A girl named Jack Monroe
The queer grammar school educated gender bender who pretends to be poor despite having more ink than Marvel’s art department and claims to be able to whip up tasty morsels with a stick of celery, what you can find down the back of the sofa, and a bag of pickled onion Monster Munch.
Also claims to be really called Jack despite the fact that this is an obvious lie.
Such a fake person who got pupped by first cuck to be stupid enough to bed it before realising she was a muff diver all along.
Nominated by Little Lord Cuntleroy
Genuine question: who watches all these fucking food preparation, DIY and estate agent shows? There are so many so someone must be. Can’t think of anything more boring.
I thought of my future brother-in-law Dick when I wrote (ie: stole) this joke…
Your sister’s marrying Mr Fiddler?!
I have never heard of him/her/it. Could it be Owen Jones in drag?
Never heard of this pointless attention seeker ……
This ugly lezza reckons she is non-binary! Was,for a time,shacked up with the dyke who owns the Leon food chain.
Ms Munroe is infamous for making disgusting comments about David Cameron’s late child,Ivan.
Never heard of “it”, but whatever “it” is or does “it” can go stick that rolling pin up its chuff and fuck off!
Who is that festering turf,Dr of um bongo studies who sat on GMTV and accused the RAF of war crimes in WW2?
I doubt,very much,that the f the German’s had invaded the UK he would be lecturing,or indeed breathing.In any event,what law did they break?
Uppity cunt
Indeed. Very noticeable that lengthy charge sheet for Herman Goering at Nuremberg didn’t mention Coventry or any of the other places on this sceptered isle that the Luftwaffe smashed the shit out of. They did it to us, we did it to them. Their bad luck was we turned out to be better at it than they were. Reaping the whirlwind and all that. War isn’t pretty and it’s not some jolly game of cricket with a rulebook and an umpire (especially not some token professor of grievance studies, 70 years after the event).
Tired of these cunts popping up on every channel, newspaper, magazine etc. People are brow beaten into thinking these weirdo’s have some divine insight into life. They haven’t. They are simply a bi product of today’s me, me, me society, encouraged to spout their bullshit which the various media providers lap up. Worse of course that this gender neutral bollocks has made it’s way into primary education and now being forcefed into our kids minds as ‘normal’. For fuck sake, leave them alone, let them be kids and consign these entitled cunts to history before we turn the entire country into snowflakes, scared to proclaim themselves as male or female.
Watch this, it’s not that far off subject.
I feel dirty for saying this but I’d fire one into that.
John/Paul/George/Jack Monroe? As regular cunters will know, I fucking despise this horrible little cunt…
I can almost guarantee you that rolling pin has been boshed from both ends at the same time.
Hard times create strong men. Strongmen create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.
G. Michael Hopf.
Whoever the fuck he is ?
Wasn’t this the cunt who took Katie Hopkins to court over hurtful Twitter words?
Sorry to go off-piste, but I’ve just heard that the most unlikeable man in women’s tennis, Serena Williams, has been dumped out of the Australian Open. Glorious news to start the day!
Should go doubles with Abbott. Double waycist power would make them unstoppable.
Even funnier was how Williams lost, having fought back from a set and break down she powered to a 5-1 lead in deciding set only for her opponent to win 6 games in a row!! ?
Did she blame the umpire, or the Aussie crowd, we know they are racist for sure.
Great result, she can go off and have a good cry with Andy, and we wont have to look at that fucking awfull green romper suit again.
Sorry FTM Williams opponent also saved 4!! Match points ?
It doesn’t get better than that…..
Don’t know what to call the tramp stamp until somebody up-skirts it to find out if it’s child bearing or ball bearing?
What do you think its plan is with the rolling pin?
Smash the cis scum patriachy obviously and install a transgendered communist revolution among the bourgeoisie
Another comment of mine eaten by the spam filter again it seems
Whats this stunned cunts gender identity anyone know? male to female tranny with a cock or a female to male tranny with no cock or is it a male to female tranny with no cock? kind of a deal breaker heh lads haha just joking lol
Jack, I am really poor, never had any money, only tins of baked beans ….. she is a fucking waste of space,the problem is with her and people like her is the media like to wank all over them.
These cunts are just fucking fake, all,they want is attention
So poor but has enough money to be tattooed like a premier league footballer…
Thats an essential, not a luxury for Jack.
£200/300 quid for a tatoo, 10p for tins of veg that she can slop into a pan and call it a recipe.
Says it all really
Just another fucking attention seeking slapper!
Will i get a knock on the door for calling it Jacqueline?
Who the fuck watches these food programmes? Another non-binary nonentity with the obligatory armfuls of graffiti. Does it have a fanny, that’s all I need to know.
A very valid cunting. This THING is a prize cunt.
Lesbians are so fucking tedious in the same way that poofs are. Always droning on about how the world should bend to their every whim and that they don’t want to be seen as ‘different’, yet they do everything they possibly can to make certain that they stand out by making a big fucking song and dance about their sexuality and listing their demands. All they are short of is a gun and a hostage, fucking twats.
This cunt is even worse as not only is she a militant lezzer, but also declares herself to be ‘non-binary’ (which sounds like something I failed in my GCSE Maths exam) so claims to be somewhere between male and female…….
…..umm, so in possession of a cock-a-doodle-doo AND a flange??? As a student I had a fuck load of teaching on physiology and anatomy, but that is something we were not fucking taught, I can tell you. Now THAT I would have remembered!
What utter bollocks.
This thing is truly detestable. The worst kind of specimen of humanity that denies her own escapable truths – her name IS NOT JACK, despite the denials, and demands that society kowtow to the identity that she has now created for herself, so she can live in her little bubble of delusion. Of course in this PC madness that we live in these days, she generally gets her demands met….and in the middle of all of this is her son, who she saw fit to create when she was still ‘confused’ and had a night of straight porking with a (ahem) ‘male friend’. It seems she also failed sex education classes at her grammar school, along with everything else, stupid dyke.
I have no time for these bending-societal-norms freaks who push their personal requirements in everyone’s faces at every given opportunity and expect us all to pander to them. I also have zero respect to this cunt for using David Cameron’s deceased, handicapped son to have a political dig at him.
Wow that was inspired!
It’s possible that you despise this cunt more than myself.
Thanks, M’Lord!
It is highly possible indeed. I have seen this shemale on various political programmes and she has always got on my tits. I also resent anyone gaining a high profile position in life to the point that they are appearing on the box, when they have left school with NOTHING except their old uniform and a shitload of me, me, me attitude. They are famous based on WHAT exactly? She is as bad as those horrendous twats who appear on the likes of ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Geordie Shore’ and suchlike bollocks. Famous for nothing.
Rant of the Year so far. A great addendum piece of cunting!
Thanks Ron!
I do like a good rant!
God, I’m a miserable cunt 😀
Must admit, I’ve never heard of her/him/it, but it looks like the stereotypical me-too bandwagon hopper that so many young confused sheeple cunts revere as some kind of fucked up demigod these days. Does it possess a cunt, or a cock or both? The usual typical “look what I am” nonentity that’ll vanish into the ether in a short space of time.
This attention hungry piece of shit has now revealed that she (hope the pronoun doesn’t upset the poor snowflake) is an alcoholic.
Oh woe is me. Listen darling wait until your Dad is dead before you start accusing him of raping you on a daily basis, he might call you a fucking lying fucking fucked up bitch.
I want to be first in the queue to watch, in graphic close-up, her having her piss-flaps sand-blasted off by the ‘M-Slimes’ she/he/it will have no doubt radically campaigned to have over-run the country in 20 or so years’ time. I’ll pay money if they sell tickets for it.