Sky News (4)

Sky News!!!
These utter cunts are starting to out do the BBC . I know it’s almost impossible to imagine that any corporation could be so wonky eyed but Sky are being expertly marshalled by fat cunt chief remoaner Adam Boulton, ably backed up by ex BBC spitting political corespondent Louis Goodall….
It’s been morning of moaning with Boulton giving an easy ride to any cunt who supports remain and to patronise any cunt invited on who supports leave!! It’s jaw droppingly cunty even by SKY standards, they are so desperate they’ve reanimated dead cunt Hezeltine, who is banging on about HONDA!! Who is claiming the Japanese are so polite that they lied when giving the reasons for moving production!! Amazing stuff!
Hezeltine has talked about Brexit voters dying but better still he has directly linked Brexit (via 3 minutes of waffle ) to 1930.s Germany and the NAZIS …..
well done cunt……….


Nominated by Quislings

48 thoughts on “Sky News (4)

    • Sir please leave miss burley out of this, she is as thick as a pan of mince but god she looks a proper dirty cunt ?

  1. One of their harlotts was virtually screaming at Jacob Rees Mogg recently at the Palace of Westminster.

    Sky news is a reamoniacs wank fest.

    Roll on March the 29th. It will be like Rachel Maadow when Trump won the election…

    God save the Queen!

    Oh,and Corbyn has been found to have slagged off the UK’s contribution to WW1. What a surprise.

    • I think your description is spot on Kravdarth and also applies to BBC/Channel 4, most radio stations and all papers save for the Telegraph …. it is so apt I have to repeat it out of respect;

      Sky along with the others as above are collectively a … ‘remoniacs wank fest’ !

      I live in Surrey and I am surrounded by Rremain luvies everywhere I turn. Very difficult to have a sensible conversation with them and how irritated they are when you politely challenge their simplistic view of Brexit.

      Not long now until the Great Betrayal is finally upon us all……..

    • Hmm KD. I wonder what will actually happen on 29.03. I’m guessing the ‘square root of fuck all’. Would love to be proved wrong.

      • Oh, it won’t be the square root, it’ll 100% fuck all, perhaps with “fuck of brexiteers” thrown in for good measure.

      • Re “the square root of fuck all”, bear in mind that:
        if n⩽1 then √n⩾n ∀n, nϵℝ.
        In other words, if “fuck all” is less than 1(which it usually is), then the square root is actually greater in magnitude>.
        (Try it on the calculator)
        Mind the Gap!

      • Or, at Wetminster station –
        “Mind the bores. Stand clear of the credibility gap…”

  2. Absolutely agree, I only turn over to sly news just to boil my piss, it only takes a few minutes to get fired up for the day,
    They are all fucking cunts at the end of the day, fuck them they will never change my opinion or my mind, politicians alike can go and get fucked

    Best to count to ten and carry on regardless,

    R. I. P blighty

  3. Should anyone require state of the nation info , may I guide you all to a fully tolerant platform, it’s called is a cunt . And you will never find a better set of cunts anywhere. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Oh and fuck the leftist twats ?

    • No doubt ISAC is at the cutting edge, because of the following
      – It is utterly unbiased, and all posts have a balanced viewpoint
      – Bad language is refreshingly not tolerated
      – It is religion tolerant
      – Sexist comments are banned
      – Most cunters support Arsenal, and those that don’t are a bit dog wank
      – My musical taste is unsurpassed

    • And a very good evening to you HTB. I was religiously following this website for 2 years before I joined in and I’d like to say thank you to every cunt on here for keeping me sane. There I said it. No where were we?

  4. Anyone going to London on the 30th to watch it kick off either way it goes? I’ve booked days off to stand and laugh at the snowflakes get bounced around the place….. Hopefully it will be like the poll tax riots!!!!!

  5. I too, repair to the library to read the Telegraph. After my butler has served me coffee, in a Chinese Ming Arsenal mug, I immediately turn to the obituaries, under O. Unfortunately he remains both un-murdered and un-suicided.

    I do watch Daily Politics, it seems fairly neutral. Gave up on Sky years ago.

    • Not too sure about Politics Live (new name) , the old format was better.
      They kicked off with an all Wiminz panel, now if it were an all male panel the shit would have hit the fan.
      It tends to be more left than right, Novara media seem to be over represented, not sure why they need these cunts, dont the BBC have enough researchers.
      But the Angela Smith fuck up was priceless, looking staight at Ash Sarkar and said people with a funny tinge, acurate but oooops!

  6. Generally everything the Sky network put out is a pile of wank. Every Sky series they tell us is ‘critically aclaimed’. By who? And if thats the case id like to critically aclaim a shit I had this morning. Then every Christmas theres a movie written by and staring the painfully unfunny David Walliams. Even James Cuntdon has his own sports panel show so more a TV dumping ground than anything else. I don’t watch their new channel but I suspect it’s in keeping with everything else they do. Sky, fuck the fuck off.

  7. Bring back Reggie Bosanquet. I liked that old Cunt.Looked like he was pissed most of the time, but at least he just read the news and didn’t assume that we wanted his personal opinions on the stories.

    Fuck Off.

  8. News at One. Was that before or after crown court?
    Deutschland 86 on More 4 next week. I can not wait! Spolier alert: The naughty commies selling arms to the Afrikanner government.
    Apartheid: Certainly kept the crime rate down….

    White by night: Any black person on the street after 6 PM without a pass would be arrested

    The SAP arrested them before they killed someone, the UK wait until afterwards….

  9. At least it has now become obvious for all to see their utter one eyed take on brexit on all channels. Surely no one is such a slimey remainiac creep as Boulton. As for Burley, no one fancies her as much as Burley herself.
    Sly and beeb. Both as puke inducing as each other.

  10. Sly News are funded by advertising corporations who are remainers from top to bottom. Sly have to keep their paymasters happy so they would rather put profits before truth.
    I was watching the very shagable Sophy Ridge interviewing John McDonnell earlier. Christ on a fuckin bike, she was eating out of his arse when it came to Brexit. A total one sided biased shit show.

    • The only thing I’d want to do to Sophy suckdick is slap her rather boring face.

  11. Shame the egg that hit Corbyn was not covered in Novichalk.
    What a surprise he was at a Mosque. Would not be welcome at at Synagogue.

    • If he turned up at mine, I’d do exactly what I did when the cunt and his retinue turned up in my street; I chase them up the street waving Union and Israeli flags and chanting “Labour, for the many not the Jew” through my very loud megaphone. Did the same to Owen snotty Jones and his attendant Postal Vote Hanschar SS honour guard.

      • More like: ‘Labour for the few not the Jew’

        Nice one Mr Sheikh Anvakh.

  12. Yes Kravdarth, Corbyn knows he’s lost the Jewish vote and leave voters from mainly working class areas. So now he’s scraping the barrel and sucking up to the peacefuls. What an unprincipled bunch of fuckers him and his momentum comrades are.

  13. Hezbollah are now proscribed.

    What about that Labour MP cunt on Question time last week: He was actually defending them!

    Cunt. Hezbollah who push gays off rooftops and force women to cover up: Hardly Labour values.

  14. Sly news is an absolute cluster fuck of cuntitude.
    Fyi (the show for indoctrinating children with leftist doctrin) really boils my piss, and don’t even get me started on the pledge…..
    June sarpong….
    Afua Hirsch….
    In the same room, at the same time, on the tv, both telling us their opinions.
    Anyone that can manage more than a few seconds of that cuntfest without becoming violent is nothing short of a saint.

  15. The Muslim council of Britain said yesterday that 90% of Kafirs , (that’s non believers to us )Have never been inside a Mosque.
    I wonder why ???
    Is it something to do with violent misogynistic men obsessively praying to a 6th century peodophile and denouncing Western values ?
    Yes, that’s the last place I would take my family for a Sunday outing to get some cultural enlightenment.

    • They don’t pray to a 7th century pedophile, or for that matter Mohammed. They pray to a single god, just like Jews, and just unlike most Christians. The Prophet is not regarded as divine.

      I have been in several mosques (I’m a kafir, but the architecture of old mosques is often magnificent) abroad, and have received no discouragement from doing so. My limited experience here is that UK mosques are less welcoming and the architecture is generally negligible.

      Recommend visiting the memorial mosque to the Sufi saint Rumi at Konya, should you be so moved.

      • I think they’re more open, welcoming than a synagogue. You never hear of a synagogue being thrown open in an effort to bring communities together.

  16. Lie News namely that fat twat Adam Bolton He’s the bloke that asks a question to whoever he’s interviewing then talks over them through the whole interview a proper rude cunt another remainer.Ian Duncan Smith said to him Adam if you ask me a question please give me the courtesy of answering it.Regarding Kay Burley nope she’s far too old for shagging at 58 we’ll past it I’m more of a Jayne Secker fan Shes more my age and well fit and good looking without the plastic worth a punt.

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