Refugee Sailors

Stowaway Asylum Seekers:

Ahoy me hearties for a well-deserved cunting for the “penniless” scum who manage to find thousands of pounds to get themselves deposited in rubber dinghies to try to sneak into Britain, most of whom describe themselves as “Iranians”.

Today though a group of violent motherfuckers managed to reach a new low:

No doubt they will be given temporary asylum but surely they should have been thrown overboard by the jolly jack tars. Captain Bligh wouldn’t have hesitated. If they are aggressive violent cunts at sea, imagine how they would run riot on a housing estate.

Nominated by W C Boggs

41 thoughts on “Refugee Sailors

  1. Give them all asylum immediately and put them on West Falkland.

    This will show our compassion, provide them with a safe haven on which the only dangers are a few randy penguins and the odd Argie landmine, and scupper the Argie resolve to claim the islands as theirs.


  2. Nigeria’s population has quadrupled in a half-century, from 50M in 1960 to 200M in 2018. Everyone knows N*ggers can’t feed themselves and are genetically incapable of creating a civilisation. We must let Natural Selection to restore the natural ecological balance and eradicate these parasites. No more Foreign Aids. And somebody please teach these N*ggers how to use a condom.

    • A primitive cult like Catholicism is naturally appealing to Low-IQ and primitive Nigerians.

      Continent of the Apes (aka Africa) is full of witch doctors and shamans. Child-molesting Catholic priests feel at home among their Nigerian colleagues.

      • You’re very into science English Scientist well let’s take Modern Science . How could this primitive religion produce FATHER George Lemaitre – ‘The Father of The Big Bang’ or Father Mendel ‘The Father of Genetics’. It always makes me laugh when Dawkins ridicules religion that the very discipline he has devoted his life to was invented or discovered by a Catholic priest. Also, there is more evidence for The Big Bang with radio waves ‘red shift’ than for Relativity. It could be argued that Lemaitre was the greatest scientist that ever lived. A Catholic priest.

      • Isaac Newton believed in Witchcraft and Alchemy. But this does not make witchcraft and alchemy “real”. Ibn-al-Haytham did some works in Optics and Mathematics. But this does not lead to the conclusion that Islam is true. Mendel’s experiments on and breeding of different types of peas does not lead to the conclusion that Cannibalistic superstition of the Catholic Church (Transubstantiation) is true.

        If a rapist says 2+2=4 and you, too, say 2+2=4, this does not make you a rapist. But according to your way of thinking, anyone who agrees with the rapist about the truth of this arithmetical proposition is a rapist !

      • The primary directive of a catholic, is to make more catholics, because all religions want the numbers to be in their favour. Peaceful’s can have multiple wives to achieve the same goal, so both tap into the basest urges of man, that of getting laid.
        Over population is not some future problem, it’s here now, and it will be the downfall of our civilisation.

      • Completely agree. In my view, the only sensible use of foreign aid is fund secular education for both sexes. Education is the only effective cure for poverty, everything else is mere treatment of symptoms and therefore an unending and counterproductive waste of cash.

  3. I just read the report WCB, it also said that, “despite the lack of violence there was a tense atmosphere”.
    Fucking hell, an entire ship commandeered because four dog turds from Africa took it over with a tense atmosphere.

    They’d have been trying to swim to Britain from a lot further away than the Kent coast had I been the skipper.

  4. Black culture is degenerate.
    They steal,fight,rape and pillage. Enoch Powell was right. Look what happened to Rhodesia when the blacks took over. Look at South Africa when Dealing Klerk lifted apartheid. It is a sad fact that the vast majority of black people simply can not live alongside white Europeans harmoniously. Name me one device you will used today that was invented by a black person,one medicine, anything. This is not racism but realism.

    • “Racism” (aka Racialism) is Realism.

      Even an intelligent child of 8 could see that there are racial differences (both mental and physical).

      • There are no ‘races’. There are breeds, just like with all other species. And the breeds of Africa and the Middle East are very much at the bottom of the evolutionary timeframe.

      • Most (non-PC) naturalists say that pure N*groes (of Africa) and Caucasians of Europe are 2 different Species of the genus Homo.

    • Morning Krav,

      Totally agree,but,for a laugh,try Goggling “Famous American Inventors” and look at the pictures..most of them are dark. I’ve never heard of any them,of course,and the most famous “contribution” seems to be one of them who invented peanut-butter!
      Goggle really is a Cunt.

    • Lest we forget, over 1.2 million blacks would naturally have voted Leave, otherwise Remain would have won.

  5. What shall we do with the fucking migrants?
    What shall we do with the fucking migrants?
    What shall we do with the fucking migrants?
    Early in the morning!
    Turn them back to where they came from!
    Turn them back to where they came from!
    Turn them back to where they came from!
    Early in the morning!

  6. Nothing wrong with uncontrolled immigration – won’t affect me as long as train operating companies introduce “Non-Stab” coaches on trains.

    Time to dust off Eichmann’s technical drawings again….

      • Sincere apologies Kravdarth, you are right. However, the way the world’s population is growing, there will be a need for some check – ideally this would be by natural causes, e.g. use of contraception, famine or disease. But more likely is bloody war. Hopefully not in our lifetimes, but I’m sure contributors to this site can see its coming.

  7. Looking at that title image, early in the morning, I thought it was a barge full of rubbish going to landfill.


  8. Ok, this is why we don’t want any Africunt coming to the UK and I have Africunt ancestry – admittedly the “wrong kind” of Africunt ancestry – but my great grandmother was one (unlike Elizabeth Warren’s 1,000th part Native American).

    Africa is the richest continent on the planet in terms of natural resources, fertile land, available workforce and access to both oceans. It really should be a rival to the United States but it isn’t. For the most part it is an economical and humanitarian basket case, but how can that be?

    Well because from top to bottom, left to right, the entire continent is made up of badly educated, selfish, grabby bastards who have never learned to cooperate with one another.

    Most of the desert shitholes are oil and mineral rich, the farm belt can feed it’s own population 5 times over and the coastline has a marine bounty Europeans could only dream of.

    Combine that with areas of natural beauty and wildlife, if run properly Africa would be where most Europeans would want to emigrate to.

    And yet we don’t because it’s a fucking shithole, the whole damned thing.

    The average IQ of the average Africunt is 20pts lower than the average European. I do not tally with the cunts who say that it’s genetics but I do believe it has a lot to do with the lack of access to basic education, and where it is provided (particularly in Northern countries) is Shariah run and so take a back seat science, Mohammed has spoken.

    That is why countries like Rhodesia and South Africa flourished because the minority cunt white population brought a high level of education and modern agricultural and mining methods with them.

    Once again – due to the social standards of their time – the cunt white minority never shared or invested any of that wealth in the native population, and the West has paid for that cuntitude (i.e. “white guilt”) ever since. Well fuck that, *I* did nothing wrong, so don’t blame me for shit that happened decades before I was even born. I feel no fucking guilt whatsoever – CUNTS!

    So there you have a continent who’s poorest peoples only understand one thing: take what you can, when you can and by force if necessary.

    They have no sense of community spirit outside of their own village (if even then) and do not possess a work ethic in the classical sense: why work for a year to buy a mediocre mobile phone when I can just take an iPhone X from someone who is weaker than me!

    That *IS* their mindset.

    The issue we have is that the over-priviledged, hand-wringing, SJW class were all brought up on the “everyone is the same and nicey-nicey just like us” education mantra of the bullshit Blair era, and they actually fucking believe it!?! The fucking idiots!

    No, this human flotsam is invading our country for financial gain, a free loading underclass who will benefit no one and be to the detriment of everyone as social standards degrade in a race to the bottom.

    Also notice how this scum didn’t actually start boating over until AFTER the UK (under that weak hunchback) signed the UN’s Marrakech Agreement because – in their mind – that legitimises their right to be here. Unbelievable!

    It’s not legally binding (until it is) but no weak administration – such as our own – will go against this cunt agreement that *WE* (i.e. the cunts directly affected by it – unlike those inside the Cuntminster bubble) were never asked about!

    We already have enough of our own freeloading, work-shy, parasite Kyle scum without importing the Rest of the World’s!

    They are not all doctors, nurses, scientists, businessmen, architects – in fact none who use this method to illegally enter our country are.

    No, they are invaders of the worst kind and should be deported back to the shithole from where they come from. If the undocumented cunts (and they’re all undocumented because the NGOs tell them to lose any identifying documentation) won’t say then we’ll just have to take a wild guess and fuck them off to the worst bastard place we can think they’re from!

    And all of this without considering what fucking diseases, etc., the cunts will bring in with them. TB, aids, etc. No documentation means we don’t know what the fuck this vermin is carrying and no doubt to test the cunts will infringe their human rights and fuck the indigenous populace’s human right NOT to be infected by them!

    We no longer matter. We just need to keep working, keep paying eye-watering taxes to pay for this scum, and to shut fuck up, as we have no say anymore.

    Don’t we?? We let’s see what happens in the next election!

    Also, please notice how many of these invaders have been deported since landing here. As a conservative government would no doubt relish telling the “waycist” (i.e. intelligent) masses of any deportations then we can only imagine that the number ejected thus far is a “nice round figure”!


    • Great post Rebel. Appreciate your important distinction re: race vs culture.

      PS: Scotland (in the guise of the SNP) is crying out for immigrants. Suggest we dump them all up there and refurbish Hadrian’s Wall… rename it The Great Wall of Cunts… with the mugshots facing north.

  9. Fuck off auto moderation!

    I’m fed up of posting barely inflammatory “gold” on here only for it to disappear and then reappear several hours later when the ship has sailed.

    Please publish the trigger words because this truly is getting beyond a fucking joke!


  10. More Carry on claimin’ asylum than Captain Phillips, these cunts achieved their aim and are now safely ashore on their chosen destination. Maybe they’ll get deported, but I doubt it. No one in our political sphere has the bottle to make the hard choices needed to stop this sort of thing. Every time a dingy full of cunts gets intercepted in the Channel it should be returned to France, it’s only possible point of origin, then the French government billed for the rescue. Perhaps then, something might be done about all these cunts camping around ports and the coast, waiting to try their luck.
    I was going to go on about one of the reasons that we are such a magnet for these people, that being the lack of ID cards being required makes it easy for dodgy cunts fade into the black economy, but it seems to make little difference on the continent, as they managed to to travel through, and remain there relatively unchallenged.

  11. The fucking media say the price is 5000 euros a pop for a place on a rubber ring, that means either they get a loan from wonga or there are pretty well off……

    Mmmmm, maybe not really asylum seekers then.

    Fucking BBC , shit reporting on this stuff, would love to see someone actually give a honest report rather than the PC/left wing bullshit.

  12. Can anyone name one fuzzy haired type that has ever invented something or discovered a scientific breakthrough in medicine .?????????????????????????????

  13. The shit coloured ones can take credit for the invention of Jenkum. Google it to find out their most glorious achievement.!

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