Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay is a fucking mental cunt.
He is this flat earth guru, who doesn’t believe in anything that can be scientifically proven. So, earth is flat, the sun is only six thousand miles away, nuclear weapons are a hoax, and the dinosaurs never existed. There is probably more, but I couldn’t stick any more of his bollocks. Worryingly, there are many thousands of dickheads that believe this cunt, and others like him. These gullible fools would once have been happy to go to church and get fleeced by the cunts there. Instead they worship twats like Dubay, Icke, and other charlatans. It would be hilarious to think in such enlightened times of these sad bastards pissing their life away on this conspiratorial shite, until you remember that these cunts have the vote. And the ability to procreate.


Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

25 thoughts on “Eric Dubay

  1. I think you offered the solution there Gutstick! ” They can procreate ” Not if we remove their knackers they can’t !

    • I recommend his address to the Oxford Union. Starts talking about the world economy, banks and recession, talks about the direction of history and Hegel (he pronounces it Heggle, as i have since then), then adds two and two and comes up with seventy eight; pan-dimension lizards and pyramid power.

      I fucking loved it.

    • Icke is no fool, but he makes a fucking fortune out of them. Ten quid a pop to go see that arsehole tell thick cunts that Saturn is a hologram? Wish I’d thought of it.

      • There are renowned theoretical physicists who contend that the whole universe is a hologram, and that the belief that we are three-dimensional entities is an illusion.

      • My all time favourite Icke idea was the moon is an ancient alien spaceship that controls our minds? ?
        I put up a piss take comment on his site a few years ago and got hammered by his loyal supporters , they were like a bunch of angry hornets,All I did was ask when was his new book titled “ Ickes looking up Uranus” was due out?
        Humourless illuminati enabling fools….

    • I hadn’t heard of the cunt until recently, until I started looking into why seemingly normal people are believing this flat earth wank. From my research I have come to this opinion – if you have to believe, it’s because you have no proof or evidence, or, you aren’t interested in finding a truth, just blindly following an ideal you fancy. So, ufos, flat earth, gods, Sasquatch, and treason Mays spine, all things that don’t exist until proven otherwise.

  2. I would believe in all sorts of weird stuff if I had spent my life with a twisted, contorted body and limbs like this poor fellow.

    By way of relief to your suffering Mr Dubay, I would like to drive a steamroller over you so you can be at peace and join with your flat Earth.

    Goodbye for now.

  3. Of course the Earth is flat, it is the cosmic truth. Otherwise just how can it rest on the elephants backs that are standing on the giant space turtle. If the Earth was a sphere it would just roll off into fuck knows where, probably Borg space, and then we would be fucked.

  4. Young Earth Creationists are my favourite, alongside Mr Icke’s claims.
    Another couple are Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced with a clone, and Martin Borman lives in a Nazi facility under Patagonia.

    I let these foil-wearing loons get on with it. As long as they stay indoors and dont harm others, and keep coming up with comedy gold.

    It’s the equally insane and science-phobic SJW /Corbynites i worry about.

  5. Cunt looks like he’s staring out an ants nest. Which reminds of this handy household tip I came across the other day.

    (1) buy a can of black spray paint
    (2) use a stick to stir up the nest until the ants come out to defend it
    (3) thoroughly spray the ants with the paint
    (4) the ants, realising they are living in a black neighbourhood, stop working and start stabbing each other

    # To the Mayor of London every stabbing matters.

  6. I was waiting for the 18 wheel semi to roll over the cunt!

    Flat enough for you now?

  7. Never heard of this twat, but sound like he should be a fucking MP, would fit in well with the labour lot.

  8. Never heard of him, but thanks for bringing him up (heurrrgh). His Twitter feed is great fun, and I learn that not only is he the genuine authentic certified/certifiable flat-earther, but he is battling the sinister fake flat-earthers who wish to destroy his, er, credibility:

    ” The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now. ”

    Get your lysergic insights here…

    • I’m really glad Eric’s on the case with regards to exposing fake flat earthers as nothing more than attention seeking twats, I particularly hate fake news and must admit knowing Eric’s manning the watchtower allows me to sleep just that little easier…..
      Personally I wish he would do a tv documentary with spivey and icke, that would be amazing, the three modern day galileos giving the foolish gullible masses an insight into their absolute undiluted indisputable genius, I’m surprised some TV executive cunt hasn’t Snapped them up…..

  9. The fact that the flat earth society has members all over the globe tells you all you need to know….

  10. Martymer 81 does a really good series on YouTube called Flat Out Wrong where he debunks Flatties (as he calls them).

    The best part all of the Flatties in the comments section sperging out. Priceless.

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