Gum Chewers

A cunt punch cunting for the insufferable waste of human life who chew gum like a horse on speed.

If there’s one thing that can flip me into a primal rage is some cunt behind my ear chewing gum like no tomorrow. Mouth wide open, air bellowing out their nostrils, it truly is an insidious bit of cunthood which will eventually wind me up at court for gbh

At best, it’s plain rude. However, since most of the people who does this belong to certain “groups” (want for a better word) , it’s knuckle dragging in its purest form and should be hence forth punishable by flogging.
Get fucked

Nominated by Cuntflappage

20 thoughts on “Gum Chewers

  1. Great picture!
    Christ knows what the cost to the nation of cleaning this non-food statement product of pavements after the cunt has finished with it. A rapidly biodegradable version might help, but my preference is for a gum which detonates five minutes after leaving the packet. With a Government health warning, sold in brown packets with the above picture on them, and to no-one over fifty.

  2. Our local council happy to fine car drivers who discard cigarette ends from their cars but totally ignore the street which has the most Eastern European shops where there are hundreds of discarded fag ends littering the pavemment. They also have CCTV covering the area so easy money you would have thought.

    And in the same narrow street double yellow lines which are frequently parked on causing traffic congestion.

    Seemingly different rules for our immigrant friends.

    Regarding chewy by gum, our brand new town square already covered in the horrible stuff.

    • Your benefits folk must be very well compensated, as over here one can always rely on bludgers scrounging for bumpers therefore keeping shopping precincts tidy. Gum chewers and litterers need a Lee Kwan Yew level of ruthless justice.

    • Can you imagine a sandal wearing wispy beaded pencil neck from the council going anywhere near an Eastern European shop with swarthy hard looking bastards up to no good in and out all day even if there were complaints about noise and litter and god knows what else?

      Much easier to be delayed by a little old English lady that has accidentally dropped a shop receipt, pounce upon her and fine her 50 quid far far away from the big ugly fat bastard flatheads outside their shop that are quite happy to front up anyone.

      Frankly the Flatheads have the right idea, get left alone to their crime/extortion/prostitution rackets as no ‘enforcement authority’ in the UK has the balls to deal with it. Too much like hard work as they are likely to get their faces punched in. Go for the easy targets, record a ‘crime’ and a ‘conviction’ from the easiest possible targets and make the statistics look good.

  3. It’s the mess in the streets that really fucks me off. Very difficult to remove and a disfigurement wherever you go. Except Singapore.
    By the way, Paul Merton and chums are doing an ‘Improv’ tour. I bet it is fucking hilarious. Hurry, don’t want to miss out.

  4. Alex Ferguson used to chew it like a distressed, purple-faced goat on amphetamines with anxiety. Dirty gum-chewing Jock. Mind you, he suffered from that condition, didn’t he. Being a cunt.

  5. Off topic. Heard ten minutes of ‘ Any Answers ‘ on R4. They were discussing politicians / Brexit
    A bloke called Andrew came on and absolutely ripped into politicians, calling them scum, he said he’d get shut of the vast majority of them. The horrified, shrinking violet presenter said he couldn’t mean that, he responded that if he could he would resurect Oliver Cromwell, who would deal severely with them.
    The snowflake replied ‘ But what about Democracy ? ‘
    Oh the fucking irony.
    I hope Andrew flips and goes berserk with a machete.
    Get to fuck.

  6. It’s bad enough listening to some cunt eating their food, so this is fucking torture for me, as at least some cunts shut their trap while chewing, but with gum, it’s acceptable to breathe one hundred percent through the mouth, for the amplification of an already revolting sound.
    As for the mess, chewing gum, like fag ends, doesn’t seem to count as litter, as even litter conscious cunts will discard them without a single thought.

  7. I’d like to see somebody develop a gum that follows its ‘owner’ home if it’s dropped anywhere but a bin. It then sneaks into the owner’s arsehole, expands to the size of a tennis ball and hardens to the consistency of a brick. I suspect we’d see far less of it on the streets.

  8. We shall moderate them on their laptops, we shall moderate them on their mobiles and we shall never surrender our Word Press , blah blah, blah, never in the field of human cunting, drone, drone, drone, you do your worst and we shall do our best, rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb.
    Free the ISAC one !

  9. Posession should be illegal. That and careless discarding punishable by ten hard strokes of Singapore cane. No skin in the game? Yes you do!

  10. Another sure-fire sign that our nation’s standards are falling and we are on the slippery slope.

    Watching House of Commons on TV recently and saw one MP (male, I assumed) with no jacket or tie; another one chewing on a wadge of gum and playing with his smartphone. Plebs.

    Even worse, during a recent period of intense and lengthy research, I was disappointed to see one of the female participants in the otherwise classy “Anal Stepmoms’ Fantasies III” clacking away on a gobfull of bubble gum throughout her hole (sic) performance. Quite took the edge of my ‘research’ it did. Dreadful manners and a lack of professionalism to boot; I dread to think what her parents must think.

    Come to think of it, Singapore seems to have things about right; no chewing gum on any of the pavements and for those who do fancy a ‘Slippery Slope’, they are plentiful, reasonably priced and easy to come by.

  11. As others have already said, it’s what the gum-chewing cunts do with it after chewing like a horse on it for an hour. By the look of our streets, most of the disgusting cunts just gob it onto the pavement to lie there like an indelible shitstain. Fucking cocks.

  12. One idea my local authority tried was to put up a board with a cartoon face on which the gum-addicted herberts could stick their nasty residues. But it would have been so much more effective if the face had been a real one – say Mr. Blair’s or Mrs. May’s. Some way of working dogshit into the mix would add value, too.

  13. A very worthy cunting. Never understood the need for it. The grotesque chewing like a prize cow is utterly repugnant and you just know that a fair proportion will be disposed of by either being stuck under the closest furniture or simply dropped. Having to scrape somebody else’s gum from your shoe has to be one of the most disgusting experiences. Being caught not disposing of the damn stuff properly should be an instant £1k fine and a solid kick in the cunt/bollocks.

  14. Annoys me like fuck to see it stuck everywhere. Fag ends are worse. Inconsirate fuckers most smokers. Come out of shop, unwrap cellophane wrapper, throw it on floor. Smoke 20 fags throw every cunting butt on pavement and then complain if they are fined.

  15. I have a little song…to the tune of Old MacDonald:

    “There’s a Gum Cunt here, and a Gum Cunt there. Here a cunt, there a cunt, everywhere a GUM CUNT!”

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