Terry Christian

What a über cunt this nasally borderline Salfordian is.

On GMTV the other today (15/02/19) he was pitched with Tim Martin the ‘Brexit Suppprting’ founder of Witherspoon’s.

My first thought was ‘how in the name of Hong Kong Fucking Fui
have we reached a point where some shite fucking has been cretin who’s major claim to fame was presenting The Turd is debating a self made multi-millionaire businessman whos built a chain of 900 pubs, employs 37000 staff with net revenue of £1.6bn?’

Turns out Christian, who’s achieved ermmmm, none of the above,tweeted some shite about if you were on a plane and 52% of the passengers voted to turn the engines off and the rest didn’t, who should be first to receive the parachutes, fucking bla bla blllllllaaaaa.

Apparently in Terry Fuckwits brain this is a legitimate comparison.

Apparently he knows this to be because he has a friend who employs people and he said it’s disasterous.

Apparently his savings have reduced in value by 18% since the Brexit vote.

As is ever the case with these fucking lefty morons who’ve only ever employed Bratislav to do the gardening he wouldn’t let Tim Martin get a word in (the interview was done over a live link with Terry Fuckwit in the studio).

It’s not all bad though, just as the Mancunian fucking gobshite paused for breath back came Tim loud and clear.

‘Terry is to economics what Tiger Woods is to monogamy’.

Interesting though, isn’t it, that Terry Fuckwit, champagne socialist that he is, seems to suggest it’s ok to discriminate on the grounds of the way you voted and ties that in with a schoolboy analogy about crashing a plane.

What an insufferable piece of shit.

Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface


Terry fucking Christian.

Haven’t seen this pan-faced, smug, talentless cumstain receive a well overdue nomination, so I believe it’s time.

Mercifully we don’t see much of the cunt these days, but tis a small consolation knowing that this fuckhead still walks and breathes under the same sky as us all; you can’t uninvent something, not even Terry cunting Christian.

I doubt I need to write more as the mere mention of this wank rag should make your blood fucking curdle.

Nominated by Little Lord Cuntleroy

77 thoughts on “Terry Christian

  1. If I had my way this nasty short-arse pikey cunt would have his body reduced by 18% when I took to booting his fucking head around the M60

  2. Not heard anything aboit this particular little tosser in years. Vaguely remember it as a lightweight celeb/radio presentah some years back. Some scandal? (apart from its lack orf talent) Now reduced to bottom orf the barrel last name in the contacts book fill ins. Worthless cunt.

  3. When “being a Manc” and walking like a mongy chimp was trendy back in 1990, this turd was tokenly appointed his presenting role and he was fucking awful at hs job. His nasally stuttering and woeful sight reading wouldn’t have passed GCSE journalism and it’s incredible he lasted so long in a programme designated in a time slot for the Friday night pub-returners too pissed to be discerning.

    Not much of a surprise thirty years later to hear he’s backed the Brussels Cunts’ horse thirty months after we had the vote, especially since Manchester voted to Remain, the daft pricks.

    Terry Fuckwit the whining, dirty Manc cunt.

  4. Terry Muslim is about as relevant as a personal compact disk player!

    Fuckers who tuned into the word did so for two reasons: to stare at Amanda de Cadenet’s cleavage, or later on, Dani Behr’s.

    No fucker cared a jott about what that Manc plank was saying even back then so certainly not now.

    Fuck off! Cunt!

  5. Surely the correct analogy would be that on a plane with engine problems 52% of the passengers think it prudent to land and get off the plane whereas the remaining 48% think the engine problems will magically dissappear and they will reach there lovely holiday destination without crashing and burning and dying in a terrible inferno.
    So oi Christian use some brains we ain’t sabotaging the fucking eu just leaving because we think it’s fucked ya stupid cunt.

  6. I saw Fuckwit’s recent appearance on Question Time and he was a fucking embarrassment, a whining inarticulate wanker. His hatred and contempt for the working class was glaringly obvious and even the remoaners in the audience were groaning at his obstinate stupidity. I would have this remoaning, boring oaf on the telly all day spouting about shit he knows nothing about. Highly entertaining.
    I wonder if he knows that everyone calls him Terry Fuckwit these days?

    • He’s as thick as day old porridge!

      I wouldn’t even ask the cunt what 2+2 is in case he ran out of fingers!

      So be was on CunstionTime was he? Zippy from Rainbow wasn’t available then??

      • Rebel, Zippy from Rainbow wasn’t available because…. he is no more. He went to the tv studio in the sky years ago though nobody had him in the Dead Pool.

        Nonetheless, even now he’s more intelligent than Terreh Fuckwit.

      • Surely that’s run out of thumbs the inbred looking cunt.
        Only good things on the Word we’re de Cadenet and Behr both came across as posh but filthy birds.
        Shame Ollie Reed didn’t too punch his face in.

      • I’m amazed at Mr Christian who claims to be a socialist? Who shouts down responders to his fucke up theory’s on Brexit And wants to support an Organization the EU?which is far from democratic and a concept which was originally dreamed up by the Nazi party! This EU which is far from democratic also uses just like terry insulting fuck wit language against its opponents if questioned or if any other country wants to leave the bully’s club/EU who are in reality run by an unelected protectionist old boys/girls club for the worlds elites! Who it seems want to fuck the working classes of the world not just the EU
        So well done terry you have slagged off a self made millionaire who employs lots of working class people in the U.K. and slagged off anyone who uses Weatherspoons including suggesting anyone who voted leave should be sacked by pro EU employers what a little hiltler Nazi cunt you are Terry!
        I suggest you terry fuck off somewhere to one of Richard branson who is another smirky cunt s holiday island retreats with all your fuck wit champagne swilling socialist elitist friends invite Bob geldoff as well another rich self serving cunt and neo liberal oh sorry socialist?I’m all right jack champagne swilling liberal! and stop looking down your nose at the majority of working class that voted leave that your and your ilk so despise!you are terry the modern Nazi who is a complete and utter disgrace

  7. There’s a general ‘unwritten’ rule that some cunt who hasn’t run a business or isnt in your business doesn’t fucking tell you how to run your business.

    This cunt kept shouting…..

    ‘You just want people to be worse off so they have to drink in your pubs’

    Really. What a fucking cunt.

    School boy ‘debating’ with a character straight from the pages of Viz.

  8. It seems Appeaser May has sent a letter to all 317 of her Tory MPs, telling them to “put their differences aside” and get behind her traitorous so called ‘Deal’…. The same traitorous deal defeated in the Commons last month by 239 votes, the largest defeat in Parliamentary history EVER!

    Not one dot or comma of the ‘deal’ has been changed in the meantime, let alone any movement on the backstop or the £39 billion ransom payment, both of which would need to be dumped or changed substantially if anyone with common sense or cares about this country had any say in the matter.

    So what’s the fucking point? Does she expect Parliament to get so spooked about the “horrors” of a No Deal that they’ll sign up to a really bad, ‘vassal state deal’?

    Wouldn’t put it past the slimy self serving cunts.

    • RTC we are fucked either way, stress not I genuinely feel a uproar coming within the next few years

      • Agree Harry… I ceased stressing about Brexit months ago, am now just a indifferent observer, no good can come of it, this country is finished. ?

    • Evening my liege
      I too am a bit confused by this. She places the Bill to the House of Commoners and it’s defeated in a rout. The message is clear: No backstop (i.e. No Customs Union, no split the UK, no thanks Jüncker).
      She says “I have listened to the comments” and toddles off to the Reichstag to meet the heads of the S.S. but says she’s NOT going to ask to have the backstop removed. Erm…is this just a booze cruise duty free trip?

      She returns after being laughed at (quite rightly) and told to “Schnëll, fucken offen.” With no amendments….just expects the same people who rejected it to vote for it. Have I misread something?

      “Do you want to buy this cauliflower for a tenner?”
      “No thanks.”

      “Do you want to buy this cauliflower for a tenner?”
      “No thanks.”

      “Do you want to buy this cauliflower for a tenner?”
      “No thanks.”

      “Do you want to buy this cauliflower for a tenner?”
      “Ooh, yes. Yes, I do!”

    • She does not, and always has not, wanted Brexit.
      She knows her deal will be defeated again, then there will be a vote to delay or cancel the March leaving date, it’s yet another plot to stop us leaving.
      This country is fucked on so many levels, and I fear no one has the balls to do anything about it.
      I am a Mancunian, and very proud of my city, but I am in complete agreement that Terry is a complete fucking helmet.

      • Yes, it’s always been about stopping us leaving, and May’s deal is worse than remaining. They think they’re so fucking clever (Labour included), they won’t feel so clever after the next General Election.

      • Have a bit of faith in our Teresa. I think she might come out of this well by running the clock down and getting a no deal.
        She said we’re leaving on the 29th and I believe her…because I don’t think she can handle this going on any longer. She looks fucked.
        She’s not stupid and knows the EU wants a deal and our money.
        She is running the clock down and as each day passes the EU are shitting themselves. In their world money and business talks and it’ll all get sorted. Relax everyone have a Rum… or a spliff.

      • You can see its getting to the EU cunts… Look at Tusks ‘Special place in hell’ tantrum. They’re shitting themselves especially Tusk as Poland sells more polish here than in Poland. Piss off.

      • I trust Treason May about as far as I can throw Diane Abbott giving Cyril Smith a piggy-back!

  9. Alas his home town is infiltrated by sand dwellers he didn’t do fuck all about that . Alas his arse dropped when facing the 14th century cunts , so onto hey man I’m cool I hate Brexiteers. Fuck of u stupid little cunt, always a forest in darkest Northumberland for you to visit ?you pathetic little turd burgler

  10. An insult to the good people of Manchester this ignorant twat.I remember this gobshite on The Word He was a cunt then leopards never change their spots I’ve listened to his remain ranting utter twaddle verbal diarrhoea

  11. Aaargh Terreh is a nugatory Northern-Git, a lout and a aberrant mistake. As elicited elsewhere, this Tartuffe, this posturing pleb, this plaster saint, this sanctimonious peddler of purest cant… (reaching for my Roger’s there)…
    Was A Cunt

  12. Terry Fuckwit thought it a good idea to sack staff because of the way they voted.

    He did not stop to think that when we leave cunts like him will be the ones who will have to explain why they voted to stay in a failing pile of shit that is the EU.

    On the other hand he could be fired for being a cunt.

  13. The word was a bit before my time and on too late for me, but i remember clips shown on other programmes. I had a few older friends who watched it but they found it insufferable, as if everyone on it were part of some new cultural paradigm and very smug about it, but it was the beginning of the media and arts becoming an ongoing party for the privately educated.
    I remember Christian from this, some daytime telly and an appearance on Celebrity Big Brother.

    • Fuckwit was in Big Brother?Imagine being stuck with that cunt 24 hours a day. Just his voice alone would drive me up the wall. I presume he was voted out first ?

  14. The “word” Terry is CUNT.

    For my sins I watched the ‘Big Questions’ this morning, what a load of fucking shite (even more that the previous cunting).

    A full hour of dipsticks talking about fucking identity, religion v’s country.

    I’ll get my coat


  15. Breaking new ISIS bitch has given birth, the little cunt must be syrian by default.

    The picture the media keep showing of this evil cow is brilliant, she looks dead behind the eyes.

    Disappointed with Trump, I thought we could have depended on him to say shoot all the captured fighters not take them back for trial.


    • Let the cunt rot and her bastard offspring!

      I’m sorry but I feel nothing but resentment towards the treasonous cunt!

      She can fuck right off!

  16. I doubt he reads ISAC (though he should), but I can imagine Aaargh Terrehgh on seeing this assault on his integrity (over a couple of lines of Columbia Colly with his mates). “I’ve had a lot of shite in life, and I know I’m a fuckwitt, but I’ve never been likened to a Molière play before now”.
    Were that his theatrical agent even more successful in his rediffusion. The more we hear, the less we like him.

  17. Our Terr’eh’ is a smarmy cunt who thinks he’s down wiv the cool crowd.
    Still thinks he’s edgy because he was on The Word abaaaaht 40 years ago.
    The programme as far as I can remember was ok but he is a prick who hasn’t grown up. Probably still goes raving and pops a couple of pills… The cunt.

  18. They must be scraping the barrell for remoaner cunts to drag out that annoying, moronic has-been twat….
    A very well deserved cunting indeed.
    It’s a shame that tv presenters don’t call cunts out on their bullshit…. savings gone down by 18%?!
    What’s that down to? Inflation? Nope. Interest rates? Nope. Are you a lying cunt Terry?
    …And that plane analogy is the stupidest fucking analogy that I’ve ever heard. I’d expect that level of cuntitude from chukka ummuna, sourbry or the abbopotomous.

  19. He got it all wrong as usual. The wanker should’ve said. If we are on a sinking boat and we want to bail out, but 48% of the tossers want to let more people on board who gets the life boats first. Somebody please fuck this twat with the rough end of a cuntstick.

  20. Snide, nasally, muttering, monkey-gaited, Manc cunt.

    I used to avoid this fucking bell-end on the Word and only used to gawp at Amanda’s perky tits.

    Couldn’t stand the ill-informed, opinionated, low-intelligence twat then. As he has aged, he attempts to apply the same teenage, facile thought processes to politics.

    Fuck off Christian, you pissing window-licking cunt.

    • Bit hard on window-lickers, Paul M.

      Ahh, Amanda de Cabinet. Just as dreadful a tv presenter as Terreh Fuckwit but being a looker (then) and possessing a heavy set of top bollocks forgave her amateur dithering.

  21. If 52% of people agree with me, and 48% don’t, execute the 48, then all the people agree with me. It’s GCSE foundation maths.

  22. What has this cunt Christian EVER been good ??? He’s in the same ilk as Ant & Dec and all the other talentless cock suckers in the media. When this cunt speaks he sounds like he’s chewing on a ball of elastic bands… I just want to punch the fucker hard in the face.

  23. I believe certain women’s name guarantee they are sexy and well worth a fuck.
    Amanda de Cadenet… You know she will be a sexy, fuck every night and twice on Sundays kind of woman.
    Gertrude Heggerty… You can guess the rest.

    Piss off.

    • Always preferred Sarah Cox TBH until she married some southern cunt and became yet another token norvenaar in Lahhhhhhndan Tarn!

      Great tits though. Bet they’re spaniels ears now mind, however, I still would, in a heartbeat!

      • Saw Sara outside a club in Bristol once… She was giving me the eye. She’d ended up with that black and white cunt from The Prodigy… Or she may have been with him already.
        Lovely bit of crumpet.

      • Yeah Sarah Cox was lovely when younger certainly better than that hideous poseur Zoe”fucking”Ball.
        Cox is alright on the R2 drive time show seems quite natural to my jaded ears unlike that cunt ball in the morning knew she would be hard to take but she makes even Chris Evans seem bareable. Like the coalburner fat cunt Vanessa Feltz you can actually HEAR the smug grin it’s uncanny.
        So my morning drive consists of various CD as local radio is shite, BBC radio is shite, and I don’t have DAB and apart from being stuck in a jam I tend to arrive at work happy.

  24. Not sure why they want the political opinions of someone who’s only famous for having a stupid voice.

  25. Reckon he escaped from the same hospital abortion bag as James beardy O’Cuntface and Owen Jones.

    • Cmon RTCP wouldn’t you love to go down the pub and talk about Brexit with James O’brien, Terr’eh’ Christian, and Owen Jones.
      I think it would be about 5 minutes before I went into Alan snackbar mode snackbarred them all… I’d probably top myself after… due to being exposed to unheard levels of cuntitude.

      • 5 minutes B&WC? Fuck me, you must have the patience of Tim Witherspoon and a skin as thick as Theresa May! Just the thought of going in that pub makes me want to pop my cork. In fact I’ve already got both barrels in my mouth… can’t quite reach the trigger…. fuck.

      • Don’t do it RTCP, we need as many leavers to stick around for the upcoming ‘People’s vote’, and after that the ‘Best of three’ vote, and after that the ‘Now we know the destination vote’, and the…

    • As my ex (a hospital geneticist) used to say, “Summer Pudding.”
      Medics laughed, but some of her colleagues were raher po-faced. Da wimminz, innit ?

      • Rather assumed ’til now you were of the fairer sex, HBH. Perhaps, talking of summer puddings, you are on the speculum?

  26. Ah yes our Terry, once used his gurning visage on a target for a ‘fun’ archery field shoot (other targets faced with politicians or slabs) have to say that my idea of a fun shoot was not popular with all the participants (fuck em I thought it was fun)
    Cut boring story short, had to change Terry three times, shot to fuck he was; one cunt had used broad heads; naughty as broad heads are verboten cut the backstop to fuck.

    • What an utter, utter cunt.
      He just keeps interrupting and jabbering in the background. They had to turn his Mic off and you can still hear the annoying little Manc twat flapping away…..
      Typical butt turn remoaner.

    • And surely as with all redundancies, any that MAY be necessary because of brexit should be done purely on the role disappearing because as anyone with an iota of knowledge regarding employment laws knows its the position that becomes redundant and not the person.” For a redundancy to be genuine, you must demonstrate that the employee’s job will no longer exist.” The employee is just collateral damage.
      So Christian in answer to your hypothetical question if redundanies are required because of brexit as with all redundancies morals go out the window, last in first out, nearing retirement age, voluntary, disciplinary record, being a cunt are all valid reasons and if you were “our terreh” you’d be first out the door for being a 100% cunt with an exceptionally punch able face.
      Watched the video with him and Tim Martin and he is the archetypal remainer. Especially the comments about we do most of our trade with Eu. Well that’s just wrong. We do substantial trade with the EU but export more to the rest of the world than the EU and if you take out the 500,000 EU made cars we purchase annually we import more from the rest of the world and surely in this time of global trading us being in a cabal effectively chopping up the export from the EU as this is UK Financial, Germany Automobiles, France Aeroplanes, Italy White Goods.
      Corrupt organisation like a stalinist state with absolute control over everything, no wonder “our terreh” is all in favour.

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