Who you might say? This shower of cunts are a pressure group(Naturism Action Group) who promote Naturism as a lifestyle choice. They’ve particularly pissed me off in the last week or so as they’ve hijacked my local paper’s letters/comments page to promote their cause. This is in response to the paper’s report of a naked man cycling in the area – most probably a stunt that they’ve arranged. I kid you not – I had to check it was not April 1st. Now I’ve no problem per se with Naturism – I couldn’t give a damn what they do in their own space and time. However, the way these fundamentalist fucktards go about it is frightening. With the fervour of religious zealots, you are not to oppose them and their mission is to convert you.
Many of the posters are outside the local area with several being national officers for the group. If you’re interested and you really want to see so many cunts (excuse pun) assembled in one place, go to www.warringtonguardian.co.uk The story is under “naturists defend naked cyclist” and is presently around item no. 19. Better still, if any of you “textiles” ( yes, that’s the name they give to you or me as non believers! ) wish to give any of them a good cunting, then feel free to register and do so. I’d love to flood the site as my comments have run their course. As these subversives have overrun the site, I’d love to do the same with opponents. Cunts (and pricks) everyone of them.

Nominated by Bluntspeakingcunt

49 thoughts on “N.A.G

  1. Much the same as any single issue headbanging pressure group, vegans and LGBT nutters particularly, they will manufacture some discrimination jackanory to further their cause and depending on the victimhood hierarchy are normally indulged. I wonder if this man was cycling in his birthday suit through some of our vibrant culturally diverse areas?

    • Yes can’t see the cunts parading themselves in downtown Lutonistab or Bradfordrabad!

      More imbecilic shite to garner victimhood brownie points. Unfortunately in the victimhood stakes “peacefuls” have no peers and so they could knock these cunts off their bikes and nowt would be said.

      There has to be some salacious or nefarious reason to want to do this which goes against nature?? I mean as soon as we evolved the concept of clothing ourselves we did so.

      Fucking nutters.

      • He will avoid the peaceful and tolerant ghettos if he doesn’t want his bollocks on the end of a kebab skewer, Inshallah.

  2. I wouldn’t care if they weren’t all so fucking ugly. It’s never some fit young tart parading her bits,always an ancient old Grannie or droopy-titted,untrimmed bush Earth-Mother type.

    I remember when The Naked Rambler came to my local Co-op to do a bit of shopping….rucsac on his back,nutsack flapping free. Now, nobody can convince me that the sight of some 40-odd year old bloke parading bollock-naked through the meat-section can ever be desirable.

    * BluntspeakingCunt…..Have you considered smearing some Deep-Heat on their bicycle seats?

  3. I apologise for immediately dragging it off-topic, but I just received the official update regarding the recent petition made to ban all ISIS members from entering the UK. I’m sure everyone else that signed it have received the same update, but in case not, or for anyone that missed the petition, you can view the parliamentary debate here:


    Be warned though, it does include the Flabbot weighing in on it, pun intended.

    Amazing though that not only do you need to petition a government to debate such a topic and to make it publicly available, but also exactly what over 500,000 people making that demand for them to accomplishes. The latter part I’m sure you could already guess.

    • More verbiage and bullshit!

      20% who went are dead (no tears here).

      40% who went have returned and have been investigated and pose no further threat (yeah, right).

      The one stat they don’t let slip is the 0% conviction rate.

      Yes I’m sure they all mean us infidels well now don’t they…


      • Many thanks for the link Flipper Lips. Piss boiling stuff, and as you rightly suggest, why does it take a petition for such a common sense debate to occur? I personally believe that the majority of ” peaceful” citizens are simply waiting for the right time and the right opportunity before making the final move, and that our most helpful government is facilitating that takeover. They are all 5th columnists, and I wish them all to fuck off to that great sandpit in the fucking sky! Cunts to a man.

  4. More attention seeking fuckwits. These arseholes have had places where they can go and do what they do for donkeys years. Nobody gave a fuck.
    But in the age of fuckbook and selfies that’s not good enough any more. They have to inflict their weirdo shit on everybody else and demand recognition.
    I once saw a bunch of dirty cunts cycling stark bollock naked. ( for Charidee of course, you can do any attention seeking shit if it’s for Charidee) But that was in Brighton, the home of The Gays.
    No doubt The Gayness has something to do with this nudist shit but i’ll leave that to our resident expert.

  5. I’m with Mr Fiddler on this one. It’s always the people with tits round their navels, sagging folds of skin everywhere and gonads past their use by date that want to inflict this visual horror on us. The women are just as bad. If you want to walk around naked that’s fine. But do it in the privacy of your own home or a club that caters for your form of perversion. The unlovely nudity is offensive to the eye but the real offense, like so much else these days, is these cunts shoving it in our faces whilst claiming it’s normal behaviour. It’s not. You’re degenerates. Anyone galavanting naked in public should be flogged through the streets before having chilli paste ( chilli padi the really burning stuff) inserted into their anal cavity. Unless, that is, they are female, aged 16-35, no stretch marks and has a face not requiring a paper bag during intercourse in the missionary position. Weirdos.
    P.S. Waveney District Council had to close it’s trendy nude beach in Lowestoft because the gay boys pumping arseholes upset the matrons out walking their dogs. Fucking disgraceful. There’s a byelaw banning dogs from the beach.

  6. And will these attention-seeking twats insist on children riding around naked? How will that sit with the other libtards insisting our children should be protected from dirty old perverts?

    But then given the hypocrisy from some these lefty cunts they will take the middle road and declare children can wear what they want because its “their right!” and to say otherwise is offensive and draconian blah blah

    Fuck them

  7. To be fair though there are some decent looking birds who attend the world naked bike ride events.

    • Fair enough, TITS,but I bet that their events don’t include a naked ride through Warrington. The British climate doesn’t lend itself to gallivanting about naked. Sunny California,yes…Rio,yes…Warrington just doesn’t have the same allure for “the beautiful people”…just sad,attention-seeking Munters would consider stripping off in Warrington.

  8. ‘Fat bottomed girls’ ( Queen for the much younger and much older ISACs) was one of the first singles I ever bought ……. loads of naked birds on bycycles on the cover.

    Anyway just saying …….. Given everything else going on in the world at the moment I must confess to feeling indifferent to the ‘cause’ behind this post. That said I respect bluntspeakingcunts right to be perurb d by those twats ( and knobs) or knobtwats if they have intersex persons in their club.

    Mutter Futters the lot of em!

  9. I like this cunting. But I get the impression that anything adding vibrancy, diversity and an element of sexual deviation to Warrington might not be such a bad idea, and is it so much worse than skintight fluorescent Lycra?

    Deep Heat is suggested as a remedy, above – good idea, but Tiger Balm is stickier and lasts longer. A saddle-cover of 40-grade emery cloth is also suggested, but knocking the cunt off and letting road rash have its way may be best of all.

  10. In the news today, the ABBC are spending £87 million rebuilding the set of Eastenders…

    On topic… the worst wank I ever had was as a 13 yr old, trying to jack-off over a copy of Health & Efficiency. Complete waste of 2/6, a sizeable chunk of my pocket money.

    • You too, RTC? It was only later I discovered beaver mags in Praed Street – got half your stake back if you returned them after use. Some were rather difficult to open, though.

      • #MeToo K, though it must be 30 years since I last visited the smoke with the intention of replenishing my stock of filth. The smut shop I part exchanged my mags & vids at can’t have been far from Praed Street…

  11. Relief all round when Diana Abbotts planned naked ramble around local fast food chiggun shops was cancelled for Red Nose Day to highlight Whiteys indifference to starvation in Africa. #wobbleagainstworldhunger.

  12. Not that I would, but is it acceptable to give money for disaster recovery in Rhodesia (sorry, Zimfuckwe)? After all I am white and I don’t want David Lammy getting upset.
    Oh, and WHAT THE FUCK are the old bill doing
    going after someone because she referred to some gender bending tranny fucktard as he when it thinks it is a she. Yes,bit has had a cut and shunt but you can not alter chromosomes. Plod says the CPS demanded they question her
    Wrong! This would have been after plod submitted an advice file.

    Jordan Peterson ,George Orwell were right. This can not be allowed to happen. When the police are more interested in Twitter spats than burglary, we truly are fucked. That twat who called Sour face a nazi. Yes, not very pleasant but how the FUCK is that illegal? When that cunt abused the Rees Mogg clan two coppers just stood there. Imagine if it had been Priti Patels’ family of Lardy Lammy? Nigel Garage has been restored loads of time but no one is interested. The police used to be a breeding ground for the NF and daily mail readers. Now it is the home of the extreme left: Ayatollah Khan and Cressida Strap on.

    If the bloke who got shot last night in crackney,sorry Hackney, was a darkie I will head down to HMV to buy the charideee single. A police officer was slashed: no one gives a fuck. Expect the local cormunidee to be outraged and Hackney plod tool hastily arrange a consultation meeting with the local um bongo consultative group ( fried chicken snacks required).

    Any other country and the cunt would have been totalled by the 1st copper on scene.

  13. How long before A & E have to deal with their first set of saggy old bloke’s knackers entangled in rusty bike saddle springs due to seat cover splittage?
    Might make the local paper ?

  14. I am no supporter of the cystic knacker brigade, and any fucker cycling down my lane in a state of undress will become part of the tarmac very fucking quickly. I do have a young lady neighbour who is often topless in the summer months in her garden. That is a completely different matter, as she is partly screened by the Rhodedendron bush from which I can view.

    • That video clip of last year’s “event” lends new meaning to the words bell and end.
      A load of bollocks.

      • And not reported was the offence it caused to several tourists , and a scuffle outside the Anchor pub. The riders were all of the same Cambrian fuckwit type !

    • Often the most eccentric cunts are to be found around seats of great learning. How many academics have you seen that struggle to dress themselves?

  15. I hope a cold wind is blowing on the day, and his little Willy ends up looking like a piece of Stilton.

  16. The 29th of March. Well, it’s nearly upon us. It’s so exciting. But I’m unsure what to do. How are other cunters going to mark it? Non Brexit Day.

    • If we’re out, I will strip naked and ride the m/c at 140 mph in a bus lane. If we’re still in I shall stand outside the pub and sing ‘There’ll Always Be an England’ at all passersby. I have a really vile singing voice.

  17. Nude ain’t rude. I beg to differ if your naked carcass resembles ground zero after a tactical nuke test.
    Now I have to decide what I will be doing on not Brexit day. Gets fucking worse by the second.

  18. To paraphrase the late, great Aussie sports commenator Rex Mossop ( look him up..hilarious tautologist ) regarding a nudist beach near his house. ” I have nothing against male genitalia, I just don’t want it rammed down my throat when I go for a walk ” . My hero.

  19. Less than 7000 signatures to go. Come on, cunters. Tell your friends if you have any.


    The Prime Minister should advise Her Majesty the Queen to prorogue Parliament suspending the current parliamentary session until 2nd April 2019 to prevent any attempts by parliamentarians to thwart Brexit on 29th March 2019. Preparations for no-deal/WTO will continue.
    The Prime Minister’s deal has been rejected. No further deal is available from the EU. Remaining in the EU is not an option. Extension or revocation of Article 50 is not an option. I believe the British people voted to leave with no mention of a deal and that WTO rules, to which Britain will default on 29th March 2019, are in Britain’s best interests. We may get a better deal after, but not until, we have left.

    • Done Krav. Also email to my MP with my previous comment on another nom. Gandhi “the people have an inalienable right to oppose any government that betrays them in a great cause” No reply from the fat smug cunt. Mea culpa. I voted for the cunt.

  20. Also time to nominate the attention seekers who are ‘proud’ of their deformities and want to show them off to the entire universe. Saw one on TV last week, showing off the huge brown birthmarks all over her face and body and how she wasn’t afraid of showing them and didn’t care what people think. Well I think you’re an attention seeking tosser, so hide them please, they look disgusting.

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