Jeremy Corbyn (yet again)
Will this cunt just fuck off!!!
He lost the no confidence vote last night and immediately took his bat home by refusing talks with May unless she rules out a “No deal” exit. How fucking stupid is he?! Doesn’t he realise this option is a vital lever in our negotiations for a BETTER deal?
Now he’s calling for a General Election yet a YouGov poll showed only 20% think he’d be a decent PM. In the same poll, 36% went for May, 41% Didn’t know/care and a 3% told the pollster (quite rightly) to fuck off.
So, he knew he’d lose the no confidence vote, yet he called one. He knows there’s every chance he’d lose an election and yet he’s calling for one.
He’s like some sort of retarded, superannuated Terminator – he just keeps coming!
Fuck off you beardy cunt.
Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet
What fuckin annoys me about him is all you ever hear from him is how he will spend money, never how that money is made in the first place. And how actually is that money made? By the very people he professes to despise, ie business and commerce. Oh and anyone who counts Gerry Adams as a friend is automatically a cunt.
I rather like him.
đ .
Nearly forgot…..Fuck Off.
Dick, you are mellowing in your old age. Or are the approaching nuptials scrambling your brain?
PS – Fanny and I apologise for last night.
Is that you in the background?
You know,…I think it could be…it certainly looks like me. I wonder if that picture was taken while I was on the notorious 2017 Jolly Boys Outing?..It would certainly fit in with some of the more lurid accounts of my behaviour which I,thankfully, have blanked from my mind.
đ .
Mrs May… Corbyn… who can we expect your benevolence to fall upon next Dick?
Good afternoon ?
Owen Jones?
Mr & Mr Tom Daley?
(He laid a wreath at their baby shower ceremony, I believe… Mr Cunt Engine will have the details).
Mr Fiddler is out for controversy. Much more fun. I have a different goal. That I post a Nomination that every single Cunter contributor disagrees with. I made a good start with my Martin Luther Nom.. But they were a few not critical enough. I have great hope for my next Nom (if Admin approves it) slagging off the Theory of Evolution. That should get around 90% in disagreement. But I feel the need to get 100%. I dont know why. I have to be in a minority of one. Will I get it with ‘The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Atheist Position’. That is in the pipeline. If all else fails I have my trump card-ISLAMAPHOBIA’.
I am thinking of starting a tribute page dedicated to the measured, totally non-misandrist vision of loveliness that is the svelte like figure of Radio 4’s Queen Mother, Jenni Murray. Pure as TCP, cool as a mountain stream, the beauty hidden from her admirers – the eyes like limpid pools of water, the proud arch of her neck, the ripe fullness of her firm young breasts, the firm supple buttocks. I can picture us, wrestling naked by an open fire. I’d soon have her on fire, her fire of desire roaring and crackling away in the fireplace of her bosom. She asks me to quench the flames, and I offer her a glass of Tizer.
My only regret is that they have made upskirting illegal, so I won’t have the opportunity of capturing her drawers to be preserved for ever on the iPad. She is the epitome of grace and beauty – oh frailty, they name is Jenni…… Nurse!….. the screens!
Luvverly lubbocky !!
Lovely post Boggs. You could get money for that sort of material, a bit like that long nosed bloke ( canât remember his name) who helped get relationships going for those unable to communicate with women so as to ….. make them all Mr Darcy like ….. â Oh sir I am now all undoneâ ….
Anyway I thought I would acknowledge your exceptional talent in case you need one last push to set up a little cottage industry!
Afternoon squire !! ??RTCP
Agent Provocateur ……..
Good afternoon.
That was for Mr. F.
He criticises everything but never says what he would do in place. He slags off the agreement, but all he says he will do is protect workers rights. That’s not an agreement, it’s a non sensical statement.
And R is spot on. Where the fuck is the money coming from. How many billions will it take to nationalise the railways? And ‘nationalise is an economic term that translates into ‘unionise and fuck up.
What the silly cunt either doesn’t realise or is too dishonest to admit is that if we stay in the EU his bezzie McDonnell would not be allowed to renationalize the railways, or the Post Office, because the EU do not allow us to run our own affairs, yet we have hammy Lammy, the pansy Blairites, Dame Keir and numerous lefties saying they can stay in the EU and having their fucking utopia.
We can’t nationalise our railways but that doesn’t stop foreign state-owned companies from owning them instead.
Corbyn, popular, made so by the SJW, he is real life citizen smith, if he ever (God Forbid) became PM he would never make a decision, endless consultations, conversations but no balls to do anything.
He would shit himself if he won a general election, its so much easier to be the leader of the opposition its just a continuation of his back bench protesting, and devolves all the policy to the membership. ÂŁ3 and you get to tell him what time he has to go to the shitter.
Labour really at home in opposition, like a dog chasing a car, they wouldnât know what to do if they caught it. Easy money, just saying how shit everything is under the dreaded tories, but nothing of any substance on how they would make it better. They wheel him out for the fuckwit students and the swivel eyed party faithfuls, but keep him from anywhere he would have to rely on any real political acumen. Cunt.
Commie Corbyn talks to the IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah and anyone else who hates Britain and the West, but not to the UK Prime Minister? Interesting….
Good programme on Venezuela and Chavez this week. Chavez fucked the country up big time. And who was hugging and cheerleading the cunt? Yes, Jeremy along with that other insidious cunt Livingstone.
Time the cunt left the 6th form debating society.
If he did win a General Election he’d stay frozen in his allotment, catatonic, and London’s schoolkids encouraged to feed him peas.
But, here comes little Rashid with KEEMA PEAS!
Community policing officers dive at little Rashid before he unwittingly poisons our Veggie PM with curried mince.
The dilemma of the guardianista transfolk present: veggie Leader bringing the immigrants ‘free cash’, or a solitary peaceful child offering cultural enrichment?
Hands wring and catheters burst.
This Corbyn cunt is a cunt without a doubt.
It’s the snowflake student types and sandal wearing liberal, muesli eating fucktards, that are keeping this Trotskyist cunt in a job.
Watching all the childish politicians acting like four year olds in parliament is a fucking huge embarrassment to this nation we live in.
Fuck them all off on a one way ticket to Uranus.
Or my anus .
Afternoon MPG.
Just the fact that Catweazle had a physical relationship with the deletable Dianne Abbott tells you all you need to know about his decision making qualities.
I daresay that if the majority of cunters here were forced to either go down on Abbott’s cavernous, slobbery fanny or be the meat in a manwich between your good self and an over-excited dildo-wielding Bent Dennis, they’d choose the latter…
Mr. CE, you have indeedd raised the most alarming point re Steptoe.
His relationship with the Liebore Party live-in hippo.
This country would fall apart in record time if this anti British twat became pm. Can’t help thinking that wouldn’t bother him as he could get rid of the armed services and show that he hated Trump/capitalism etc. It’s like waiting for an ageing hippy student dreamer to take over the country. And look at the absolutely thick cunts along side him. Thornberry, McDonnell,Abbottpotamus, Butler, Guardiner etc. Not sure whether they are deliberately evil or just stupid cunts.
If he’s the best that Labour have then they are well and truly fucked. Theresa May tried to throw the last General Election and failed. She’s now won a confidence vote as well. You’d think it would’ve dawned on Comrade Compo by now that there’s more chance of Kim Jong Un receiving a Nobel Peace Prize than him getting the keys to No. 10!!!
I have come to the point where I’m thinking even Corbyn and the Labour party couldn’t fuck things up more than this present bunch of incompetent wankers.
Sadly “Oh yes they could”.
Have to pull rank on you cunts due to age and seniority. Have outed and despised old trots like Corbyn all me born days natural. Trots wish to remain ideologically pure by not actually supporting anything. They are the natural awkward squad dedicated to undermining the status quo, whatever that may be. They actually loathe each other with an intensity way above their hatred orf any deluded capitalist running dog. Hence Comrade Trotski’s run-in with an ice axe or the repeated Machiavellian assassination within the Labour Party.
Was it Trotsky who put forward the ‘Permanent Revolution’ idea? Always thought that summed up their fractious infighting behaviour.
As a once great leader said, and he was great in Britain’s hour of need despite his many faults, one of which was contempt for the working man, never in the history of human endeavour has so little been given to so many by so few. May, Bercow, Hammond – it doesn’t matter what name you choose from the 600 odd amoeba that sit in Westminster. They’re all self-serving cunts who don’t give a toss about the British people. The latter are called the electorate, doh, and they will be voting in 2022 if not before. Who in their right mind is going to return any of the present incumbents or for that matter any of the present political parties? If the Commonsense Party is formed I’ll vote. Otherwise it’s a condo in Ulan Bator. Can’t be any worse than the shithole the politicians have turned out once peaceful, clean and safe town into today.
It’s UKIP for me.
And if I lived in Scotty, and Mhairi Black were on my doorstep, I’d gladly invite her in. She gets my vote (I’d love to squeeze my tongue into her box…).
At the very least, spoil your ballot paper – scrawl ALL CUNTS across it, or whatever takes your fancy, wipe your arse on it, and pop it in the ballot box.
Spoiled ballot papers get counted and their number announced at the result… and the cunts in Wetminster do take notice of them, I know.
Our forbears fought and died for our democratic right to tell the cunts to GET FUCKED!
I’m quite looking forward to seeing this deluded cunt get in power and finally finish the blairwitch project off, and finish this country off for good.
Then we can become the basket case that is Greece and go cap in hand with a begging bowl to Donald Duck and Drunkard for a bail out.
They’d have great pleasure in giving us billions and billions in euros in return for open door EU immigration from Turkey, giving up our sovereignty and giving up our pound in exchange.
We “europeans” will then become servants to the EU Utopia state and live life happily ever after with our black friends and peacefuls as our neighbours. Smiley face.
Deserved cunting, be it a repeat or not. There is no amount of cunting that would be sufficient for this fucker.
I have never actually seen Catweazle with a smile on his mug, and now I am wishing it had stayed that way, looking at those fucking medieval, rank teeth he has in his piehole. Can he not afford a fucking toothbrush or what, or did going down on Flabbott’s snatch infect his ivories? Yuck.
How he is still leader of that shower of twats is one of life’s great mysteries.He stands for NOTHING. He has no direction, no grand plan, all he does is take his lead from any gaff May makes and jumps on it like a fly on shite. The man is a joke and a traitor to his country with his terrorist sympathies.
If he likes the Middle East so fucking much and its psychotic inhabitants, I would happily fork out for a one-way plane ticket for the cunt.
Failing that, a giant catapult.
Flabbots snatch. Now that’s one picture one would not entertain in ones mind :%
Somebody needs to explain to corbyn ambiguity will only take him so far, he has ridden that little horse into the ground, with maybot delivering a deal she knew would never pass ( deliberate) because of the back stop clause corbyn had his chance to shine , to deliver his vision? And? Go on jez? Weâre waiting!!
absolutely nothing! Because jez knows although his beloved momentum mates hate Brexit as do many Labour Party members the labour voting electorate feel differently…..
All those fuckers from labour and conservative leave areas that vote remain are utter cunts , is it possible that a new party could rise from the ashes ?
Like many on here Iâm sickened by the fucking pond life running this country
The drum beat of REf 2 beats louder every day, I doubt those fuckers would ever honour a leave vote, but they must try and kill Brexit off by democratic??? ( laughable) means , because of course we live in a democracy donât we?
Diane Abbott has accused BBC Question Time of legitimising racist abuse after claims that the shadow home secretary was singled out before and during Thursday nightâs episode of the political discussion programme.
The Labour politician claimed she had been unfairly mocked in the warm-up and had been interrupted more often than other panellists by Fiona Bruce, the programmeâs new chair.
âWe are appalled by the treatment of Diane Abbott on BBCâs Question Time,â a spokesperson for Abbott said. âIt was clear that a hostile atmosphere was whipped up, propped up by reports of inappropriate and sexist commentary in the audience warm-up session.
âA public broadcaster like the BBC should be expected to be a model of impartiality and equality. The BBC cannot claim anything of the sort when analysis of the programme shows that the only black woman on the panel was jeered at and interrupted more times than any other panellist, including by the chair herself.
âThe media must stop legitimising mistreatment, bias and abuse against Ms Abbott as a black woman in public life. The BBC should be ashamed that their programming is complicit in such behaviour.â
Audience members who attended the filming of Question Time in Derby claimed that the warm-up for the programme included innuendo about Abbottâs past relationship with Jeremy Corbyn and that the audience booed her name when it was announced.
The audience loudly applauded when she was asked about Corbynâs refusal to engage in Brexit talks with Theresa May unless the prime minister ruled out a no-deal departure from the EU.
Abbottâs staff suggested the warm-up had âset the whole audience up to be quite negativeâ about the politician, while pointing at online viral videos suggesting Bruce had interrupted Abbott more than the other panellists.
A BBC spokesperson said the corporation had been in touch with Abbottâs team but suggested some of the claims about the showâs treatment of her which went viral on social media are false. âWe are sorry to hear Diane Abbottâs concerns over last nightâs edition of Question Time and we have contacted her team today to reassure them that reports circulating on social media are inaccurate and misleading. Diane is a regular and important contributor to the programme ⌠we firmly reject claims that any of the panel was treated unfairly either before or during the recording.â
Staggering how such an openly unapologetic sexist racist has the bloody audacity to criticise others for allowing an âimpartial audienceâ for simply mocking her hypocrisy and her crass stupidity.
If not up to the job, and canât handle the pressure that goes with the territory, they should fuck off. Abbott, another of those precious MPâs who are happy to dish it out but who canât take it themselves.
I am also appalled. At the low calibre of MPâs now in fucking about in Parliament. The cunts who were elected to represent us, to respect the result of the EU referendum and to deliver Brexit as clearly stated in their manifestoâs and who are letting the Leavers down.
I have EVERY right to let these cunts know how I feel, and not sorry if they are upset or offended.
Who the fuck do they think they are (soon to be a new TV documentary series).
Yes he is a cunt, he’s a cunt in so many ways, so is May and as for Mince Label, what a cunt he is.
Cunts to the left of me Cunts to the right….
Diane Abbott has accused BBC Question Time of legitimising racist abuse after claims that the shadow home secretary was singled out before and during Thursday nightâs episode of the political discussion programme.
The Labour politician claimed she had been unfairly mocked in the warm-up and had been interrupted more often than other panellists by Fiona Bruce, the programmeâs new chair.
âWe are appalled by the treatment of Diane Abbott on BBCâs Question Time,â a spokesperson for Abbott said. âIt was clear that a hostile atmosphere was whipped up, propped up by reports of inappropriate and sexist commentary in the audience warm-up session.
âA public broadcaster like the BBC should be expected to be a model of impartiality and equality. The BBC cannot claim anything of the sort when analysis of the programme shows that the only black woman on the panel was jeered at and interrupted more times than any other panellist, including by the chair herself.
âThe media must stop legitimising mistreatment, bias and abuse against Ms Abbott as a black woman in public life. The BBC should be ashamed that their programming is complicit in such behaviour.â
Audience members who attended the filming of Question Time in Derby claimed that the warm-up for the programme included innuendo about Abbottâs past relationship with Jeremy Corbyn and that the audience booed her name when it was announced.
The audience loudly applauded when she was asked about Corbynâs refusal to engage in Brexit talks with Theresa May unless the prime minister ruled out a no-deal departure from the EU.
Abbottâs staff suggested the warm-up had âset the whole audience up to be quite negativeâ about the politician, while pointing at online viral videos suggesting Bruce had interrupted Abbott more than the other panellists.
A BBC spokesperson said the corporation had been in touch with Abbottâs team but suggested some of the claims about the showâs treatment of her which went viral on social media are false. âWe are sorry to hear Diane Abbottâs concerns over last nightâs edition of Question Time and we have contacted her team today to reassure them that reports circulating on social media are inaccurate and misleading. Diane is a regular and important contributor to the programme ⌠we firmly reject claims that any of the panel was treated unfairly either before or during the recording.â
Staggering hypocrisy on so many levels. And why canât the impartial audience at the impartial BBC mock anyone if they want tobespecially if they consider that persons political beliefs to be totally mental, racist, sexist, and a hypocritical thicko hippo to boot.
If the recipient is a bit precious and cant take the heat, get out of the fire.
You mean she left the Kentucky Fried Chiggun kitchen long enough to appear on Cuntion Time?
The bloated, overgrown, attention seeking slug was on QT just before Xmas too, gets more of her fair share of invitations, keeps coming back for more… wonder what’s on the menu in the ABBC canteen?
Live by the racist card, die by the racist card.