LGBT Teaching in schools

As an atheist I never thought I would say this, but I am with the parents of all religions in their outrage at what is being unnecessarily forced on children.

Tolerance, yes, acceptance up to a point, yes. Celebration? No.

Homosexuality is natural so we must accept it. Fair enough, but a line has to be drawn on what seems to be the glorification of it.

Trannies are not natural, they are mentally ill and there is no justification for encouraging or normalising them. If Norman wants to dress up and be called Floella then he (and it is he) must accept any ridicule that comes his way. Not violence or bullying, but old fashioned ridicule.

I wouldn’t want my kids subjected to this totalitarian liberal shit so I can imagine what religious parents feel.
This teaching can only push the Moslems in particular further away from mainstream integration and modern society.

Liberal cunts who never consider unintended consequences.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

58 thoughts on “LGBT Teaching in schools

  1. Why does this fuckwittery have to be taught at all?
    Sex education should be about the biological need for procreation. Then, and more importantly how to stop procreation with birth control.
    How long will it be before goat raping and corpse defilement is on the curriculum?
    We know that people from countries who are at present culturally enriching the UK engage in these activities.

    Filthy cunts.

  2. I’m on The Gays side with this one. Gayness,whether rightly or wrongly (wrongly,obviously) is legal in this country. ” Tolerance” is the buzzword,no matter how bizarre the subject.
    I find the idea of teaching religion to children as strange as teaching them about Trannies, and yet accept that in a Country that embraces all variations of behaviour, homosexuality is no worse a subject for them to learn about than religion.

    Besides, if certain peaceful sections of the community don’t like the tax-payer funded education provided for their brats,I’m sure that there are plenty of Madrassas available to them in the Sandy countries where they belong. They’re free to Fuck Off back there and take their intolerant views with them.

    Teach Gayness in all schools,if it persuades even one family of camel-lovers to Fuck Off, I’m all for it.

    Fuck Off.

    • Yeah, I personally don’t give a shit if it “pushes moslems” away. If they’re that hard nosed and regressive, they can fuck off to a madrassa. They have their own courts, their own stores, etc. so they’re already more than sufficiently accommodated. On the other hand, the whole NB genderfluid bullshit is exactly that, and a genuinely fabricated First World problem that needs to fuck off, too.

      • Them peacefuls should be pushed away at every opportunity. I am a gay. There are a surprising number of funny tinged peaceful men who attend a ‘special’ place near me, where gays can go to enjoy themselves. I don’t know what they’re doing there. I don’t touch them.

    • The problem is that if these fuckers are pushed out of mainstream teaching the kids’ education will be faith based, IN THE UK, not in some Pakistani shithole. Unintended consequences? Perhaps but hardly conducive to the fuckers becoming civilised and tolerant.

      • They won’t be pushed out. They will prevail. What really gets me is that one particular section of society is being allowed to dictate. They must not be allowed to pick and choose what they find “acceptable” in this Country. They either accept ” tolerance”or they don’t. Everyone else has to accept things like homosexuality because they are legal,however distasteful.

        The Anti -Gay cakemakers weren’t allowed to use the excuse of finding homosexuality incompatible with their Christian beliefs as an excuse. What makes Moslems think that their religious beliefs are any more important than Christian beliefs..or the law of the land?

      • Hi Dick the answer to the question is because they are Muslim. This is why the Islamic belief is totally incompatible with our ( what’s left) society.

      • ‘Perhaps but hardly conducive to the fuckers becoming civilised’

        Is it civilised to teach children they can change into the opposite sex when they’re older?

      • Is it civilised to teach them that purgatory awaits children who don’t follow the Catholic Priest’s every instruction?

      • Purgatory is where we are purified so we can enter into the Divine Presence. Perfectly reasonable doctrine. So yes, civilised teaching.

      • Still a place or State of suffering, isn’t it? Terrify a load of children with the idea of some place where they suffer until “purified”.

    • Thank you Dick, from the bottom of my heart, or the heart of my bottom, just to inject an almost mandatory bit of crudity there. Just because I’m a sausage jockey it doesn’t make me an evil person at heart. This tribe are born evil. They are born of a billion people who are and have evil indoctrinated into them from womb to grave. The Koran and Mohammed is the physical embodiment of evil on Earth. I make no apologies for being gay, but I fully and totally accept that it not the ‘natural order of things’ and is rather a blip in nature’s force. If only the majority of my ‘tribe’ could see the same, but alas the majority of them are assless-chaps and thong wearing ‘Pride’ limpets who have not the intelligence or independence of thought to do or think anything other than what the EVIL LEFT CABAL inculcates into them throughout their 18 to 25 years of schooling. And what’s richer, they think they have an ‘affinity’ with Muslims. I despair, I really do.

      • I may bang on about ” The Gays”, but, to boil it down, I’d be less unhappy to have Gays as neighbours than a bunch of Muslims demanding that they should be allowed to flaunt the law of the land and set their own agenda. It’s only one step shy of demanding that Sharia law trumps our own laws.

        I would still,of course, set the hounds on any wig-wearing,make-up caked,high-heel wearing,frilly-dress clad,pink jeep driving, “OOH, Get her,Ducky” shouting Gays who decided to move to rural Northumberland.

        🙂 .

      • I totally get it. And a number one wish for myself is that ‘us gays’ didn’t so visually and vocally consist of the Tatchell/Pride/Owen Jones contingent. I am conservative to a fault – I believe that every individual should take responsibility for their own lives and fortunes. I did the deluded phase of ‘Pride’ marches and such back in the day, but now it sickens me. And the LGBT ABCXYZ indoctrination in education is an horrific abomination. I feel like I’m a minority within a minority in that regard.

      • Truth be told,I wouldn’t give a shit if a couple of Gays moved into the area. There’s already a few who sometimes come into the pub and are good craic. I have no problem with them.

  3. Now children we have a very special guest speaker today. He is called Mr Degenerate. Now some if you might be confused because he looks like a man dressed as a woman. And no he’s not a clown David or a pantomime dame either Lydia. It something far more serious than that. He is going to talk about boys turning into girls and girls turning into boys. Stop giggling at the back.
    Ah here he is. Give him a round of applause everyone.

    • Yep, Miles. Better to have some “celibate” dressed up in full religious regalia spouting Hellfire and Damnation. A definite improvement.

      • It’s the fact that we have no religion that is allowing this degeneracy to flourish.

      • No religion in the Catholic Church Miles? Plenty of degeneracy there… a large part of it against the criminal law.

      • No, it’s a decline in Morality that allows degeneracy to flourish.
        So called “religious” people are as capable of wickedness as anyone else. They don’t follow a Moral Code that should guide everyone,religious or not. People certainly shouldn’t look to the Bible as a guide to what is acceptable conduct,nor should they hide behind it.

  4. Parents who pump their kids heads full of nonsense, moan about teachers pumping their kids heads with other nonsense. I suppose it is difficult if little mo comes home from school and asks big mo what a tranny is. How can big mo answer without singing ‘flying without wings”?……..

  5. There is no place for teaching this perversion in schools. It is corrupting our children. Neither are schools the place to teach religion. That belongs in the home. Children will grow up to in their own good time to understand that there are people who are attracted to the same sex – homosexuals and lesbians. These people have always existed.I have no quarrel with them. Many that I’ve known are in long term loving relationships. Good luck to them. What I object to is the constant screaming, in your face, claims that this is normal acceptable behaviour. Well, if you’re a heterosexual it is not normal. It is acceptable if it’s conducted in private. But that applies to all relationships, doesn’t it? I don’t parade around the HIgh Street semi-naked whilst fucking Mrs Fim from behind. I couldn’t give a shit if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or whatever. What I give a shit about is standards of public behaviour; having consideration for your fellow humans. There’s too much of this uncivilised public promotion of “look at me I’m different” especially on television. You are not fucking different. You are human. Get on with your life but don’t let your conduct interfere in mine, thank you very much. Cunts.

    • I completely agree with your comments sir, and I also have no time for attention seekers. However if you were to fuck your wife from behind in the high street, it’s likely that I would stand there politely and watch.

  6. The Peacefulls will definately not be sending their children to St. Anthony’s in Sedgfield then. Under the expert instruction of head master (and he gives a lot of masters head), Mr. Mangledbum will be taking the boys for games and teaching them to take it like a man. Compulsory showers by the way.

    Religious instruction will be provided by the former Revd. Chris Bryant, and cookery will be handled by Ms. Angela Eagle, who will show them how to prepare their mince.

    Outdoor activities will be catered for as well – the school has a strong connection with the boy scouts and Mr. Twigg is chief scoutmaster. He will also teach horticulture and will show the boys how to bed down their pansies.

    Media studies will be taken by Ben Bradshaw, former BBC man. Peter Kyle is our European geography tutor and of course Lloyd Russell-Moyle as Matron has a keen interests in the welfare of young people.

    Come to St Anthonys, where gaiety is always on the agenda.

  7. Christ, with faces like they have I’m almost obliged to turn gay. The full face veil is starting to make sense now.

    Personally I love this quandry. The Muslims vs the Bumbadiers vs the Social Conservatives vs the media/establishment who don’t know who to support. It’s a delight to watch it play out, makes life worth tolerating.

    • Quite. When common garden Islam meets Graun liberalism. I am very much enjoying watching this one play itself out.

    • Agreed, it’s interesting watching everyone trying to stay neutral in the press. LGBTQ and Mulslims have more in common than that which divides them……in particular their clothing.

  8. This mostly roots from Kinsey whom I cunted recently. Kinsey was possibly influenced by Crowley and we know what that cunt was all about.

    Now I know some cunts disagree, which is fine, don’t take anything at face value and do your own research if you’re interested to know.

    The downward spiral in morality can be traced back to the beginnings of the sexual revolution. Not a prude by any stretch of the imagination but I do believe what adults enjoy sexually has no place in a classroom.

    I don’t believe that religion is a good tool to use to moderate what is taught in schools but I do believe that drag queens and trans people ha w no place in a classroom.

    LBGT+or-, who the fuck cares? There are two genders not 96. Cunts who want to be something there not are fully entitled as an individual to do so, what I can’t accept is children being indoctrinated into what is after all a political movement is cuntery.

    LBGT rights are not human rights. If your human rights are being infringed then you deserve protection. But it people take the piss because you’re an 18st geezer in a dress and lipstick welcome to humanity.

    A gay teacher introduces LBGT into the curriculum and no one dares stand up and question the agenda?

    As for the Muslims who happen to ha e conservative views overlapping our own? They ain’t no allies, this week it’s LBGT in the curriculum, next when they have enough numbers it’s dress codes for girls and removal of crosses from school buildings.

    When these Muslims protest the school they do it because of Islam not for the greater good.

    Where was the Muslim protest against the grooming of children from within their communities?

    What a fucking mess we are in, little tommy will know all about every kind of sexual deviance by the time he leaves school but will need help to fill in a basic form.

    Education or programming?

    • Very much agree with your thoughts, Sixdog. The ‘Do as Thou Wilt’ philosophy of Crowley is the morality of barnyard animals, which is where we are today really isn’t it. The sexual revolution failed to account for the possibility that there was a reason the big religions placed such a value on heterosexuality and shunned other acts. The enlightened liberals assumed all acts are equal and all acts affect our psychology equally, which may not be the case – no investigation was or has been undertaken to this end.

      It’s all motivated by cunts at the top of the chain who want their own proclivities legitimized without scrutiny.

  9. Say what you want abaaaaaht the peacefuls at least they had the bollocks to stand up against this utter twisted shite in the Midlands. I noticed on Question Time the other night as well only a peaceful put their hand up and responded against this being taught.
    I said yesterday let’s all convert and we won’t be blamed for naffink and repent later… Alan o’snackbar

    • Am I still allowed to use soap?
      …and I’m not raping any goats. I know I’ll need to fit it but I don’t think my fella will manage it.

  10. Herr Fiddler is right.

    I do not believe that teaching 5 year Olds about lezzers proofs and trannies us necessary. What concerns me us that the left have chosen Mudslimes over poofders.Ompression Olympics and the camel fuckers get a gold

    The left do not get it. After all gays for Palestine. Yes, support people who would throw you off a roof!

    • Identity politics 2019.

      ROPer trumps poofter. Sorry mate…..

      You raise a very good point now. Whenever I see an iron on the news or telly agitating for the peacefuls, I always think of turkeys voting for christmas.

  11. It’s rare that things get my dander up, but this has. This is two schools now, majority ‘Parking Stanley’, where they’ve been protesting because teachers had the nerve to say that most boys love girls and vice versa, but sometimes, boys like boys and girls like girls. I very much doubt they couched in more cogent or explicit terms than that. It constituting ‘homosexuality’ lessons is not the issue. The issue is, this is two examples of MUSLIMS grouping and taking action against an institution. THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS, DO PEOPLE REALLY NOT REALISE THIS. THEY BREED, SWELL THEIR NUMBERS THEN TAKE POWER. Sweet Jeez I don’t know how much plainer this needs to be put. Today it’s haranguing a school. Tomorrow it’ll be half of them in government implementing Sharia. WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS.

    • I am inclined to agree. I don’t believe it can be correct to pander to Muslim’s because it makes it appear their wishes countermand everyone else’s.

      Once they win one *victory* they will be after the next thing they think they can get away with.

      Also, some of them are quite militant in their *demands*, which lets them them think the louder they shout about anything the more likely it is the government will cave into them.

      • Many years ago a person involved in “special operations” on behalf of HMG told me that terrorists would never succeed in the U.K. but that the real danger was what, in government and peaceful circles, is known as soft ji*h@d, whereby peacefuls become school governors, councillors, MPs etc and encourage exponential breeding of their kind. They are deliberately playing an unstoppable long game and their much lauded “cultural enrichment” will soon become cultural and political domination. More effective than terrorism and impossible to halt in these days of liberal tolerance.

      • Absolutely spot on Sir Cuntalot. And it is a global strategy. I have just returned from Malaysia where unwritten government policy is to encourage Malays to outbreed the minority Chinese population. When the latter fall from being 30% of the population to under 10% Islamification will be completed. The Chinese in Malaysia know they have no future there. China, Japan, Russia, Myanmar understand the danger Islam poses. Europe, Canada, NZ, Australia, USA are all finished. They have allowed the Trojan horse in and will reap the whirlwind. Western civilisation committing suicide.

      • When the big war against islam comes, europe will have to turn to Russia for help.

    • So true WokeUpToday…, though I fear it is already more widespread than we, the general public are allowed privy to.

  12. The horse has already bolted i’m afraid. According to the Police these demos at schools in Birmingham and Greater Manchester are not “hate crimes” but “bordering on the line”. Yes, we all know why? Can you imagine the coppers arresting a load of peaceful women wearing batman outfits? Can you imagine the wailing and weeping of the libtards? Blatant racism obviously. But of course the libtards love the poofs and trannies aswell and want kids brainwashed to love them by the State. What a dilemma. The cunts have painted themselves into a corner.
    But there is a way out. Already some of these schools have caved in with the quiet approval of the Dept for Education who have passed the decision about Gay studies to the individual headteachers. One by one these schools will back down or the pupils will be transferred to schools where the head is prepared to break the law. Yes, that’s right, one law for peacefuls another law for the rest of us. No white British parents are going to demonstrate about the lack of poof/trannie lessons in their school because libtards don’t send their brats to peaceful dominated schools anyway. As you know, the snowflakes love the peacefuls but don’t ask them to go anywhere near the cunts.
    The peacefuls have already won this fight….. the law doesn’t apply to them.
    If you are British and non peaceful though don’t try the same trick. That’s hate crime.

  13. So their children are allowed to know about murder, extremism, beheading and ultra violence to anyone but their own kind but NOT about innocent, tax paying, law abiding shit stabbers and sexual wobblers?

    I bet you mention the tax dollar from uphill gardeners is going straight into their pockets via the benefits systems they would soon fuck off.

  14. Let me make one thing absolutely clear. Poof/Gay/Tranny/LGBTQXYZ lessons have NO PLACE WHATSOEVER in a primary school curriculum.. If a pupil asks a related question, the answer should be a uniform “Well most boys love girls, and most girls love boys, but now again, boys can love boys and girls can love girls”. It really needs to be confined to that and kept that simple. The INDOCTRINATION is symptomatic of the attempted LEFT WING PUBLIC SECTOR takeover of this country by the sick minds of the Liberals. The Liberals, who somehow and for whatever reason, DOMINATE the media and (try to) control all consumer thought. Oh I sound like I’m confused and don’t know the answer. Hello Daddy SOROS!! I’m ready for my 12″ double bareback dipping now.

  15. Sorry off point but amusing….
    isac favourite and MR punch impersonator Dominic grieve has been bleating about the vote of no confidence against him which will hopefully lead to him being deselected..
    Grieve has said “ there’s an orchestrated campaign to Oust me “
    Fuck me sideways!! Grieves a fucking genius!! Really Dominic? Why on earth would you think that?? ( cunt)
    Worse still “ I’m going to carry on as before “ Said a defiant mr punch!!
    It’s jaw dropping arrogance from a cunt who represents a leave constituency…

    • Defiant … FFS … I heard the cunt this morning being interviewed by Andrew Castle on LBC …

      Andrew Castle .. ‘I believe, last night at your Conservative club, there was a vote of no confidence ?

      Dominic Grieve .. ‘Not exactly, there was a motion for a vote of no confidence tabled but it was incorrect and therefore illegal’ …’However, my team tabled a vote of confidence … which I did not win’
      Cunt, cunt, cunt … to infinity. Fucking incredible.

      • The fuckwit is going all out on Wireless 4 about “UKIP infiltrators” but the fact is the majority of his constituents voted Leave so it is hardly surprising that this arsehole making it clear he intends us to remain, and ignores his voters then and now is not going to go down well.

        Of course if he can sweat it out he will hope if the election doesn’t happen till 2022 they will have forgotten he said last week he was “ashamed to be a Conservative”.

        If the man had an ounce of pride and decency he would resign rather than hang on like flies round a cows arsehole. Hopefully a Martin Bell type will stand in Beaconsfield and get rid of the old cunt if he refuses to step down.

  16. For me, kids should be brought up with respect to biology. If they are “different” they will know it themselves WHEN THEY MATURE, and that’s the key point, when they MATURE!

    It’s wrong that infants and juniors are indoctrinated that “oranges are not the only fruit” before puberty because it will confuse the fuck out of them, and – and this is key – you can’t help feel that their is an over-promotion by certain lefty-fucktard teachers who love to virtue-signal how “inclusive” their school is.

    So you mentally turmoil infants, setting them up on a path of confusion and potential unhappiness, but hey teach, you got 40 likes so that makes it all worth it doesn’t it!

    The thing that wrankles is that I have no doubt that religious folk of whatever faith don’t agree with this shite going on at school but had it been the wrong faith (Christian) parents moaning about this madness, then you could see a string of meejah cunts as long as the Mason Dixon line waiting to condemn these hateful and bigoted homophobes.

    Most odiously by that Owen “Cunt” Jones twat!

    However as it’s the burka brigade they get a free pass because – in the victimhood stakes – they trump the LGBTQIA(P) mob hands down.

    The conflict amongst the neo-liberal fascists must be palpable!

    I do hope so.


    • You’re quite right. Owen “Islam’s great” Jones, the fucking creature that makes me the sickest to unfortunately share a bumsex proclivity with, is the first I’ll cheer watching be thrown off a roof or hung from a crane when his beloved soap-dodgers have taken over the country.

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