Simon Kemp

Simon Kemp. Who, I hear you ask? Well, he’s the bellend who complained about JD Sports selling the Scotland women’s football kit in a ‘provocative’ manner. Now, truth be told he does kind of have a point – the model styling it does kind of pose in a sexually provocative way – but if THIS is what he’s really outraged about then he really needs to grow up, realise that sex sells (hence why JD Sports did it – nothing to do with sexism) and rethink what genuine sexism and female oppression is. Oh, and the oh-so-smug and holier-than-thou way in which he did it as well, on Twatter (where else) complete with that piss boiling everyday sexism hashtag and the usual leftie messages about ‘strengthening equality and diversity blah blah blah’… ugh! What an insufferable cunt!

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

46 thoughts on “Simon Kemp

  1. Wee Jimmy Krankie was asked to model but has her hands full denying democracy and Alex Salmond is kilt deep in criminal proceedings.

  2. Well they ain’t marketing a fucking female to shirt to male customers are they? So how the fuck is it meant to be sexist exactly? If that’s what sells to women, then that’s what women want. Is it really that difficult to grasp?

    Once again some fucking soy-laden cunt of a man thinking that women needs him to stand up for them, presumably because they are too weak and fragile to help themselves, in his mind. What would they do without him?

    But it’s everyone else that’s the sexist, as per usual.

  3. It’s rare these days to see anything attractive in a Scotland shirt.

    If cunts have the time to get outraged by attractive women they got too little to worry about.

    And whilst this cunt is at it he wants to take employment away from a woman. Right on bro!!!

    Fucking hell. Take any pleasure out of life, we all have to become grey non gender identifying cunts.

    Apart from the rainbow community. If it had been a trans then he’d be celebrating.

    War is peace, up is down

  4. I can’t imagine that the kind of people who buy a “footy” shirt found the model “sexy” in the slightest….now,had it been Sir Elton or Alan Carr,they’d have been wanking themselves into a chavvy frenzy before going to see if the dole would give them an advance on their “pay” and shooting off down to the market to see in Gupta had any “knock-off” copies. That way they could still afford a chippy dinner and a packet of tabs on the way back to their rent-payed flat (complete with Doberman dog, 75 inch telly and furnishings by Bright House.)

    Fuck Off.

  5. The clever cunt obviously wants to get his leg over one of those posh snowflake birds.
    Good effort Simon but we know what you’re up to. Grubby little wanker.

  6. I have been dragged round countless women’s clothes shops and can attest that every large print of a model in the stores features a woman in some sexually provocative pose. The idea behind it is, when you see that perfect build model, looking amazing and sexually attractive in the item of clothing the store is trying to sell, the shoppers thought process will be, “If I buy those baby sick green, skin tight jeggings….. I’ll look as sexy as her”!

    Works exactly the same with men’s clothes, you go to buy some boxer shorts and the model displaying them has 6 pack abs and a massive bulge…….I mean obviously that’s exactly what I look like wearing mine as well. But the point is, there’s no sexism here, keep your leftie, snowflake views to yourself, cunt.

  7. What is the size of the target market? 3? Perennial losers in everything sporty, apart from that game that is like shove halfpenny on ice that you see once every four years at the winter Olympics. And throwing a log while wearing a skirt.
    And all the time spending England’s money courtesy of the Barnett formula.

  8. She will need to watch out for Frank Macavenny. If he spots here she’s toast.

  9. And yet if a woman wears next to fuck all walking down the street, it is called “empowerment” by the hypocritical lefty cunts.

    Anyway, that model can sit on my face and discuss the off-side rule for all I care.


  10. She does make me want to jack off, but my porridge is getting cold so will defer gratification till after breakfast.

    Have a nice weekend wank Cunters.

    • Is porridge the same thing as oatmeal or I am just a misinformed cunt? I the large flake one not that quick cut oat shite

      Usually put some dates and banana into it with a bit of milk and brown sugar yum enjoy your breakfast Creampuff

      • Thanks TitS, it was very nice.

        FYI, Oatmeal is the basic ingredient used to make porridge. It comes in various forms, but I use 100% wholegrain Scottish oat flakes.

        Plus water, a smidgen of salt and one and a half desert spoons of Demerara cane sugar. Tried adding various fruits, but prefer it straight.

      • How very common. I give my horse oats but at least I have the decency to mix in some bran and beet-pulp to spice it up.
        I,of course,always have a full English or kippers.

        Morning All.

        T.S. I have never had a Martini of any kind,never mind a “Porn Star” Martini….Fuck knows what they’d do if I asked for that down at the Rugby Club.

      • Morning, Mr. Cunt-Engine.

        Just read your post claiming that a woman driver was responsible for writing your car off. Did she ram you in a final desperate attempt to escape the masked figure waving a roll of duct-tape and a knife who was trying to force her off the road?
        Have the Mobility people brought your new car round yet? Hope it has a boot big enough to accommodate your next girlfriend/victim.

      • Ho ho, I’ve had a great time at work bemoaning wimminz drivers to my female colleagues in utterly excoriating language.
        And 3 lots of prick solicitors have tried to coerce me into saying I’m more injured than I am (just a bit of a hurt ankle). My surname isn’t “Iqbal” and I don’t have whiplash, you fucking parasites.
        My insurance came up trumps though, albeit supplying me with a Beemer X1. Yes yes, I know…the faggiest car on England’s roads…
        So what car shall I buy next? What’s a nice, rapey car in your not-so-humble opinion?

      • Morning Mr Cunt Engine – suggest you get a VW Beetle with removable passenger seat. Ted Bundy swore by them.

      • Neither have I Dick, A pornstar martini is really a fucking horrible name for a cocktail considering the nasty things some of these pornstars do with said cocktail glass in porn …

        Some martinis aren’t bad I’d recommend a Earl grey martini if you are up for the challenge its just gin, tea, lemon and simple syrup lemon is optional I’d use a strong gin tho Dick get navy strength or something over the usual 40%

      • I prefer mornflake oats made by an English company who have been going since 1675 so good to keep a traditional old firm going not some multinational conglomerate.
        And they will still be around long after the fucking eu collapses.

    • Why not just toss off into your porridge? Saves time and the “man made” (can I still say that?) additives will do you good.

      Win Win

      • Top-Tip NCFOM!

        Unfortunately, cos I’m so old and wretched, it often takes up to 10 minutes to come and the porridge would be stone cold by then.

        And besides, Lady Creampuff likes it with her scones of an afternoon tea.

      • Wish Mrs Stroker liked it with her afternoon cuppa Mr Creampuff.

        Life would certainly be much improved.

      • Mrs Stroker a bit finicky Willie? Try her with it in coffee, a more compatible beverage imho.

      • I’m a stunned cunt creampuff I think last nights drinks have given me temporary memory loss of course oatmeal is porridge FFS slapper get it together. Surprisingly I have no hangover at all which is sort of weird considering how much I drank, just feeling a bit of lethargic

        The mornflake oats sound good goodwoodone I like to support english made products as much as I can I’ll have to grab a bag

  11. Simon says buy me a scotland football shirt but not with a sexy model displaying it… don’t really care about this but its proof if you got a big enough following on twatter you can sway corporate opinion which is cunty but thats how sjws do it. We basically got a female dr who when cunts were tweeting a hashtag to help make it happen and we will probably get a black bond after cunts were hashtaging that too

  12. This type of sanctimonious cunt really boils my piss.. They declare on a regular basis how this that or t’other is offensive on someone else’s behalf. Like they know better and they need to protect the helpless minority that is in their eyes being ruthlessly exploited..
    What he should’ve caused a storm about is that the wee lassie in the photo is probably from Manchester, and should have refused point blank to be seen in that rag…

  13. Funny how cunts like him only come out to say this “right on” stuff now that it is trendy to do so!

    Why didn’t he speak out about it years ago? Because no one gave a shit until the #metoo bandwagon came along and scooped up these sleb shitbags and turn them into vacuous social media windbags for the Left.

  14. It will take a damn sight more than an attractive model with her legs splayed to make Scottish football sexy , if that’s all this silly cunt has got time to focus on his life must be myopic!!
    Scottish football needs all the help it can get …… ?

    • Did anyone see Secret Scotland last night, with Mr. Susan Calman trying to kick a rugby ball.

      She has a face and body that were surely made for radio.
      Is there a “Fat-and-ugly” wave-band? Dame Jonny Murray could join her.

  15. What have Las Vegas and Glasgow got in common?

    The only 2 cities in the world where you can buy sex with chips.

  16. Modern neo-liberal fascists are just killjoys to a one.

    Their lives are so fucking miserable (as has been proved in many psychological interviews and happiness polls) that they have to spoil the fun of anyone else so that everyone becomes equally miserable.

    Men like this (an assumption on my part given the name, although he/she/vey probably identifies as cis – whatever the fuck that means) are so out of touch with themselves (probably because they can’t attract a woman in their “incell” existence, thinking this type of virtue-signalling will attract one – it won’t) and their masculinity that they are doomed to be unhappy cunts for the rest of their lives.

    It’s a women’s strip, who should model it, a man? There’d be hell on from wimmenz groups. And how many would they sell if it was a blue-haired, pin-cushion faced, land whale with more tyres than the Michelin Man!

    Similarly when you see an ad for a pair of Calvin Klein briefs, it’s a hunk with a tight pair of buttocks that many real women would appreciate. I doubt they’d be so enamored if it were my hairy arse bulging out of the top of them with a crack like a bike stand!

    What benefit are these people to the greater society? I refuse to pander to the “professionally offended” and all of these cunts are groomed into being like this because of (anti)social media and the need to be seen as an SJW (for dopamine hit “likes”) for something, anything, PLEEEEASSSSE! Their neediness is palpable. Soft cunts.

    He finds this image offensive but I bet the cunt wasn’t remotely offended after the Manchester or London Bridge attacks, i.e., something truly offensive!

    No doubt he sees those kinds of incidents as just being cultural.


  17. I had to google Simon Kemp. A business development manager from Argyle & Bute. He must have got bored trying to flog shortbread and tweed purses.

    • He’s better than that. He’s an SNP activist, and he nearly stood for Argyll and Bute some years ago, but decided among other things to combat the hostility of the media to his party, on the ground. Translation: wasn’t selected to stand.
      Lives in Lochgilphead, which explains much. There’s absolutely fuck-all to do there and the local media haven’t caught up with ripped jeans yet. Or legs, come to that.

  18. All football shirts are offensive whether they are on a male cunt or female cunt. No discrimination here. Fucking wankers.

    • I have Arsenal shirts, but being as I have a personality disorder, I can act like a 12 year old any time I want.

  19. Where was his outrage when all the white girls where raped and abused by the pakis scum?

  20. And the silly soy-twat seems to have missed the fact that there’s a lot of (perfectly legal) sexuality hovering around the world of sport.

    It’s very hateful against certain religions, though – it should have been modelled on a goat, to encourage morbidly obese slimes to take up 10 mile runs with a 50kg back-pack on…

    Anyway, I’d do her.

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