucking legitimacy in my eyes and each one of those quisling cunts should be made to stand in by elections…..
or in their case. Bye bye elections ……
Hope I’m right in thinking that if TIG was going to amount to anything, it would have started doing so by now. But all it is is a shower of cunts most of whose colleagues are probably unmoved by their departure. Certainly, leaving their parties should trigger a bye-election, as they are now drawing their salaries under false pretences.
But they highlight a larger truth. Which is that the party system, if you buy a party system, doesn’t work for fundamental issues which don’t divide along the party faultlines. Right now we have at least four main parties:
Remain Labour, remain Conservative, leave Labour and leave Conservative. And those themselves are divided – old/new Labour and neo/paleo Conservative.
It looks like, sooner or later, we’ll have to abandon the generally-held idea that we vote for a party, and take a much closer interest in the individual views of our MP’s. And the constituency associations would be well advised to take a much closer interest in our views, too.
Well said.
Off topic, but the security guard in my local supermarket is using crutches and wears one of those spaz boots.
Local junkies will be laughing.
Oh, and James O’Brien is a cunt.
No deal exit 29.3
Another remarkabky germane link, to the topic abd the times, and one which I suspect will be somewhat appreciated is:
[Especially the 90 seconds after the 10:00 mark, but again watch it all. What a talentless organist he was, though probably better when younger.]
I was actually very interested to see that CS. Heath was the individual who was PM when I was a young man. I remember very clearly the day that Morning Cloud made an appearance in the Harbour at Ramsgate, with himself and a motley crew of young men who had been sailing with him. I never liked Heath, and the warnings of entering into a contract with a club of “Entrepreneurs” was ever ringing in my ears as the results of that infernal vote were announced. The Vid is actually very spot on. Thanks//.
I have some sort of CD of him musicking (EMI, I think). Picked it up out of curiosity for a couple of quid.
Personally, I think he should have stuck to music…not that my opinion of his abilities differs from your opinion, CS !!
It’s a cunt!