Jeremy Corbyn (17)

An early contender for 2019 cunt of the year surely has to go Jeremy Corbyn. Once again, the terrorists friend has shown his complete contempt for the British people, by demanding that ISIS whore Shemima Begum be allowed back into Britain. Of course, he’s concerned about her welfare, and that of her new born homicide bomber. Not so concerned about the safety and welfare of the British people though. After the Manchester arena bombing, Corbyn wanted to come up to Manchester, not to express his condolences to the victims and bereaved, or see for himself what his buddies in the Islamic world actually think of us, but to create a media circus, with the express intention of promoting ‘caring, sharing’ Corbyn. I never thought I would see the day when I would actually have some respect for Andy Burnham, but the Mayor of Manchester realised what Jezza what up to, and told him to fuck off.

Can anyone think of an occasion when Corbyn has actually stood up for the British? He calls for unlimited immigration, is known to have supported the IRA, supports Hamas, Hezbollah and other known Islamic terrorist groups, has denied laying a wreath at cemetery where on of the terrorist savages who attacked the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics, despite having been photographed doing so, he wants to hand the Falklands to Argentina and Gibraltar to Spain, and turn Britain into Venezuela. Seriously, has he actually done anything in support of Britain? The piece of shit is a modern day Quisling.

Quick Draw McGraw

97 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn (17)

  1. Cunt Cunt Cunt and you are an even bigger cunt if you ever vote Labour This traitor should be put up against a wall and shot

  2. They make a lovely couple………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    of cunts

  3. If Labour offer a second referendum. We are fucked, and Jemma will romp home to a cosy fireside at number 10. A winner simply because the other parties are just shite!

    • We’re fucked then as he’s just announced it.


      Traitor to a man /woman /non binary person…

      • I hate all of the fuckers in Parliament.

        The people of this country voted to LEAVE the European Union.

        And we have been lied to and finally ignored.

        I hope everyone involved in this betrayal gets their comeuppance, and to be honest dont really care what form this takes. So long as it is proportionate to the fucking anger felt by those who have been treated with complete contempt.

  4. Slightly off piste ( but relevant ) how come it is said that her sprog is British when the father is allegedly dutch ? I fail to understand that one. Anyone know ?

    • The establishment will say a paving slab is British if there’s a chance of a future vote for them.

    • I would have thought that the budding ? would have had dual citizenship but then I looked at the Dutch Gov website on the matter.

      Wish I hadn’t.

      It’s as clear as mud.

      Looks like our Dutch friends have been clamping down on those of a ‘peaceful’ persuasion who wish to take advantage of the freedoms that a Liberal democracy offers which you despise.

      I guess then it follows that the default position is Lilly Livered UK

  5. Alas through education education education thanks to Blair the cunt our snowflake generation see jezza as a hero who will take them away from nasty insults to a safe space . They can then get free money from the cunts money tree. When those snowflake wimminz come out of the dream they will be in a letter box with there box cut as the peacfuls demand. Enjoy snowflake cunts

  6. How is this cunt leader of the opposition? And how, more importantly, have we ended up with a government so incompetent that the likes of Catweasel actually have a chance? Maybe Guy Fawkes was right about the whole ‘blow up parliament’ thing.

    • I think if Guy Fawkes was alive today he’d be surprised at how much worse and corrupt our current government is compared to what he was plotting to blow up.

    • No maybe about it op.
      On bonfire night I don’t celebrate the arrest of the plotters, I feel sorry that we don’t have the balls to do something like that ourselves….

  7. This sorry excuse for a man cannot be cunted enough.
    Let’s not forget his stance on our armed forces and nuclear deterrent, both of which would disappear under his leadership, him being a pacifist, and he does not even have the balls to admit that.
    What a cunt of biblical fucking proportions

    • Corbyn wants us to disarm, but he’s not bothered about our enemies hanging onto their nukes etc. Then again, our enemies are his friends.

      Economically illiterate, Commie quisling, retard cunt.

  8. Corbyn is long overdue a good cunting for the skilfully aforementioned reasons
    . I should add that only despicable turncoat commie scum can turn his back on the people he claims to represent in quite such a spectacular way as Corbyn. As a life long opponent of the EU he switched sides under pressure from all the whining Blairite shits, not that I’m a labour supporter but in terms of integrity, Cornyn makes Polpot look like a paragon of virtue. Corbyn you cunt.

  9. As an ex Royal Marine this man is everything & more that i despise in a human being. He’s nothing but a verminous, spavined craven and is actually borderline arrestable for his treasonous actions and comments. If i thought i could get away with it i would put 1 through his traitorous bonce.Scumbag cunt

    • Hezbollah is, it seems, about to be banned, so hopefully “Friends of Hezbollah” (ie Steptoe, and most of his wretched party, and all those feckin pro-Palestine luvvies, suffering with acute Redgraveism) will be locked up.
      I wonder if Vanessa Redgrave goes to lampshade-making evening classes, eagerly awaiting the demise of Maureen Lipman (who, IMHO, deserves a Damehood…)

  10. Corbyn is a desperate cunt, going for the second referendum option even though he’s spent the last 40 years voting against Europe. McDonnell, on the other hand is a dangerous cunt, very nasty piece of work. Dining About though, is just a thick cunt.

    • The thick cunt has at last twigged that the EU are not our friends… so he’s switched sides.

      Can’t say he’s not consistent!

    • No choice, these ISIS types have to obey, just shows she is still within the ideology, no interest in the UK except the free ride

  11. I wonder if he is better at Pool than the Maybot, he would have to pretty shit not to be.


  12. The Labour Party and Chukka’s poncy New Labour party are both shit from the same arsehole. I wish we could have a general election now, before Umunna can cause more damage and Corbyn and shitstain Watson can cook up any more trouble.

    The Conservatives are bad, but not nearly as bad as the rest of the shit in Westminster.

    A general election would be good for UKIP and anti-Brexit parties, bad for the rest of the motherfuckers.

  13. Labour now backing second referendum!! Quell surprise…
    Gormless socialist turd corbyn is ready to back second referendum which just goes to show what a weak and desperate cunt he really is after having spent his entire parliamentary life voting against every EU motion, let’s hope that a vast swath of working class labour leave voters now see what a complete and utter joke this cunt is, and if it does come to pass they reject the metropolitan labour cunts who have been forcing this issue from the day after the first referendum along with catweazles nasty little band of thugs momentum……

  14. 19 members of Hampshire Police under investigation for “intolerant and prejudiced language “. Apparently one of their colleagues took secret recordings of them and threw them under the bus. We can imagine what that language was. This is the reality for millions of people at work these days.
    It reminds me of Nazi Germany where you had to be careful what you said to whom or be taking a quick trip to Dachau.
    I’m growing a Corbyn beard and i’ve got a picture of Blair on the wall just to be on the safe side.

      • “Murder? Make an appointment for a Community Officer to attend the scene. Sometime next month will be fine. Meantime, we’ve got a report of hurtful and nasty language to attend to, so don’t forget to bring your Smith &Wesson with you…”

  15. What I dont understand is that he appears to have no policies.
    Brexit – he shouts at Theresa May
    Education – he shouts at Theresa May
    Economy – he shouts at Theresa May
    Environment – he shouts at Theresa May
    Ethics – he has none.

    Much is made of the half a million party members. I wuld like to ask how many of them are benefit cunts?

  16. Fucking hell I only left work an hour ago and there is a new cunt to cunt (I know he’s not new) and 20+ comments!!!!!!!!! Does anyone like this cunt?

    • No one here. obv 🙂

      I am fucking sick of both (maybe all) parliamentary parties. The self-serving, toadying, pocket filling cunts all need putting up against a wall. “Bop bop bop” as Citizen Smith would say.

      Power to the People! (unless they vote on something we don’t agree with).


    • There are a couple of Corbynistas on ISAC… but they’ve been lying low on this Cunting… so far.

      • I’ll duly oblige RT.
        The guy who the West is backing where did he suddenly come from? He’s very photogenic, very gringo looking. He looks ‘acceptable’ to America.
        Feels manufactured to me. The Branson bollocks as well.
        No doubt the country’s in a mess from all the people leaving.
        Oil. My feeling as well the natural wealth of a country should surely go to help benefit the people if a country. Chavez, Maduro were about that surely.
        I suppose Corbyn would argue that it hasn’t been allowed to flourish because of Capitalist neighbours. And if course America.
        We know America does interfere in it’s ‘backyard’. They do see it as a backyard, just where the trash is.

  17. Tom Bower has a book out about the cunt. He has previously covered Branson, Blair and Maxwell. Reviews seem to say that he portrays Steptoe as a pathetic cunt. Surely not.

    • Yes I heard him being interviewed last week ont’ wireless CC.

      Can’t recall who was doing the interview but whoever assumed Maxwell was the biggest Devil he’d covered.

      ‘Not at all’ was the answer and he went on to say how charismatic and brave Maxwell was, I think he was part of Israeli special forces. That said he did steal thousands of pensions so definitely a cunt.

      He didn’t hold back on how dangerous he sees Comrade Corbyn one bit.

      I considered buying the book but it wouldn’t change my view in anyway but sadly neither would it change the view of the Snowflake SJW’s who believe he’s the second coming.

      And there in lies the problem.

      As Cuntflap so rightly points out ‘lines are being drawn’.

      I live in hope that those who truly apply the power, I.e. the Army haven’t been infected by the utter scourge of cultural Marxism and Liberalism and whilst the Ruperts who run the show by and large are from the middle classes who in other sections of society have single handily created the problems we so rage against I like to believe there’s more than a huge dollop of realism doing the rounds in our brilliant armed forces.

      As long as that’s the case I think we’ll be ok.

  18. A touch of “English irony”.

    If it wasn’t for Jo Cox nominating Corbyn for the 2010 Labour leadership contest at the last minute, he would not have made it onto the ballot paper and Labour (probably) wouldn’t be in the mess they’re in today.

    With a half credible opposition leader, May would have been consigned to the dustbin of history at the last election.

  19. This piece of shit should not be allowed to draw breath in this country, I would happily pay for a one way ticket to send this wank stain to any shithole in the Middle East and wait with baited breath for the moment one of his brothers separates his head From his shoulders with a rusty old hand saw.

  20. So the Great Democrat Corbyn has at last decided that the democratic exercise of June 23rd 2016, with the largest turnout in British history, doesn’t count after all. No , we have to do it again. What a fucking barefaced hypocrite!!
    I presume he will also be changing his slogan……. For the Few not the Many.

  21. We all know he’s a cunt, I’m amazed 500k plus people idolise him. I’ve seen people say he’s a moderate and labourer are a centerist party.

    I’m astounded that so many people think this cunt and his mate McDonnell are moderate.

    It’s coming to a head, the Tories are far away from one nation conservatives and Labour despise the working class.

    The LibDem are just waiting for someone to surrender to.

    I don’t see a way back from this.

  22. I’d vote for the Green Party if the cunts weren’t pro immigration, and by being so, their whole environment first aim is moot. Nobody breeds faster than the filth from the third world.

    • The greens dont know anything about energy, though. They refuse to entertain nuclear power as a low carbon energy source. This is the reason Germany are now building new coal-fired powerplants; their much- celebrated renewable programs are not generating the wattage and they refuse to go nuclear.

      • The Greens are often nicknamed “watermelons”
        Green on the outside and red on the inside.
        One of their number, when questioned on the subject of the UK being overpopulated by uncontrolled immigration, declared that “England has plenty of green fields that can be built on”
        They have a nasty habit of making disparaging remarks regarding armed forces personell, including one particularly cruel comment towards Simon Weston.
        Another made Hitler jokes about Nigel Farage being diagnosed with testicular cancer.
        Ignore the superficially fluffy exterior, they are not nice people at all, just cunts of the highest order…

      • We’re all going to be powered by Caroline Lucas’s queefing , and Corbyn’s pent-up energy of ‘angry little man syndrome’.

      • “England has plenty of green fields that can be built on”

        CUNTS. The green fields of England a sight to behold, they can fuck right off.
        It’s bad enough they build houses to accommodate the white trash scratter cunts who pop out scratter babies every five minutes, at our expense. And they are willing to do the same for Mohammed, his halloween-costumed, arranged marriage wife and their 10 kids.
        A fucking abomination.

      • You know, more so than any disaster the Simpsons has probably done more to damage the image of nuclear power than anything else. I like the earlier seasons of the show because I watched them on repeat on Channel 4 growing up but I’ll always resent it somewhat for that.

  23. Corbyn told us Venuzuela have shown us a socialist country doing a different sort of politics.
    Mega cunt surrounded by thick fucking twats.

    • Even some mainstream news outlets are now admitting that Venezuala is unravelling like a worn out tennis sweater…

  24. These are sad times we are living in.

    A socialist utopia, this is no different to living in an eastern European state pre the iron curtain falling.

    Thanks to this bastard, and a remainer Prime Minister that has procrastinated for over 2 years, we will never be free from the shackles of the EU state.

    Everything you do is monitored, watched, controlled.

    Everything you say against the establishment is a hate crime.

    Every aspect of public sector, private sector and media are run by these left wing socialists making peoples lives harder and more intolerable if you don’t agree with their way.

    I want to leave this world behind now. I’ve had enough.

    • Cheer up mate. They’ll come for you soon enough…..ask Dr Kelly and Robin Cook. You have to live long enough to outlive Blair. You don’t want to miss that party!

    • Evening, and I have much sympathy with your comments, in particular you parting shot!
      I would point out, however, that the excessive “monitoring and controlling” you mention is a uniquely British thing. We went way, way OTT with CCTV, ANPR (&c) donkeys years ago, and are head and shoulders the most heavily surveilled nation state. Our facility in Benhall and elsewhere is second-to-none, and our unwritten constitution permits of all manner of weirdness “behind the scenes”.
      The Germans, by comparison, won’t even permit Google Earth on their soil, the French would have manned the barricades decades ago, and the Italians wouldn’t know how to switch the shit on. So it’s not an EU issue, and actually quite the opposite.
      I suggest you have a few Brandy Alexander’s, a couple of large pipefuls of sensimilla, and watch a few episodes of Department S for a laugh.

      • Hi CS,
        Where do you get your Creme de Cacao for the BAs ?
        Don’t think I’ve spotted it recently…

      • is reliable. I note they have de Kuyper and Bols crème de cacao, light and darkversions… Spoiled for choice. I think I’ve seen the Bols in Majestic recently, or it may have been in Carringtons in Chortleton-cum-Hardy (Manc) .

  25. Supporting jihad is exactly what we’ve come to expect from this bell end.
    Now he’s decided to support throwing 17.4 million votes in the bin and capitulating to the Reich. Even though he was, suposedly, against them.
    What a fucking scumbag.
    Fucking turncoat, unprincipled cunt.
    He’s just proving that he only cares about gaining power and he’s fully prepared to abandon any principle or moral that he holds (ok, he doesn’t have many anyway) just to get to the top.

    Utter utter cunt…
    Him and the flabboptomous deserve each other.

  26. I also work in a heavily unionised industry, and, apart from the odd loony Soviet loving bastard, even the usual die hard unionists can’t support this clown. I myself have always been conservative and so don’t really fit the mould at work, but before Blair I could sort of see the appeal of Labour, if you wanted to live your life like a Cuban national earning $20 a month that is, but standing up for the working class seemed a noble cause. Now I don’t know what the fuck Labour is and I’m disappointed the conservatives seem to have had their ranks besieged by lefties who are too central for Catweazels special brand of communism. Corbyn is the epitomy of what’s wrong with today’s politics. And why so many snowflake MP’s are ruining Brexit. There needs to be a serious culling, unfortunately it’s too late to do it and still have time to save brexit.

  27. She’s a cold-hearted bitch who has shown no remorse and whose only reason for wanting to come back is because ISIS is fucked in Syria.

    Oh, and her mini bomb-maker kid isn’t fucking British either. Wasn’t born here, and to a non-citizen, so fuck off!

    She has a legal claim to Bangladeshi citizenship and she can fuck off and drown is the swamps of Sylhet for all I care.

    Make a change one of ours taking up residence over there compared to the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) over here!

    Fair’s fair!

    Easy for some other cunt – Corbyn – to say fetch her back when they won’t be affected by their gregarity (at our expense).

    Personally I wouldn’t give her the steam off my stony shit, nor her child the sweat off my unwashed bollocks!


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