Jeremy Corbyn (17)

An early contender for 2019 cunt of the year surely has to go Jeremy Corbyn. Once again, the terrorists friend has shown his complete contempt for the British people, by demanding that ISIS whore Shemima Begum be allowed back into Britain. Of course, he’s concerned about her welfare, and that of her new born homicide bomber. Not so concerned about the safety and welfare of the British people though. After the Manchester arena bombing, Corbyn wanted to come up to Manchester, not to express his condolences to the victims and bereaved, or see for himself what his buddies in the Islamic world actually think of us, but to create a media circus, with the express intention of promoting ‘caring, sharing’ Corbyn. I never thought I would see the day when I would actually have some respect for Andy Burnham, but the Mayor of Manchester realised what Jezza what up to, and told him to fuck off.

Can anyone think of an occasion when Corbyn has actually stood up for the British? He calls for unlimited immigration, is known to have supported the IRA, supports Hamas, Hezbollah and other known Islamic terrorist groups, has denied laying a wreath at cemetery where on of the terrorist savages who attacked the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics, despite having been photographed doing so, he wants to hand the Falklands to Argentina and Gibraltar to Spain, and turn Britain into Venezuela. Seriously, has he actually done anything in support of Britain? The piece of shit is a modern day Quisling.

Quick Draw McGraw

97 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn (17)

  1. Surely all the good people of this nation that voted leave will now vote UKIP or whatever they call themselves now. I’m hoping their will be huge surge of support to UKIP or Brexit party because of the absolute hatred for mainstream parties.
    Trouble is because Farage was not welcome back to UKIP he’s formed a breakaway party which will split the vote. What a silly cunt he’s become.

  2. Don’t worry, Rebel, some lessons really were learned over the Mustafa Kamel Mustafa (aka Hook Hand, the Finsbury Park imam, Abu Hamza al-Masri) fiasco.
    Although Mr Javid, posturing plonker that he clearly is, currently plays to the crowd –and successfully – with his hollow, hard-man proclamations about Begum’s consular status, I fancy she may find herself in a “place of extreme warmth” in the not-too-distant.
    Those same hidden assets I referred to above may in this instance come into their own. The risk she may become unwell, due to the insanitary conditions in the holding camp, are extremely high. The only thing keeping her afloat just now is a decent auto immune system (and to a leeser extent, Mr Akunjee and his colleagues).

  3. Spent 3 days on a city break in Berlin last week. We stayed in the old east Berlin . It’s now a brilliant place . During our stay we immersed ourselves in the post war history of the city visiting all the well known “wall sites” and many other areas. I was there in 1989 shortly after the wall fell and the eastern sector could only be described as an utterly depressing shithole.
    30 years on and communism has gone, the people are relaxed , friendly and largely prosperous.
    The thought of that cunt Corbyn getting his hands on the governance of our country truly terrifies me. It’s fucking horrific.
    Corbyn, you are the most dangerous, demented threat to our society since 1939. I fucking despise you. You CUNT!!

  4. Looks like the populist Left and Right both have their problems – the one stalled due to party infighting and a sustained establishment media campaign, the other…oh, I see the position is similar. Look forward to a future much like the present, only becoming worse, and enjoy having nothing you can call ‘your’ nation again. Better monetise ISAC sharpish, Cunting Central. It’s going to be getting a lot more customers and you may as well go global and make a billion or two.

    Wake up and smell the pollution!

    oh… Corbyn? Unimportant. Couldn’t run a pissup at the Oktoberfest, will not be allowed near the levers of power, and will be stabbed in the back by a Blairite asap.
    Portraying him as the next Stalin is just fucking ridiculous. Talking to terrorists? Half the Blair cabinet talked to terrorists, and Blair is on record as saying he should have talked to Hamas (but didn’t because the Israelis were stringing him along quite profitably)

    • Corbin is certainly no Stalin Kommodo but he is a communist and once a communist gets their hands on the reins there is normally only one depressing outcome.

      • It usually arrives a bit faster than the depressing outcome of monopoly capitalism, sure. But it is no more certain. Both offer machine politics, the subordination of the individual to the elite’s good. The main failing with communism is that it is vulnerable to human greed, and turns into oligarchy or autarchy, so the communal aspect is lost completely. But the Chinese mix of ‘communist’ State capitalism and limited private enterprise still seems to be doing ok…

      • Sorry to take issue here, Flora. My experience of China (which is more substantial than most) suggests otherwise.
        The 一带一路, (belt and road etc) initiative is unlikely to be a success and quite a few of us think it was not ever really intended to be. I was talking to an ex-colleague, Tim Summers, about this recently (he is a bit of a guru now at Chatham House).
        Certainly your final statement is well off the beam.
        These days, I try to keep my tongue in my cheek as far as possible.

      • The Commies might have sold out economically, but there’s no free speech or democracy… a site like ISAC wouldn’t last five minutes in the People’s (?) Republic Of China.

      • I’m not saying it’s lovely. Or that (purely Keynsian!) investment in infrastructure during the downturn should necessarily involve building vast prison camps for the Uighurs, either. But by the only criteria bothered with by globalist economists, it’s still doing rather well.

      • Who’s Gertrude? Your gravatar, as revealed by a 200 μs image search, is a crop of the captive female Dragon at Chester Zoo, who (apparently) made the news some years ago (first parthenogenesis ever in V. komodoensis). The zookeepers called her Flora, but I expect the reptile itself didn’t know that, so fair enough K, and my mistake.

      • I will not risk yet another reminder that you spent three years in China and know someone. Message received.

      • I got to know him quite well, as you do when you’re holed up in the Marriott for years. Can’t say I’m proud, it was the worst time of my life!
        I’m not sure that a 0.2ms search is exaxtly overdoing it either. I thought it was quite amusing, but that’s my problem!
        If you’re actually interested in China, just read Tim’s articles, they’re excellent. That’s all, over and out!

  5. Catweasel and his momentum crew are blind to the intolerance at the heart of their own ideology.
    These specimens cannot accept that that there is and never has been any workable or sensible alternative to capitalism – even with at times its less endearing ‘warts and all’ aspects. Slight reform of capitalism from time to time or development of it sure, life evolves and use whichever description floats your boat – but NEVER EVER is there a realistic alternative. Just like Brexit is unacceptable to some people so in the same way is facing this truth for the Catweasel mob – they simply.. ”cannot handle the truth” as Jack Nicolson would say!

    Can you remember the politics students and the corduroy wearing twat Lecturers back when some of us were doing A levels,? They were trying to explain/sell you what socialism was and you could not really understand how it worked in practice! Thing is you were right not to understand it because it is utter bollox and they were living in a bat shit fantasy land. Well rather than develop as normal Intelligent life forms, progress and grow, the Catweasels of the world got stuck in this groundhog day thinking and that is what we are dealing with here.

    Needless to say CUNTS the lot of them……….

    Goodnight — at least I have got that off my chest and reading the ISAC posts makes you realise that there are still real people out there!

  6. Socialism failed in Wales, and Cardiff’s famous Bat Guano Exchange is now being converted into luxury flats…

    • I did reply HBH to your crème de cacao query, but it has disappeared into a brown hole of obscurity and “awaits moderation”. Bit different, g’nite.

  7. Kier starmer is wasted on the front bench of labour and is surly more suited to a career in comedy? This morning starmers laid his idea for a second referendum? According to him no deal should not be offered to the proletariat but instead it should be a binary choice
    ( this is the best bit). Of remain OR leave ( drum roll please) with a credible deal!!
    So starmer is even trying to load RR 2 ,
    If leave won again labour would only back us leaving with a credible plan!!
    So knowing this what type of deal would the cunts in Brussels offer us?

    A…. a good deal and we leave?
    B…. a shit deal which labour rejects?

    Unbelievable crap from starmer who obviously has complete contempt for the electorate…

    Oi starmer!! FUCK OFF

  8. Comrade Corbyn Bin Laden is a despicable cunt, this media whore will do anything to get on the news, any publicity stunt no matter how lame, let me remind you about the sitting on the floor of a half empty train, or being collected from outside his run of the mill house in an old Vauxhall Astra and now pandering to the very people Brexit was supposed to get rid of, what a twat.
    This is the only reason May is still here is due to the fact that this cunt is worse and will wank off anyone or thing if he thinks he will get on the news.

  9. Back to Corbyn I noiticed this lying cunt Fiona Onasanya has been released from prison in time to vote for labours say on Brexit, so this is the calibre of cunt Corbyn is happy to have in his party and that just proves the point if proof was needed….You cant trust these cunts they are all lying bastards

    • And dame Keir Starmer, cunt today has said a peoples vote is the best way forward, a “credible leave option” should be on the vote and remain, but not no deal. Understand you fucking wank stain, we already voted to leave, remain shouldn’t be on the vote!!!!!!! Labour really are just a party full of cunts.

      • Afternoon CT
        She did indeed, and she can now return to the House of Commons to mingle with all the other crooked cunts there, although she was suspended by Labour, so must sit as an independent.

  10. I fucking hate the Tories, and everything they are doing to the people of this country. Out of reckless hope and desperation, I voted Labour at the last election. Partly because Corbyn seemed less of a liar than the Maybot, and partly because I hoped that once in government, some cooler heads would show some backbone in Labour and start to put a few things right.
    I’ve been waiting since Labours defeat, for them to be an effective opposition to this Tory government, and I’m sick of waiting.
    The Tory farce has been sitting with an open goal, and Labour aren’t even on the fucking pitch. They’re too busy squabling between themselves on the sidelines and are nowhere to be seen.
    Sure, Albert Steptoe raises his shitty beard above the parapet occassionally to call for another election…to what end, you useless commie Cunt. As bad as the tories are, trying to bring back food lines, workhouses and Victorian chimney sweeps while the rich fucking fat cats count their piles of gold, no-one, but no-one wants a commie twat like you in charge of this country. Just look at the rotten
    sycophant cunts you’ve surrounded yourself with…. Diane Abbott as home secretary… Jesus !
    You’ve lost the plot Steptoe – and any support you might have once had. Go back to Uncle Joe red banners and trade union picket lines where you fucking belong – CUNT !

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