As the government introduce a new level of sex education into schools where parents will not be able to opt out in the interests of diversity and inclusion I urge cunters to educate themselves about Alfred Kinsey the father of the sexual revolution.
Portrayed as a hero by the the media, Hollywood and the liberal left but if you do some digging on this entomologist I hope you’ll draw your own conclusions about his legacy and how this mans influence has now reached into the classrooms of western schools.
I hope admin will find this fit to post because this is a fucking nightmare.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
Agreed.Quick question: How long has Angelina Jolie been the NZ prime minister?
KD: did you note she wore the hajib to address the Muslim ‘commooie leaduz’
If that ain’t capitulation I don’t know What is.
The National Hand Wringing Display Team, and the “Hooray Hakka Heroes”….Where does it all end. ?
Nothing on the Today Programme about the Dutch attack but more about NZ. I’m sorry, but my well of empathy for the victims is running dry.
This soft as shit Jacinda bitch is getting right up my nose. Now she’s never going to mention the cunt’s name as if that will make all this nastiness go away.
Has she got Mr Tusk’s friend, Sophie (age 6, hope you like my picture) writing her scripts for her? Soft cow.
About 3.5 metres.
Kinsey was ahead of his time when it comes to the moral degradation of western society starting with his publicly “open” marriage.
He also interviewed – but kept their identities anonymous – pee-doughs to find out what made them tick sexually. At the time most folk were horrified at these studies. These days he’d be right up there on the elites podium as he sanitises their debauched tastes.
Sex Education is necessary from a mechanics perspective and to press upon the maturing school attendees that bringing little baskets into the world – when you’re I’ll equipmed (both mentally AND financially) to look after them – isn’t the best life choice for them nor the child.
Sexuality has no place in the classroom. Teaching trans-bendor-ism to 7yr olds is abhorrent, serves no purpose (other than adding that “P” to the ever growing list of letters – which the elites are also looking forward to), and is a perversion of the education system.
Recently this kind off B.S. was completely rejected at a school in Birmingham by deeply religious parents who were so offended by it being forced on their kids that they kept their kids out of school in protest (600 out of 800 pupils).
Ordinarily the neo-liberal fascists would be all over this, calling the parents homophobic zealots, heralding the bravery of the teacher and demanding that the parents of the students be prosecuted for hate-think.
Unfortunately the religious parents in question were “peaceful” and – as they top the victimisation chart – they got a free pass.
This is what happens when the left consumes itself when it’s only mantra is identity politics.
Hahaha. And where’s the footage of Owen Jones trying to explain away this one?! Imagine the brainfreeze he and his ilk would get!! “Nothingtodowithislam, nothingtodowithislam”. To be honest, I agree with the “peaceful” parents. I don’t want lgbtqxyz123862-and-a-half propaganda in primary schools. I don’t want it normalised. I certainly object to trans activists preying on children and confusing them by saying boys can have periods in order to multiply the trans community. As you correctly said, if the parents had been white British they would have been hit with hate crime charges, and their kids would’ve been dragged away from them (for their own good obviously). But, of course, nothing will happen to the “peacefuls” because their culture needs to be respected, after all. It’s their way. Who are we to criticise them?! There will come a day when feminists and the lgbtqxyz123862-and-a-half community come begging for help from straight secular men. On that day, I’ll just whisper “No” and then watch and laugh my arse off as they fight it out with the “peaceful” community.
I pray I live long enough to see these cunts flung off tower blocks, whilst complaining that they’ve supported the savages for decades.
You could then scrape them off the pavement and use them as filling in the pies in another of today’s noms.
Good and bad homophobia/trannyphobia, good if the peacefuls are complaining. Bad if whiteys are complaining. Truth withers like a poisoned vine.
Not only did he interview paedophiles he championed infants enjoying sex, noting one infant managed to orgasm multiple times in a 24 hour period. That’s a sustained attack.
This is the father of the sexual revolution lauded by the progressives and used to frame legislation.
Evil incarnate.
RWAC: Have you any good links to that stuff about Kinsey? Sounds interesting.
If your a bloke and you like it in the back end your a puff, if you’re a woman and you use a strap on your a lezzi. If your normal male or female you just on with it and happy days. If your gender fuckwit and don’t no if you want cock or pussy u ain’t hip or clever your a retard and please fuck off savi
I’m surprised there wont be a shortage of turkey basters in the event of Brexit, that will fuck the lbqtxyx457& masterplan up.
There is no place in schools for teaching deviant practices and any attempts to normalise it and make it mainstream thinking.
Schools should be more concerned in giving children a rounded education and the tools to forge a career when they eventually become ready for the world of work or further education.
Young adults will learn about deviancy in their own good time and firm their own opinions on it. But no, this does not serve the purpose of the PIE and gender-bending loving liberal elite. They want a programmed, compliant society of young drones, a la Owen Cuntface Jones.
Fuck the liberal elite, the deviants and the Hinge and Bracket types to hell.
Before the mania properly begins, Sixdog, I would point out that Kinsey was a psychologist. He may also have been a bit of a pseudo.
He was certainly not, however, a student of – or any kind of authority on – insects. Just a friendly observation before it all gets out of hand.
What did you actually mean when you typed entomologist? I had a dyslexic¹ friend at school, who often “vaunted his conquering of insubordinate hills”.
¹ [In fact, dyslexia is here rather euphemistic, and my friend progressed to serial offences of quite unspeakable kinds, and is still in Rampton, I believe.]
Aha, I see that your nomination was based on his Wikipedia entry, per:
I should point out that, in 1914, entomology as a linguistic expression, let alone an authentic field of scholarship, was non-existent. The wiki entry is utterly misleading. If Kinsey is an entomologist then I am an architect/painter-and-decorater/plumber/landscape gardner/carpenter/chauffeur/pioneering mountaineer/errm/and/so/on….
One really should take much on that site with a huge pinch of salt, and a closer scrutiny of the sources.
(To be fair to wiki, the article does go on to describe the man’s more renowned attributes.)
Actually various sources including the AlfrEd C Kinsey institute.
“Alfred Charles Kinsey was an American biologist, professor of entomology and zoology, and sexologist” but what would they know.
. Note I asked other cunters to do their own research.
On the subject of Entomology.
“Throughout history the study of insects has intrigued great scientific minds. … Entomology emerged as a distinct field of study in the early 19th century, with the publication of such works as the 8-volume British Entomology (1824–39), by John Curtis, and the founding of entomological societies in Paris and London.”
Mr Curtis was indeed a clever cunt, researching and writing his 8 volumes on a field of science that was unrecognised and as yet unnamed.
That’s from Britannica, guess them cunts are wrong as well.
Whatever his speciality he was one strange individual.
Until the dramatic improvement of chemical staining technology (for microscopy) in the 1920s, it would be more accurate to refer to those 19th Century pioneers as lepidopterists.
The devil is well and truly in the detail, Mr Vomit, and the etymology of entomology in no real doubt. That any of the above were entomologists (in any modern) sense is clearly absurd.
Britannica/Wikipedia aside, and risking accusations of Humpty-Dumptyism of the worst kind, it does well to recall that (in the science of biology alone) viruses were thought to be non-living toxins well into the 1920s, and that the “vital force” theory had only been scotched by Wöhler 100 years earlier.
I resile that Kinsey was not an entomologist, Mr Vimto, though obviously wouldn’t recognise a Golgi apparatus from a Kipp’s… but then again, I am, in fact, a pioneering mountaineer, and a professional dry-cleaner into the bargain
(but only on Sundays and Bank Holidays).
‘Kin’ ell, proper old-fashioned horseshite, what?
You are of course welcome to you opinion, like arseholes we all have one. You are also welcome to demonstrate to all here that you have a vastly superior intellect, which you very probably do. You’re welcome to lecture me in the manner of a piss poor stand in Hannibal Lecter impersonator, knock yourself out kid.
You can turn your snide cuntitude in my direction, one of the blessings of being poorly educated is most of it will go right over my head and not one fuck will be given.
Can you hear them screaming Clarice ?
Tell you what Vimto, Mr Kinsey was in fact a very famous entomologist. I thought he was a psychie made famous for his study of human deviance, when all along he was into tardigrades.
Goshhh.. that’s wiki for you!
“Dyslexia Rules, KO” (as I recently noticed had been sprayed on a public convenience). Must be true
Nicely put, SV. I can’t help agreeing with you. But I think Mr. Spedding is having a supercilious laugh to himself.
Re. Dr. Jeremy Butterfield (passim), I knew his mother well. Bit of a goer, but probably inspired Butterfield’s work on the Kochen-Specker Theorem (available to all on Google)…
The trouble with sex-education is The Gays.
The Gays have taken the opportunity afforded by the relaxation in Anti-Bumming legislation to inveigle their way into schools. No child is born Gay.Gayness is thrust on to children by Poofs looking to influence impressionable minds….their aim? A simple selfish wish to have a new generation of sweet young meat into which to thrust their pork-sword.
The Gays present themselves to unformed minds as exotic and exciting. All children go through a rebellious stage,and this is when The Gays swoop. They present a picture of an independent-thinking lifestyle. Their appearance…bouffant wigs,high heels and gaudy make-up simply screams a “Let’ stick it up The Man” mindset which appeals to the juvenile mind.
Sex education is unnecessary. Normal children will figure it out for themselves. They do not need some smorgasbord of sexual shenanigans presented to them by a devious dirt-box digger. Men fuck women…that’s it. Any variation to this is an
abomination. Of course,there will always be the class “weirdo”. Unless they can be taught the error of their ways by their peers,they will always be the most open to the idea of unnatural behaviour . The Gay knows this and swoops like a hawk on a chicken….but tbh, the Gays are welcome to that type of weedy freak. so many of the World’s problems,are behind the sexual confusion that infects so many young people these days. Sex education classes are not the cure to monstrous behaviour,they are the cause.
Fuck Off.
PS. I wish the father who spawned Warwick Davis had been bummed out of the idea of procreation by some enterprising Gay.
English irony at its finest!
Morning Kriddler ?
Who the fuck is Warwick Davis?
I knew personally (and quite well) an oddball from the Wirral called Warwick Abbott. He was sent down for around 16 years for “kiddy fiddling” a couple of years ago. The judge at Mold Crown was particularly harsh in his sentencing, as the sexual activity was largely consensual (though quite unlawful), and the girls had been “egged on” to prosecute by their estranged natural father more than ten years later. Hitherto, it had merely been an “extremely weird” part of their childhood, and they had, in fact, fully come to terms with it. A very sorry tale indeed, but in no way ameliorated by the handing down of a stretch more usually seen for the likes of Anders Breivik. Archbold it wasn’t!
Warwick had not committed any offences – of any kind – before or since those bizzarre events in his sad life, and will probably have his sentence reviewed downwards in due season.
A sad story indeed, DF, but who the fuck is Warwick Davis?
Davis is a Dwarf. I don’t much care for dwarves. They are nasty bitter little bastards who can be surprisingly vindictive when you pat one on the head and ask him if his wife is called Snow White and his children Grumpy and Sneezy when you encounter them doing their weekly shop in Tesco.
Tsk tsk master Spedding. Warwick Davis is none other than Willow and Wicket the Ewok of Return of the Jedi fame.
He’s playing me in a future biopic, alongside John Lithgow as my gay boxer dog.
I’m hoping Peter Greenaway or David Lynch will direct.
Absolutely none the wiser there, Cuntamus.
“Willow and Wicket the Ewok of Return of the Jedi” is not only not famous to me, and somewhat ungrammatical, but would have been equally opaque, had it been enciphered in Linear A.
A brief Google image search to the rescue, on the other hand, which reveals Mr Davis to be a rather deviant-looking dwarf, who I think I saw on a quiz show while round at a mate’s
(whose dumb-as-fuck, pug-ugly fat babymother/wife was – as ever – watching television).
Still not much the wiser to Mr Fiddler’s mischief, although Warwick seems personable enough, if a little upsetting for the children. Not in the same league, clearly, as my eponymous acquaintance, Mr Abbott.
I did reply this morning at 09.30, C.S. My reply is still in moderation.
Thanks Cuntamus, but my reply is unsurprisingly in moderation. Must have been the renewed mention of Warwick Abbott.
And Life’s Too Short
I quite enjoyed Life’s Too Short…
Coat already on and taxi imminent.
Btw, why would any kid need sex education when Pornhub’s just a click away?
This is the march of liberal totalitarianism.
Trannies not to be challenged, even though it is clearly a mental health issue.
Gays to be deified and normalised. I have no problem with them but it might be natural but it isn’t normal..
Family unit to be denigrated, despite all evidence that it is important for stability in society.
Cunts who cant be challenged.
They should stop selling gender fluid, it’s worse than alcohol or tobacco. What a horror it would be after a few pints of it to find your cock covered in poo.
Deviant juice.
Goodbye for now.
Actually various sources including the AlfrEd C Kinsey institute.
“Alfred Charles Kinsey was an American biologist, professor of entomology and zoology, and sexologist” but what would they know.
. Note I asked other cunters to do their own research.
On the subject of Entomology.
“Throughout history the study of insects has intrigued great scientific minds. … Entomology emerged as a distinct field of study in the early 19th century, with the publication of such works as the 8-volume British Entomology (1824–39), by John Curtis, and the founding of entomological societies in Paris and London.”
Mr Curtis was indeed a clever cunt, researching and writing his 8 volumes on a field of science that was unrecognised and as yet unnamed.
That’s from Britannica, guess them cunts are wrong as well.
Opps excuse the repeat post, I’m a cunt but I’m self aware enough to know it.
If you open up the subject even by just a crack (i like that word) everything will eventually slip through, its no wonder kids are confused.
Sing if you’re glad to be gay
What the fuck!
Think children would be better off learning why their parents marriage is rocky, why mummy maxs out the credit card every month and daddy has the entire collection of back door sluts on bluray.
Or maybe something about relationships first, emotional wellbeing or whatnot.
And in other news:
‘Grime music being stifled, MPs say’
Institutional racism no less. Nothing to do with the stabby audience it attracts or the fact that it is shite then.
Who’s stifling it? I’ll send them money.
I saw that, racism? Many black people have voiced concern about grime and now trap music, them racists?
Even more entertaining was the Nick Ferrari show this morning where various people attempted to argue that islam should not be mentioned in relation to islamic terrorists acts. It looks bad on Muslims.
According to the Guardian this is what happens when a country relies on democracy and gets the wrong type of right wing extremist government.
All power to the EU.
Free-movement-is-good-for-the-economy. Free-movement-is-good-for-the-economy. Free-movement-is-good-for-the-economy…..
He looks like Suggs.
One Step Beyond (into the poochute).
♫♫ Na, na, na, na-na-na-na-na-naaaaaaaaa – One Step too Far ♫♫
An anecdote to demonstrate jyst how pathetic teachers are with sex ed.
A female teacher at my midfle school offered an audience of boys to ask her any questions about sex they might have. One of my friends asked,’ is it true a man can get paralysed if he gets a blow job?’
He was sent out and given detention.
Our secondary school female sex ed teacher made an attempt to remove the giggling element from the start by opening with the various technical references.
In her best Gunnery Sgt Hartman act, she said, “Today you are going to learn about words like SCROTUM, PENIS, TESTICLES and VAGINA”
I recall stifling an uncontrollable fit of giggles, along with my classmates. Honestly, it was like a real-life episode of Beavis and Butthead.
Spastic-fingered twat.
Although I remember getting sex education back in the mid 70’s I don’t remember a single thing about it. Perhaps this isn’t surprising at a Boys Grammar school, most of us didn’t know what girls were. Most of what I learnt was with my first girlfriend and books. Nowadays I’d probably be expected, and encouraged, to practice with the boy sitting next to me.
Sounds quite like my experience of sex education Moggie. My sex education was taught by a bad tempered old harpie called Miss Gray.
Anybody who asked any awkward, or what she considered to be silly questions was sent to stand outside. Within 20 minutes nearly all the boys were stood in the corridor. One boy asked if it was normal to fancy your own Mum !
He was sent to the headmasters and received the cane, and rightly so, the perverted cunt.
Similar. A biology lesson was given over to this, the giggle factor being eliminated by the teacher’s reputation for caning. I was also given A Book by my parents, rather mystifyingly as it contained little of interest, the external genitalia having been omitted from the illustrations of M&F. Had to work the details out in the field.
Sounds very much like my own experience Moggie, our sex education was taken by a bad tempered old trout, who it seemed didn’t want to be doing it.
Anybody who asked awkward, or in the old trouts opinion, silly questions were ordered to go and stand in the corridor. Within 20 minutes there were very few boys left in the classroom.
One boy asked if it was normal to fancy your own Mum ! he was sent straight to the headmasters, the mixed up perverted cunt.
My sex education during the 70s was baffling to say the least, it was taken by an evil old witch who didn’t like the subject matter, nor the children she was teaching.
Anybody who asked awkward, or in her opinion silly questions was made to stand in the corridor, within 20 minutes there were more boys in the corridor than the classroom. One boy asked if it was normal to fancy your own mum !
He was sent straight to the Headmaster.
Tried this twice keeps getting moderated.
His nickname was Tomato, he had the the most perfectly round head you can imagine, and had a permanently bright red face. So we didn’t know if he blushed after asking the question when everybody tried to suppress their laughter, and said old witch made him feel worthless, with her barbed comments.
He just looked at the floor, i think he was glad to be ordered to the Headmasters afterwards.
Afterwards his nickname became motherfucker, and that was long before the phrase came from the USA.
Kinsey was a cunt. He has no place in sex education whatsoever.
I do however agree with sex education in schools. Many, many young people are never told about this stuff as either the parents are too embarrassed to bring up the subject or are coming from some backwards, religious standpoint and the subject remains off limits and taboo. Kids MUST be educated in the emotional/physical stuff regarding sex and the biology of it, if only so they know how to protect themselves. It should be THAT and nothing more…certainly not the twisted shite Kinsey spouted on about.
I distinctly remember my sex ed class at school. I went to an all girls school which made it marginally less embarrassing as we didn’t have to contend with sniggering boys. It was held (of all places) en masse in the lunch hall, so there were rows and rows of girls on the dinner tables. What I have NEVER forgotten is a girl called Debbie who was in my class fainting backwards so her head flopped back on to the table behind her where my friends and I were sitting, eyes rolling in her head when the teacher produced a very large cucumber and a condom.
Laugh? You can say that again.
Blimey Nurse, wish I could have been there. Sounds like an absolute scream!
Bollocks. Sex education is best learned behind the bicycle sheds, and following the advice of some senior who has “done it ” before. Anything goes wrong, then you’re learning boy.
The old penny in the cunt as a test for clap in my days was a complete bullshit! But it did encourage us to spend our change wisely !
You said it, HH. Behind the bike sheds was the very place that I copped my first ‘downstairs’ feel (sheer bliss; my Dog, it was like a jihadi’s beard even at her age) and had my first and only fag (coughed my guts up).
Happy days!!
Jazz mags fly tipped up the old railway line were my first eye opener. Mary Millington and co. So much bush! Like fur bikini bottoms. What a time to be alive.
Mary M. Now there’s a name from the past Gutstick.. Sadly only 34 when she died, I believe. Do you remember her contemporary, Fiona Richmond? She’s still alive and (hopefully) kicking. I get the impression that, like me, you’re found of a lush ladygarden, my friend!
Indeed I am, nothing beats a comfy rug. ?