Eurosceptic MP Edward Leigh,The ‘Honourable Member’ for Gainsborough, has been very critical of Maybe’s bucket of shit Brexit deal, and has said that he wouldn’t back it. He’s now announced that he’s changed his mind and will vote for it after all; two weeks after being appointed to the Privy Council. What a coincidence.
My my, but you sold yourself cheaply sunshine. That’s not even worth thirty pieces of silver. There’s a word, and it begins with ‘c’, that comes to mind…
Nominated by Ron Knee
Seems like he’s been bribed. Must confess I hadn’t previously heard of him but he sounds like a fucking turncoat cunt.
Yes the ‘coincidence’ has been commented upon in political and journalistic circles OC. Why am I not surprised…
The whole process stinks from arsehole to breakfast time.
Doesn’t matter if he votes for it or not – she’s going to lose. As far as I can see his position is that it’s better to be part-way out than in. All the way out isn’t going to get past our dear representatives by any manner of means, and I’m very reluctantly driven to think that Leigh’s got it right. Or would have if his vote made a scintilla of difference.
As long as this issue rumbles round Westminster, we’re fucked. Let’s take the shitty deal and shut the pointless debate down for now. Let’s improve on it as time goes on, issue by issue, meanwhile helping into power some Eurosceptics with the backbone to use that power. Time to recognise this isn’t going to come quickly and that we underestimated the EU’s imperial aspirations. Or, some of us did. It’s the long game. The UK’s rather good at those.
Paying £39billion to be trapped in the Customs Union indefinitely with no say, is not a price worth paying imho.
Everything May touches turns to shit. Apart from possibly Gay Marriage – she only managed to deliver that because Cameron was breathing over her shoulder 24/07.
She’d have been gone long ago if it hadn’t been for Corbyn.
With the greatest respect, RTC, I do not see any practical alternative. Unlike the USA, the populace is not encouraged to keep lethal weapons within reach in case the government fucks up.
We could still go WTO in March. And if no agreement is reached by then, that is our default position.
We can still use the threat (wish it were a promise, too) of WTO to get the EU to climb down a bit. It cannot be in its interest for us to go WTO.
And as I said, this looks like a long game. If the UK is a big enough nuisance, it can remove its shackles one by one later, following acceptance of something like the May deal.
It will take a bit more work than ticking the Leave box at a referendum, but did you imagine this would be simple?
I fully agree May is a walking disaster, but the PM’ship is a poisoned chalice, only a monster cunt would have taken it on. Look at the alternatives – responsibility-dodger Johnson, three-faced weasel Gove, and JR-M, who despite his erudition has avoided stating any intention of positioning himself for the leadership – and those are the ‘good’ ones…
I don’t disagree with any of that K – in fact it’s the position I have been advocating all along!
Where I disagreed was with your original suggestion of “Let’s take the shitty deal and shut the pointless debate down for now.” Etc. In my mind that would have been disastrous.
Taking the shitty deal would have left us even deeper in the EU quicksand than we are already!
Leaving on WTO rules is what should have been our starting position 2.5 years ago. Then, with the right cunts negotiating, we would probably have ended up with an acceptable deal… maybe even a good one!
Anyway, glad we now appear to be in agreement.
Look at this beetroot-faced traitor. It’s as if he’s fallen out of a 19th century hereditary Gentlemen’s club quivering with gout, gin blossoms long since turned into flowered, burst blood vessels, chronic alcoholism etched onto his face like a burning tattoo.
I wonder how many others have been bribed with positions, awards, order-of-the-sell-outs. Let’s not be complacent about the vote; if this expensive betrayal of a “deal” – along with the obscene amount of money we’ve committed – isn’t kicked out (and that incompetent witch with it) then I hope cunts like this will see flames of betrayed voters’ fury, the colour of which will match this cunt’s cheeks.
Right on brother… I mean Herr kapitän!
Mmm, if I ver you, Herr CreamyPuff, I vudd show a bit more respekt to ze United States of Deutschland.
EU ubër Alles.
Jawohl mein führer!
Gott mit uns…
I am anti EU and have been for many years, after watching this farcical process for the last two years I am a solid no deal supporter but I would rather take this shit deal than risk not leaving
It is clear that the fuck shits in parliament are desparate to stop Brexit, if there is another referendum the remainers will be out in force and the leavers will be so pissed off they won’t bother voting…..
Then we are fucked forever.
We only got the first referendum because “they” thought we would vote to stay in the EU.
We will never get another chance
Totally agree. You can be sure if we stay in the fucking EU as a “gesture” when that piss artist Juncker kicks the bucket the EU will think it a nice gesture to have a British leader and you can be sure all the Labourite poofs (and Tory ones) will suggest Anthony Blair as the ideal candidate.
agree with you Sick of it
We’ll have to see whether Treason May gets this withdrawal agreement through. She has had some success in the past with a WA and her husband Philip, or they would have had children.
Goodbye for now.
In the wider context, why the fuck does our honours system most extravagantly reward people who have done very nicely thank you already, without consideration of whether they did so by benefiting or failing the wider community?
Venal bastards.
If there is one thing this whole brexit thing has shown us good and proper is that we are ‘governed’by an absolute pile of anti british, self interested, thick, anti democratic cunts in which i no longer even slightly trust apart from perhaps a very few. Just shows, you can’t beat the system. Cunts nearly all.
It must have been a very big, removal-van-sized, plain brown envelope full of cash.
Or a seat at the high table…
The Govester has started to lose the plot saying “winter is coming” from Game of Thrones if Mavis’s Brexshit deal is voted down. He could throw in a few more, “May the farce be with you” or “I’ll be back (in three days)”.
Afternoon, LL.
My favourite Game of Thrones quote (which could have been scribed purely for that fucking Gove weasel) is by Brun:
~”There’s no cure for being a cunt.”~
Afternoon Cap’t M, I don’t like the fat leezza Sandy Toksvig but her “foetus in a jar” comment on Gove was a bit of a zinger.
Not as good as mine, it was along the lines of……… Cunt!!!!
A good insult though a tad ripe coming from that virtue-signalling bulldyke. Tojsvig looks like the result of heinous experiment after breeding a basset hound and Hilary Clinton, with Ruth Davidson chasing after it with a strap-on, yapping.
We used to hang turncoat bastards like this, now we put them in positions of power. Bloody disgrace
No worse than that little cunt Grieve and the poofter in chief Nick Boles, who it would seem would rather have a Corbyn government with added McDonnell fantasy economics. Why are the Westminster poofters so scared of Brexit?
I may have been dreaming, but think I heard Tony B. Liar say:
“Leaving with No Deal on WTO terms will be worse than the Millennium Bug and the disaster engendered by the UK’s failure to join the Euro combined!”
Meanwhile I reckon the vote tonight is going be a lot closer than the MSM has been trying to talk up. Every vote against this treasonous deal will count.
PS: I definitely heard Remoaner cunt Stephen Kinnock object to being called “a Remainer” yesterday.
You could not fucking make it up…
Kinnock couldnt do anything else – girded from the loins of 2 cunts Glynis and Neil (AKA Mater and Pater) up to their snouts in the EU trough he has to consider his inheritance instead of being in Cunto’s world where he would be hiding in some priest hole pursuing him to hang the cunt and place his head on a spike outside traitors gate. The loss, by 200+ votes tonight have sounded the death knell for parliament as we know it today.
Merkel, Tusk, Macron and Juncker will be laughing into their tipples tonight – the UK has spazzed the whole fucking rotten facade of a Brexit that was engineered NEVER to happen. Our so called Hon, rt hon and learned MP’s have fucked our country right up the shitter – and they think we will settle for some soothing anusol cream and just crack on like nothing ever happened. I think they have misunderstood real Englishmen.
Steady on Cunto – the default position is now No Deal.
Besides, you never seriously expected the 80% Remainer House of Commons, House of Lords and Civil Service, etc to deliver a proper Brexit did you?
Be interesting to see how they get out of No Deal, which Parliament accidentally (presumably) legislated for in the event a deal could not be ratified by the Commons.
With any luck May’s complete incompetence might actually work in our favour this time…
Stephen kinnock isn’t a remainer RTCP,
He said just last week that he would be happy to back the Brexit deal if it offered unfettered single market access, full customs union, free movement of people and we continue to obey directives from the ECJ and EU
He was also adamant that would should pay into the eu coffers every year just to show Brussels that Brexit means Brexit…..
I stand corrected ?
he’s just said he reserves the right to vote against the deal, so we’ll see
Fuck me I thought it was Michael Grade!
Today on AL-BEEB the number of times I heard “…and ‘No Deal’ is off the table…” – says who?
It was May’s deal or No Deal.
No Deal is better than a bad deal.
Well No Deal is definitely better than May’s deal and I hope it fucking fails.
This cunt gets on the privvy council and the natural opposers of May’s deal would be slimy Gove and Leadsome and yet they’re all for it.
Like I say, IF May’s deal goes through I bet Give gets the foreign office and Leadsome becomes home secretary.
Sell out, nest feathering cunts!
As for the AL-BEEB, fuck you! Cunts!
COTY 2018 is up on her hooves right now, lying through her teeth again… hopefully for the last time.
One can but dream.
Most if not all politicians are lying fucking self preserving cunts who cannot be trusted.
As a Brixiteer am I still allowed to say that. Or can I expect to be helping police with their enquiries?
Over to you Soubry and Cressida.
Past caring anymore. May has well and truly fucked this country over.
Useless fucking bitch.
Andrew Marr ripping Matt Hancock a new arsehole on BBC news right now haha
Matt Hancock
“They clearly voted against the deal, but not against the Prime Minister”
Hahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ????????
I couldn’t work that out either Willie, about the only thing I have laughed at tonight.
I feel like I have some sort of snowflake strop going on right now.
What a fucking shambles……fuck fuck fuck fuck off
They clearly voted against the deal. Do you honestly think she would have lost the vote if the deal had been a good one?
I’ll be amazed if they vote against her in the Vote of No Confidence tomorrow.
Exactly what that interview was:
230 votes! Oh my word as if the Maybot couldn’t get any more incompetent! I mean, we all saw it coming but still… 230 fucking votes.
So it’s No Deal by default.
Anyone know how Edward the beetroot-faced fuck voted?
Another spot of cultural enrichment from London
As an aspiring something or other feel the Met were totally wrong to taser the poor man.
Obviously a misunderstanding, and a very good reason he was brandishing a machete. Almost certainly he was chasing some chickens in order to make fried chiggun his tea.
He should certainly call the accident helpline to see whether he can secur a few hundred thou damages for racial harassment.
Seriously feel it’s about time the Met are fully armed. Take dangerous fuckers out of the equation once and for all. Either that or up the taser setting from stun to something a little more appropriate.
He wuz cuttin da waddymelon an sheeit nomesayin?
“I ain’ts gots no time for dat tazer shit, gibs muh dat five-o”
Two and a half fucking years of wasted time by those supposedly in charge of the country for precisely fuck all.
Incompetent traitorous jumped up arseholes.
Useless bitch May should now resign. She and the Tory party are finished.
Fuck me. I know it’s un-PC to judge a book by its cover but this cunt really looks like one of those parodies of “tired and emotional” MPs you used to see on Spitting Image.
I really am warming (no pun intended) to Guy Fawkes – especially after today.
Hmm, the biggest Government defeat in history.
I’m a fair man and would like May to do the decent thing.
With a rope a small stool.
I’m kind of with you but every time I think this way, I try to imagine the “best” alternative leader/government and I’m really struggling with the available candidates…..
What do you think?
This is where desperation takes us…we’d accept anyone.
I think Owen Paterson, Pritti Patel, Rees-Mogg are all decent. I’d even have Davis, Raab, and Bone.
Anything’s better than Treason May, Phillip fucking Hammond,et al.
Pestilential was saying, quite reasonably, that this could split both parties.
Was obv referring to Cable’s phone-box squatters, and the Brighton and Hove cabbages…
May cares not one whit, as she’ll be off to suck the asembled bits of her lords and masters in Berlaymont, and pick up her Charlemagne medal and paper hat &c. from Goethe-Institute in Frankfurt. She is EU first and foremost, and Tory by chance, if the whole thing doesn’t disappear up Grieve’s fudge-chute.
Trojan horse may has got Brexit exactly where she wanted it , the last two years have been nothing more than an elaborate fuckng hoax , there was never any appetite in either house to honour the public vote , it’s been the most disingenuous negotiation in living memory, presided over by a treacherous treasonous cunt aided and abetted by a political class of quislings bought and paid for by the EU…..
fuck them!!!
?Evening Q.
“Just rejoice at that news, and congratulate our Civil Service, Government and Opposition forces.”
Not taken by surprise I hope…
“The prime minister was fully prepared for the loss, springing to her feet immediately afterwards with a promise to “listen” to concerns”.
Bit fucking late for that you stupid bitch May. About two and a half years late to be precise.
Just fuck off asap.
The day she listens to anyone who cares about this country is the day I eat Paddy Pantsdown’s rotting corpse.
Listen to concerns. What a fucking joke.
“Listen to concerns”…
So much like “Lessons have been learnt”…
To which we all say, as did Lord Caernavon, that the answer is spherical, and in the plural.
You may have noticed I’m insomniac tonight. Have been on the music to try and keep the piss-temp. down a bit.
Yes something as catastrophic as this HAD to have been planned.
I can smell the vin rouge burp coming from Juncker’s bunker now!
Evening RTCP ??
Forgot those absolute wankers over at the civil service…
They’re closely related to the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
Interchangeable, I would imagine.
By far the most entertaining thing tonight was catweasel fluffing his lines,
For weeks we have been told how COBRA corbyn was ready to strike, how the cobra would dive on his prey ?
It took may to goad the toothless corbyn into him tabling a no confidence motion in the hunchbacks pathetic excuse of a government! , my wife who’s a Labour Party member actually called corbyns big move “ utterly pathetic “ ?
Corbyn doesn’t want to be PM any more than we want him to be PM. He tabled the vote of no confidence *knowing* that the DUP and Tory faithful would back the Government.
He’s like The Cowardly Lion “C’mon, put ’em up! put ’em up!!”.
It would serve the cunt right if he won it 🙂
Although her deal was utter bollocks and deserved to be dispatched my issue is those fuckers in parliament simply wouldn’t vote for Brexit whatever deal was put in front of them other than brino type sell out…….
May’s deal was too Brino even for them!
And yes, Corbyn’s move was predictably pathetic. No way the Tories and DUP are going to vote for a General Election tomorrow. May will win and Corbyn will be humiliated. ?
May & Corbyn, symbiotic cunts, neither can survive without the other, both uselessness personified.
Roll on a WTO Brexit.
A World Trade Brexit is what we always wanted.
No money for the EU drinks cabinet means it’ll begin by properly crumbling from March. More contributions from everybody and less of Blighty’s massive sums.
I hope the whole nest of pompous gangsters shrivels up quicker than Sir Edward Julian Beetroot Egerton Leigh’s liver.
Christ if only Maggie had still been about. She’d surely have told those cunts in Brussels to front up and act reasonably or fuck off two years ago. Being lily-livered and appeasing those cunts all the time while they played hardball has got us nowhere.
For anyone wondering, ‘Sir’ Edward Leigh (Con; Cuntborough) voted WITH the government. I’m truly shocked and offended by this revelation, which has come totally out of the blue…
Thanks Ron.
I only asked because Richard1 posted earlier: “he’s just said he reserves the right to vote against the deal, so we’ll see.”
What a prat. (Sir Edward, not Richard)
Fucking Campbellend on the radio right now. Sounds posher than usual, like he’s been taking elocution lessons. Time he had an electrocution lesson, imo.
As an ECS cardholder, I volunteer as “Prison Electrician.”
I’ll even do it for free, as work experience.
Looking at that photo, I don’t think the cunt is long for this world.
Fuck him.
Utter Cunt — probably Canadian heritage or some family connection Miles.
Good evening.
He has those red rosy cheeks CW. Definitely outdoorsy. From his time as a lumberjack.
A late night dual cunting fron the daily mail. Jordan pickford’s wife for getting her diamond engagement ring stuck on her finger. It’s only a 500 grand ring that had to be cut off.
A family pikeys to be deported from new Zealand for not causing trouble, not putting hair and ants in food and generally not being cunts. Spelling mistake just omit “not”
My apologies to everyone, long-suffering Admin included, as she was so recently awarded “Cunt of the Year” trophy in triplicate, but…
Mavis really is more than a little bit of a cunt, isn’t she ?
Still pretending that she has to stick like shit to a blanket, in the name of getting the “best possible deal for the British public.”
ITV News were at least reporting about subversion of the will of the people, the damage potentially done to “democracy”, and general mistrust of politicos.
Some people naive enough to think that Brussels would even consider re-negotiating. Why the fuck would they ? They have no interest in doing so (or at least, that’s what they believe, brainwashed twats).
As JR-M very cogently pointed out, we could now move towards No Deal WTO.
I wonder if we can lobby Parliament to have the following option on ballot papers, in the event of a 2nd ref (which, incidentally, the EU didn’t seem too keen on a few days ago…)
“No Deal, leave on WTO Rules”
She’s already got COTY 2019 nailed down as well. And we’re only 15 days into the year.
Rotting cadaver Cable has tonight lifted the lid of his coffin for ITN News to deliver his scintillating verdict.
According to this disintegrating Thriller extra, today has seen the death knell for Brexit and a second referendum must now be delivered to give this country the opportunity to remain in the EU.
Cable clearly has a form of dementia, in that he has no recollection whatsoever that the majority of the referendum voters placed their mark against leave.
The most humane action would be to drive a stake through the heart of this netherworld walking colossal cunt.
“People’s Vote”
Choose one option only:
1. Leave on Mrs May’s treasonous 4th Reich dictated deal.
2. Leave on WTO rules.
‘Remain’ or ‘No Brexit At All’ cannot legitimately be options on the ballot paper because the country has already voted to Leave.
Spot on RTC. – If we have to have another ref then those are the only two questions with any legitimacy. Mind you a lot ‘ our betters’ care about a daft notion like legitimacy.
And I heard a fucking remainer Tory mp cunt from Bournemouth say with a straight face ” and as the referendum vote was two and a half years ago its possible peoples opinions have changed and can we presume the people still feel the same way they voted….” what a cunt. It took 8 months to even start the process to leave and then instead of actually just fucking off and starting as a new country on the world stage a bit like when Yugoslavia split up into new countries. Although small on the global scale they All had to negotiate trade deals etc and as far as I know they haven’t all blown up and disintegrated. Also the jocks, and sorry to any Scottish cunters wanted to leave the UK but stay in the EU well as Scotland doesn’t actually exist as a country apart from within the UK then they would have had to start from zero so let’s ask Sturgeon how she would have sorted it when they left the UK.
May was given a poisoned chalice and dutifully took up the gift. As a good tory she is going into the long night but in the process taking the uk down with it. Depressing really. Her career mentality like so many in parliament is SO much more important than doing the right thing by her electorate.
Sorry for the rambling reply but brain in warp drive.
Well at least the hunchback achieved what has appeared to be impossible since the referendum, she actually United the country, for once she actually had a very large comfortable majority in Parliament
No means No ???