I’d like to nominate one Miley Cyrus for a cunting. Hot off the right on sisters, ethnics, minorities, peacefuls, trans fluid gender cunts, etc website (aka the bbc) “Miley Cyrus has overhauled the lyrics to Santa Baby, turning the festive classic into a feminist anthem.”
What a cunt !!! if she wants she can buy me something for Christmas and let me have a nibble if it helps her feel a warm glow in a sense of women being doing it for themselves kind of way… more shit from the fucking talent free arse shaker perpetuated by the bullshit broadcasting corp. What a cunt. utter cunt…
Nominated by Everyonesacunt
At some point in the not so distant past that image was literally someones joke of what music/media would be like in the future.
I think we’re at the end of the road folks!
Looks like she’s equipped with the missing “foreign object” from Barrymore’s final pool party.
I doubt that slim alien winkle could’ve done enough diameter damage to give poor Stuart his final Lubbocking. This one, however…
I can think of one or two Punters on here who’ll be busy scrabbling for their credit-cards at this very second….
“How much in Schekels? Oy Vey !!”
π .
I didn’t realise that Ruff Tuff Creampoof followed the Hebrew way?
Only when he’s asked for a cash donation, I believe.
We’re too hard on Barrymore…it was partially Stuart’s fault. He asked Barrymore to “touch his heart” so Michael obliged. He did indeed touch his heart…through his poor ringpiece.
Please explain the thinking behind your cryptic comment Mr Cunt Engine.
Morning gentlemen.
Hi RTC. Well, much in the same way that you believe Krav and DF to be one and the same, I have it on good authority that you are “bottom” to Mince Pie Guy’s “top”…you and Bent Dennis are one and the same.
Hope this isn’t the salesman when Opinionated Cunt goes to buy his new car.
π .
Plenty of room in the rear…
Morning RTC.
π .
@Mr. C-E…..probably won’t need a rebore for a while,but may suffer from a leaky exhaust.
Nope… still don’t quite get it Mr Cunt Engine… Krav & Dick are one, that’s a well known scientific fact, he even signs his name Kriddler on occasion. However, where do you get the connection between myself, MPG, and his good gentleman friend Bent Dennis?
It’s true I was cut up about not receiving an invitation to Fiddler Towers over the Christmas /NY period. Are you suggesting I went disguised as Bent Dennis? Truth is I wouldn’t have gone anyway, the place is a renowned den of iniquity.
And what’s all this “bottom/ top” business all about? Please take into account, I am just a poor boy from Portmeirion, Wales.
This might answer your query, RTC…
Not that I am that way inclined RTC, and I don’t have anything against anyone who is, but I understand that ‘top’ is Daddy, and ‘bottom’ is Mummy, if you catch my drift.
“Ugh! That is the nastiest link I have clicked on ISAC for a very long timeβ¦β
Mary Whitehouse, Mrs. (Deceased)
RTC – what is going on? What a completely bizarre tangent.
You tell me IY… ?
And where the fuck does “Hebrew” come into it? I must be even more dim and naive than I thought…
He’s a very naughty Cunt-Engine,RTC. He’ll probably get his botty smacked later….but enough of his foul personal pleasures….
Just wait til Miles gets an eyeful of this lot.
π .
Think I’m a bit out of my comfort zone on here today Dick.
Yes, RTC. I can quite understand your consternation…all foul and unwarranted rumours,undoubtedly.
π .
If they ever build a new super sewer under the streets of Old London Town, to deal with gargantuan amounts of filth, I think they should name it ‘ The Cunt Engine Overflow ‘ in recognition of your sewer like tastes.
Good afternoon.
Morning Jack; ’tis true, I do have the most disgracefully warped imagination.
Bloody Mr Fiddler brings out the worst in me…
One can only wonder what indignities the fragrant Mrs. Cunt Engine has had to endure .
No doubt she will need many, many years of therapy.
You rotter.
Well, she is single now…I can pass on your details to her if you’re interested. You do fancy fat, frigid, green spiky haired birds with zero sense of humour, don’t you?
Pass being the operative word …..
Is that photo and typo real?
Have to agree – the tattoo below her right armpit is a bit off-putting.
It’s not often you see a total cunt & prick on the stage at the same time, but that pic does it!
Oh, I don’t know……
A dirty aids ridden slag with the body of a 10 year old boy.
….even Jimmy saville wouldn’t have touched that.
I feel sick every time I see the dirty slapper.
Just proves how fucked up our society is when we see yet another talentless cunt with millions of dollars that they don’t deserve.
And this ugly skank is a role model for kids.
Not mine. The only role model for my kids is an eternity of nothingness.
Afternoon DTS.
I have zero patience with Miley Virus.
Everything she does these days seems totally contrived and blatantly attention seeking to me. It is like she is desperately trying to obliterate the whole ‘Hannah Montana’, cutie pie child star image that she had from memory, with all of this half naked, (or totally naked when she was swinging on that giant bollock in the ‘Wrecking Ball’ video) strap on donning, spliff smoking, whore bag cuntery that she shoves in everyone’s faces at every given opportunity.
How she managed to land that fine piece of arse, Liam Hemsworth is beyond me. I don’t believe that there is a man on the planet who wouldn’t be fucking mortified by this kind of slutbag shite coming from their other half.
Just fuck off Miley. Nobody has time for your cunt antics.
Somebody must have time for her antics Nursey. Her clueless fans for instance. Otherwise she’d be on the checkout at Trader Joe’s. Or even Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. If we were lucky.
Guten Tag.
Indeed RTC. That is sadly true.
Let’s face it though, even she might do a better job than the current Commisioner. Mind you, I wouldn’t trust her with the uniform policy or overhauling the equipment they carry…..
….she would probably replace the truncheon with a massive dildo.
What the fuck is that grotesque thing in the picture?
It is a phallus with a cunt attached to it.
Had a good look at the photo in the header.
Have to admit….not my proudest fap….
She still looks better in that pic than without makeup:
There she just looks like any other young woman.
Fucking makeup, eh? The very cornerstone of the falseness of women.
its like Jennifer Lawrence in the fucking perfume add, looks amazing…. rough as fuck without make-up
Slightly better dripping with jizz.
My dream woman…
I don’t think her fruity father will be worrying anytime soon. He was an immortal douche in his day, just like his daughter.
Strangely enough they both share the same middle name, ‘SuckSatansCock’.
I once clicked on a Cunt- Engine link Mr F. Absolute trauma. There were ‘foreign objects’ involved in that one. I pass over them now in a warm glow of moral superiority.
And Ariana Grande is a monumental cunt… Her recent pile of shite ‘God Is A Woman’…. Dressed (for want of a better word) as poptart jailbait and giving ‘feminist’ Pulp Fiction style sermons? Don’t make me frigging laugh…. Little Ariana is also ‘abused’ and ‘harassed’ by loads of shouty white men in the video… Someone should tell the thick slag that it was peacefuls who bombed that pop concert… You know, the one she feels ‘PTSD’ about, yet she couldn’t get away from quick enough and she and her ‘people’ did nothing for the dead, dying or their loved ones on the night? But of course notoriously misogynistic black men and raping and murdering peacefuls aren’t mentioned. eh? Fuck off you misandrist anti-white slag…
Ariana Grande… The only one I wanted to see go up at the Manchester Arena… What a cunt…
Everything and everyone being promoted by the bbc is now a degenerate, whether crude hyper sexualised fake feminists like this creature, or some tranny or obese thing for Eurovision or a panel show. No standards.