Guy Verhofstadt (6)

Guy Verhofstadt
This man is a raving EU MEP lunatic who announced on Twitter that the EU should create a single economic area with Africa.Can you imagine the free movement of people, which will likely be in one direction, from Africa to Europe? Crime rates will go through the roof.

This insane superstate globalist is probably after the Kalergi Prize, which is a real prize handed out by the EU for outstanding work for EU unity. What’s wrong with a gong for peace? The fact that it is given in the name of the mad EU founder,Kalergi, who wrote a book which reads like a reverse Mein Kampf .

Nominated by Cuntologist

83 thoughts on “Guy Verhofstadt (6)

    • If it wasn’t for the EU referendum he would just be another faceless drone in a suit of little or no interest to the public, quietly going about the business of bringing down Western civilization. He is a weird looking cunt too, like he should be on some kind of police register.

      • Some kind of police register wouldn’t be a sex offenders’ register. Nobody, but nobody, would have sex with Guy Maurice Marie Louise Verhofstadt, even if he forced himself upon them. FFS, the cunt has two girlie names.
        Verhofstadt, eunuch and cunt.

      • I’m afraid he was clearly bullied at school, I doubt he knows his cock is not just to piss through, and he has the UK in bits. Well we have maybot and flabbot ?

      • Oddly, his wife is quite a fit looking blondie, who sings in one of the many early music choirs that proliferate in Benelux. Which proves that power is a great aphrodisiac, or she’s shagging the family dog…
        May he dresses up as a penguin during the act; seemingly a favourite Belgian pastime. See

        Does anyone else think that Benelux might be something you smear on awkward arsegrapes ?

    • The photo makes him look so feckin loopy that I suspect it’s been photoshopped.
      But, on the other hand, I think Occam’s Razor applies here.
      Verminhofstadt is just stark raving mad. Insane. Sectionable (somebody posted a nice pic of a petrol-driven rotary saw. THAT sort of “sectionable”…).

      The cunt of cunts that just can’t be cunted enough. And keeps coming back for more cunting.
      At this rate we’ll need a feckin “maze of cunts”, one wall will not suffice.
      Have just had a thought. Is he getting a soapy tit-wank from Mavis under that desk?

      • Sorry ASA, a bit late in the reply.
        All of the current Brexit negotiations are based on Europe alone. If this Berk wants to include Africa for whatever reason, he’s handed May a bargaining chip that not even she can fuck up.
        Then again……

  1. Great cunting!!
    GV is without doubt one of the biggest cunts on the planet. Personally I reckon that he’s more than a few cards short of a full deck, and on top of that he’s one horrible looking cunt. His head reminds me of one of those hollowed out pumpkin candle holders you see at Halloween.
    One of the ‘hard Brexit’ campaign’s greatest assets, the shithouse.

  2. Fucking hell. Grand imperial wizard of the cunt cunt klan.

    I think this cunt actually believes black panther is real!

  3. Sorry, I need to consult Gary Linear or Lilley Allen,first.

    After all,they know far more about such things than you lot

      • All,these fuckers pushing plastic charity bags through my letterbox are east european, fucking free movement!

      • These are essential jobs without which the country would grind to a halt. Likewise hand carwashes.

      • Plastic bags are useful for a) suffocation and
        b) putting dismembered body parts into.

        Just saying…

  4. Looks like a swivel-eyed cartoon Nazi with Dame Edna spectacles. Where does the EU find these loonies?

  5. Off topic. Just read that there is another British fighter who has been stripped of his citizenship. He is calling the government racist. So if you run around with an AK47 in Syria we should welcome you back. Fuck off to Parking Stanley land.

    • Further off topic, fucking Radio One DJ Greg James defending a rapper called Dave who has released a song called Black…
      in the lyrics…
      “A kid dies, the blacker the killer, the sweeter the news/And if he’s white you give him a chance, he’s ill and confused”

      Pretty racist stuff, but Greg says anyone who has an issue with this should go out and educate themselves.

      What a cunt!!!!!!!!

      Makes the piss boil, its ok to racist if you are BAME but not if you are white, am I living in the right country.

      • When I can compose myself, I will be writing out a cunting for the tuneless talentless racket called rap. I’m forced to listen to it in work, so it is a daily hatred for me. Cunts, every last one of them, regardless of hue.

      • Greg James has always been a cunt, along with all the ‘sixth-form’ Radio 1 cunts; Zane Lowe, Nick Grimshaw, Fearne Cotton.

        Cliquey smug shits.

  6. I can always make time to cunt this bespectacled special needs cretin. Like his chums, he is without a doubt a rabid little ferret going hole to hole for a bit of bunny action, and he aint fussy which bum the bunny drops from. I hope I will see the day when Putin marches across Europe and lays waste to the fuckers who are currently running it as a concession from the Mafia. Complete waste of Daddy’s spunk ! Cunt !

    • Putin must be laughing his black kleptocratic socks off!

      Mind you, he won’t stop at Calais, especially if Corbyn makes it into No.10.

      • Currently, that’s not a bad idea RTC. Refreshing to have someone in charge who can make decisions eh ?

      • RTC , always looked at your posts with respect. Not in a gay way you understand, I agree corbyn would kill the the country but perhaps that would show the snowflake generation how sadly wrong they got it . Happy days

      • The feeling’s mutual Harry… not in a gay way you understand… ?

  7. The Guy’s a fucking nutter and a nasty bit of work.

    Initially he was the main reason I voted to Leave the EU, however even he has been surpassed by more dangerous fucking deranged nutters and nastier more dangerous cunts.

    • True Willie, German eurocrat Martin Selmayr being one with a virgin cunting on ISAC a while ago. Even JC Drunker calls him ‘the monster’.

      • Agreed Liberal.

        I nominated Selmayr last year as he is a nasty cunt, and the main driving force behind the EU negotiations (the EU equivalent to our Olly Robbins, only cleverer), and the reason this country (and others) are treated with utter hatred and contempt.

        I felt him worthy of a nasty cunting, As I did for the Germans.

        Juncker wants Selmayr as his replacement when he fucks off, if so yet another fucking German in charge.

        The EU can never be reformed, the Germans would never allow it.

  8. I hesitate, but not for long, to mention the vampire zombie cunt Blair, and his extensive interests in Africa. Fits the same pattern. We are to be world citizens, mostly on low wages and in perpetual debt, and hand over our national assets to speculators. Exploitation sans frontieres!

    • The Beast of Sedgefield is indeed a turd that simply will not flush, and has spoken today on the very subject matter that you raise. There is no fucking way will I ever wear a grass skirt and play bongo bong with a gorillas knackers.

    • You never see him in the daylight. And he can suddenly ‘appear’ anywhere in the world.

  9. The sooner we get out of this toxic club of nations the better, then at least we only have our home grown cunts to deal with.

    Hopefully some of the snowflake remoaners will fuck off to their european utopia.

  10. Akala (no me neither) on C4 news: knife crime is not a black issue and no more police are needed. Also, we don’t love the little cunts enough.

    Who , the fuck, is this hyperbolic half wit?

    • He’s a ‘rapper’ that al beebera wheel out from time to time on political shows.

      Not because you’ve ever heard of any of his songs (no cunt has) but, because he toes the party line – whitey bad, EU wonderful, Trump orange bad man, refugees welcome etc etc.

      I will confess I have no idea about the quality of his architecture.

  11. I can now answer my own question!

    He is Ms Dynamite’s brother and a Corbyn lover…..

    And Akala is not his real name. Is it his Africanisation Monica?


  12. Can any of you cunters find a link to that clip where this slab-toothed maniac is ranting rabidly about those countries who MUST hand over sovereignty to the EU ? Hitleresque-in-appearance doesn’t even come close. Unhinged nutcase.

    • Saw it a while ago and it’s to do with the Lisbon Treaty 2020, whereby all member states will a) adopt the Euro as currency ( to be completed by 2025 ) B) Political Union, ( by 2025 ) C) The Formal Sovereign Statement to be signed by all members as a committment to a United and federal Union, and lastly ( but not least ) the Funding of the EU Armed Forces.
      Veryhoffshit was ecstatic in his enthusiasm for the project that he did indeed hypersalivate from the chops and was orgasmic in his pounding of the table , much in the manner of one AH 1936 !
      The vid has been pulled, due to the over enthused and over informed prelude to what is indeed the fate of Europe. The Lisbon Treaty 2020, is very frightening, but to quote one other cunt of note ( Junker ) hopefully not many will read before they sign.

      • I think Mr. V. is so fucking demented that he scares the shit out of Tusk. Mr. T. gives him some very strange looks when he goes off on one of his Fourth Reich Specials. The cunt is
        drunk on power, I hope someone blows his brains out.
        Good evening.

      • YouTube have a few of these EU gems.

        The one where Sir Nigel mocks Verhofcunt with that “well you’re not laughing now” wins the BAFTA.

      • Blimey. For a moment or thirty, I thought I was watching a remake of ‘Downfall’.

        Then again, perhaps I was.

  13. What a brilliant idea, free movement of people from Africa. It makes Merkels one million cunts look like the crowd for a Tottenham home game, about 14.

  14. This fucking Hammer Horror Goon is just one of many that would tear down the gates of Europe, letting the faster breeding Darkies and Sand Sea dwellers flood in. The aim being to have the hierarchy ( them ), controlling and looking down from on high at the toiling , coffee coloured masses, the dutiful drones, who will be anything but.
    The dusky hued incomers will tear everything down and Western Culture will be swept away on the Continent of Europe.
    Whom The Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad.
    And the EU is as mad as a hatter.
    Get to fuck.

  15. Off piste…
    Why is Geoffrey Cox suddenly news again i.e. BREXIT DEPENDS ON THIS LAWYER’S ADVICE, etc.

    erm…Haven’t we been through this pantomime already? Didn’t we hear this Remainiac’s am-dram opera voice praising May’s deal a couple of months ago, just prior to being thoroughly rejected? If nothing has changed, why is this turd’s opinion still valid?

    Fuck off back to a Gilbert & Sullivan light opera you legal cunt.

    • I wouldn’t trust Cox’s legal opinion as far as I could kick the bombastic arrogant slug.

      • Agreed, RT. He can save the rainforest and use the same piece of paper he used last time, the lying, boney arse-kissing cunt-ape.

  16. Verhofstadt could be put to far more productive use as a human wirestripper.

    The cunt.

  17. Dickheads who are now eulogising that cunt with the lettuce stuck to his head from The Prodigy? Waxing on about how ‘great’ ‘ballsyl’ and ‘innovative’ he was, when in actual fact it was just tosspot student music and gurn-bang shite?….

    Yeah…. Them cunts…

      • Chin stroking critics and snooty academics waffling on endlessly about the deep social insight of “Smack My Bitch Up” blah blah postmodernist deconstruction subtext blah blah waffle drone….
        Overpaid valueless cunts.

      • And Annie Nightingale has gone senile… Used to like Annie, but she’s now paid ‘tribute’ to the Prodigy bloke by saying they were the most exciting act to watch since The Who…

        What? A couple of cunts who don’t even play instruments and a pilled up clown who looked like a crap Batman villian? Bollocks!

  18. Bloody hell! Pretty boy Yank actor Luke Perry has popped his rivets at just 52.
    Bet no-one had him in their Pool…

  19. Another clip, in which JRM asks an obvious question, eventually gets an answer.

    Nice to see Verhfscunt’s body language going defensive when JRM questions the selective application of EU rules. Also that JRM is right on top of his brief.

    The haircut and glasses mark V indelibly as a fucking lunatic.

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