Jimmy Carr [3]

Jimmy facking Carr. Why oh why did they get this unfunny cunt to present the fucking Inbetweeners 10th anniversary special? The big celebration of one of my all time favourite shows, anticipated for ages by myself and other fans of the show, and they have, of all people, JIMMY CARR to present it? Fuck off you cunt and fuck off Channel 4 for selecting him to host it.


Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

30 thoughts on “Jimmy Carr [3]

  1. I too enjoyed The Inbetweeners OC, but tuned in and found out it was a ‘seleb’ arse crawling wankathon presented by this prick. In my post-Christmas drunken haze I thankfully found the remote and the off button.

    • It wasn’t bad for the most part I feel but they had to go and fucking ruin it with the ‘bash righty’ crap near the end. You can tell Channel 4 commandeered the production of the show and micro managed it to their own specifications. Have a cunting about it in of itself coming up soon actually.

  2. Undeniably a cunt, and a odd one at that, he’s occasionally a funny one. I saw him live in a small club in London in 2000 and he was hilarious and unapologetically filthy. TV has diluted him into a bleached-teeth puppet reading written autocues about Trump and contriving a pitiful manufactured laugh.

    I tried to watch The Inbetweeners but found it crass and dreary like most modern comedy. The only funny things I saw in the whole of last year were The Windsors, Archer (Yank cartoon), and Zelda May trying to sound authentic (incidentally, an excellent page heading!).

  3. This absolute smug sack of shite actually thought it was okay to pay 3% tax on the millions he was earning? Look I know nobody wants to get fucked in the arse by the taxman but if everybody took that route there’s no hospitals , roads, fire brigade, police, army or just about anything else you care to mention!!
    Carr you are a not a prudent tax planner you are a tax avoidance cunt of the highest order…….
    The cunt only put his hand up once he had the revenue down his throat and had been shamed in public, allegedly writing a cheque for 3 million in back taxes…..

    • Like some of the tweets in the article said Greg Davies hosting it would’ve been so much better. But no, that would’ve actually made sense. So they got Jimmy motherfucking Carr to do so instead. Fuck Channel 4.

  4. Jimmy Carr is allegedly a comedian described by many as a “National Treasure “. Why anyone would wish to describe him so is quite beyond me. He walks backwards and forwards on stage and holds his head back at a funny angle. Is that his comedy ? Is he competing for the Ministry of Funny Walks? In which case, I need to inform him that John Cleese has already done that, and has done it so much better. Carr is an unfunny cunt, a bit of an arse and a Lardy Boy! A turd in fact, but in need of a polish !

  5. He’s a tasteless cunt but in fairness to him he has done benefit gigs at servicemen’s hospitals – wouldn’t be surprised if he picked up that joke at one of those, your rank and file military chaps having a dark sense of humour by and large.

    • Nah, I worked with an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit during the Afghanistan years and therefore saw several amputees (FUBAR). Carr’s humour is lost on me.

  6. Never watched the In Betweeners, don’t bother tuning in to Channel 4 but I will willingly admit to quite liking Jimmy Carr.

    The strange looking cunt can at least make me laugh, which is far more than can be said for the vast majority or so called unfunny twats calling themselves comedians these days.

  7. Must be a generational thing OC as I thought the Inbetweeners was a risque movie starring Teri Hatcher (when her tits weren’t like spaniel’s ears) and the (still) delectable Charlize Theron in a scantily clad catfight.

    I then realised that that was a film called Two Days in the Valley.

    Don’t worry OC, you probably don’t know who Teri Hatcher is either.



    • Spaniel ears or not I’d still give Hatcher a big seeing to, given half the chance of course. She would well know it’s not just to piss with.

      Whilst Carr is a cunt he has nothing on the master cunts who are Corden or that Macintyre.
      Good evening.

  8. I’ve never liked this bloke.

    Firstly, he gives me the creeps and secondly, he is about as funny as a dose of the clap (not that I have personal experience of that particular ailment, thank fuck)

    Plus, he has an irritating laugh….somewhat reminiscent of a donkey in labour.

    Plus I HATE ALL COMEDIANS……annoying cunts.

    • YES!! 100% agreed, Mr Bastard.

      I love Dave Allen. I grew up watching him as my Dad was a big, big fan. The man was pure class, style and natural wit.

      • I saw Dave Allen live in London years back. Loved it. I don’t remember any of the jokes, but I remember the end of his show. He said his goodnights, took several bows and obviously enjoyed the standing ovation he got. He then walked slowly off stage. As theatre tradition dictates, we all wanted an encore. To our delight he re-appeared back on stage to rapturous applause. He walked slowly back to his stool, picked up his drink from his side table, held it aloft to the audience and walked off stage again for the final time. Brilliant and funny.

  9. The Scottish National Party actually compared leaving the EU to the Nazi holocaust. Some things are,to me at least,are sacred.Millions of Jews,Slavs,the disabled, Jehovah’s Witnesses died through systematic murder on an industrial scale.What the fuck has mass murder got to do with Brexit?

    • The holocaust was very very bad and wrong, especially the extermination of gypsy people. Which gets me thinking, did the irish collaborate with the Nazis hoping that they would deal with their pikey problem for them, or simply out of hatred for the British? Most of them seem to be in Essex now, perhaps we could send them all to Glasgow so that cunt wee Nicky Krankie gets to appreciate the diversity and cultural enrichment they bring.

      • Nicola Sturgeon is obviously davros out of his wheelchair….. The gypsies murdered in WW2 were real ones, not theiving gyppo scum.

  10. Got to agree, he is as funny as genital warts on a rotting cock. But he is one of a few of these self loving cunts, Jack Whitehall, Michael Cuntingtyre etc. But while there are cunts who will pay to listen to these cunts, these cunts will keep talking shit

  11. I quite like Jimmy Carr. I think he’s a funny fucker. Never seen him live, but I have a few of his live DVDs. IMO the tax issue was BS. There’s a difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. One’s illegal and one isn’t. I don’t blame anyone for exploiting legitimate means to avoid paying more tax than they can legitimately get away with. Rich, poor or somewhere in between.

    As for The Inbetweeners (see what I did there), I thought it was hilarious. Loved it. The movies were pretty good too. What I don’t get is why there was a need for a 10th anniversary special. JC was an odd choice too if I’m honest.

    Anyway, might break out those Inbetweeners DVDs again and re-live those magic moments…..Morning Benders…..Bumder…..bus wankers…….clunge……and the funniest line said my Will about the school bully Donovan, “He’s just upset because his family haven’t discovered fire yet”. I’ve used that a few times at work when slagging off fucking programmers. Know it all scum of the earth. That’s a nom for another time.

    • That’s what I’m on about really. I can see why people like him but I think everyone who’s watched The Inbetweeners can agree that he was completely the wrong choice for the special.

  12. The last TV comedy that made me laugh out loud was Chris Morris’s Brass Eye and Jam. Hilarious and thought provoking.

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