Climate change kiddies

The baby SJW’s and their fuckwit, far left teachers who today (Friday 15th March) took part in a march outside parliament to demand that the UK do something about climate change need a serious cunting. First of all, there’s no way you’re going to convince me that a bunch of schoolies suddenly decided to coordinate a mass demonstration on climate change, or any issue, all by themselves. No. The dumb little shits have been brainwashed by their ‘teachers’ into doing this. The fact is though, most of these cretins don’t even deserve to be called teachers, because the vast majority of them are just far left activists who have infiltrated the education system, and now are indoctrinating our children in Marxist dogma.

And then there’s the march itself, which apparently saw these school children shouting foul mouthed slogans, egged on by their ‘teachers’. They must be so proud. And when these arrogant little know nothings had finished their protest against US, their elders, harming the environment, they all went home again, leaving behind a mountain of plastic bottles, misspelled placards and other assorted detritus. Can you little bastards spell ‘hypocrites’? No, of course you can’t. Your ‘teachers’ aren’t doing their jobs, they’re too busy filling your heads with bullshit about how you own the world and WE, your elders, somehow owe you EVERYTHING that you want. Except we don’t.

If they actually cared about the environment, they would have taken their crap with them. I bet not a single one of those idiots gave a second’s thought to what they were doing when they threw their bottles and other rubbish on the ground. How we can take them seriously on this issue when they haven’t even got the intelligence to practice what they were sanctimoniously preaching? And clearly, nobody bothered to do any research, because if they had, they would have known that the UK has reduced C02 levels more than any other country in the world this year. To levels that haven’t been seen the 1880’s.

Instead of pandering to these over entitled little shits, the government should be initiating an aggressive purge of our schools. Get rid of all the lefties, who are doing nothing but brainwashing our children with their warped ideology, and replacing them with teachers who will keep their politics OUT of the classroom, and the fucking job they’re paid to do.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

The darling climate change rabble rousers and their complicit teachers, schools, academies of excellence, media and government. Basically the whole lot of assorted wankstains that tarnish the respectability of this nation and humanity in general. These CHILDREN couldn’t even tell you the chemical composition of one of their own rank farts yet we’re supposed to accept that they really understand global climate science when even the adults don’t either?

If they were protesting anything else or trying to take a day off school to go on holiday there would be no end to their criticism in the arsewipe newspapers, given it is as we all know an ironclad rule of the borg collective that no child can miss a crucial indoctrination session!

So why has this transgression been allowed and sanctioned, not just here but in other nations too? Being the cynical arsehole that I am, I believe it’s because man-made climate change is a load of sagging bollocks that is being used as a guise by the ruling class to justify shunting mankind towards a brave new world where workers are to be nothing more than permanent poverty class drone rats confined to cities. Or at the very least just used as an excuse to tax the hell out of the working class even more in order to keep the status quo.

No, I don’t believe the ‘science is settled’. Yes, I believe it’s been heavily influenced politically and financially – a conspiracy. Regardless, using children in this way is abuse. Also, funny how their liberal teachers would probably slate any parents for instilling the fear of an imaginary Christian hell in them, yet are willing to get them all paranoid about the spectre of climate change. Hypocritical, manipulative, abusive.

Let the children enjoy their childhood you cunts..if the world is going to shit they will have all of their adulthood to be miserable about it and drink themselves to death like everyone else.

Nominated by The Big Chunky Cunty

81 thoughts on “Climate change kiddies

    • We need a big, new fuck-off regiment in the Army.

      King Herod’s Black & Blues.

  1. Little cunts should get a fuckin grip and realise this tiny island as over populated as it is as skint as it is as foreign to us all is , it produces a knats fart of pollution compared to the likes of China etc . You fucked up dumb fuckin snow flakes stupid cunts

  2. Just to clarify, little school age turds are capable of understanding the ins and outs of climate change and the implications of losing a day’s “education”, yet someone of a similar age was too young to understand what she was doing when she buggered off to Syria. Glad we cleared that up.
    What I would like to do is round these kids up in a big circus ring with oiled floors and walls much like on It’s A Knockout. I’d give them a five second head start before letting Mr G. Glitter loose. Better than anything on TV.

  3. Could not agree more. It’s all bollocks anyway. If we cared about the climate we would not rely on an economy of rampant consumerism but honestly fuck that hippie shit. Buy stuff to be greener is quite often how it goes, Fuck off you cunts. I bring my son up to help me light coal fires and appreciate the internal combustion engine. If the teachers want the kids to save the world they should be teaching them the most efficient way to murder chinese people. Those who are cunts; teach.

  4. It makes me laugh and boils my piss in equal measures when these cunty politicians stand their and spout their wankholio strategies to safeguard against the earth warming up by a further X degrees Celsius in Y years.

    These cunts really do think they have control of everything. They really are idiot savants. Or just plain fucking idiots.

  5. Feel sorry for the kids. They are being manipulated – utterly without shame – by their teachers who will be, to a man although more likely a wimminz these days, slightly to the left wing of Fidel Castro.

    I’m starting to think Pol Pot had the right idea about teachers and ‘intellectuals’.

    Again – I don’t think it’s actually the teachers fault. Most of those in the education system now would have been educated themselves after Blair got in. Which means, they don’t have an education at all. Just a set of indoctrination. Empire = bad, EU = good. Etc.

    Has to be said, Blair played a blinder there. As Aristotle or Dean Gaffney memorably said ‘Give me the child at 7, and I will give you the adult’.

  6. “Education, education, education” as the boil on Satan’s arse once said.

  7. Teachers are now Common Purpose scumbags, propagating Cultural Marxist bullshit and destroying civilised Western societies.

    Common Purpose is a subversive organisation and should be proscribed. Any CP “graduate” should be named and shamed on a publicly available blacklist, banned from any public-sector employment and denied any taxpayer-funded pension.

    Common Purpose deserves to be cunted and anyone linked to this evil organisation is a cunt.

  8. Some children have to be brought to book with a dam good smack on their backsides

  9. I keep hearing the phrase we ( the elder generation ) are stealing / destroying their future, with brexit / climate change. It’s only spouted by lily livered kids who go on these kind of protests, or by their teachers and yoof workers who want to get down with the kids.
    I know quite a few kids under 20 years old who believe in brexit as much as i do, and have no real view on climate change, but they’re not spoilt bastards like most of the kids on these type of protests.
    I would like to really steal their future and exterminate the lot of them, along with dolphins, whales, ospreys and any other species endangered or not. Just to really upset the ones i’d not managed to exterminate. A bunch of fucking reptiles with no rights whatsoever, CUNTS

    • My answer to “the older generation are stealing/destroying the World” is you are only here because of the older generation cunts.

    • How The Fuck do you think you are! Those people go out there because they are determined to make a better future for all future generations! They trying to make the change that needs to happen and the fact that you have the audacity to say something like that shows that you are a cowardly, heartless piece of shit who is too lazy to get up and actually make a difference. How can you talk like that about people who are trying to make a change and begin to clear up the mess that they have been left to deal with.

      • Oh do get over yourself dear!
        And while you’re at it, learn to read. The point was about indoctrination of children by lefty teachers not climate change.

        In any case, climate change is natural. Note how nobody says man made global warming any more. If you don’t think its natural, explain the ice age.

        Now to descend to your level of abuse, just fuck off you dumb cunt…

      • Poor Mollie probably had a coronary by the time that she’d read my comment further below…I can see her now…slumped in her dungarees and sandels.make-up free face set in a permanently outraged snarl, unmanicured fingers forever poised above the “dislike” button.

        Fuck her.


  10. The only teacher who I know spouts off their own agenda at my kids school is openly gay. At a parents evening I wondered why there was all these LGBT posters around the school, I asked a reliable teacher who was responsible for spouting this message and was told that the teacher who was putting up the posters had been off sick for sixth months with stress. So not only a preaching cunt but a lazy cunt leeching off the system. No doubt if I looked them up on wankbook they would be posting bullshit about having a stressful time going out for lunch, watching the tele and buying clothes or furniture etc etc etc rather than earning the living which we are paying them for. I feel sorry for some teachers they put up with bollocks but some are just plain CUNTS.

  11. Well worthy cunting guys, and I especially congratulate on the observation of the “water bottles” Nothing would give me more pleasure than to shove one right up the little fuckers shit shute. ( what the fuck am I saying ? ) Not for the pleasure obviously , but to stop the little cunts 1/ wasting fucking water ….2/ throwing plastic bottles every fucking place.
    They know fuck all about anything much, let alone about resources and climate change… Thrash the little cunts. Twice daily…..Nay….fucking thrice !!!

  12. My sons school did not authorise any absence relating to the recent Global Student Strike 4 Climate Change. As very much expected.

    Did see some students from neighbouring schools with placards though.

    Thick, naïve airhead twats obviously believe everything they are told and believe they will be listened to and can actually make a difference. Think about it students, if 17.4m people are ignored, what chance do you stand?

  13. Spoiled little brats. I bet the benefit-thieving little bastards wouldn’t be so keen on cutting pollution if it meant an end to their fucking mobile phones and computers. Fuck only knows how much pollution is caused in the manufacture of these devices that children treat as out-of-date after a fortnight and so need replacing with the latest model.

    I couldn’t give a tuppeny-fuck what a bunch of children think and no fucking brat had better try lecturing me. I’ll do what it’s parents failed to do and give it a sound thrashing with a riding-crop…that should give the little shit something to think about other than pollution.
    Anyhow, I couldn’t care less that I’ve “stolen their future” or poisoned “their” planet. In fact I’m glad. I’ve had several meals out spoiled by screaming brats,they can consider my planet-poisoning and future-stealing as payback.

    I’m away to burn some silage wrap,,think I’ll chuck some old tyres and a few gallon of black oil on,that should get it burning nice and polluty. Hope it’s the final straw that tips us past the point of no-return.

    Fuck them.

    • Rising sea levels, air pollution and the destruction of fragile ecosystems, a fair trade for a night out ruined Mr Fiddler. Never mind carbon footprint, the only footprint id like to leave is when I kick one up the arse every time they open their yappy pious gob to give a lecture.

    • Keep the home fires burning Mr F, I holiday in this country, so every little helps to hasten global warming, a couple of degrees warmer will make my holiday much more enjoyable .

    • If you could also immolate a few “me do as I likeys”, that would be a win-win.

  14. Wisdom comes with age.

    Even on his deathbed my grandfather was giving sound advice.
    Ha said “Always buy good speakers”….

  15. It’s not so much the kids (though they’re cunts too) but their lefty, virtue signalling teachers that I blame.

    Grooming in plain sight on an industrial scale!

  16. O/T –
    Can I cunt Bercow again, please? Yes, blocking yet another vote on the Maybot’s ‘deal’ increases the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit, on the face of it, but that is certainly not why the biased cunt proposes to do it. That is not the plan at all. He cites a precedent from 1604…but the precedent of 1648 is more appropriate. Given the cunt’s love of overweening authority, I’d also hope to see a replay of 1649, with him wearing a crown for added irony.

    • Sorry. I see WC Boggs has beaten me to it with a new and better nomination for Bercow.

      Though perhaps we should wait until the full depth of the cunt’s infamy is revealed before administering a nuclear terminal cunting to the cocky little oxygen thief?

    • It’s a Remoaner tactic to panic Leaver MPs into voting through, at the last minute, the the worst treaty in UK history, using the threat of a long extension to Article 50…

      The EU and our quisling Remoaner MPs will do anything to secure that £39 billion and keep us trapped in the Customs Union at their pleasure.

      • That should have read “The EU and our quisling Remoaner Government…”

        Not that there aren’t plenty of quisling MPs of course, but they didn’t conduct the phoney negotiations.

      • But extending or revoking Article 50 with the unanimous agreement of the EU parliament, council and all, the other member states is irrelevant unless the EU Withdrawal Act 2018 is amended or repealed to that end.

        I’d they don’t do that before 29th March the cunts are breaking the law by voting against a no deal, for an extension or for a complete cancellation of brexit.

        Nigel Farage seems to be the only one to have pointed this out last week….. On twitter of all places. I guess if he’d said it on the news it would have been edited out.

  17. Should have had a load of cunts dressed as catholic priests and Michael Jackson to chase them off. If I wanted a child’s opinion, I’d ask my labour mp.

  18. Every single one of them should have been stopped and searched, and any phone, tablet or any device not bio-degradeable would be confiscated and sent to the poor children in Africa who dont have clean water.

    And I imagine a few knives amongst some of our foreign friends.

    Had a friend, she once told me

  19. I blame the move away from fossil fuels and the welfare state, elsewise they would all be in mills or up chimneys, the cunts.

    • Fucking well said mate and the country might have two pennies to rub together. Let’s face it, exploitation of a workforce is the road to greatness in this world.

  20. It would be interesting to see if permission would be granted for time off to demonstrate in favour of Brexit or immigration controls.

      • Best laugh I’ve had all day. Giver her a retrial on condition Cuntswhallop is the Judge.

    • Typifies the brass neck of these cunts really. She’s been caught bang to rights with her hand in the till, as it were and still playing the victim card.

      Enoch was right but he had no idea how right he was.

      • The daft bitch is almost certainly not guilty of the minor crime.
        Leave this to the experts (the LoAIOs)

    • Fuck me, you cant knock this bitch for trying, neck of solid brass!

      Back to the cunting

      Why do ‘young people’ always start a sentence with

      “As a young person” ….. what they should be saying is “As a brainwashed idiot”

      My plan, plant trees, they look nice (oh and sterilise the third world)

  21. Just another Arrogant MP, number One in their own consternation, and everyone else is subordinate in that.

  22. “If you wish me to continue……. I will do this , that and the other and kiss your arse because I am great…..”
    But what if we don’t wish you to continue bitch?
    Oh well, you’re fucked mate. Three years until the next election so you can go fuck yourself.

    • Quite funny, her defence seems to rest on the fact that she wouldnt risk her position for a few points on the licence.
      The reality being that she thought she would get away with it.

      What a cunt!

  23. Off topic I know, but if there is anyone on here who lives in Peterborough, please, please make sure you sign the petition tomorrow to force a by election and remove that loasesome, lying jailbird Onasanya from office ASAP

    • Most cunters have some degree of intellect, and so by definition, don’t live in Peterborough.

      • I do have an aunt in Peterborough.
        Not seen her in years and really should visit, but that would mean going to Peterborough.


  24. My son came home on 15th to inform me he’d been on the local climate change rally. But oddly he can’t figure out the concept of how to use the fucking recycling bin at home.

  25. When it comes to raising the young we have a lot to learn from our peaceful friends. Observe a peaceful family in a shop or supermarket or on public transport. Do their brats run around screaming, getting in everybody’s way and demanding this, that and the other?
    If they did they would get a serious beating when they got home and no snowflake cunt is going to call childline. That’s raaay-sist!
    On evenings and Saturdays they send their brats to the mosque to replace the wishy washy , western bullshit they have learned at school with their own ideology.
    When their brats get older they make sure they get married and produce even more brats. No poofs or trannies for these cunts. Meanwhile our own brats are running around, loving our enemies and swallowing every piece of libtard shite that comes their way.
    Ever felt you’ve been outsmarted?

  26. Off topic, did anyone listen to Jeremy vine this lunchtime about ‘ should the government pay to have more security around mosques in the UK?’. And now the news, there’s been a shooting on a tram in the Netherlands. Is that irony?.

  27. Oh and that fucking SJW CUNT who went to his local mosque and made a sign saying ‘ I will protect you while you pray’. Fucking angry against these utterly bewildered fuckwits is not even close to how I feel.

  28. Ayatollah Khan is a bit quiet about the Netherlands incident.

    Where is Commissaries Van Der Valk when you need him?

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