Snap General Elections

Snap General Elections.

“Voters would never forgive us if we called election this year,” says Sajid Javid.

For once, a politico has got something right. Any snap election this year would be seen as a desperate attempt by The Maybot to give said Maybot some legitimacy.
Thus turning a General Election into a sideshow; Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

Because, let’s face it, however bad the government is at the moment, Steptoe won’t get in; I think the government would have to be propped up by UKIP or similar.
I’d love to see the latter gain a load of seats, but not so they are put in the hellish position of having to support The Maybot (which would kill their popularity stone dead, but maybe that’s the cunning stunt…). Unless, of course, they were to get so many seats that they could dictate to her. Now that I wouldn’t mind…

Snap G Es really are cunts.


Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

35 thoughts on “Snap General Elections

  1. I hope the tories are split and need propping up from DUP and UKIP. The figures show Corbyn would need to hold all of his seats, get SNP and lib dims to get 300 seats. Given catweazles dithering on deals and backing cooper’s amendment, i’m sure Lexiters will be fuming. There’s also his embrace of identity nutters like Munro Buggeroff which will further push the white working class towards UKIP and Anne Marie.

    I’m voting for UKIP because they want the licence fee abolished and to roll back all this crypto-fascist language policing the Maybot and Maybot 2 (Rudd) have been bringing in. It would be good to get a dozen or so in, to give May a kick up the arse. This would follow a largr proportion of thd popular vote than we saw in 2015 where pressure was put on Dave and Gideon.

    Brexit has been poorly handled by May’s fake tories so it’s time they were punished for it.

    • As politicians on all sides are so crappy, I think that they ought to allow the search for new leaders to be settled by a Saturday night ITV game show. It would be cheaper and allow Schofield to make even more money by hosting the Leaders Farting Contest – loudest, longest, most malodorous – let Auntie Phil hover round the assembled backsides to judge.

  2. Well “Own Goal” May’s previous snap election call went so well didn’t it!?!

    21pt lead wiped out with such great ideas as the “Dementia Tax” thus having to rely on 10 bog-trotters’ votes which is now all important because of the (non-existent) back-stop issue!

    Useless cunt!

    • The backstop issue is far from non-existent imo. It potentially allows the EU to keep us (the 5th largest economy in the world) trapped in their Customs Union in perpetuity, unable to make our own trade deals and thereby compete with the EU on the world market – the 4th Reich wouldn’t want that!

  3. For what they care about the electorate they might as well just have a game of Snap. That would be a true Snap election. More honest.

  4. Let’s see how the Labour Brexit Blockers do up North with their constituents who overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU in a General Election.The likes of Yvette Cooper,Ed Miliband,Lisa Tandy,Julie Elliott,Caroline Flint,

    • They’ll do fine. The ‘North’ is full of twats who’ll tell you that ‘me grandad voted Labour, me dad voted Labour and I’ll never vote anything but Labour’, whilst the Labour cunts could be filling their house with peacefuls, selling their kids to taxi drivers and raiding their bank accounts to fund Venezuela.

  5. Wasn’t the killer argument against proportional representation that it would lead to hung parliaments? Bwahahahaha.

    I don’t think May will dare go to the cuntery (sic) again, anyway.

  6. It’s in none of the politicunts interests to have a General Election right now, or any time soon. Nobody wants to inherit the poison chalice that is the Brexit debacle… including Labour… despite Corbyn’s pathetic posturing.

    He’d shit his piss stained Y-fronts if the Tories managed to lose.

    • I think any election,now or in 2022, which is by when it will have to be , will result in yet another hung parliament. You have at least two Labour parties – Corbyn’s Crowd and Umunna’s Effete Champagne Socialists, neither of which is very fragrant and two Conservative parties – the Boles Fancy Nancy Nutters and the more mainstream Conservatives, but both sides are hijacked by shit-stirrers such as Grieve and Starmer, who fancy themselves as party leader.

      I couldn’t in all honesty be bothered to vote for any of the fucking lightweights

      • Until the voting system is changed I will continue to vote negatively… or spoil my ballot paper, write ALL CUNTS across it… or wipe my arse on it.

        FUCK THEM.
        © Dick Fiddler

  7. Snap general election, peoples vote, peoples assembly, what next formthe brexit blockers…. cunts.

    My plan would be to put every MP on a lie detector and ask the question.

    “do you want to stop brexit”

    That would be interesting.

    Fucking news today, some woman trying to get windrush support but isnt part of windrush, the ‘big deal’ about Liam Neeson and Chinese new year….Who gives a fuck!


      • It is more direct than,

        “I voted remain but I respect the result”

        Lying Cunts.

        But the answer, for most of those cunts on a lie detector is

        Yes, i want to stop brexit, then floods of tears ?

    • There was something in the paper about that wanker Vince Cable trying to form a new ‘block Brexit’ party to prevent our withdrawal from the EU. It’s a pity the cunt’s old man didn’t withdraw a bit sooner, and spare us from the fuckwit’s incessant maundering. What a cunt.

      • That fucking old cadaver, Cable Guy, couldn’t form a skin on top of a cold cup of tea.

        Surely the old cunt hasn’t much longer walking this earth, in limbo, as one of the living dead?

        Why doesn’t he use his remaining time a bit more productively?

    • I believe it’s Year of the Pig…(Hamoron should at least get a woody out of that_

      When does it kick off between the slimes and the Chin keys ??

    • Weeeell, she didn’t quite say that. At that meeting where she was trying to get the backbenchers to support her sell out she was asked the question. She said “that is not my intention.” That’s not the same as “no”. A slippery politicians answer…….by a lying cunt.

    • She did.

      Trouble is she’s a Tony B. Liar grade pathological liar.

      That said, she knows the Tories won’t let her anyway, so not a difficult promise to keep.

      • I used to think that but not so sure now. They would need a leadership election. One of the final 2 candidates is bound to be a leaver because they have the numbers. The vote would then go to the Tory membership throughout the country and the leaver would win.
        Now imagine you are a dirty Tory remoaner MP. Who do you want…… Mavis or a leaver?
        No, it’s Mavis for these cunts and the bitch knows it.

      • As things stand, they don’t need to elect a new leader until early 2022… unless she resigns… or pops her cloven hoofed clogs in the meantime.

      • Yes, but we’re talking about a snap election. She’s untouchable until December anyway. The date on the rumour mill is June 6th. That means Mavis will be the opening bat again.

      • What on earth would make the Tories want to vote for a snap election?

        Remember, May would need at least 70% of the House of Cunts to vote for a snap election… no way is it in the Tories interests to fight “another one” before a new leader is installed, and there’ll be no new leader till they feel the worst of Brexit is out of the way.

        Then again, who knows?

        “Events, dear boy, events…”

      • No, it doesn’t make much sense but who knows what sneaky little plan they’ve got up their sleeves.

  8. Hello RTC! Greetings Miles Mr Deply, Dick F and all fellow cunters.

    I was wondering if this idea/talk of a GE is meant to actually strengthen the May Bots hand in negotiations or in case we go WTO.? Point being that the moment the May Bot has ( no doubt by pure accident) pointed in the right direction I. e. Going back to the 4 th Reich to re negotiate the hoax of a problem ( Irish Border) the polls and her popularity have shot up —- surprise surprise Einstein!! Anyway could it be that it’s finally filtering into her thick skull that as much as she hates Brexit and as incompetent and duplicitous as she is ………….. if she holds the line now and either gets the backstop removed so we end up with her still shite deal or we go WTO becasue she stands firm —— she the Conservative ( scum but better scum than the rest ish) will piss the election by a landslide. ?? Just my thoughts …..

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