So emergency news splashs orf Blighty running oit orf medicines due to “stockpiling”. Oh no it ain’t. It is down to fucking profiteering. A three or fourfold mark up to the NHS (orn drugs it already pays exorbitantly for) and severe shortages orf common prescription drugs to further jack up the costs – dear old supply and demand (funny that that never seems to work the other way aroinde though). Remember the decimalization mark-ups?
So what is in short supply? Top orf the list Citalopram (anti-depressant) and Naproxen (strong pain killer).
So what drugs keep Yours Truly’s old arse motoring orn in these shitehole times? You guessed it plus rumours abound orf a black market in ticker meds and Viagara. Fuck. Treble bugger.
To much to expect that HMG will set controlled prices for the drugs that keep the NHS (and Yours Truly) running. Let the market decide? Fucking Tory dogma. Shite. Have bought in a few barrels (not kegs) orf me single malt as an alternative prescription.
Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke
Good afternoon Sir Limply.
Yes I remember the decimalisation mark ups, when we gave up our thousand year old currency model for a eurofilth friendly alternative .
Prices went up overnight, made me blood boil.
You’ve reminded me, must put a chitty in meself for the old tick tock sweeties.
Toodle pip.
I can remember less than a week after the Leave vote our local Asda started raising prices across the board – dog food, human food, you name it. When Mrs. B queried the sudden price rises the manager told her “well, it’s Brexit”. I told her she should have pointed out that the stock they were selling that week would have gone through the system long before the vote result, but of course the silly bissom didn’t
The Hunchback’s Arthur Askey lookalike husband Phil, makes a personal fortune out of Government awarded contracts. She doesn’t give a flying fuck about our future as she will stay in office long enough to line their greedy pockets before she disappears into a comfortable oblivion. Pair of vicar’s daughter and music hall megacunts!
I thought the hunchback’s husband looked like Woody Alan just after he allegedly fucked his own daughter.
Has anyone noticed the our Theresa has got incredibly long arms that go past her Knees ?
That’s cos she’s a fuckwitted, KNUCKLE-DRAGGING remoaniac !
Apologies for reposting, but think it’s relevant here. Re the stockpiling medicines, Sandra Gidley, chairwoman of the English Pharmacy Board at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, had this to say on Friday:
“Brexit is not a factor. Shortages have been a problem for some years. It’s a fluctuating problem. They are now worse than ever. The situation with Brexit is that the Government has recognised that there could be potential supply problems and they have been asking manufacturers to keep in a buffer stock so that if there are freight problems, trouble with customs, patients will still get their drugs.”
“Unfortunately what’s been happening on social media over Christmas is that people have been putting two and two together and assuming this is because of Brexit. The pharmaceutical supply chain is a very, very complex subject. There are global issues at play here.”
She admitted that as a former Liberal Democrat MP, she would “love to blame Brexit”, adding: “I’m sitting here saying this is not the case.”
It’s a win win for big business: profiteering and Project Fear rolled into one. Money grubbing quisling shits.
Well those cunts the BBC are running this headline “Brexit worries add to car insurance costs “ today
Apparently Brexit is responsible for absolutely every piece of bad news….
last week they reported more People are taking anti depressants because of Brexit?
What next? Terminal illness? Erectile dysfunction? Hair loss?
Well I suffer from erectile dysfunction every time I have to look at a picture of May, and her picture is everywhere because of recent events, so yes, Brexit is to blame for my floppiness
Theresa May…..the first negotiator in history to leave DFS with a full priced sofa…..
Afternoon Q.
I can well believe people are taking more anti depressants… but not because of Brexit.
It’s due to the Remoaners treachery and their relentless attempts to subvert democracy by fucking with the result of the referendum.
Now where did I put that Prozac…
Good afternoon RTCP ???
It appears we’re being watched by a giant squirrel?
Yes Quislings, every so often the BBC and Sly will run stories on how Brexit is responsible for a drugs , Motor insurance etc apocalypse, usually when the second referendum could be slipping away , it’s all further ammunition to help the remain camp.
True FF
And if any good news slips thru the net of negativity it’s quickly dealt with by “ despite Brexit” caveat!!
That’s why I despise Fiona the Bruce.
Smug, gurning cow.
What bollox. Now if the cunts ran “Prince Phillip worries add to car insurance costs” as a headline that I might believe.
What bollox. Now if the cunts ran “Prince Phillip worries add to car insurance costs” as a headline that I might believe.
Pointless comment here. I’ve taken both citalopram and naproxen. They’re both fucking useless anyway!
I’m taking amoxicillin and it doesn’t seem to be doing me any good at all. I think all these drugs that used to work have been replaced by placebos. It’s a conspiracy.
You could have a point their Alan, Mars aren’t the same anymore as well
Ah yes amoxicillin, the super anti-biotic orf last result for sepsis and syphilis and so orn. Has been reported as losing effectiveness for a few years now. Those cunning bugs getting resistant to it due to over prescription generally. Reckon you’re fucked squire.
I had a flu jab this year and was expecting to experience horrendous side effects but had none whatsoever! I reckon it was a placebo.
Try co amoxiclav.
I have been taking Naproxen am and pm for an arthritic knee for about 18 months; mostly, it keeps intermediate level pain at bay, but it surprised me to read that it was considered a “strong” painkiller.
Then, about a month or so ago, I asked for a repeat prescription, and I was referred back to GP. One medic in the practice thinks I should only be taking it occasionally, the other, who prescribed it, said it was “day-to-day” usage. Because my arthritis was on a day-to-day basis… Not rocket science, but all my bloods had to be checked, just in case any damage had been done. Of course, the results all came back normal.
On the other hand, I asked another medic at the same practice for something more powerful, and they said…morphine. Bizarre. I don’t think the pain is atrocious, it’s just bad.
Go for the morphine HBH is me tip. Also makes a great mixer with vodka and whiskey and a spot orf glue.
You ain’t wrong there Sir Limpers – I’d guess it’s also good for erectile dysfunction.
I took a snoutful of morphine recreationally in the mid ’70s and had a boner that lasted over 12 hours! I fortunately also had an incredibly fuckable girlfriend at the time…
Didn’t dare take it again, it was far too moreish…
RIP Windsor Davis
Land of hope and glory…. SHUT UP !!!
I got him in the dead pool but nothing has been said.
I know that I don’t get out a great deal but I have still yet to meet anybody who admits to voting Remain. Anybody else?
You haven’t met me Moggie (not in the flesh anyway that I know of) but I (reluctantly) voted Remain, and know a lot of other cunts who also did – one or two being full blown Remoaners! Hope that helps.
PS: please don’t ask me to explain… I’ve done so in detail at least 3 times over the past year.
Am now full steam ahead for No Deal WTO rules, ok?
I don’t have any problems with remainers per se, they have as much right to their opinion as I do. It’s the ones who think that their opinion is the only one that matters that want me to grab a flame thrower.
…make me want to grab….
#MeToo mate!
We had a Referendum. It was a binary choice. Leave won and Remain lost. End of fucking story.
I’m sorry, but I just don’t get all this fucking shit.
I have extensive experience of importing/exporting to/from EMEA and Far East. High margin/low physical volume products (like pharmaceuticals) can stand the cost of air transportation. Airfreight is already so tightly controlled, any additional “Brexit [Tax][Delay] (delete as appropriate to your particular delusion}” is total bollocks. I used to have SGS inspections for packaging product export FFS!.
Sea ports and the Channel Tunnel may experience short term constrictions until we adapt but we WILL get over it. If it’s life-threatening, airfreight the cunt.
Business and money will always win out over politics.
People want to sell, people want to buy.
Any politics that gets in the way is basically an irritant that will get pushed aside…
If the EU starts “punishing” &c., people REALLY will start to turn against the Berlaymont Savilists.
Exactly how I see it, business types like to make money, if something blocks their way they’ll soon get it sorted. Ah well, Brexit eh, spose we’ll just have to lose out on those billions, let stuff rot on the quayside, sack thousands. Yeah right, but there are lots of chicken licken Brexit preppers apparently.
Makes you wonder if they put this shit out, so they cull a few hundred thousand folk and blame it on Brexit, whilst sitting on enough pharmaceuticals to cure everyone.
It’s all bollocks, based on the un known – remember the fucking millennium bug.
Everybody knows it was old cunts with dementia and shrunken gonads who voted for Brexit. Of course they didn’t understand what they were voting for. I thought it was a new breakfast cereal that would help clear out the bowels of a morning. I’ve asked all my mates why they voted leave but none of them recognise me anymore and think Theresa May is their mother. What better way to see these old cunts off than to withhold their drugs and speed up the dying process. Crematoria under pressure -blame Brexit. When all the old cunts are dead the millennials can have another referendum and vote remain. Based on their extensive knowledge, gleaned from Wikipedia, of what the UK was like before EU they do understand what they are voting for, naturally. Got a prescription for my Alzheimer’s but can’t remember where the pharmacy is. Old cunt.
Won’t the demented old cunts now have been replaced by other demented old cunts?
And what about all the young cunts who’ll be too young to vote in the upcoming “Loser’s Vote”? I guess we’ll have to have a referendum every two years from now on… otherwise we’ll risk destroying their futures!
Pity our political masters didn’t think along those lines back in 1975, after the first In /Out referendum…
Always makes me laugh when remoaners complain that we should ignore the referendum because it’s not binding. Yes fuckwit, no UK referendum is binding, we know that. If we have a people’s vote (vomit) then that won’t be FUCKING BINDING either. Jeez
As a former employee of a pharmaceutical company there are many factors that effect supply of drugs, raw materials are a good example, if demand outstrips supply then there will be stock shortages, trying to predict future sales is a dark art.
I’ve got a half used bottle of ‘Senokot’ if anyone’s interested (am selling due to my bowels combusting and my arsehole blowing across the room upon taking it….never again) – for the only very marginally marked up Brexit price of 150 quid.
If there are any pharmaceutical shortages post Brexit, our house is like a fucking branch of Boots, what with my depression/anxiety, fibromyalgia and asthma, my Mum’s high blood pressure and my Dad’s dry skin conditions. We have been stockpiling for years already in this gaff…..and without even knowing it!
Plus there is a shit load of bandagey, dressing type bollocks that I somehow forgot to remove from my uniform pockets when I was nursing (ahem)
ROLL UP! ROLL UP! That’ll be 100 quid each item please……..
Are these the same pharmaceuticals in short supply that I saw being shipped out my pharmacy the other week to those English sounding addresses in Poland, Slovenia, Romania, etc.etc. ?