First Past The Post
I want to cunt the FIRST PAST THE POST voting system.
On the surface it might appear democratic, but is it really?
For example, at the 2015 General Election, with 4 MILLION votes, UKIP were awarded a grand total of ONE seat to represent their voters in the House of Common Cunts.
Compare and contrast that with the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who, with only 2.4 million votes, were awarded 8 seats… shurley shome mishtake?
But it gets better – With a paltry 1.4 million votes, the SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY were awarded… drum roll… 56 fucking seats!
UKIP got more votes than the SNP & LibDumbs COMBINED! Yet still ended up with only 1 seat compared to SNP /LD’s 64!
Meanwhile the MONSTER RAVING LOONY PARTY, with 400,000 votes, were awarded precisely 0 seats (the SNP got 15 for the same number!)
Get the picture?
(in case anyone’s wondering, the Tories received 11.3 million votes and ended up with 331 seats, whilst Labour got 9.3 million votes for 232 seats. Between the two of them, that works out at approximately 400,000 votes per seat…so much for democracy).
What’s required imo is a system of Proportional Representation, STV for example (Google it). Though not the AV bollocks shite put to the electorate by the LibDumbs back in the 2011 referendum when they were part of the coalition, remember that?
With Proportional Representation cunts might even feel motivated to vote for who they actually want, instead of being obliged to choose between the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately the Con /Lab /Civil Service axis of evil isn’t interested in anything like that cos “we’re doing very well as we are thank you very much”, not wishing to allow fair representation of the 60% + who voted for some fucker else.
And don’t get me started on those Remoaner cunts who deliberately seek to confuse referendums and general elections in the mind of the voting public. Referendums (in this country at least) are supposed to be a once in a generation binary choice vehicle designed to settle an issue Parliament is unwilling or unable to resolve itself. Brexit for example… or Capital Punishment (if only…)
General Elections on the other hand are held every 5 years by default to elect a Government.
PS: The first EU In/Out Referendum took place in 1975. FORTY ONE YEARS later (in 2016) us plebs were eventually granted another. If the Remoaners want a THIRD referendum, or “loser’s vote”, shouldn’t we show magnanimity and accede to their wish…. in… say… 2057?
Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
I completely agree with you in principle. But, in Scotland, 1.4 million people is out of a total population of 5.3 million. Take out the young not able to vote and you are probably looking at 40% of the voting population!
I take the point about Scotland however they have their own parliment, when they are voting for the UK elections it is for a UK government and they have to be lumped in with everyone else.
Almost 4,000,000 votes and no representation is a poor reflection of the electoral system in the UK.
I would only support a people vote if the question was…..
The May Deal or No Deal.
The remoaner cunts say “there is no support for the May deal” and no one wants “no deal”
Well lets do it and see what happens.
Thinking ahead to the not so distant future, where a certain demographic will have expanded further, surely FPTP will be advantageous to those who dont wish to see the UK become United Arab Kingdomistan?
Some of the parties may have gotten even more votes if they actually had a candidate running. For example, there was no UKIP representation in my constituency.
Or a Tony Blair vote “keep voting till you get the vote/result you want” (that’s Remain) Fucking Cunt
I hear you Ruff Tuff
Ive always said us Scots are over represented at Westminster under the current system. how the fuck 4million can vote UKIP and get 1 seat is fucking ridiculous. I cant vote them up here as as you say its the lesser of 2 evils choice because UKIP would be a wasted vote.
I’m hated by my government….. voted to remain a part of the UK back in 2014 and out the EU in 2016. Nobody represents me up here along with 1.1MILLION Scots who voted out , were just ignored as if we never existed.
Proportional scares the fucking beejesus out the cunts
But Tory and Labour is a wasted vote – they do fuck all for you – so why vote for either of those cunts?
Rebel , I voted for the only cunts that lied that they were going to deliver brexit…… It wont happen again
I have made a vow that after the betrayal peoples vote goes ahead,in which I will vote leave again to make clear to the establishment that at least 15million cunts will have voted leave TWICE! ( i think some will have fallen for project fear lies and it might be 18million remain 15/16million leave) , i will never vote again other than to spoil my voting paper. If a situation arises where i can cause maximum upset at the voting booth then I would of course vote, but for me its finished being involved in the illusion of democratic governance. I’m about to become a fucking albatross round their necks as well ….because im soon mortgage free and ive taken no debt choosing to save up before buying through my life ,therefore im a fucking disaster in their eyes ,using services and existing without paying interest on anything they have to offer.
Great points Squint. On average it took 25,000 votes to win each SNP seat, yet UKIP get only 1 seat with 160 times that amount of votes?
And SNP do fuck all apart from Remoan and run down the UK.
The only way we will ever get both Red or Blue cunt parties to change tac is to simply convince people not to vote for them anymore.
There are ‘n’ generation Labour voters who vote for the cunts like the Jarrow Marches were just yesterday, when the reality is that Labour could give two shits about the British people, especially the working class and haven’t cared a bollock since 1997.
Oh they’ll say black is white and promise the earth to the pleb masses to get in power and once there fuck the economy over for very little for the country’s workers and gifting everything to bone idle Kyle scum, and every Tom, Dick and Ashraf with no fucking right to be here.
The Tories were always lower taxes, fuck services and let’s make some money! As (useless cunt) Kinnock would decry “Boom and bust politics boyo!” Well that might be so Neil but at least we had the odd “Boom” under Maggie’s tenure as opposed to “Bust and bust” under Labour.
But now the Tories can’t even manage that, and let’s face it, they can’t even find their own arses with both hands with a cabinet that’s more Chip’n’Dale than Chippendale!
So why should we vote for either bunch of cunts anymore? Their only interests are in themselves, so why do we leave them to procrastinate this bullshit to the detriment of ordinary UK folk? I no longer understand.
Unfortunately – Red or Blue – you simply cannot re-educate dullards who blithely vote that way because they always have.
It’s called “inertia” and that is what the main cunt parties bank on every 5 years.
The colour may change but the situation doesn’t. We get fucked over, the Tories claim for their moated duck houses and the Lammy’s claim for an endless supply of Jaffa Cakes, all at the public’s expense.
Next time around we simply cannot afford to vote for those twats anymore. Vote UKIP, For Britain, Monster Raving Looney Party, anything other than Labour or Tory.
Voting for them changes nothing, so maybe not voting for them will?
What a novel idea.
Without electoral reform, people will continue to feel the necessity of voting for the lesser of two evils.
Under Proportional Representation, with their 4,000,000 votes, UKIP would have won 12 seats.
As things stand they only got 1. No wonder people have lost faith in democracy.
I will never vote Tory again in my lifetime (with the way that’s going probably will be quite soon), have never vote Labour as total misfits and Lib Dem’s are deluded cunts.
In all likelihood UKIP next time. Have voted for them before.
The mainstream parties have proven they lie and cannot be trusted.
Will never again vote for the lesser of two evils.
I live in a CON /LAB marginal constituency, and the LAST thing I want to do is facilitate the election of a Labour government – especially one with commie lunatics like Corbyn, Abbott & McDonnell at the helm.
So for me, until we get electoral reform, it’ll have to be the lesser of two evils that gets my vote.
Good man Willie (if you’re not a man then I do apologise)!
The appetite across most centrist Lab/Con voters to vote for their respective parties is diminishing quite steadily. We just need the same amount of support that we had with 17.4 million heroes – both Labour and Tory – to turn their backs on their respective parties and vote for something else (obviously not the Liberals, or the “worst of both worlds party” as I like to call them).
They are all cunts and neither of those parties will even consider proportional representation until it is in their interest to do so.
Turn your back on them and fart in their faces!
In my neck of the woods, its a complete waste of time voting for anyone unless its Tory. I and many others have tried ousting the useless cunts we have as MPs over the years, but to no avail. The cunts round here would vote for a grunting Pig if it wore a blue rosette on polling day. So I am firmly in agreement with all you say RTC. The Tories are also trying to fuck with the boundaries as well now to strengthen their numbers in marginals. Cunts.
I keep telling myself that I’m UKIP now and will vote UKIP at the next election.
Then I see Abbott, Corbyn, McDonnell, Ummuna and cuntberry and I question what I’ll actually do when I’m at the ballot box…..
I fear that I’ll pussy out. Labour are such disgusting trators and I know that the damage that cunts like that will do will definitely spell the end of Britain as a 1st world country….
I still can’t believe that McDonnell read from mao’s little red book in the commons!
Mao was worse that hitl@r, if body count is anything to go by.
…that’s like reading from mein kampf in the commons! ….and this cunt wants to run our economy! A commie! In charge of our economy? …. !
Tories are shite, they’re just trying to be new labour, but labour are actually dangerous.
….I mean, DIANNE ABBOTT! …. really? …. who the fuck would ever let DIANNE FUCKING ABBOTT anywhere near a position of responsibility?!
Great cunting. It’s really got me thinking…..
We definitely need the voting system changed coz I’m gonna vote Tory even though I hate the cunts and don’t want to.
As long as people vote for the lesser of two evils, the longer these parties will continue to secure votes, and the longer they will feel they are really doing a decent job.
The only way to make them think is for people to stop voting for them.
Ever considered spoiling your ballot paper by scrawling ALL CUNTS across it, or a few well chosen words describing what you really think?
Send the cunts a message if nothing else. After all, our forebears fought and died to secure our right to vote.
Spoilt ballot papers are counted and their number announced by the returning officer at the result.
Imagine if every disillusioned voter did that…
this is turning into quite a thought provoker Ruff, with Rebel and the rest having different points. Some saying they have to hold their nose and vote tory to keep the loons out in marginal seats while Rebel is right in saying hte fucking thing needs a match lit under it.
Ive posted before about spoiling my vote and i promise everycunt here thats whats happening next general electio
something like this
Labour EU whores
Conserative : Fucking German patsys
Liberal Democrats : gutless EU cumdumps
SNP : Traitors of Scotland ….CUNTS
written diagonally across the lot will be ” Cowards die many times before their deaths”
Can I get an unblock mods please?
Nowt inflammatory in there – yet again.
The trouble is all politicians are venal self serving cunts and pathological lying narcissists. It simply doesn’t matter what they say to get elected. Although I did meet screaming lord sutch and his cabinet in a pub after the Brecon by election and they were decent straight up cunts! Ah well
Well said rtc…
It’s disgusting when you look at it. The whole system is corrupt.
The ONLY choice you have at any election are a bunch of cunt lefties in red rosettes or a bunch of cunt lefties in blue rosettes.
If you vote for anyone that isn’t a cunt leftie the system ensures that you won’t be represented anyway.
It’s rigged.
Every time I vote this song gets stuck in my head. It’s so true. Every election ever fought has been between a douche and a turd….
Ha ha – nice one Mr Sausage!
Great post Mr Creampuff.
This once great country needs to scrap everything and start again.
Too much wrong with it and absolute fucking cretins in charge.
We need a Common Sense Party, no existing politicians or civil servants can apply.
My Japanese wife has lived in the UK since 2004. In order to for her to get “indefinite leave to remain” (allowing her to LIVE AND WORK IN THE UK) we were required to attend a highly unpleasant interview, produce a significant amount of information covering several years and asked to pay many hundreds of pounds. My wife is a qualified nurse, a qualified chef, is reliable, hard working, honest and has very high standards.
At the end of 2018 she has decided to change jobs. She has been informed that despite having worked here for the last 10 years, if she wishes to continue working, as a Non-European she must have something called a Biometric Residence Permit. This involves a lot of form filling, and either a personal meeting at a cost in excess of £800, or £229 plus the cost of a Post Office service, plus a further £20 or so. Plus the cost of posting everything off.
If this is not bad enough out of the blue we have found out that as part of the application process she needs to provide documentary evidence for each of the last 14 years that she had lived here!! Apparently a passport showing her geographical movements is not proof, however a utility bill which just shows her name, is!!
Absolutely staggering.
Fucking fed up with this fucking shithole of a country. Seems to me they are allowing just about anybody in without checking whether they have a worthy profession or criminal record, even sending out boats to help those “asylum seekers” who have “accidentally” mislaid their passports whilst those who have come in by using the required protocol and have something worthwhile to offer are forever given the runaround and treated like second class citizens.
If it were not for my 13 year old son I would have fucked off out of this shithole some years ago.
My youngest daughter is currently in Brisbane, after having spent nearly a year working in Melbourne.
Absolutely loves it. Great weather, great beaches, not too expensive, work not too hard, better pay than in the UK. Slim chance of being able to return and work later in the year. My advice (not that she needs it) is to try and stay.
This country is well and truly finished.
Cheers Willie – you ain’t wrong there!
quite simple. no passport identity you go back to the 1st country in e urope you landed on. no questions. back you go.
Fucking hell Willie that’s disgraceful your wife ticks all the boxes of the perfect addition to this country and yet our pathetic bunch of slimey civil servants and government departments full of cowards and cunts want to either make it impossible for her and people like her to stay or use them as an easy source of revenue.
But if course turn up on the Kent coast on an inflatable banana talking no English and having no useful asset to bring this country then its open arms and freebies all the way. Then when they kill someone years down the line it’s not brought up being an illegal but a resident of Maidstone or wherever.
Hope your future goes well for you and the missus. And out of here has got to be better than staying
Many thanks GWD
Wishing you and fellow counters the very best of luck in 2019.
Have a feeling we are all going to need it.
Where I live we still have ‘survivors’ of the mines living amongst us so it’s predominantly red. Looks like the black lung, one of the many ailments the martyrs got paid out for, hasn’t managed to finish them off. Commies the lot of ’em.
One clown told me that he always voted labour and always would. They have nothing good to say about Thatcher despite making thousands because of her, all of which they pissed up the wall. Barely worth voting around here.
My Dad was a coal miner for 37.5yrs, never voted Labour and never blamed Maggie for the pit closures (he put that at the door of that ginger comb-over cunt Arthur Scargill who he loathed with a passion).
The pits were shut in the 80’s.
We had a (fucking dreadful) Labour govt from 1997-2010 and what did they do for those so loyal communities?
Answer: fuck all!
Gave away any jobs that they could’ve done to the poles for half price.
The wages still haven’t recovered for people at the bottom of society.
But that’s the globalist plan isn’t it.
They’ve seen how well China have done with 1 billion slaves and they want a piece of the action.
Landing a few communities on benefits for life at cost to the taxpayer is a small price to pay for the ability to bring in millions of slaves to toil in the fields and work in the factories.
That’s why lammy annoys me so much! … he claims to stand up for black people. Well. Why do you think that the EU want to bring in Africans?
They’ll toil for less money, bad conditions and no rights.
I think that’s all globalism is about.
…and cuntitude.
Whichever Party you vote for, you will get a Politician !………Fucking simple innit !
I always loved the billy connolly quote:
“The will to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.”
I liked that DTS !
So many statues where I live of Cunt Cromwell. Either on a Horse or swishing his rod ! That was the cunt who gave us what we have today.
If you value ISAC you should value Democracy.
And Cromwell was an Autocrat, a cunt and an ugly fucker to boot !
Good to hear of a miner calling out that ginger tosser. Obviously your father is of better breed than the miners i’ve had to endure, with their socialist utopic wet dreams, all the while enjoying the benefits of a pension the likes of my generation will never see.
I’m so disillusioned with ALL of our politicians that it would stick in my craw to vote for any of the Cunts. Just the same bunch of bastards hiding behind different coloured rosettes. They can all Fuck Off.
Stay home and jerk off, much more productive I reckon.
I remember when we had the vote on PR in 2011 the usual politicians and celebricunts were telling us that we should vote for it.
Since UKIP have become more popular the celebricunts seem to have shut up about it.
Wonder why?
I can’t vote Tory anymore even if that lets Labour in. I know that is not rational but the Tories save for the odd exception have Gone beyond the pale for me. I would rather stick broken glass up my arse than vote Lib Dem and obviously I could not vote Communist……. I mean Labour. I will have to vote UKIP or spoil my ballot paper. Meantime we can dream of a more polished and educated version of Trump in the UK within a new Party perhaps. How sad but we have about 80% of our MP’s as duplicitous morons ——- the lot of them ( the 80% obviously as I do have compassion for the other 20%) should have been strangled at birth in my view.
There was no alternative to the usual Lib/Lab/Con cunts where I live, so I just drew a massive cock + balls, with jiz drip, on my ballot paper (with the black marker I took with me to do just that), gleefully showed it to the little old lady at the desk, and popped it in the box. And got what I asked for!
? Excellent!
Brings me to one of my favourite subjects: We need a full constitutional review to sort it out properly.
– Take a look at some of the better governed countries, and write a new new constitution based on the best aspects from around the world. I would expect it to end up with two elected houses, limits on the number of terms (getting rid of career politician dross).
– Define the monarch’s role (ceremonial only and a massive cut in hangers-on).
– And yes, a proportional system would have to be part of it.
– I would also like a constitutional link between rights and responsibilities; failure to fulfill the latter (to the best of one’s ability) leading to loss of the former.
If we continue to be governed as badly as has been the case over the last few decades we’re totally screwed.
Agreed it isn’t perfect. But…. would you rather be in the same situation as Germany, Sweden, Austria etc where they’ve had an election and due to PR voting, ALL have been unable to form a government since the election?
I know this won’t get published but I’ll give it a go. It would be stupid to have UKIP MPs because they would never turn up for work. Look at their MEP turnup. Shit. Utter shit. They are lazy scum. A General Election should just be Tory v Labour. The least worst. Which is why May is PM.