Officially The Confederation of British Industry, in reality Cunts, Bastards and Idiots.
The relentless Remain agenda and threats to their comfortable boardroom lifestyles on the backs of the workforce. Of course itβs in their interests in Free Movement allowing them to import an endless supply of cheap foreign labour and maximise their obscene bonuses and share options.
Big business in this country has become synonymous with tax avoidance, speculation, over-remuneration β¦.. all cushioned by a declining Exchange Rate allowing them to export ever more cheaply.
The CBI are no more than the association of spivs in suits designed to lend them an air of respectability.
Nominated by Isaac Hunt
That Carolyn Fairbairn needs to have her cunt slapped with a fucking cactus.
A bunch of thieving , parasitic cunts, always quoted by the media as if they are The Oracle or something.
Fuck them all to hell!
.”The National Farmers’ Union with its 55,000 members is the largest component of the 188,500 indirect members the CBI claims to speak for. The Country Land and Business association brings another 30,000 indirect members.”
It’s good that the farmers and landowners are so well represented in the CBI. They understand business and are the backbone of this Country. Townies who fail to understand this should Fuck Off.
NFU – anti Brexit, pro EU.
Morning Dick ?
Possibly,but Farmers overall voted pretty much in line with the everyone else in the referendum……….
“Support for Brexit remains as strong as ever among British farmers, with few who voted to leave the European Union 18 months ago saying they would vote any differently if there was another referendum today.
The latest survey of Farmers Weekly readers, conducted by direct email shot and online in the first week of December, attracted over 1,400 responses β roughly two-thirds farmers and one-third non-farmers.
See also: Exclusive: Survey reveals 58% of farmers back EU exit
It revealed that, among farmers, some 53% voted to leave the EU in the referendum of 23 June, 2016, while 45% opted to remain, with 2% not voting.
This is almost exactly the same outcome as when we ran the same survey last December.
In contrast, the non-farmers taking part (likely to include many people working in the ancillary services and wider food industry), voted 57% to remain and 36% to leave, with 6% not voting β again, an almost identical outcome to our survey 12 months ago.”
Morning, Dick.
Interesting figures there. I’m guessing that a majority of farmers see their profits cut to the bone (or beyond, in the case of dairy) by globalisation, and its requirement for absolutely perfect product to arrive on a schedule timed to minutes via transport costing a fortune on the shelves of supermarkets engaged in cutthroat competition with each other. Whereas in a more localised market, prices and product could more accurately reflect actual demand without the requirement that imports be favoured under EU regulations. Farmers cannot cut their production costs, in general, and a reform of the market is well overdue.
I’d like to see those figures broken down further. My guess again is that smaller farmers would predominantly vote Leave, but the big ones, tied into the globalised supply chain and dealing with larger harvests requiring cheap labour would be for remaining.
Whereas the ancillary processors and distributors are wholly reliant on cheap foreign labour.
Do tell me if I’m talking bollocks…
Morning K.,I suspect that you’re spot on.. As in so many cases it’s money that does the talking and seems to drive the agenda,although,as I say to RTC below, who can say that they’re not right? So many lies and distortions regarding Brexit have made it impossible to really know what the future holds,but I must admit that I’m not so sure that a “pull up the drawbridge and Fuck Europe” mentality that many Leavers prefer really will be the best outcome.
I suppose farming is no different to so many other industries where Big Business seems to set the agenda,and like it or not,that’s just the way that it is.
I thought the point of your original post was that the NFU so well represented the farmers in the CBI?
Perhaps when it comes to Brexit they prioritise the views of big business farmers, wealthy landowners like Heseltine, and their council members “overwhelming” vote in favour of staying in the EU.
That said, the TUC and most unions are anti Brexit, so nothing unusual about NFU’s position.
The NFU follows a policy of doing what IT believes is in the best interests of British farmers. If they believe that a frictionless borders policy is in the best interests of British farmers,it is their job to present that…who knows? Maybe they’re right?
Wouldn’t argue with that Dick.
Most Remainers argue Brexit is against the interests of the British people, NFU are no different. As you say, maybe they’re right.
It’s reached a point now that nobody knows what is true and what is not. I actually find it quite worrying just how entrenched people on both sides have become. Whatever the outcome,it’s not going to be pretty.
I have always been in two minds about Brexit. I reluctantly voted Remain, for reasons I have outlined here on several occasions, but as soon as Leave won I got 100% behind the result because I value democracy above almost everything else in public life. I still believe Brexit might have been a success if Remoaners hadn’t sought to stop it, by hook or by crook, from the word go. Now it’s a car wreck.
Farmers are leeches. They plead poverty , then suck the tax payers money up to buy their new 4*4s, tractors and bush trimmers.
I fucking hate them all.
Did a farmer catch you touching his prize bull in an inappropriate manner and chase you?
LOL. π .
Morning. MPG.
Morning Dick. We’re surrounded by farmers up our way, and their live stock. I used to have a vegetable garden a couple of years ago. Arrived home one day and there was cow shit all over the drive. Checked the plot and the fence had been trampled and all the vegetables had been eaten.
Never trust a cow.
I even found a bunny in the lavatory one time.. he must of been in the house for a couple of days due to the carpet being chewed up by the door in the living room. Poor sod probably tried to escape through the bathroom window and came to an unfortunate end in the process.
Is that a dolphin in a bathtub?
Are you quoting Harry Enfield or refering to the bunny in my lavatory cs.
Could be your avatar MPG?
I’m as mystified as you… Mr caughtspeeding’s a bit of a cryptic cunt now and again…
Mr caughtspedding’s… sorry, fucking spellcheek!
Clairvoyants, Brainwashers, and Inbreds.
Not the CBI who failed to predict the 2008 slowdown then – the Michael Fish of the financial prediction.
Not the CBI who wanted the Euro currency so badly – I wonder how long tinpot countries who have adopted this will last.
Not the CBI who have received funds from….the EU and therefore, no matter how small, can be described as “EU-funded”.
Like all Fortune Tellers and Clairvoyant cunts, only the predictions that come correct are remembered.
They represent global business and the London elite. What do we expect?