I’d like to nominate scroungers.
All those who can work but won’t, and gloat about it. This not aimed at the genuinely disabled who are getting fucked over. Life is hard enough.
Doctors need to be in charge of benefits for the disabled. They can then work to a budget without companies like ATOS sending ill people to work to meet targets, and the shirkers will get found out, or sent to get help for their mild upsets and ‘mental disabilities’, rather than sit around their council flat, fishing for sympathy on social media.
I’ve known a few people like it and am no longer in contact with them, thank fuck.
Whether it’s someone on Jobseeker’s who hasn’t worked for years and eeks by on hand-outs from family and friends, a couple who ‘act the spastic’ at work capability assessments to continue their dubious claim, or trust fund wankers who get everything paid by mummy and daddy while they moonlight as a fashion blogger or web design consultant, or take yet another ‘gahp yah’, they all foster the same delusional sense of entitlement and dependence on hand-outs. Any sense of pride goes out the window and they have to mask their emptiness with conspicuous consumption, be it of junk food, LED screens or trips to the beauty parlour, or Spar for Pinot Grigio to ‘treat themselves’. Then they gloat about it all on social media, before feeling sorry for themselves a week later and begging friends for money or ‘they’ll end it all’. Boo hoo.
Worthless fucking cunts.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
And they all seem to sit about watching Jeremy Kyle all day. Perhaps it’s so they can feel superior to someone for a change. If you tried to tell them that they’re exactly the same as the Jeremy Kyle cunts they’d strongly disagree but it’s true.
Fucking jobless, penniless, toothless (in many cases), feckless CUNTS.
And don’t even get me started on those gap year cunts. Constant uni degrees in pointless shite like drama or art…. GET A FUCKING REAL JOB YOU LAZY CUNT! ….I thank cleggy and pig fucker for tuition fees. That’s hopefully putting a stop to it.
Sadly not Mr Sausage – the feckless cunts pay nothing upfront, and don’t even have to start paying back a penny till they get a job paying £25,000 plus… and if it’s not paid back after 30 years it’s written off.
What about Mohamed and his other brother Mohammad and 25 cousins also Mohamed and the 80 wife’s 500 hundred kids all claiming the fucking lot the dirty stinking cunts
I’m a single dad of two who works full time, keeps up with the mortgage payments and doesn’t live beyond his means. These lazy inbred fuckers make me puke. They’re supposed to be thick as shit but they know everything they’re entitled to claim and how to work the system. The rest of us mugs soldier on and have fuck all to show for it. It makes you wonder who the real idiots are.
I used to work in a job centre – they know more about benefits than most staff.
These cunts are the lowest form of scum in the country…
They hold their fuckin grubby paws out with a sense of entitlement, that the world owes them everything..
Never too far away from their latest fruit endorsed communication device, planked in front of their 65″ OLED fukin LCD curved TV’s with the full SKY TV package surrounded by their 7 kids…
All paid for by us..
These cunts really do boil my piss…
The cunt on the left has that distinctly Iron Curtain look about him to me. I often see them on a Friday or Saturday night putting their grubby notes and coins together to buy a bottle of vodka from the Joe Dakis.
Bad enough that we have our own fucking scroungers without importing the bastards from fuck knows where.
Whatever happened to that plan about drug-testing people on the rick’n’roll? Sounded fair to me.
A good cunting though you forgot one important group, Mr.Prime:
The EastEuro trash on the Rick’n’roll.
You must’ve seen them down at the supermarket spending their hard-earned dole wonga on past-the-sell-by sliced ham, economy burgers, and cheap, shitty Australian wine whilst “dooshka-dooshka”-ing uber-loudly into their £700 mobile. The particular Ivans round by me all work cash in hand whilst claiming, hand car washes, picking fruit, or selling Class As.
Apparently 20% of EU nationals in the UK are bludging. Probably sending all back to Bucharest so auntie Helga can pay the mortgage on her brothel.
Filthy cünts.
These would be the fruit pickers without whom the stuff would be left rotting in the fields. They are all registered and pay tax and national insurance etc. of course. I know this because Sir Vince Cable told me.
Either that or we stay in the Fourth Reich because we can’t grow tomatoes and broccoli therefore we have to import them from the Netherlands and Spain. Can’t grow enough or need Iron Curtain cheap labour…. Which argument is it today, EU apologists?
Furthermore if Farmer Giles and other greedy apple millionaire cunts paid proper wages and/or paid employees through the books it wouldn’t encourage fraudulent Benefit-scrounging, Slovak gypsies to swarm here in the first place.
My Romanian neighbour works all the time, I reguly see him doing odd jobs round the take away shops, I think he may also do work down the job center too because I see him there a lot too and when he is not rushing round working, he is normally down the health center with his fat wife and baby.
In Fact he works so hard I can excuse the appearance of the sofa and kitchen cabinets in the thicket of a back garden they have because he is so busy working.
He must be Neighbourhood Watch, my Lord. If you see him furtively entering houses/flats, he’s probably just feeding the cat or thoughtfully switching off the lights for a holidaying couple.
The biggest shower of scrounging parasites are the Windsors as they now call themselves, having ditched Saxe-Coburg as being too German.
Very well said CC, when the half bat drops it usual the farther fucks off and the women gets full benefits, in her case the biggest in the land from us the cunt
And they give their discusting, chip-off-the-block offspring stupid names.
I remember one job I was at, the skank had called her kid Armani….. poor cunt.
Can’t agree with this one. As somebody with Asperger’s I cannot get a job simply because of prejudice.
I’d like to work, but never will be able to because of the prejudice out there, particularly corporate and public sector companies, that want everybody to be the same.
The worst people for prejudice against Autism ironically are Eastern Europeans and the “Minorities”, the more we bring in the worse it gets.
I spent nearly 10 years as a carer for my mum who had alzheimers. Now mid-fifties I couldn’t get a job if I paid the employer.
I’ve had that one too. Too old, and ‘overqualified’ with it. Two years on the dole, getting older still, before I got this job; and believe me I’ve had no wish to put a foot wrong having got it. And I was damn glad the benefits were there when I needed them. Though if you don’t play the system, and I didn’t, it wasn’t a bed of roses then and it’s worse now.
Would be extremely selective about who I cunted under this heading, and would bear in mind that there are other, far richer criminals than workshy chancers who are coining it from HM taxpayer. Need I say Serco? G4S? Subsidised energy companies? The banks?
Very true komodo.
I’d like to put the entire BBC on benefits…. oh wait … they kind of are….
The only advice I can give to you in your pursuit of gainful employment is to not sperg out in interviews.
Try to resist the temptation to say “REEEEEEEEE!!!” when things don’t go your way.
Try Wetherspoons. I have Aspergers and I work there and one of my mates (who also has it) used to work for them as well. They have a reputation as good disability employers.
Oh and one of my work colleagues at my local Spoons is autistic as well.
Kudos for your positivity, OC. Further and higher education are also good areas to explore and there are usually nonacademic vacancies – everything from estate work onwards . You don’t need to be a rocket scientist.
And of course, these scum cunts always seem to be really fertile, unfortunately.
Eeeuurrrgghh…just as bad as Pak1$ or inner city aspiring architects.
Child Benefit ▶ Double Bubble.
I went for a job at one of these assessment centres last year. I was prepared to sell my soul to get out of night shifts. Anyhow as I sat in the waiting room, this massive fatty waddled in. I decided on the spot that those sort of applicants would go home empty handed. Sadly I didn’t get the job. Knickers. I could’ve saved the Benefits Agency a fortune.
I came from an area of Newcastle, where no one in our estate worked. I left school and joined the Forces. Others did not.Over the years on my return trips , I see the same old faces, never moved, never worked and never challenged. And there gentlemen is the problem. Never challenged. The 1950,s were and the 60, were boom time. There were jobs, but you had to work. Fuck all scroungers!
This cunting is valid indeed.
It boggles my mind how these cunts are able to remain on benefits for decades without anyone challenging them. I claimed benefits twice in my life. The first time was when I was made redundant at age 22 from my first shitty nursery assistant job when the cunt who owned it just announced the place was bankrupt and gave us no notice whatsoever (I had to fight the cunt via the legal system for redundancy pay she refused to pay out) The second time was when I left nursing due to poor health.
They made my life HELL both times. The first time I opted to go to Uni to study nursing so was able to escape that shit, but the worst was the second time that I claimed. They kept pushing me to go back to nursing when I told them this was not an option due to my health issues and when I tried to show them jobs I had found to put me forward for, they refused based on the fact they deemed me ‘overqualified’. They constantly belittled me, made me feel like a pile of dog shit and didn’t believe that I was actively seeking work.
I stuck it for 6 months until I came to the conclusion that I would rather live on bread and fucking water than go through anymore of that shit. I now work for myself selling clothes and other shit via the internet. I am poorer….WAY poorer, but at least I have some semblance of dignity intact.
This is why I cannot fathom how these waster fucktards get away with leaving school and getting straight on to benefits and manage to maintain that way of life for years and years. HOW???
The whole system makes me vomit. My Dad served his country in the Royal Navy for 10 years. He worked his whole life since he left the navy in 1968. He was made redundant many years ago and had to claim JSA for a brief amount of time, but again, they made my Dad’s life hell in that shithole office. Looking down their noses at a man who has paid a shit load of tax in his lifetime and asked for no help up until that time…….and then you have lazy, chav, cunt scumbags who had done fuck all for anyone or anything and get their lifestyles bought and paid for by the pot that has been filled by people like my Dad.
Every time I go into our local pharmacy there are two or three druggies waiting to get their meth hit for the day. They’re invariably foul mouthed, foul smelling scum who look as though they’ve just fallen off the back of a dust cart, but strangely, they always seem to have a gleaming, state of the art smart phone. You know that every one of these wasted shits has never made a contribution to society and never will; they’ll take plenty though.
Scroungers make me feel nauseous. Junkie scroungers make me want to hurl copiously. Never mind decades, Nurse, these cunts will be taking every handout going for life. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr….
Yep, it is incredible isn’t it Ron?
They apparently haven’t got a pot to piss in (or ‘pot’ to smoke, more like) but they somehow have enough to live on that still affords them all of the latest gadgets.
Forgive me for ACTUALLY thinking that benefits were for people to still manage the essentials in life, like a roof over the heads, food on the table and bill paying.
I just cannot fathom how they manage to get away with this shite.
Sorry to hear about your past struggles with scumbag employer cunts and I’m glad you’ve managed to get out of the system and work for yourself with self esteem intact. And I so know the story of your father being treated like shit an old work colleague of mine 22 years RN from 18 many many years on deployment all over the world. Left the Navy always worked. Got made redundant but found a job coming up that would start in a few months but when he went to the dole to ask for a bit of help as he was due to start in a couple of months they basically said he’s not entitled to anything. Fast forward many many years he’s now in the advanced stages of vascular dementia and his wife just can’t manage anymore and of course you know the rest. No decent places to put him for his final stages to help his wife cope unless she sells their house etc. Meanwhile Ali Baba and the forty thieves turn up or Mikhail Bollockchopavich and brood turn up and the council miraculously find a house, school places, and loads of wonga for the scrounging scum. Cunts one and all.
Note from Admin, in your fathers case (in fact most dementia cases) if the patient is violent they can be sectioned under the mental health act, should this occur then He becomes a burden to the state and the NHS pay for care of their charge (unfortunately when the patient becomes less mobile their risk is down graded and the burden of care returns to the family)
The self-same cunts that dial ‘999’ for a fucking ambulance for a cold or other such fucking trivia becuase they can’t be bothered to get their fat fucking arses down to their local chemist or their GP surgery didn’t answer the telephone in a picosecond. And whilst we’re wasting our time with this cunt that knows the ‘buzzwords’ to get an ambulance, a General Broadcast goes out on the radio for a cardiac arrest near where you are… You think I’m joking?
A point very well made, DCI. By coincidence, I’ve got a cunting coming up soon on the very subject of cunts who abuse emergency services. Bastards need a fucking brick shoved sideways up their arses. THEN they can call for an ambulance.
And if they insist on us taking them in despite us finding fuck-all wrong with them – believe me, it’s cunts like this that’ll lose you your registration and job – they’re always iphone-positive on the fucking journey in. The time-wasting cunts. I look forward to your cunting, Sir.
I got suspended from my job on the 1/2/19. I have forced myself to keep busy. Not once have I watched daytime telly. Tomorrow I find out what will happen next though I already know and have an interview on Thursday and am desperate to do something,even if I can’t go back to my chosen field. However, I am beginning to understand how being out of work depresses people,zaps all motivation and feelings of self worth.
I accept that some refuse to work but I never expected to be in this position. I have had some extremely dark thoughts and every minute is a struggle.
Mind you, I can think of a few positions I would not mind being in with the cheeky young scamp stacking shelves in Morrison’s today…..
I feel your pain, Krav. I was out of work for a few months 4 years ago.
You’re damned right about the demoralisation and self-doubt beginning to nibble at you.
I hope it all works out for you and that you’re not forced to take a job in Morrison’s…?
This will not destroy me: I will not allow it too.
Obviously I’m a student but I felt exactly the same way whilst looking for a part time job. Luckily my parents were willing to help out in the interim and my dad is good enough at his job that he earns a nice wage but it was so demoralising having to rely on them financially – especially when you see your fellow students, and even your own sister who’s younger than you, get a job before you. Worst I’ve ever felt and glad I have a job now and no longer find myself in that position.
Thanks OC I appreciate you letting support
Nil carborundum illegitimae!
CS will translate….
Play to your strengths, Krav, and get a professional liar to draft your CV. Everyone else does. The job I eventually got might have been designed for my skills and experience….it can happen.
Keep strong Krav I’ve been made redundant a couple of times I know its not the same but I’ve felt the desperation start to creep in.
Sure you’ll be a great asset for anyone that you get to work for.
Also keep posting on ISAC it really is good for your mental health.
Krav, you’re trying to stay in work mate. I never judge anyone in that position. Ive been there myself.
It’s the professionally idle i can’t stand.
Also, why is the media licking the arse of that two bit pseudo intellectual,
Firstly,his name is Kingsley. secondly, he appears to talk utter shite and thirdly he is pug ugly.
He talked so much shite on C4 news last night it would be difficult to actually explain.
Why do outlets let half educated
Cunts like this sprout nonsense?
Also: Cressida Strap on.You are NOT allowed to comment on politics,love. So put some more batteries in your rabbit and buzz off.
You must include scum like this…..
If it was my child the cunt had run over, I’d almost be glad the cunt will be out in two years, as that’s all I’d have to wait before I could lay hands on the vermin, and go to town on the cunt with some bolt croppers and a soldering iron. Or, just run the Cunt over, you’d be out in two……
Benefit Boltneck tells Mrs Boltneck he is going to the food bank to pick up food for the kids. He gets into his three year old 5 series and drives to the offy. He dials home on his iPhone x plus to ask Mrs B if she needed anything. A litre bottle of Gordon’s and 8 litres of coke came the reply. Mr B gets a 24 pack of Bud Light, bottle of single malt, 300 cigarettes and five £10 scratch cards. He then dials the Indian and orders two three course meals to be delivered in 90 minutes time. Half way to the food bank he pops into the pub to have a couple of pints. At the food bank he rubs a couple of chilli flakes into his eyes so people can see he is so desperate, he is in tears. Back home him and Mrs B gets into an argument. Mrs B wants to watch Sky Movies, Mr B wants to watch premier league. Mrs B wins the day and turns on the 75 inch OLED, Mr B has to slum it upstairs on the 55 inch.
What qualification does Mr B have?
Masters in benefit claiming
There was an unofficial benefits advisor in one of the local estates, and his advice was to get a doctors appointment for 9 am, and before you attend, drink half a bottle of whiskey, and tell them you are an alcoholic. No one bothers you from then on, plus you get an extra thirty quid a week, so you can still feed yourself after blowing your bennies on the grog. Honestly, these scum know every trick in the book, and play it to the max every time. Free cars, houses, booze fags the lot. As I have said before, they are a burden the second spunk hits egg.
‘Class is dinner with no ketchup’
Or BBQ sauce. I treated one scrote to a nice pub dinner. Roast chicken with vegetables and potatoes.
It came with a mushroom, shallot and white wine sauce. The cunt asked the waitress for BBQ sauce.
The answer from the kitchen was a dismissive no.
Never again. Let them eat pulled pork from a jar and mac and cheese bites. Ghastly fucking cunts.
It’s when they gobble down kebabs and chips, and think they’re going ‘la continental’ exercising their ‘sophistication’.
Chav scum
Benefits should be paid to those in need, not those in want.
What about Mohamed and his other brother Mohammad and 25 cousins also Mohamed and the 80 wife’s 500 hundred kids all claiming the fucking lot the dirty stinking cunts
When I’m in power I’m slashing the amount of money these cunts get by at least half and reinvesting it into groups who actually need benefits. Like army veterans. And the disabled.
I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with these cunts in the past, particularly irksome was when asked how they were going to pay for the car they would often say “ with my earnings “ or even worse on “payday “ I’m not fucking kidding!! Absolute self entitled cunts……
Give the lazy fucks food vouchers they can use in supermarkets for food and essentials, not fags or alcohol….although probably not doable due to some human rights shit like causing shame, embarrassment/humiliation….
I have the ultimate solution to the lazy scroungers epidemic that sweeps our country…
What we should do is take all the unused warehouses and factories and fill them with exercise bikes.. We then connect all the exercise bikes to generators and use them to create power for the local community..
Now here’s the best part, all the lazy scrounging dossing cunts have to do 4 hours per day on the bikes.. Or else all payments halt…
This is a win/win/win scenario if ever there was one…
The fat cunts would lose wait & get healthy too, saving the NHS millions in the long run…
It’s genius
Weight, obviously…
Brilliant idea
It’s been done in Brazil, so it’s clearly possible…
What a great idea. Even better, pay them by the hour, the less they do the less they get paid.
Haha had the same idea for years!
I worked in public sector housing for years before retirement, and came across these entitled, worthless arseholes by the hundred. It was all take and no give with these cunts; not one of the bastards ever did anything more strenuous in the day than hold out their grubby hands for cash, paid for by all the rest of us working stiffs. Worst of all was seeing deserving cases such as the disabled getting pushed to the back of the queue for a house because some fat 16 y/o skank had got herself up the duff and was demanding a house and all the trimmings that go with it. the father had fucked off of course, or was one of maybe a dozen possibles.
That Adolf chap might have been a right cunt, but not all of his ideas were wrong.
Sorry Ron, but even for this site praising Hitler is a tad OTT.
No one on this site is an antisemite but there will come a time when mass murder will be used again to thin out the population pressures on the planet. Either by war or by design. Fact. We are all competing for finite resources and I’m fucked if my quality of life is going to get diminished by those that can’t be arsed to work. The key phrase is “can’t be arsed”.
3 IEDs found in London. Apparently they consisted of parcels with Irish stamps on them.
Oh dear. Do I hear the words “backstop” and “people’s vote”?
We should send some back….
But our bombs don’t need stamps, they deliver themselves….
The whole benefits system needs a proper shake up in order to assist genuine claimants, ie those with disabilities or those genuinely seeking work. Those who see scrounging as a career choice should starve, because they are all impacting on our futures. Under the current system, I need to have paid NICs for x years in order to get my state pension. What of those that couldn’t be arsed to work? Naturally, they will get the same health care and income as me. Fuck those that cannot be arsed to work. Loads of them here in the Highlands. That’s why we’ve got a plague of polaks.
Only in mental lefty liberal Europe have we developed welfare systems that supports the feckless. It should be work or starve. It seems to work in other developed countries – USA, Canada, Australia to name a few.
Couldn’t agree more with this cunting! Benefits are a life choice for far too lazy bastards in this country. As a seasoned low life I’ve encountered many of this creed including an ex friend or two who’s last jobs were probably their paper rounds!
Another character I know of has just been presented with child number 3 by his Mrs and was then presented with a subsequent boost in benefits by the tax payer for his hard work. Cunt can drive, walk, talk and shop, so he can and should work but is obviously not being made to.
All non disabled dole claimants should be made to attend community work projects where they work 9 to 5 monday to friday completing supervised work projects in their local areas. It would instill the work ethic that they so dearly lack and motivate them no end.
We could even get them all to stand on the beaches at Dover with night vision binoculars to help us locate, rescue and bring to shore the next wave of ‘claimants’ to replace them when they get back to work!
I agree. Every able boddied claimant should have to do community work for their benefits. I’d change the name too… from benefits to charity payment or something, just so they remember that what they get is by our good will and not because they’re entitled to it.
Disabled people fair enough, society should look after them. And I like the fact that if someone has contributed to society and fallen on hard times, the community will help them back onto their feet
The only ones that should get long term payments without working for it are the disabled though.
Some disabilities mean that they can’t work and that’s fine, but if someone can’t walk or has a bad back or something I think they should be trained to work on a computer and work from home. Surely it couldn’t be too hard to create virtual offices so they can work, earn money, keep their minds active and gain self respect and pride in themselves rather that wallowing in a chair at home.
I don’t believe these two Yanks who are claiming wacko Jacko touched them up. Firstly,they have both previously said he did not. Secondly he is not around to defend himself. Thirdly: Is that a cash machine I hear?