The baby SJW’s and their fuckwit, far left teachers who today (Friday 15th March) took part in a march outside parliament to demand that the UK do something about climate change need a serious cunting. First of all, there’s no way you’re going to convince me that a bunch of schoolies suddenly decided to coordinate a mass demonstration on climate change, or any issue, all by themselves. No. The dumb little shits have been brainwashed by their ‘teachers’ into doing this. The fact is though, most of these cretins don’t even deserve to be called teachers, because the vast majority of them are just far left activists who have infiltrated the education system, and now are indoctrinating our children in Marxist dogma.
And then there’s the march itself, which apparently saw these school children shouting foul mouthed slogans, egged on by their ‘teachers’. They must be so proud. And when these arrogant little know nothings had finished their protest against US, their elders, harming the environment, they all went home again, leaving behind a mountain of plastic bottles, misspelled placards and other assorted detritus. Can you little bastards spell ‘hypocrites’? No, of course you can’t. Your ‘teachers’ aren’t doing their jobs, they’re too busy filling your heads with bullshit about how you own the world and WE, your elders, somehow owe you EVERYTHING that you want. Except we don’t.
If they actually cared about the environment, they would have taken their crap with them. I bet not a single one of those idiots gave a second’s thought to what they were doing when they threw their bottles and other rubbish on the ground. How we can take them seriously on this issue when they haven’t even got the intelligence to practice what they were sanctimoniously preaching? And clearly, nobody bothered to do any research, because if they had, they would have known that the UK has reduced C02 levels more than any other country in the world this year. To levels that haven’t been seen the 1880’s.
Instead of pandering to these over entitled little shits, the government should be initiating an aggressive purge of our schools. Get rid of all the lefties, who are doing nothing but brainwashing our children with their warped ideology, and replacing them with teachers who will keep their politics OUT of the classroom, and the fucking job they’re paid to do.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
The darling climate change rabble rousers and their complicit teachers, schools, academies of excellence, media and government. Basically the whole lot of assorted wankstains that tarnish the respectability of this nation and humanity in general. These CHILDREN couldn’t even tell you the chemical composition of one of their own rank farts yet we’re supposed to accept that they really understand global climate science when even the adults don’t either?
If they were protesting anything else or trying to take a day off school to go on holiday there would be no end to their criticism in the arsewipe newspapers, given it is as we all know an ironclad rule of the borg collective that no child can miss a crucial indoctrination session!
So why has this transgression been allowed and sanctioned, not just here but in other nations too? Being the cynical arsehole that I am, I believe it’s because man-made climate change is a load of sagging bollocks that is being used as a guise by the ruling class to justify shunting mankind towards a brave new world where workers are to be nothing more than permanent poverty class drone rats confined to cities. Or at the very least just used as an excuse to tax the hell out of the working class even more in order to keep the status quo.
No, I don’t believe the ‘science is settled’. Yes, I believe it’s been heavily influenced politically and financially – a conspiracy. Regardless, using children in this way is abuse. Also, funny how their liberal teachers would probably slate any parents for instilling the fear of an imaginary Christian hell in them, yet are willing to get them all paranoid about the spectre of climate change. Hypocritical, manipulative, abusive.
Let the children enjoy their childhood you cunts..if the world is going to shit they will have all of their adulthood to be miserable about it and drink themselves to death like everyone else.
Nominated by The Big Chunky Cunty
The cunt with stripes painted across her face makes me retch.
Let’s face it…….if a massive meteor hit the Earth tomorrow the cunts most likely to survive would be the seriously rich, the peacefuls and the pikeys.
Cockroaches always find a way to survive.
Middle class hypocrite cunts. These people make me puke. If they actually gave a fuck about the environment, they would live like the Amish, but they don’t because every standard issue middle class cunt wants central heating, disposable coffee cups, plastic water bottles and plastic-wrapped avocado. They can’t be arsed to shop, so their food is delivered and they drive cunt-sized SUVs. We could reduce our carbon emissions, and the sandal brigade think the answer is wind power. Fine, except when the wind doesn’t blow, or, ironically, blows too hard. Mention nuclear power, and the SJWs throw a fit.
These cunts want their cake and eat it. Do you see them lighting their homes with tallow candles or walking to school? Do you fuck. They are dropped off by mummy in the SUV. Do they know about what weather was like before so-called climate change? Do they fuck. Winters were ‘ard and the fucking snowflakes of today burst into tears when there is so much as a bit of frost.
I have a degree in Environmental Science and yet I’m a climate change sceptic. The last Ice Age only ended about 12000 years ago, and there have been mini ice ages since then. The climate of the planet flik flaks, so standby.
Another example of middle class hypocrisy is the electric car. People with beards tell us this is the future. Only any use if your beard wax emporium is 5 miles away in Islington. Fuck all use in the Highlands. Also, the beardies ignore the fact that we need to dig up half the rain forests to get the required precious metals. What’s wrong with hydrogen power?
And all the handwringing about Brexit. If we gave a fuck about the environment, we wouldn’t be importing foodstuffs from the continent which is readily grown in our own country. Aaaargh! I think I’ve bust a blood vessel!
Great post Sgt Maj – reckon I’ll sleep well tonight… you best let Nurse Cunty take a look at that blood vessel…
I’m better now RTC, thanks. Although the first sight of a lucozade bottle on the side of the road in my pristine environment will no doubt set it off. Sadly, an all too common sight these days.
Great comment SMC. I would wager that you like everyone else on this site is a user of critical thinking, logic and common sense.
Kids need to be taught how to think critically I spend time with my grandkids teaching them to think not just follow.
I’m gonna guess few of these ignorant entitled fuckers studies anything worthwhile so bothered choice. The world needs a future generation of janitors, baristas, waiters etc
Sam Smith has come out as non-binary saying he feels “like a woman sometimes” and has considered having a sex change.
He was speaking to actress Jameela Jamil about fame, body image and confidence.
“I’ve always had a little bit of a war going within my body and my mind,” Sam said in the interview.
“I do think like a woman sometimes, in my head. Sometimes I’ve questioned ‘Do I want a sex change?’
“It’s something I still think about, like, ‘Do I want to?'”
Many non-binary people don’t identify as either male or female and use the pronouns they or them instead of he or she.
Born with a cock means Male, born with a fanny means Female.
What’s so fucking hard to understand?
He certainly sings like a eunuch.
Willie, who the fuck is Sam Smith? Also Jameela Jamil? I presume they are cunts.
Some crappy singer cunt on par with robbie williams and ed sheeran I always thought he was a poof Don’t know who this Jameela Jamil cunt is but the name sounds pakistani
Competely agree Mr Stroker, on the days he feels like a woman he should make himself useful ( for once ) and perform domestic duties around the house.
On days he feels like a man, he should stop deceiving himself, he’s not a man and carry on with womens work. I’ve never heard of him but he sounds a right cunt.
And a side-cunting please for whoever it was that nominated one of these ill-informed infants for a Nobel Peace Prize.
I shall be back to nominate the Nobel Committee itself if it wins. They have surely besmirched their record with some right-on virtue-signalling bollocks in recent years (Al Gore, Yasser Arafat, Barack Obama, the IPCC, UN and EU), so I wouldn’t put it past them.
On the subject of ignorant young cunts
(The cunts of the future)
Why not have placards of
‘fuck starving kiddies in Africa’
Cos most emissions are fossil fuel and guess what little hungry kids parents have to use
Report me to conservationist s but I’ll take 100little kiddies over a polar bear any day
Off-topic but please enjoy David Lammy’s Red Nose Day “own goal”…
“Africa no longer needs white saviours!” – said Lammy.
Viewing figures down by 600,000 and donations down by a cool £8,000,000!
The comment: “Well my hard-earned is no longer needed by Africa so II gave it to Marie Curie instead!” – with an implied “CUNT!” on the end too no doubt.
Unfortunately pointing this out to Lammy is waycist also! Or Brexit is to blame…
Cunt! Made me laugh though! HAH!
No hes right africa needs yellow saviours china has been handfeeding the ungrateful cunts since maybe they are better off but how long before they just turn into a expanded china The ching chongers will most likely exploit africa
Lammy is a stunned cunt rick white folk are the only cunts thick enough to donate to comic relief
Definitely Brexit
Last time I saw that many snowflakes I was on a winter holiday in Austria ??
I always thought the donations to Comic Relief have been in decline for many years now. I suspect Lammy’s brain-dead, divisive bullshit is just one of several factors.
The public have fallen out of love with feeding third world countries, but the likes of Sir Kenny and the other pious wankers won’t have any of it.
Sir Lenny.
Can you imagine the type of jobsworth, snowflake cunts the fucking kids are going to grow up to be,the best bit is at least they get out in the sun and away from their I phones, whos fucking idea was it to let these cunts go on strike anyway, in my day you wouldn’t have got to the door without a cane hitting you across the arse….