“I’ve been wondering what that special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely,” Tusk said.
Donald Tusk.
What a full weight prick this guy is. Says “There’s a special place in hell, for Brexiteers who haven’t planned a safe way to leave the EU” (paraphrased, but if you read the quote it’s the same). Looking at the evidence, there isn’t a safe way to remain in the EU with self important, unelected, wank stains like you Donald.
When pushed, these dildos in suits really do show their true colours, and with no repercussions of course, as you weren’t even elected by the public.
Leaving all other evidence aside for leaving or remaining, just the sheer arrogance of people like Tusk should make you question, ‘Do I really want a man like this governing my laws and regulations’?
The answer is no, do you fuck!
Nominated by Elboobio
Emergency cunting for Donald Tusk, quoted below:
European Council President Donald Tusk has spoken of a “special place in hell” for “those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how to carry it out safely”.
Apparently Tusk is European Council President although I don’t remember voting for this office.
Firstly, Tusk is obviously rattled that the ‘negotiation’ that was dictated to May has failed miserably and the prospect of No-Deal will hurt the EU more than the UK.
Secondly, no Leave campaigning politician was involved in the negotiations. Davis was supposed to be but had no powers and was too fucking idle to do anything about it. Negotiations were carried out by Remain Mavis and Remoan Whitehall.
Thirdly, the cunt Cameron who should have had a plan B fucked off to his Wendy caravan when the shit hit the fan.
So what has got to Tusk? Surely he wont be blamed for the half dozen or so EU economies that will nosedive with No-Deal? It is a rule that EU officials are responsible for fuck all.
Or is it just that he is a bureaucratic, undemocratic cunt?
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
He’s annoyed because others want to live in their own sovereign, democratic countries, controlled by their own ELECTED representatives and not be invaded by his empire?
…remind you of anyone?
At least hitl@r had the decency to shoot himself in the head.
And varanker pisses me off so fuckin much!
Little bitch suck up lapdog gimp standing there trying to look important and powerful….
He’s no more than a useful idiot. No doubt he has his eyes on tusk’s job. Ha. Good luck cunt.
The government should promote a nationwide boycott of all Irish products. I fuckin am.
Morning DTS what have the Irish given us apart from Guinness & Richmond sausages? I’m struggling to think!
Bono? Bob Smelldof?
Holy shite, how could I forget about those cunts…..
Now I REALLY hate the oirish.
Morning Mr bastard, shit I forgot about those cunts! & Jedward,boyzone, Westlife, gayham Norton, Dara o cunt,ed Byrne…….. Fuck me their contribution to the human race comes to the grand sum of absolutely fuck all! Oxygen thief CUNTS!
Morning cuntosaurus. Indeed. Fuck all. Fuck all that we couldn’t just get from somewhere else anyway.
Apparently their beef industry is fucked if we stop buying. Not sure if I bought Irish beef or not before but I’ll make extra sure now that I don’t.
Good morning Mr. Sausage.
You’re not the only one in that mindset.
We had a bit of a conversation about the very same thing a couple of months ago.
I haven’t bought anything Irish since then, and never will.
We are Irelands biggest market, we could bring them to their knees in a matter of months.
Get to fuck.
Morning jack. Yea I don’t think yheyvethought thus through properly. Oh well, at least it means that varanker won’t get voted in again.
Veradker will probably end up leading a new group with Mandy, Duncan and Bradshaw, the IHFE – Iron Hoofs For Europe.
A load of wankers are protesting this morning at Mrs. May’s talks. One was interviewed on the radio midday news, he stepped in front of her car – he sounded like a self-important friend of Dorothy’s
Young Leo looks like he’d give Macron a good rimming. Podsibly Juncker as well.
The cunt needs to fuck off back to Warsaw and sort his own country out. Then perhaps there wouldn’t be so many of them over here, permanently fucking pissed like his mate Juncker.
There’s a special place in hell for you Tusk, you parasitic fascist arsehole.
The cunt is too shit-scared to go back to Poland. He’d get it up him, and not in the way he probably got it from Leo the Wankseach.
Ha ha – O’Shithead’s just helpfully cleared up the Tusk “misunderstanding”…
Apparently Tusk’s wise words were taken out of context and misinterpreted. He wasn’t referring to the ordinary thick racist Leave voter in the street who was duped by the “snake oil salesmen and women” into voting Leave. No, he was referring specifically to liars like Farige, Gove & Johnson Associates, who “didn’t have a scooby doo” of a plan re Brexit.
Thanks James, what on Earth would we do without you?
Oh, and Jeremy Corbyn “wants No Deal”. Now who’s lying?
Stop listening to that crap RTC. It’s not good for your blood pressure or mental sanity
Not to worry OC, it’s like water off a cunt’s back to me. And a fascinating psychological case study to boot!
JoB on LBCTQ is one deluded chap. I’m listening while making some home brew.
North Korea could hire him at the demilitarised zone to constantly spout propaganda through their speakers. He’s perfect for it and just wouldn’t stop. Ever.
Here at Creampuff Manor, JOB is known as Lord O’Haw Haw.
“Germany calling, Brussels calling…”
He’s called Jobbie at my house, which is of course fine Scottish slang for excrement.
Put him in a kimono, he’d be just like that bonkers wimmin that N Korea has reading the news…
He’s a weapons grade cunt of Flabbot and Bliar proportions. What a nasty, odious little man. Was gonna cunt him myself but couldn’t be arsed knowing others would anyway.
Tusk sounds like he has bought The late Stephen Hawkin’s speech device from Ebay.
Goodbye for now.
No mistake from the little Tuskcunt, said in his speech then repeated it in a tweet, so Inguess he meant it.
The Maybot should just tell this jumped up cunt to go a fuck himself, the Irish border is the only fucking weapon that the EU have in their back pocket and have used it.
Their red line is the integrity of the single market, well I am sorry but they will have to turn it pink and allow some flexibility on the irish border, simple as that and for 39 billion quid it is not unreasonable , fuck the cunts Maybot needs to spell it out to them in plain speaking that these fucking jumped up fuckers understand.
EU get to fuck, the sooner we are out the better, Tusk has done us a favour here the brits dont take kindly to being insulted by jumped up jonny foreigners.
There’s a place in hell for those who undermine and disregard democracy. It’s where they end up after they’ve been stood up against a wall and perforated.
Why is Tusk so rattled?
Follow the £39 billion….
Its odd RTC, you would think this potato headed cunt and the rest of the Brussels mafia would be sitting back and enjoying Mavis’s Brexshit troubles.
Quite the opposite LL – They believed Parliament would rubber stamp May’s EU dictated deal, but now it’s blown up in their arrogant, out of touch faces!
I think Tusk’s entirely benevolent intervention is part of EU’s plan B:
Stage 1 – tell the UK electorate they were lied to by the snake oil salesmen (and women) who now have a special place in hell reserved for them.
Stage 2 – push hard for a second referendum so that all the poor racist thickos who were lied to get the opportunity of changing their stupid minds.
I agree with him, there is a special place in Hell and I can imagine what it looks like. It’s an enclosed, air-conditioned gallery with free entrance for visiting Brexiteers (other groups genuinely interested in democracy are available, although increasingly rare in this country), serving complimentary drinks and nibbles, and overlooking a vast stage where people like this cunt are repeatedly ram-rodded with a red-hot steel cactus. Concessionary rates are available to those that would defy democracy, after insisting on having it so that they can take pleasure in the anticipation of what awaits them.
Hell has been a member of the Commonwealth since it’s inception. I thought his late parents Josef and Magda Goebbels would have told him that.
I am reliably informed – by a certain Mr D. Vile – that Hitler and Göring spend all their time in Hell fighting over cream cakes.
You could not make it up! ?
1. L’enfer, c’est le EU
(Jean-Paul Sartre, slightly edited)
2. Faustus: Where are you damn’d?
Mephistopheles: In hell.
Faust. How comes it then that thou art out of hell?
Meph. Why this is hell, nor am I out of it.
(Christopher Marlowe – ‘Doctor Faustus’)
Was that the one when Churchill said if Hitler invaded Hell he would comment favourably towards the devil? Because I can’t find it either.
Only now do I get the feeling that the deluded unelected top table cunts at the EU are feeling the pressure of perhaps things not turning out the way they want.
So much fucking time has been wasted since the referendum. Article 50 took a year, and Juncker and his henchmen time wasting and not giving a single concession from a crap UK deal for the next year and a half.
Personally woulld like to see us leave with no deal. I don’t want any more money to go to the EU, they have had enough already andvare seeming ungrateful in the extreme.Trade deals would need to follow which you just know would of course be disadvantageous to the UK and at great additional cost.
I would love for the EU negotiators at the 11th hour to come back with some minor concessions, and for the UK to tell the cunts to go away and to come back with something acceptable. And just keep saying no before simply calling time on proceedings. I suspect however that will not happen, because of the pathetic thing called British fair play. And the fact our government does not want to leave.
The cunts at the top of the EU tree need to taught a fucking lesson. I suspect that when some of the member states when asked to absorb the UK’s share on an INCREASED EU budget. and whilst selling less to the UK only then will questions be asked about the clowns running the show. But they will all have fantastic eye watering h pensions and benefits most can only dream of.
The corrupt and indemocratic EU in its current state cannot to continue in its current form. The cracks are already showing, long may they continue.
And Fuck you Donald Tusk. A small insignificant man who has the ability to mimic Fonald Duck but has no manners.
Its such a shame for them . I mean the EU scriptwriters and planners had it all going for them, and Mrs May played the part brilliantly, deceiving most and striding the world like a colossus. Now it’s going a bit wrong. The finale, was the snatch of a deal at the edge of the precipice, won, at great cost to her precious cotton socks. Merkel standing at the side, head bowed, “Ja…she woz too gut fur me ” while pissing herself at her victory over the UK.
Well then. As said so rightly said by Willie, it’s gpoing wrong a bit. The pressure is on , and it looks as though they overplayed their parts. Come-uppance comes at a price. I savour at the prospect of their demise.
I am going to do a Lily Allen and apologise for Donald Tusk.
The man is a total fuckwit, and I assume he had been imbibing from Junckers bottle of meths.
JOB this morning: ‘Nigel Farage is a liar’. This is awkward for Nigel isn’t it? How does he react to that? If he just ignores it he will look rather weak. He needs to explain why JOB is wrong.
Funny that cos I thought Farage was a “Nazi”!
Oh but they stopped using that term after poor wickle Sourberries was all ass-hurt after being call it!
Double-standards cunts!
JOB calls “Farige” a “liar” on a daily, if not hourly basis. He’s been doing it for months.
And “a racist”. And a “snake oil salesman”.
Farage in turn completely ignores the cunt.
Tusk ought to be more concerned about the bloc of Nationalist Populist governments of Hungary, Italy and his very own Poland (a nation which despises Tusk as much as Tusk despises them) than he should be about Brexit.
We might leave the EU – hopefully with no deal – but it will be the nationalist governments within the EU that will be the final coffin nail.
What the remoaners can’t see is that if we’re still IN when it does collapse then WE also become liable for financial bail-outs simply because our economy ISN’T in the toilet (you listening Varadkar – YOU CUNT)!
While I have no animosity towards my fellow Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Oirish citizens, I refuse to bail out their cunt governments for being useless, and their EU puppet masters so that Juncker can quaff it and piss it up the wall!
We are much better off out! And out now before it does collapse and Mavis gets fingered for an extra £n billion to foot THEIR bill!
Anything other than No Deal would be a disaster now.
And May’s (4th Reich dictated) deal would be worse than Remain. Which is why I believe we’re going to see Article 50 extended and another big push for a Loser’s Vote.
It’s all about the money: May’s deal = £39 billion (worth 4 years Net membership payments) + more down the line, + trapped in Customs Union. Remain = Net yearly payments of £10 billion.
If the EU is still around in its present form in 5 years time I’ll eat Paddy Ashdown’s rotting corpse.
I succincltly agree RTC
Good morning cunters been two weeks dry and decided to have some red vino and a tom collins gin for breakfast after having a argument with mother. She very rudely told me to get a job can you believe the nerve of this woman?! God bless her efforts but I simply refuse
Vino is italian for wine for all the smol brain cunters trying to decipher that one my mood right musically nite jewel boo hoo, deep purple smoke on the water and pink floyd echoes are the 3 next songs in my playlist right now top of the morning to you lol
Go for it TitS – I’ve been a bum and a washout all my adult life and if never did me any harm.
Good sir I’m not a bum! bum denotes homelessness but washout is a more suitable term for my current situation
My sincere apologies, please consider me well and truly reprimanded…
To think that this country stood alone as the last bastion of democracy and freedom within Europe for two years.
To think that we bankrupted ourselves to free Europe from a tyranny hitherto unknown.
To think that petulant, ungrateful little Commissars like this have prospered and flourished on the backs of massive human sacrifice.
To think that the nation that was defiant enough, stubborn enough and courageous enough to stand up to Hitler, has become weak, spineless and fearful. Yes, there are those that still have the Bulldog Spirit, but unfortunately there are those, and they are many, that don’t. Then there are those that actively work against Dear Old Blighty, you don’t have to look hard to find them, for they are Legion. They infest our government and institutions, they infest the media and industry, they infest the church and other religious institutions, they infest the educational establishments of the country to the point of active indoctrination, with anti British and corrupt ideals, ideals that weaken and twist the spirit and diminish the morality and ideals necessary for a strong country, with a unified sense of purpose, a righteous will and a stoic adherence to what is proper and just.
There is nothing wrong with tolerance, so long as it is tempered with common sense, decency and a sense of fair play, but to try to indulge everyone, regardless of their loyalties, motives and perversions, is wrong. In these modern times we seem to be willing to indulge just about any and every opinion and action, no matter how repressive or debased. There can only be one outcome if this state of affairs continues.
The rot set in decades ago, when our last truly great Prime Minister died. We need someone in the same mould as Churchill, who demonstrated the attitude that we need today more than ever in a speech in 1941.
Just insert the word Europeans instead of Germans’
The current crop of misfits just don’t cut the mustard and are not fit to govern.
Good afternoon.
Fucking good post.
Afternoon Jack.
Great post Jack ? Good afternoon.
Good afternoon Thomas, RTC.
I really needed to get that off my chest.
This palaver with jumped up toe rags really gets my goat.
Bloody great post Jack ✌️
Thanks, and they wonder why we want to leave.
I can’t wait for the whole rotten edifice to implode.
Please Dog let it happen before they get their mercenary mits on my £1,300 (average amount the individual taxpayer will have to contribute toward the £39 billion ransom).
Donald Tusk hes like a slightly more retarded an evil version of Donald Trump lol
Excellent, well deserved cunting.
I saw this prick on the news yesterday evening and fuming doesn’t even cover it. Had I a house brick in my hand at said time, my parents 32 inch TV would be six foot under by now.
What an arrogant, patronising, pompous piece of shite that tool is.
It really steams my underwear that some Polish prick (no matter how far up in life he may have got) feels the need to lecture the UK public who voted to leave – and those who campaigned for this – about how they have made themselves an automatic appointment with Satan for a knees-up down under.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
It is called DEMOCRACY, fucktard. We are only hellbound in your eyes because you and your pack of Nazis don’t like that we want to leave your fucking club, end of story…….and the reason it is so damned hard for us and not ‘safe’ is because like the typical bullies that you are, you have made it as difficult as possible for us to leave, so I would say that rather than Brexiteers, it means YOU and your cronies will be taking a trip down south to party with Lucifer.
This cunt’s problem is he learnt all about democracy whilst being a member of the Warsaw Pact. Any organisation nowadays sound familiar?
Damned right Moggie. He has some nerve throwing insults like that, as if everyone who voted leave was brainwashed and misled. I knew precisely what I was voting for. I don’t even care about any of these alleged ‘unknowns’….. I just wanted OUT of that dictatorial shitfest.
Can you imagine how happy this cunt would have been if the UK told the fucking poles they had no tight to leave the Pact?? That’s what the cunt is trying to do here.
Brillo tore poison dwârf Shami Chakracunti to pieces just now on Politics Live. What would we do without Andrew Neil.
she looked like a frightened little girl, didnt seem to know what was coming out of her stupid mouth, and she didnt stay long…
Apart from his “hell” comments is there any other reason to despise this cunt? Well I had a look through Wikipedia so with that caveat here goes. Unlike the entitled Oxbridge cunts who dominate public life in the UK he was from a modest background. Father a carpenter, mother a nurse. The downside was his maternal grandmother’s German origin. Genetics Explains the square head and Obergruppenfuhrer countenance I suppose. His own description of his youth was “a typical hooligan who often got into fights” Obvious candidate for the Polish equivalent of Eton then. Didn’t happen. Went to Gdansk University instead where he was on the student committee of Solidarity, a nationalist movement opposed to Soviet communist rule in Poland. Elected as Polish Prime Minister and stated that his adult political view was it’s best to be immune to any kind of orthodoxy, ideology and most importantly nationalism. In other words he has no beliefs or moral compass to guide him and fuck all those nationalists in the former Solidarity. Flexible if it suits him then? He promised the Poles reduced taxes and an open free market economy. What he actually gave them was increased taxes and elimination of many tax exemptions. Not believing in State interference in the economy he greatly increased the size of the public sector. Sound familiar? He considered warm relations with Herr Merkel in Berlin to be essential and whilst once opposed to all things Russian he changed his mind and supported Merkel’s proposed EU-Russian partnership. Steadfast in his opposition to dictatorship obviously. Strongly supported and signed the LisbonTreaty against the wishes of the Polish people because it weakened democracy and removed power from national governments and centralised it (power) in the EU institutions.Clearly a champion of democracy and devoted to serving the wishes of his people who, by the way, loathe him with such intensity that he’s afraid to leave Brussels and set foot in Poland. In 2014 he was appointed, not elected, to the Presidency of the European Council where he has worked diligently to create Hell on Earth for 17.4 million British people who his grandmother forgot to mention were responsible for hosting the Polish Government in exile and aiding the eventual liberation of Poland from the Nazi jackboot. Ladies and gentlemen I give you in the red corner the British people and in the blue corner a dissembling, two-faced hypocrite of a cunt Donald Tusk. My money’s on the Brits.
Technically I had a June collins considering I made it with Lime juice lol I thought it was limes not lemons or maybe a lime gin cocktail is called Joan Collins I dunno how IBA name variations work haha lol
Your great taste in music is legendary TitS – check this out, I think you’ll like it…
I also think the weasel’s shitting himself about the emergence of a Poland/Italy/Hungary bloc to fight against Franco/German domination of the EU. The cracks are widening.
Jumped up little cunt.
“Negotiation (noun): discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.”
If he’s that bothered about a “No Deal”, why is he being so intransigent regarding ANY re-negotiation of terms? Simply saying “We’re not going to change, you have to” doesn’t exactly meet the dictionary definition.
Jumped up little cunt (I know I said it before but it bears repeating)
The squashed-tomato headed cunt speaks like Don Corleone with a gobful of Polish Wiejckska sausage or whatever the fuck it is called.
Cunt deserves to be arsefucked to death with one of Poland’s largest wursts.
A proper European. By that i mean some cunt who flirts with Merkel and Juncker to get a cushy job while being detested by his own people.
Manglebum and Kinnock are also good ‘Europeans’.
In Dantes Inferno, the lowest darkest deepest bowels of hell are specially reserved for TRAITORS.
Beware simpering RiechEU REMOANER cunts. Blair, Addonis, Sourberry, Campbell, Clegg, Cable et al……You are going to BURN.