Theresa ‘seriously, just fuck off you stupid bitch’ May [26]

I know it’s become repetitive by this point but can I please put forward an EMERGENCY CUNTING for that utterly useless sell out bitch the Maybot for offering MPs a Brexit delay vote and a vote to conclusively rule out No Deal?
We all knew she was going to pull some sort of sly trick like this eventually but now that it’s actually happened and now the Brexit dream is over I’m experiencing an anger that I didn’t think even I was capable of. Once again democracy in this country has descended into a complete and utter fucking farce thanks to the whims of an abominable woman who makes Chamberlain look like a colossus by comparison! Corrupt, self serving, inept, undemocratic CUNT!!!!!

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

58 thoughts on “Theresa ‘seriously, just fuck off you stupid bitch’ May [26]

  1. The ‘Remain’ fix is well and truly in, OC.
    It’s going to be VERY interesting to see how the millions of Outers will ultimately respond to what is shaping up to be a massive betrayal of the referendum result by Parliament.
    I yet have faith tho; after all, our Beloved Leader has said on many occasions that ‘Brexit means Brexit’, and I’m sure she’ll prove to be true to her word…

    • Strike action from me to start, should it not go through on the 29th of March.

      Surely it is written somewhere that we have a right to do away with every one of these traitorous cunts

    • There’s never been any doubt that ‘Brexit means Brexit’ but no amount of stating this simple truth means we will actually get it.

  2. What happened to ‘no deal is better than a bad deal?’ And ‘we will leave the EU on the 29th March 2019?’ And ‘Brexit means Brexit?’ What happened Mrs May? We all know what happened – YOU as a Remainer deliberately sabotaged Brexit in order to make us stay in by stealth, and for your treason should immediately be removed from office BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

    • Let’s be fair to her. She not only has those doddering cunts Cable and Steptoe (not to mention slightly younger cunt Ummuna) to contend with, laying landmines, she also has some of her own party – Grieve, Rudd Heseltine also acting like spoilt brats.

      The pansies on all sides are uniting as they are so terrified of Brexit (Boles, Bradshaw, Twigg, Streeting, Lessie Greening), I don’t think we have ever witnessed this sort of behaviour in parliament before.

      We need Mrs Thatcher, but if I were Mrs. May if the bastards keep fucking her about I would call a general election, not a 2nd referendum, and let the voters sort the cunts out by making Steptoe totally unelectable and those little fuckers in the Blair Tribute Band would all for sure lose their seats.

  3. Treasoner’s far from alone in all this.

    I think we all… at least those of us who have kept a close eye on the House of Common Cunts over the last 40 years or so… knew that it would inevitably end this way.

    But we clung on in hope.

    Besides, anyone who followed the expenses scandal could be in no doubt what an utter self serving bunch of entitled cunts our so called representatives are.

    “Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
    The time is gone, the song is over,
    Thought I’d something more to say.”

    I have: I’d like to punch them all VERY HARD in the face.

  4. She has been painting herself into a corner for months and finally she is fucked, no space left.
    The EU can now just sit tight and watch westminster self implode, if he deal falls on March 12 i think we are heading for a general election with a new leader of the Conservatives.

    Or she is actually very clever, this takes the heat off her, ‘trying for a deal but now the deal can be rejected and the fall out will be deflected back onto the commons’

    The fucking cunt Starmer has been on the box again today, everytime this cunt mentions the second referendum he always emphasises REMAIN!

  5. This skeletal hunchback is like a disease that’s never truly stamped out. Globally we must be a laughing stock; once a giant, now a feeble slave kowtowing to lispy cunts in Europe who no longer even bother hiding their mirth and insults. With every new low and awkward granny spaz dance, the lipsticked ghoul humiliates us further.

    I hope she finds blood in her stools.

  6. The vote on no deal will not be binding so don’t get fully dismayed at this point.

    Keep yer peckers up.

    31 days to go until I leave the EU. I have already banned all foods that come from the EU from ‘migrating’ into my castle. I will never buy anything that originates from the bloc again.

    Goodbye for now.

  7. “There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour.”

    Benjamin Disraeli

    • I know you requested I keep out of your face, FtF, and I shall. fyi, I seem to be under close scrutiny by SO19/MI5/Admin right now for trolling… B U T…

      Totally spot on, 100% correct, and a superbly chosen quote
      NB this is not trolling

    • “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”
      ― Mikhail Gorbachev

      • As an ex-student of Russian, this Gorby quote is my favourite.
        But, then, I never believed the Berlin Wall would come down.
        It did.

  8. To my discredit, I actually thought she was a good idea at the time. Discounting the useless Leadsom, once Gove had shafted Johnson and with nobody else willing to put their head above the parapet, maybe, I thought, a ‘soft’ remainer, determined to respect the referendum result, would bring the Tories together and carry the few honourable Labour politicians along with her.

    What a daft cunt I turned out to be.

    I do, however, still believe her original intention was to respect the referendum. She’s more weak than devious and never had the personal strength to stand up to the likes of Olly Robbins. Once she had shot herself in the foot with her disastrous 2017 election campaign (largely thanks to Fi and Tim), the remain supporting civil service knew they could, via Chequers and the deeply unfavourable Withdrawal Agreement, run her towards a BRINO or staying in by extending A50 (once it’s done once, why not keep doing it until it becomes another permanent temporary solution, like income tax and the national speed limit?).

    • Sadly Harry you are right.

      She should have sacked that fat faced fucker Robbins long ago, and as for the cabinet scum keep on going about resigning – let them. There are plenty of middle ministers who could be promoted – after all Steptoe does OK with his 5th raters.

      Rudd should never have been reinstated in the first place – let her fuck off to Umunna and suck his dick like the other three Tory trouts have

      • Rudd is a cunt of the first magnitude. Unfortunately for her (she likes the dark meat), I hear Umbongo would rather have it sucked by another bloke. Preferably in a filthy public bog.

    • May’s USP has always been her uselessness and inability to deliver on anything of any substance EVER. Check out her time in the Home Office – never getting close to bringing Net Immigration down to the 10s of 1000s as promised in three election manifestos in a row!

      However, she has always made impressive, persuasive speeches. Her speech outside No.10 when she first became PM almost brought a tear to my jaundiced eye. Unfortunately it was just talk, all talk and no trousers.

      The Remain establishment recognised this wonderful quality from the start, seeing it would be nothing short of a miracle if she didn’t fuck Brexit up.

      Whether she is part of this obvious Remain /EU conspiracy, I cannot tell. But if I wanted to deliver something as monumental as Brexit successfully, the LAST person I would have entrusted this mission to would be Theresa May.

      Even Churchill would’ve had his work cut out to deliver Brexit.

      • I agree. There’s really no one from the political class you could call a principled statesman. Bunch of worthless, self-serving, spineless traitors and gobshites.

  9. They’re expertly implementing steps to ensure all their scaremongering comes true, Maybot was just the puppet to dance the merry facade of leave. Extending article 50 will send the £ plummeting in value and once again the remoaners will say “see, I told you brexit was bad”. All this bad deal bullshit was just a way to make a statement that we can never leave the EU, because it’s too destructive. May was never going to lead us out, she was just the scapegoat they used to make it seem like the process was all above board. The establishment has played their hand well.

    • I make you right. The bitch won’t make huge amounts of money like Blair but at least she’ll get a seat in the Lords.
      Baroness May of Brussels sounds about right.

      • Her husband has made millions out of government contracts. They are a pair of corrupt unreliable Cumts.

  10. Hi guys I’m a new mother fucker so be kind to me. . . well,all I can add is I hope they have enough body bags & troops on standby . . .

    • ……..and royalty. I don’t suppose he would have been overkeen on peacefuls either, if there had been any of the cunts knocking about at the time.

  11. We all knew in the back of our minds that self serving politicians all on the Eu gravy train and the media in the pay of big corporations such as Sly News were never going to let Brexit happen. We must have been deluded to think it would. But that doesn’t stop me seething with rage . I voted Labour when I was young but soon realised they couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery let alone the economy , which lead me to vote Tory for many years. BUT NEVER AGAIN. I will vote for UKIP or any right wing party that will overthrow the scum in Westminster. May’s tactic of delaying Brexit is just an attempt to give remainers enough time to mobilise a second referendum.

  12. The posh-shoed cunt is therefore now responsible for the death of democracy in the UK. We fought for our “freedom” in WW2 but now we’re the EU’s bitch. Churchill must be spinning like a fucking fan.

    • The Honorary Cobbler-in-Chief of Cardiff (a title wot I gave meself) is currently fashioning an extra-heavy pair of cement shoes for The Maybot.

  13. Parliament is taking back control from the people so it can give it back to the EU Commission.

    What a steaming pile of cuntage.

  14. She was sporting a much smaller pearl necklace yesterday – Hubby must be feeling the strain too….

    • Her husband has the face of a fucking garden gnome. On the subject of pearl necklaces, fortunately, Mr May shoots blanks otherwise Treason would have dropped a sprogbot or two.

  15. I’m watching “Suffragette “ on More 4 at the moment.
    Who would have thought that, 100 years later, votes for women, or any other cunt, would be completely pointless.
    I wonder what Mrs Pankhurst would make of this Hunchback bitch?

  16. May or Corbyn? Treason or communism? Good god. The only real course of action I can see to escape this nightmare is to go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for it all to blow over.

  17. Brussels Broadcasting Corp news tonight explained how financially the impact of Brexit would be very painful and beyond that probably most frightening our food choices at the supermarket would diminish.

    I wonder if we will ever get to find out if this bullshit comes true now given these cunting MP’s? None the less I am still going to start gathering fresh grass from my garden this weekend as I had always planned this close to Brexit so I had enough all ready and dried so I could at least boil some tea ( mainly for the love of my life Mrs Walker).

    So ………
    Get ready for some social unrest……………
    Rees Mogg was right when he said today (more or less) that Parliament need to think long and hard as the unintended consequences of where some want to lead us now could be quite devastating to maintaining the underlying fragile bargain the State has with its people…….we will end up on very thin ice if these turd head surrender monkeys don’t wise up.

  18. The most duplicitous act of the whole Brexit ( pantomime) non negotiation for me was delivered by Ollie robbins in the form of the Irish backstop which the hunchback ran over to Brussels to sign up to, both of those treacherous cunts knew with that mechanism in place that no Brexit deal would have commanded a majority, they gifted the EU the shitty stick to beat us with…..
    Does May look unduly worried? Stressed that her non Brexit deal is floundering? ISACs old pal spivey should do one of his “ investigations “ on Brexit because it’s been a HOAX! Performed by a load of fucking actors who played politicians …..
    From the doddery completely out of touch CUNTS in the house of wax to the career EU Sycophants who plague the House of Commons……

    • Corbyn’s second referendum. Do you want to
      1. Leave in name only
      2. Remain in the EU

      Why the fuck didn’t she just sack the three cabinet bastards who publicly put a gun to her head? I would.

      If I were May i would now dissolve parliament and call a general election then resign immediately. No Parliament, no chance to stop no deal in 29th March.

      And what a choice we’d have to vote for – Lib dem remain, labour remain, TIG remain, Tory remain so no choice at all really other than dictatorship or communism.

      We’re fucked. Thank god I’m losing me marbles and will be too buggered to care…

      • Simple, don’t vote for any of those cunts full stop!

        Nothing will change if we keep voting them in and they’re all elitist puppets to the EU and Soros.

        Their policies only vary on fringe issues such as twansbenderism, etc., but red, blue or yellow, all of the current MP crop are cast from the same cunt mold!

        Vote for any cunt apart from one of the same-old, same-old traitors!

      • Spoil your ballot paper – write ALL CUNTS across it – leave them in no doubt as to how you feel!

      • Morning RTCP
        I wouldn’t do that as it could mistaken as a vote for the Lib Dem’s ?
        Imagine cable sweeping into power?
        The geriatric cunt walking into the lords “ mr cable your next door “
        Turning up at sky when he was due at the bbc?
        Instead of flying to Brussels boards wrong the plane and ends up in Egypt?
        Just sayin……

      • Morning Q!

        Fair do’s… how about scrawling FUCKING NO-ONE?

        Trouble is it might be interpreted as a vote for any one of the 100s of identikit career socialist nonentity establishment cunts that infest politics today.

        Probably safest to wipe your shitty arse on it, they’ll quickly get the message ?

      • Or blow your nose on it ?
        I really liked dio,s idea of dissolving Parliament! Can you imagine the sheer panic of not only the commons quislings but the EU ?

      • All of the senior Civil Service Cunts who have been “advising” our corrupt self-serving politicians should be rendered jobless and unemployable before the mass lynchings which will occur if we are shit upon by the EU any further.

      • Absolutely spot on dio
        Unfortunately I don’t believe may has got the backbone, may isn’t too upset with what’s going on, for all of her rhetoric she’s no leaver! Never was….
        Very much doubt she would fall on her sword knowing a true leaver could become PM ….

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