The Body Politic

The Body Politic or Blighty’s Rotting Corpse

Never in a very long life has Yours Truly seen such an exhibition as has just taken place in full view orf the World in the Hoise Orf Commons. Headless chickens orn heat don’t come near to describe it. ”Never wash your dirty linen in public and certainly not in front orf the natives”. Sage words that kept the Empire secure during many a time orf National Peril. Small wonder that arch arse-jockies Verhofstadt and Veradhka are puffed up with bile and venom and snapping their fangs at poor old Blighty’s privates. We are a laughing stock having lorst all honour. Poor Sir Winston that your shade must endure such a spectacle in your beloved Hoise Orf Commons. Within the hour YT was driven to me whiskey.

Now I find within me such rage, such contempt for our elected representatives and their conniving deceits that I must go to the grave with hate in me heart.
Forgive but never Forget?
How often those words were spoken during the late Commemorations and Remembrances for the Fallen of two World Wars. Leaves before the wind now,beyond pain and blood, their lives lost in defence of distant foreign lands, their sacrifice now repaid with cold contempt for their homeland.
So what now. More declamatory rhetoric? Just a simple statement of fact. Like many others on here I am proud to be an Englishman. We may not be aroinde for long, there may not be many orf us left. Yes the memory will go on and let it be like this.
Let us never Forget and never Forgive.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

62 thoughts on “The Body Politic

  1. New Zealand PM on TV talking about ‘ common values’, has she read the Quran? No one deserves to die for their ‘beliefs’ but that Does not make those beliefs any more acceptable. Islam is bollocks and will remain bollocks , no matter what the death toll ends up at.

    • There are no common values in diversity. Diversity is differences between groups. The BS machine wants us all to “be one” but at the same time , wants us to be “diverse” and “multi-cultural” ,both contradictory terms in the context of “common values, purpose etc. ”
      As for the bitch 1/c in NZ, she is a May Breed ! ( cunt )

      • She is a bit of a cunt in her own right. Time she had something hard to do in her job instead of prancing around with her baby on the Im the Woman in Power role. Roll your sleeves up princess, you were targeted because your easy. The Donald would teflon this off saying they were not right in the head and ask the next question. Not make a sobbing meal of it. Sadly people have had enough – its a shame that shamima cunt was not taking the first hit.

      • Not alot of news outlets are reporting this but he specially targeted this mosque because he was sickened by the mosque standing up for the convicted killers of the nice attack which killed 84 people and roughly 400 injured. I remember the pathetic virtue signalling at the time. I read part of Brendon Trontons manifesto its called the great replacement if you want to google and read it

      • That was definitely kept quiet! Pity the poor cunt got nicked before he finished then.

  2. I know there’s another nom on the way more relevant but this is related and need to get done whilst have access to fast wifi.
    Democracy in the UK has always been illusionary. Sovereignty rests with Parliament and not the People. Parliament can, and does, act against the wishes and best interests of the People with impunity. The People are not represented in Parliament. They have no legal or constitutional means of challenging a deceitful, rotten, treacherous government. I agree with Gandhi that the People have an inalienable right to oppose a government that betray’s them in a great cause (Brexit). He advocated peaceful mass protest, as do I, but with the caveat that if the government uses force the People have the right to reciprocate. We elect these cunts and pay their salaries. They are our servants not our masters.
    The monarchy is an anachronism and should be abolished to be replaced with an elected president as head of state. The President would have the power to dissolve Parliament and withhold assent for legislation at the request of the People. The technology exists to make this practicable. The Queen cannot dissolve Parliament. She can, theoretically, withhold assent for legislation bit if she did the cunts in Parliament would immediately legislate to prevent a repeat.
    The House of Lords serves no useful purpose and should be abolished.
    Devolution (Blair?) was a huge mistake.The government should be of, for and by the people of the United Kingdom. The Scottish Parliament, Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies Should be abolished. Advocating, threatening or conspiring to undermine the unity of the UK should be a capital offence – no appeal against conviction. The Houses of Parliament are not fit for purpose, should be demolished and replaced on the same site by a new building, keeping Big Ben for the tourists.
    The electoral system is a joke. 1 million sweaty socks should not have more seats than 4 million UKIP voters.The electoral boundaries need changing. Joint constituencies like Cheltenham with Tower Hamlet’s should address the issue of clusters of peacefuls and mbongos and keep out the race card arseholes like Flabott and Lammy. Voting restricted to British citizes aged 21 and over .
    The government and individual MPs should be held accountable to the people. The technology is already there. How about an annual performance review. If they are devious treacherous cunts they can be removed by majority vote of the people. And no gold-plated pensions after 5? years. They get the same deal as us ordinary cunts.
    That’ my abbreviated view of things. Hopefully a new political party (People’s Representative Party (PRP))? will appear and start to stop the rot by reviewing current legislation and allocation of resources to prevent the further erosion of our wealth, culture, customs and values.

    • Another great tour de force Fimbriations.

      In 2015, UKIP got 4 million votes, whereas the SNP & LibDumbs COMBINED got 3.8 million votes. Yet UKIP ended up with only 1 seat, whilst the SNP & LibDumb’s received 64!

      Meanwhile the Monster Raving Loony Party, with 400,000 votes, were awarded precisely 0 seats. The SNP got 15 seats for the same number of votes!

      How is that fucking democratic?

      Look forward to reading your unabbreviated view of things…

  3. Good cunting, however I was proud to be English, past tense.

    This country is an embarrassment in what used to be a proud democratic country that other countries in the world used to admire and copy.

    Now we’ve become a spineless, liberal country letting any fucker in to claim benefits, steal jobs, and an established elite who will do anything in their power to keep this status quo and deny the democratic right of the people who voted against their view.


  4. I have said before. I admire the willingness of the French people to riot and to revolt. Until we learn from the French people, we will always suffer the indignities of a faux democratic Parliament populated by self serving scumbags, who are unfit to populate the planet. ! The shit will never hit the fan in this country, we are too divided ( intentionally ) and have suffered the curse of enrichment. Fuck all politicians, long live Tommy ! Long Live the NZ fuckers for the recent “offings”

  5. NZ …lemme see. IS psychopath slaughters unarmed civilians…fucking terrible, all Muslims the same…immigrants…invasion…etc.

    White (immigrant to NZ) psychopath slaughters unarmed civilians…chuck another moose leg on the barbie…lefties bleating…we need a bit more of this…etc.

    The words ‘double’ and ‘standards’ appear to fit.

    I don’t give a fuck about the alleged righteousness of his shabby cause. If you want to preserve Western values against a tide of barbarism, the way to do it is not to adopt the barbarians’ values. And there is no difference I can logically sustain between the Tarrant cunt and the deluded jihadi cunt, for instance, who did the Manchester Arena number.

    • Hit, nail, head Komodo.?

      My personal experience and evaluation of NZ.
      Maori hate Whitey (Pakeha).
      Whitey hate Maori.
      Maori and Whitey hate all immigrants.
      Maori, Whitey and Whitey immigrants hate non-Whitey immigrants. (Locally called the “browning” of NZ)
      Maori, Whitey and immigrants of all shades loathe peacefuls.

      Don’t be fooled by the ( very effective) NZ govt. propaganda. NZ is a hate-filled overtly racist shit hole. Now let’s have a Hakka – cunts.

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