Jon Snow

A cunting for Jon ‘ Ive never seen so many white people in one place ‘ Snow.
If you don’t like seeing white people Jon, the world is full of delightful non white shitholes .
I’m sure you’ll love it, take your obnoxious spawn with you.
You Fucking Cunt.

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

This bigoted cunt deserves to be kicked out of his shitty Channel 4 job for saying he’d never seen so many white people at the Leave rally on 29th March.

Honestly if that comment was about never so many black faces he would have been made to resign by now.

Please write to Ofcom and complain bitterly.

Nominated by Cuntologist

Jon Snow is a portentous streak of piss.

His purely racist sentence was said barely containing his sniffy, self-imposed importance. The terminally-pompous noodle should be ashamed though he’s probably being backslapped for his loaded “reporting” by the liberal echelons of Channel 4 News.

“It’s been the most extraordinary day!” Oh, you choose to be amazed at people protesting their majority vote being ignored but not the continual atrophying of Democracy? .

Get fucked Twinkles. It’s time to put the spliff down, you Junkie journalist cunt

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

71 thoughts on “Jon Snow

  1. Fucking shocking, white people roaming around Londistan like they own the place.

    Wait isn’t Jon Snow a journalist?

    Ok Jon how about some journalism to help the masses understand why the majority of leave marchers were white? Let’s consider the following points.

    1. The UK is a white nation
    2. The white people marching were probably Brit’s with generations of ancestors who worked and lived in the UK so feel British and care about Britain.

    3. On the whole immigrants don’t feel British and don’t have an attachment to British national identity.

    4. Immigration has been used to dilute national cohesion, partly to make it easier to integrate us into the EU and surrender national

    5. Jon Snow is a cunt.

    • It’s divide and rule. Sadly it’s white cunts like Snow, Blair and Corbyn who are facilitating it.

      FFS, generations of our forebears fought and died for our freedom and democracy and to preserve our culture.

      Maybe Flabbott was right to say “white people like playing divide and rule.”

      • Agreed RTCP, it’s no coincidence that one of the fundamentals of the EU is freedom of movement… Knowing full well that it will dilute countries sense of culture/identity. When you have eroded a nations identity etc it’s easy dictate and control the cunts. I still believe in Britain and our stubborn will to not be told what to do, it’s a shame that Brexit has united the loony lefties, vegans, cyclists, trannies, anarchists, poor, down and outs, scroungers, the world owes me a favour cunts, etc. If Cuntbyn gets in its all over.

      • Precisely… I have no issue with race… but I do have an issue with the introduction of backward cultures polluting our once highly successful British way of life.

        It’s one thing cherry picking bits n’ bobs from different cultures (love a nice vindaloo me) but importing alien shit like Islam wholesale? Get fucked.

      • According to the polls I’ve been reading this morning B&WC, Labour are now 5 points ahead, so the unthinkable is actually starting to look scarily plausible.

        If Catweazle gets in, its game over for this country.

        Morning gents .

      • Mornin’ MR.

        If it wasn’t for Corbyn & Co, Labour would be be 50 points ahead!

        If the Tories don’t want a General Election, there won’t be one. They’ll wait till they have a new leader and are confident of winning before they risk another election.

        With the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, at least 55% of MPs have to vote for a General Election if one is to be held before 2022.

        As is oft pointed out: turkeys don’t vote for Xmas.

      • What made me laugh, is Channel 4’s “apology” for him, which read:
        “Jon has covered major events such as this over a long career and this was a spontaneous comment reflecting his observation that in a London demonstration of that size, ETHNIC MINORITIES seemed to be significantly under-represented.”

        Fuck me, minorities ??!! Seeing as British white people make up about 30% of the cunts living in Londonistan, I’d say the minorities WERE there !

  2. What I really object to about the Black Bastard of the Wall is his teeth. If you’re on a good earner like this cunt you could afford a bit of dental work to tidy up that gobfull of wonky enamel. A few sutures between top and bottom lips wouldn’t be out of order too. Nurse County do have a needle and thread handy?

    • Good god Fim. See what you mean! I just drew his picture out to full size. It looks as though he’s had an argument with a Polish dentist ? about paying his bill in Somalian Shillings.

  3. I feel sorry for the whitey. You not only have the barbarian hordes banging at the door, but you have wankers like Snow saying that. I cannot believe a white cunt like him said that abaaaaaht his own race…I think that smug cunt Krishnan Guru Murthy radicalised poor John. I also heard some white snowflake bitch saying she was annoyed that a panel of old white men were deciding her future or something…unbelievable.
    Poor whitey is not only against the barbarians but have to fight one handed due to the enemy whitey within. It’s simmering away and I can see it all kicking off in the next year or so. You’ll have Brexit supporters (of all colours) on one side, anarchist wankers on another, the Trannies in their wigs getting stuck in, the jobless Anti Fascists farting abaaaaaht, and the Football lads against extremism smashing a few edds in, the refugees will get amongst it especially if the opportunity for looting LIDL is available and last but not least me old mates in Combat 18. It’ll be chaos and out of it will come the new Britain where every cunt has an ID card and is ‘monitored’.
    I’ll be there with the Black and White cunt regiment and we’ll watch the outcome and join the winners before the battle is over.
    Whilst out and abaaaaaht yesterday I was in a deprived area and I saw a whitey walking out of his house and he was walking through a congregation of around 20 Somalians of all ages and I thought…poor whitey living amongst these cunts.

  4. Get down the bookies and put a bet Nigel Farage being PM in the next couple of years.

  5. Ah yes, Jon Snow…….son of a bishop, grandson of a General…..seems to have a very short memory. How many black faces were there at your posh public schools back in the day Jon? How many peaceful boys were in the rugby XV then Jon?
    How many Asians were in the Westminster choir singing along with you Jon?
    My guess would be sweet fuck all you cunt. Another champagne socialist who despises the working class with a passion. Journalist, my fucking arse. Go and fuck yourself cunt.

    • I think this is the root of the problem…

      Snot knows that he’s been lucky with his white privileged background, and he feels the guilt.
      Like Sorearse does about dobbing in his fellow Jews to the Nazis during WWII, and doing very nicely out of it…but he feels the guilt.

      Instead of going to see a shrink (or Miss Whiplash), to get it beaten out of them, what do these cunts do ?
      Elevate it to some sort of twisted dogma, then transfer all the guilt onto someone else, namely us.
      Well, Snot, I’m not buying it.
      I’ll save up my pennies for Miss Whiplash, though…

  6. One good result of this entire Brexshit Fiasco- Whitey has finally come to his collective senses and realised what an elitist scam this so called Democracy that lords it over him truly is. He now knows its not voting that changes things-its violence or the threat of violence.Nothing scares the ruling class more.An angry Whitey is a very dangerous Whitey- only he has the ruthless,calculating brain to organize successful insurrections.Which is why the scum in Brussels have been pushing the Kalergi plan of White European Replacement so enthusiastically- the less Whites,the less chance of resistance to their plans.

  7. Not like channel four to let that sort of bias get aired. Another cunt who is happy to see his own country go down the toilet, safe in the knowledge that his little part of it will be unaffected. Cunt.

  8. Jon Snow is indeed a santimonious old cunt – Channel 4’s version of the BBCs Michael Burke, another up his own arse Z lister. Perhaps we should have an ISAC “Pompous Cunt Of The Year Award”, those two could well fit on the list along with Hilary Nancy-Benn and Dominic Grieve, and just so we are inclusive let’s add Yvette Sugartits Cooper and Anna Soubry to the list. The prize will be a statuette of John Bercow, carved out of elephants dung.

  9. The appropriate response to tv is Disgust. All tv news programmes, and most of their reporters, barely disguise their bias, just like John Inman here.
    I loathe them all.

  10. I’m just returning from 2 weeks in Poland. If Snow thinks he’s not seen so many white faces in in one place then he should come here. You don’t see a SINGLE black or brown face ANYWHERE. I think if any did show up they would be closely monitored to make sure they behave themselves . You can walk around at night without fear of being stabbed , no vandalism. The parks are full of families enjoying a day out.
    The Polaks have are staunch Catholics and will resist any attempt to destroy their countries national identity.
    If the Soviets couldn’t break them then I don’t think the Eu will.
    And I fucking admire them for keeping it that way.
    Oh and booze is dirt cheap here ??

    • all the non-white faces have moved out of Poland and planted their tents and whatnot on these fucking shores!

      But of course Snow doesn’t want to know about that, other than for getting a few jobs done on the cheap.

      I hope he gets stabbed by a usual suspect!

    • The Poles fucking hate any of the more tanned types FF, I have heard stories of groups of them waiting on the borders, and greeting any wannabe suntanned intruder with baseball bats, good for them!!

    • It must be crime-free in Poland as well seeing as they’ve sent every drüg-dealing, råpist, fraudster, whóre-controller, peoplë-smuggler, and worthless scumbag cunt over to Blighty.

  11. The old cunt has form for impromptu outbursts with his “Fuck the Tories” at Glastonbury in 2017, yes the Tories are useless cunts but he was at the time surrounded by middleclass wankers worshipping Corbyn like the second coming.

    • Snows a truly despicable cunt!! Can you imagine him ever saying “ I’ve never seen so many black faces in one space”?
      Absolutely no chance…..
      As You say LL the cunts got previous form in talking shite….
      This outspoken cunt should have been removed from our TV screens years ago but no chance of that as he’s part of the leftie liberal brainwashing cartel that has dominated our airwaves for the last 40 odd years!! An insidious highly organised pollution of British values which seems designed to make you feel ashamed to show any love of our flag, country or traditions……
      If you don’t tow the line you are instantly smeared as a xenophobic/ racist/ little Englander/ right winger/ etc

      Every smarmy TV sleb lines up to VS what wonderful socialists they are, middle class trustafarians masquerading at Glastonbury as hard core socialists, singing the messiahs name “ whoa Jeremy Corbyn!” Stupid cunts have little to no idea what people like catweazel and dangerous John have lined up for them!
      Idiotic sheeple…………

  12. Nice to see the likes of Flabbot, Steptoe, O’Shithead, Owen Jones and all the other right on, equal rights social megaphones going apeshit over Jon Snow’s comments.
    Whaaaat ? Not a peep ?
    Who’d have thunk it ?
    Nice sunny day in Post Democratic England today.
    Good morning gentlemen.

  13. Remember when we used to laugh at East Germany calling itself the German Democratic Republic?
    Not laughing now.

    • ‘Democratic’ used in the same ironic sense as ‘the peoples vote’. Campbell is a dangerous lying cunt .

    • Afternoon Hugh

      Thanks to assistance from Mr Fiddler in locating the right link duly submitted my complaint to Ofcom yesterday.

      Suspect fuck all will be done about it but important Channel 4 are reported for their appalling coverage of the pro Brexit rally.

    • Hi HJ
      Thanks for the heads up
      Just submitted my complaint….
      I managed to use as many buzz words as I could think of….

      • Nice touch HBH
        Gutted I missed out on that one….
        I just spun out the old offended, deeply offensive, racist, lines!!
        Was enjoying a decent red and laughing as I typed in my mostly exaggerated mock indignation!
        Ofcoms definitely going to be hearing more from me I’m easy offended ?

  14. Jon Snow is shortly about to suffer the same fate as Ned Stark – a beheading. Ironically it will probably be in the middle of reading an item about Catweazel’s conversion to peacefulism.

  15. Isn’t it absolutely amazing that virtually everyone in the media/showbiz daaarlings bar one or two honourable exceptions eg Andrew Neil/ Roger Daltrey etc are lefty snowflakes.
    This is incredible don’t you think when the country is split down the middle we keep being told. We need a UK Fox news because there must be people with a talent for broadcasting that isn’t a complete labour loving wanker.

    • I really rate the way that Daltrey has stuck his head over the parapet and swum against the tide r.e Brexit. Kudos to the bloke.

      Mind you, Roger Daltrey has over his career earnt what you call ‘fuck you’ money. So he knows he can say what he likes. It’s not like he has to worry about being blacklisted by al-beebera.

  16. My son trained with his badminton coach for two hours early this morning.

    His coach is a very private man and despite knowing him for several years I only recently discovered he was a fellow Brexiteer.

    Some interesting points he told me early this morning:

    1) Audi are currently shipping over huge amounts of cars as people on the UK are saying they are not prepared to pay an extra £3,500 post a no deal Brexit. He is thinking of buying a new one to replace his existing TT.

    2) His wife has a German friend living in the U.K., married to an English man. Thinking of moving to Germany with his wife. In a no deal Brexit situation and non reciprocal health arrangement he has already been quoted £800 a month for health care. She will pay £200 a month.

    Saving the best till last.

    3) German lady has a lady friend working in the German mint. According to her the mint has started to reprint Deutschmarks.


  17. A news reporter saying that is unbelievable, as mentioned before if he said that about blacks there would be uproar. He is one of the many things wrong with what’s now Great Shitain.

  18. The media are still reporting last weeks remainer walkabout as the million people march, no caveats to its actual figure of approximately 300 000. The leave march should have called it the 17.4 million march, and I bet the fucking beeb would be correcting that figure, that’s if it got reported at all. As there were only five arrests, and nothing whatsoever was smashed up, there was very little for them to report. Unlike the blanket coverage that the whiners had last week.

    • At least one of the arrests was nothing to do with the rally. I suspect that any arrests were unjustified and only to say there had been some.

  19. He comes from the ruling class and has a natural sense of superiority over the plebs. In the world he comes from the proles are supposed to doff their caps, do as they’re told and be grateful. Fuck that for a game of soldiers.
    Speaking of soldiers, I wonder how many of them his grandad sent to their certain deaths while he was knocking back the French wine in some chateau 15 miles behind the lines. Cunt.

  20. A despicable piece of ‘anti-journalism’/ activism. I gave up on C4 news after Tangoman’s visit. The reporting was something you’d see in the idiotic ramblings of a blue-check genius on Twitter. The vox pops a gallery of greens, watermelons, Waitrose mums indoctrinating their toddlers, blue-haired mongs and a few diverse characters because Trump is Waycist.

    As many have pointed out to Snow, he obviously missed the remainer march a few days ago. The multiethnics were too busy scraping some wages from the car wash, fast food outlet or cleaning hotel rooms.

    As Rod Liddle pointed out, London now looks more like Dubai; an enormously wealthy, largely white international elite served by an underclass of immigrants living off table scraps.

    A city of rootless ‘anywheres’ and ‘nowheres’ vs a nation of somewheres.

  21. Somebody should remind Jon about his grandfather, Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas D’Oyly Snow and ask some questions about the part he played in the Zulu War. I wonder how many black people, armed with shields and spears, the cunt slaughtered with the latest state of the art military technology?
    Wasn’t he what the snowflakes call a “white supremacist”? I hope Jon is going to apologise for that. Don’t hold your breath.

  22. Jon Snow was briefly engaged to Anna Ford.
    He had two daughters with his partner, Madeline Colvin, a human rights lawyer.
    Now married to non-whitey Precious Lunga, an epidemologist from Zimbabwe.
    Snow is a cunt and thinks he is a right hipster with his fancy ties and mis-matched socks.
    I saw the video clip where Snow was pissing his pants when he mentioned at the Leave demo, saying the police were in body armour and the dogs were ready to attack the bad whiteys. Were they fuck you horrid little shit on a stick.

  23. So, he’s sexually exploiting some black girl nearly 30 years younger than him? Rich white cunt.

  24. Jon Snow is the norm for television. A fucking cunt.

    Hoo-eee, and what a Cunt.

  25. Given the shining example of this absolute prick, how soon before Lord Haw Haw gets a posthumous pardon?
    And knighthood…
    And all the history books amended…

    Nothing would surprise me.

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