Bessie Turner

Bessie Turner

The fucker below is a ‘singer’ who posted a crying selfie on Instagram to ‘raise awareness’ of something or other. Her new single probably.

For fucks sake, what is this generation of pathetic zombies going to end up as?
Me Me. Needy. Needy. Needy.

God help us. A generation of useless fuckwits.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

33 thoughts on “Bessie Turner

  1. Nice bit of free advertising for this shameless “oh woe is me” snowflake.

    If she can’t cope with a bit of fame and hard graft as a “singer/whinger songwriter”, chuck it all in, give your money away to charities and go work on a till at Aldi.

    Otherwise just shut the fuck up!

  2. If this snowflake was finding the pressure of “keeping up with the pace of life” (whatever that means) was too much for her she could have opted to move to Shetland or Orkney and lived off Universal Credit whilst tending the animals on her croft. But no. At the age of 17 she decides to pursue a competitive and pressurised career in the music industry as a singer/songwriter. Promoted incessantly by the BBC two years later she’s signed up with Yank conglomerate Warner Inc. and the dosh is rolling in. You lame cunt. Who do you think you’re fooling? If I’d had your kind of money at your age I would have had a lot less stressful and, at times insecure, working life. But I didn’t cry about my lot in life. I just got on with it. So fuck off you pretentious simpering cunt and get yourself a good accountant and make sure you have regular health checks. There’s a lot of diseased pricks in the BBC – literally.

    • “keeping up with the pace of life” = means having to find a charger for your phone before it dies; or not being able to post on social media for more than 30 minutes. Or worse, no one “liking” a tweet = suicidal tenancies and plenty of faux drama

  3. Keep up with the pace?
    This silly little child should have gone on tour with Motorhead….

  4. There’s a fine line between self-indulgence and narcissism, but it would appear this lady has crossed it.

    Never heard of her music but if it is endorsed by the likes of Zoe Ball and Jo Wiley then it must be a lorry load of effervescent, steaming pig shit.

    Another one who struggles to shift units unless they ’embrace through soshal meeja’.

    Utter wank.

  5. When will the penny drop for these ‘celebs’ that the average person, who is struggling to keep their head above water in the real world, couldn’t give two steaming turds about their supposed ‘struggles’.

    To be fair though i’ve no idea who this flake is.

  6. Just heard on the news that today is Blue Monday; the day of the year when Xmas Credit Card Bills arrive and the moral of the nation is generally at its lowest.

    I propose that we establish a Cuntstoppers Helpline – staffed by the understanding and caring contributors above – to help these needy snowflakes calibrate their sad lives and get a proper perspective on life.

    “spread yourself all over a motorway flyover or the windshield of an intercity 125.”

    First big grin of the day. Blue Monday? Bollocks.

  7. Appreciate your sentiments Cuntflap, but closing down a motorway for 24 hours or cancelling intercity services until further notice should not be encouraged imho. Other, more socially responsible methods of popping your cork are available.

    • And pity the poor overpaid asleep at the controls train driver who might have bothered to turn up to work on that fateful day. No good deed goes unpunished.

      Anyone seen my Prozac?

      • Fair play Cuntflap, and a very good morning to you too.

        FYI, I believe Mr Fiddler has several chainsaws and a Greenmech wood-chipper ready and waiting for use on condescending leftie hack Kevin Maguire (the cunt with the whinging, droning voice and smug, rolling eyes), so no doubt he could find time to shred a Bessie Turner or two, if bunged a fiver.

      • Fortunately I read the description, so was able to avoid adding to my already considerable problem with PTSD….

        Had it been Maguire being mangled and crushed I would naturally have pressed ‘Play’ and joined you in the front seats Cuntsville.

  8. Good morning all.
    I’ve never heard of this snivelling shit and couldn’t give two fucks about her.
    Weak cunts like this pale into total insignificance when compared to someone like my dear departed grandma, who almost died whilst in service, due to the wholly unsuitable living conditions in the servants quarters.
    When she recovered her father forbade her to go back, so she found alternative employment.
    She married, raised nine kids on next to nothing ( no benefits then ) ,experienced real poverty, world war,etc. etc.
    She was one of the happiest people I’ve known, who was regularly helping out people less fortunate than herself !!!!
    Silly little girls like this Bessie cunt don’t know they’re born.
    Get to fuck.

  9. The problem with modern society is that “mental health issues” is so overused (like “waycism”) and so has become a switch-off point for the “norms”.

    There is a world of difference between someone with true mental health issues and someone who is merely a weak minded imbecile (or snowflakes as they are now called).

    I have no time for these self-indulgent pity seekers, especially cunts who are nouveau-minted and see THAT as a problem. No, having no money is a fucking huge problem which causes untold and genuine stress to decent people who are ashamed to have to rely on benefits (unlike the bare-faced Kyle scum and “8 kids deep” Mo’s of the world who see it as a right)!

    Do not bring your soy-latte 1st world problems to my table expecting any sympathy from me, cos all you’ll get is a heartfelt “fuck off!”


    • Too True Rebel, so many people get confused between normal everyday “worries” and real mental health issues.

    • Unfortunately i see this fad over mental health as another way for the professionally offended to claim another feather in their victimhood cunt-cap. Many of my family have suffered anxiety etc but saw the GP, psychologist, took pills/ CBT and did their best, without ‘sharing’ every set-back on flakebook and posting tearful vlogs about how someone must do something ‘blah blah i’m special…. wah wah tory cuts!’

      Get fucked, all attention-seeking, mildly depressed snowflake wankers.

  10. Morning cuntflap, it’s interesting looking at the generations. My parents generation are very much that of the shut up and get on with it, to an extent my generation is the same (I’m early 40’s). But then we seem to just have these fuckin sniveling, self pity,woe is me, I deserve better than this out of life cuntsacks! Constantly cunts banging on about how unfair life is, fuck me welcome to the real world cunts! There are poor bastards up and down the country not knowing where the next meal is coming from, terminally ill people trying to get the best out of their time left, then you have these pathetic self pitying bastards! Fuck off to dignitas you snowflake cunts!

    • Definitely! Their life may be bad for them but their deaths would be great for the rest of us! Bunch of cunts!?

  11. Off subject but fucking infuriating.
    Yvette Cooper on radio explaining why she wants to ‘democratically’ stop Brexit:
    ‘So that the Royal Navy doesn’t have to be used to bring in pharmaceuticals’

    It has been made abundantly clear that drug shortages are cyclical and due to market forces. As in a recent cunting, it has fuck all to do with Brexit.
    This snivelling cunt Cooper was not, of course, challenged on this drivel.

    • Well, of course, the Royal Navy is too busy bringing in the population of Iraq and Iran, whom the BBC call “migrants.”

      • The only word missing from that FTF is the most important and honest one
        FINANCIAL!! Migrants……..

    • Mrs Balls is just being “democratic” Cuntstable, using “democracy” to overturn the ill informed, undemocratically arrived at, illegal will of the people – what could be more democratic than that?

      Libtards and the EU are very “democratic” Cuntstable, because they hold repeat “people’s votes” until the “people” get it right.

    • The BBC are now at full loon regarding Brexit. They’re approaching the same level with their identity wanking as well.
      Time to revive Spike Milligan’s Pakistani Daleks. I’m sure they’d tick a few boxes.

  12. I think you’re all being unnecessarily unkind towards this young lady and I want her to know that there is someone here that she can rely on for assistance in her hour of need. If she’ll suck my dick.

  13. Obviously aiming her dross at like-minded snowflake cunts.

    I wonder what pronouns she prefers?

  14. I’ve had to deal with the aftermath of a couple of suicides in my career, so I sympathy for those with depression and believe that Mental Health Services should be well resourced. But not for those who are a bit upset because they been “unfriended” on facefuck or can’t decide whether they should have a cock or a fanny. Fuck this generation of cunts.

  15. For some strange inexplicable reason I have a strong urge to ejaculate all over her smug face!

    That’ll wipe that self-satisfying grin off her fucking clock!

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