~~~ Reward Offered For Information ~~
Lost: 21st January Monday night in a suggestion about having a second referendum on the bloody EU.
Last seen: Attempting to ditch the useless, incompetent PM in a confidence vote.
Possible locations: In the Unions’ pocket, at a North London mosque, on Diane Abbot’s eyelids.
Please help us find Jeremy’s balls that have been a beloved part of him for decades castigating the EU and its myriad problems but have suddenly disappeared.
Any sightings please e-mail voteSteptoe@tesco.co.uk or AbbotsaurusRex@nando’s.com
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
Where’s Corbyn?
He’s keeping his powder dry ?
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion it must be talcum powder. Still and all, whichever way he jumps he’s fucked, just like May.
May’s on the way out anyway – already said she won’t be fighting another election as leader.
Corbyn’s fucked before he’s even left the runway!
Also, if May digs her heels in and we leave on No Deal WTO, she’ll be a hailed as a hero!
Corbyn on the other hand has already rolled over in front of the EU with barely a murmur.
He ruled out No Deal three months ago. Now he’s backing a “People’s Vote”. Whatever next, “No Brexit At All”?
It has to be talcum powder Komodo. What he needs is a couple of good lines of pure amphetamine sulphate!
On second thoughts…
Spelling it out – if Corbyn wins an election and
1. backs no deal, he’s out on his ear as the triumphant blairites decline to vote for any government motion at all. Blairites insert some smug globalist or other asap …plenty of choice there…and, no Brexit as they team up with the wet Tories.
2. backs the May deal; what would be the point of that, then? Might just as well vote for it now, except that he’s getting taunted for not being an Opposition at all, already.
3. Has spiffing wheeze to overcome all objections from everyone, which is what gets him elected. Oh, get real.
4. Backs Bre-entry. Goodbye big Brexit-supporting traditional constituency in deprived regions. More power to suburban bourgeois, Labour becomes LibDump and Corbyn’s irrelevant again.
The cunt can’t be radical, because he didn’t have a Stalinist purge of the closet Tories from the Blair era, and couldn’t hold the same seats if he did.
He can’t be centrist, because that’s Blairite country and they’ve made no secret of their desire to turn Labour into a smiley-faced bankers’ stooge party…again.
He certainly can’t go right, because that involves certain issues of principle and conscience. Also righteous public ridicule.
Poor cunt. His road to hell was paved with (for him, anyway) good intentions.
I note that even the Israel lobby doesn’t seem to think he’s worth smearing any more. Dead man walking, politically.
Well said Komodo. I was always astonished that he actually appointed that smarmy heap of shit Keir Starmer into his shadow cabinet – even more surprised that Starmer accepted – but then, I suspect he is in collusion with the Umunna creature and old whelkshell tits Yvette Cooper to depose Corbyn the minute if Corbyn wins an election. There will be a repeat of 2016 when there were mass hissy fits in the shadow cabinet and they all walked out over one well orchestrated campaign. The same will happen again, and you cant help feeling Alcoholic Ali Campbell, Mandelson and Blair are all well out of sight but pushing the Blairite buttons.
I agree Mrs May hasn’t been good, I doubt many in her cabinet would do any better, but a third rate Mrs. May would be better any day than a 5th rate Labour party which would turn into a lucky dip as to which pompous hypocrite actually led a Labour government. I actually don’t think anyone who is not a Blairite will ever be allowed to do the job, because the closet Blairites hiding in th shadow cabinet have this undimmed sense of entitlement. My guess is there would be a dream ticket between Umunna (black) and Cooper (the lady with a big mouth) to show just how inclusive the shower of shit is
I’ve always considered the job of a leader is to lead. Maybe that concept is just a figment of my demented imagination.
Corbyn couldn’t lead a conga line.
Great for the incompetent Tories of course, disastrous for the national interest.
Incidentally, following the referendum the Tories should have taken the opportunity of having their own Stalinist purge – of the not so closet Blairites cluttering up their ranks.
For “Blairites” please read “Socialists”. A fine distinction, I know, but one worth making all the same.
I agree, RTC, Taking a leaf out of old Jozef’s book would clarify some issues on both sides. As would a gulag or two.
But I think you were right first time with ‘Blairites’ – supporters of globalisation without national identity and dividends sans frontieres. But not ‘Socialists’, please. There aren’t any. I can’t think of a single Tory who thinks the means of production, distribution and exchange should be in the hands of anyone but himself…
Caveat duly noted K.
If Labour had a purge of the Socialists & Blairites… and the Tories had a purge of their respective Blairites… we might actually start getting somewhere.
Be seeing you ?
There’s no point to Labour without (genuine) socialists. If only to wind the Tories up…I see they do….but a camp on St Kilda for the PC, quinoa-munching, chattering-class theoretical revolutionaries, their beards and their manbags and their LGBTQ BAME bollocks, I might even help to pay for. Along the lines of a WWII Kriegsgefangenlager (OtherRanks) would be fine. The Blairites invite harsher measures, and meathooks would be involved.
End of diversionary chat…
It’s the socialists in Labour who are keeping the May Government afloat!
Enjoyed the diversionary chat… especially the bit about meathooks & the Blairites…
Jeremy Corbyn is on track to become the ISAC ‘GOAT’, or should that be ‘COAT’… nevertheless, he is one of the very select few adorning these hallowed walls who could justifiably be nominated on a daily fucking basis.
A petulant, ridiculous manchild who never grew out of his Citizen Smith phase, and whose idiocy has been enabled by the nutcases now infiltrating Labour and the ‘Nu-Liberal’ scumcunts.
I keep wondering what would happen if, in a truly doomsday scenario, this insipid fuckhead ever did make it to no. 10. Can you imagine the other world leaders meeting this tweeded-up turkeyfucker – and can you imagine the reaction when Trump finds out he once fucked the living horker known as Diane Abbott?
A man who essentially got voted as Labour leader and thus maintained as such in a ‘protest vote’ scenario thanks to Labour’s cuntly in-fighting, he is truly the marzipan dildo of British politics – totally fucking useless. No meaningful commitment, no passion outside of Brenda from Leeds and her fight to get child benefit for her eighth sprog, no dynamism, no elan, no fucking principles – this seismic cunt is an altogether different animal from his extremely high-ranking cuntlord predecessors.
As I’ve pointed out elsewhere on the site, even with the most incompetent, dithering, uncharismatic quisling PM we’ve ever had in my lifetime, he is STILL unelectable in the eyes of the British Public. I’m beginning to think that May and her traitorous cabinet are slowly realising that they can do what they want to the public at large and Corbyn still won’t get elected.
Don’t forget the fact that Theresa the Appeaser even tried to throw the last General Election. She clearly underestimated what the majority think of Compo: he’s just another communist cut from the same cloth as his predecessor (the one with a dog called Gromit), only older, uglier, more miserable and less engaging.
If I were Mrs May, I would grant Steptoe’s wish of another election. The signs are it would finish off Labour be it Mangledbum’s lot or the Corbynites, they could end up like the Lib Dems in 2015. It would certainly break what they had left in two – the Corbyn rump versus slaphead-cunt-oleaginous Chukaduckie
I’m not so sure. I for one, if we don’t get the brexit I voted for, will never trust the Tories again and be voting UKIP.
This maybe why and what that Corbin cunt is hoping for, and how this sniveling shit get into number 10.
Jeremy, like the Blairite fairy fascists, and the Momentum crazies are just as divided as the government. Interestingly, considering the nancy boys think Corbynism has taken over their elite party, and made it unsafe for the pansies, are pulling the Corbyn strings. Umunna and Dame Keir have talked him into a second referendum, even though Corbyn is known to be as anti EU as we are he dare not upset Mangledbum’s chums. Which shows the hypocrisy that is endemic in the Labour party.
If Benn, Cooper or Umunna fucking well say “people’s vote” once more I am sure I will smash the radio set. Pompous arseholes
You will need a magnifying glass.
Or a metal detector, as he had a BRASS PAIR to suggest a vote of no confidence in May, when he himself couldn’t run a fucking egg and spoon race.
Fucking useless cunt.
A race between the ‘potamus and chukka-boot lips ??!
I think they fell off and rolled down a grid in some Marxist shithole.
Either that or Chiggun Dianne had them for breakfast.
I think Treason May wears them round her neck.
Goodbye for now.
Up against this stinking, traitorous government the cunt should be about 30 points ahead in the polls. The fact that he isn’t shows what a shower of shit we have in the Palace of Westminster.
Get all the cunts inside, lock the doors and burn the whole fucking place to the ground.
Indeed. Imagine what Harold Wilson would have made of may. Fuck me, even Kinnock would probably be about 15 points ahead by now.
Corbyn is a 70 year old child whose political “thinking” stopped somewhere in the Jurassic period.
Balls! The cunt never had any in the first place.
Spot on !!!
Labour should be home and hosed and would be if it wasn’t for this flip flopping pound shop wannabe PM ….
If Juncker thought may was nebulous wait till he meets jezza
He never had any balls as such just a pair of oddly shaped weird growths . This man is limper and weaker then i ever thought and that was a high bar to pass.
Old Compo and his flabberpotamus can get fucked i will never vote for them pair of deluded cunts.
Gerry Adams has them. Corbyn’s too busy on his knees gobbling down every crusty Hamas/PLO/IRA cock.
Corbyn balls, first prize in this weeks Socialist Worker competition, answer this question…. ‘Why doesnt Jeremy Corbyn want to win a general election’
Answer, because he has no balls!
Thatcher’s balls were ten times the size of Jezza’s.
Hitler may have only had one ball, but at least that’s one more than Comrade Compo!
The poly’ drop-out veggie, Hamas worshipping, dim witted relic leading a party of tokens and supported by spitting, hissing, in-fighting student activists and other scroungers, foaming Islamists, Stalinists, feminazis and other would-be totalitarians and anti-semites, and assorted nitwit ‘professors’ of social sciences and gender-neutral studies, educated to a level far beyond their natural ability.
Fuck that noise.
You can almost feel sorry for the inane Jezza when he has fuckwits lik this tart to deal with. I have nominated the “honourable lady” elsewhere, but just read this shower of shit.
If she had her way no man would have any balls in the labour party it, would, literally, thanks to AWS be a party of CUNTS
He encourages these fuckwitts so no sympathy for the cunt.
Fuck, if labour ever get in there will be a curfew on men being out after dark, unless you are a peacful taxi driver on the look out for soft young bodies.
If you have a spare room you will have to donate it to a refugee.
Everyone will be forced to wear a fucking the peaceful fancy dress so they dont feel marginalised.
Corbyn is a cunt, thats it, surrounded by even bigger cunts.
Jeremy has double the principles of any other politician. He’s a leaver in the north of England and a remainer in the south.
It must be really satisfying knowing that no matter how bad May is, and she is utterly useless, Corbyn would be far worse, and on so many more levels than Brexit alone.
A Shadow (is that “waycist” now?) Tupperware Box (not really a Cabinet is it) full of badly assembled Lego characters (with the clothing, haircuts and brains to match), that not even Armando Ianucci could script, with policies straight out of Red Robbo’s handbook, will guarantee – like Kinnock – that this cunt will taste power.
A strong opposition usually casts a strong governing administration. It’s testament to how shit Corbyn and his thickos are that May and the Connie’s are still in power, even though they are more useless than a set of traffic lights in a car racing game!
We need to rid ourselves of the lot of the cunts and get some non-party fuckers in!
‘We need to get rid of the lot of the cunts’ I agree.
Fitting that your name is Rebel Rebel.That’s what we need: REBELLION.
Get this for English irony: if it hadn’t been for Jo Cox’s nomination of Corbyn in the 2010 Labour leadership contest, he would never have made it onto the ballot paper…
A legacy anyone would be proud of.
Corbyn May or Cable, in fact anyone of the likely suspects to become PM. Not a fag paper can I fit between them to measure the microns difference in their cuntishness. I came to the conclusion early in life that anyone who believes they know better than the millions they pretend to serve on how we should live our life’s is a massive cunt, ego? Make it large please.
So yes Corbyn is an Uber cunt but he is guilty of hiding it less than most of the others if anything.
Fuck em all, you can be sure they have all been fucking us.
Brexit has provided the government with a massive distraction whilst they continue to grind the ordinary folk under the heel of their true aims.
Fucking hell we are staring down the double barrels of automation and AI wiping out millions of jobs, energy security is soon to be viewed as the good old days and am ever increasing number of citizens are going to be living very insecure lifes where finding out where the nearest food bank is will suddenly become their pressing need.
I don’t have a horse in the race to the bottom anymore, which ever cunt wins will have a rosy future and a fat pension and so will the losers. They have no accountability my fellow cunters, we suffer the consequences as do our children.
Game over for me, all my vote gives me is the opportunity to choose which wolf eats well on my flesh.
Fuck em all!!!!
IOW, democracy is dead. If it was ever really alive. Yes.
I’ll drink to this, though: