BBC News

The BBC News deserve a good cunting.

How much air time are they going to give to Jack Shepherd, for fuck sake, we must have had hours of reporting on this guy.

A one minute report would have been adequate, on remand in Georgia awaiting extradition proceedings back to the UK.

But NO, the fucking BBC have it has their lead story on the 6 O’clock news, he was sentenced iin his absence to 6 years for manslaughter and has been on the run for almost a year.

The BBC must be short on news stories to report, however they did report on the highest number of ‘asylum’ lol claims since 2015, all sorts of rubbish coming over in boats, trucks, from all the ports in Europe.

A NO DEAL brexit could be a good thing if we have better checks on trucks rolling into the UK.


Nominated by sick of it

An addition to this cunting, Fucking Newswatch tonight, devoted virtually the whole program to the “attack” on the Fatbott on Question time,
She was unfairly treat by FB, tha audience, Isabel Oakshott, for fuck sake !
Labour have made an official complaint to the BBC
Abbott gets everything she deserves, BUT I didnt see anything on QT that would qualify as an Attack, certainly not compared to some previous panelists have endured.

Additional cunt by sick of it.

122 thoughts on “BBC News

  1. BBC 2 Hours ago

    Project Fear Fact 16,457,379,874.588,376.

    This time from Simon Jack. He attended the private fee paying independent Merchant Taylors Boys School, on to St Johns College, Oxford and then 10 years as a corporate and investment banker in London, New York and Bermuda. Son in law of the late composer John Barry.

    So it is fair to say he has had a hard life so far, and certainly represents the working class of the country and not the establishment elite despite never having done a hard days labour in his life. Fucking cunt.

    A no-deal Brexit threatens the UK’s food security and will lead to higher prices and empty shelves in the short-term, retailers are warning.

    Sainsbury’s, Asda and McDonald’s are among those warning stockpiling fresh food is impossible and that the UK is very reliant on the EU for produce.

    The warning comes in a letter from the British Retail Consortium and is signed by several of the major food retailers.

    It comes ahead of crucial votes in Parliament on Tuesday.

    There will almost certainly more of this horseshit by the end if the day.


    So fucking BORED of all this bollocks from the BBC and Pro Europe CUNTS

    • McDonalds? Fresh food?
      Are they taking the piss? ?
      That shit comes out of the props department for Quatermass II…

    • It’s already happening! I went to Sainsbury’s this afternoon to get some mushrooms for our proposed chicken vindaloo tonight, and the shelves were virtually empty! I asked a member of staff what the fuck was going on and she told me it was Sainsbury’s contribution to Project Scare, spooking the public into putting pressure on their MP to vote for Mrs May’s treacherous EU dictated Withdrawal Agreement.

      Fortunately she had some emergency under counter mushrooms… I was even fortunate enough to pick up 800 grams of extra mature cheddar which should be enough to see us through the nonsense about to be cooked up in Parliament on Tuesday by the quisling firm of Bercow, Grieve & Sugartits Associates.

      • Maybe we should prepare ourselves for when one of our number is tipped over the edge and stores in Northumberland run out of Bushmills whiskey. He might go all Mad Max in a souped-up Hilux with snarling hounds roaming the dystopian wastes of Northern England.

      • Sainsburys preparing their customers for food shortages I can understand.

        The horse racing industry has also said it would capitulate under a no deal which I can understand.

        However, mushrooms in a Chicken Vindaloo is just wrong.

        Goodbye for now.

      • I’m beginning to think that some of you cunts posting here couldn’t tell your burning ringpieces from your elbows.

        Anyway, it’ll all be academic in a few weeks time, when there’s nothing left to eat.

        Looks like No Deal could turn out to be worse than the Millennium Bug ffs!

      • Any curry is improved by mushrooms. I just hope you use the Goan recipe for vindaloo – pok, vinegar and potato. Damn, mouth’s watering…

      • Pork. Pok, the inedible fruit of the pok tree, is of course used only when sacrificing to Ganesh.

  2. All this fuss about Abbott is fucking ridiculous. I remember when Nick Griffin was on QT, it was like a fucking lynch mob. The programme is supposed to be about topical discussion of current political events, from the off it was ‘ Grill Griffin ‘.
    The nauseating and arrogant Jack Straw was also on the panel, he brought up the subject of how many people from the Indian Sub Continent had died fighting for the British, ( he conveniently omitted to mention those who fought for the Japanese ), anyway,
    Nick Griffin said that his father also fought against the Nazis as he was in the RAF, whilst Jack Straws father languished in jail as a conscientious objector.
    Jack Straws face was a picture.
    Now I’m not banging a drum for Nick Griffin,but it took a bit of nerve to go into that environment .
    The other thing he did was raise the subject of Peaceful grooming gangs, he was labelled as a racist for that too,
    but look what’s happened since.
    The BBC, Dianne Abbott and all the other shit show of cunts can fuck right off.

    • Would that be Jack “don’t give money to the homeless” Straw?
      Or possibly Jack ” the English don’t deserve to survive” Straw?
      Personally, I’m guessing it’s Jack “absolute and utter fucking cunt” Straw.
      The one with a very tiny cock, allegedly ?

      • Or Jack “Slime Top” Straw (banging on about unpasteuridsed milk) ?

        Slime Top is a bloody good description of most of the Liebore Party these days.

        And the cunt went to me Alma Mater (well, it avoids typing THAT 3-letter word…).

      • Not the Straw who lobbies for commodities group ED&F Man in Europe, surely? An abomination unto the Lord, a swivel-eyed, trimming, temporising, selfserving, lying legal cunt of the first water, Blair’s right-hand Thing, ideal candidate for spontaneous combustion?

      • According to his autobiography (reviewed by Craig Brown in the Mail), his modus operandi is, quite consciously, to bore people into acquiescence or oblivion. That fits.

      • He had that slight speech impediment that you got bored waiting for him to start to talk. Same as Branson. What happened to the son I wonder? What was he involving in something….Forgot again.

      • I very strongly recommend Will Straw’s Wikipedia page (quick, before he rewrites it) for further insights. In particular that Cameron gave the cunt a CBE for services to remoaning. Choice.

  3. Well its said life imitates art – in a curious turn of events it seems the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation is setting up an office in??????…… guessed it – Brussels. Its said it will need an office in the land of the unscrupulous fat cat cheating thieving conniving corrupt overbloated EU “Capital” in order to carry on its licence demand from we overtaxed undervalued plebs. How it works I have no idea but along with threats of Martial Law being used in the event of no deal nothing at all about the corrupt BBC surprises me anymore. This cunting could stretch to a tome but in all honesty the cuntitude of the BBC surpasses even the foulest of cuntings. In Dantes Inferno its right in there sat under the devils arsehole just above the War Criminal Anthony Linton B. Liar.
    Great nom BTW SOI.

  4. You’re spot on, Jack. I watched QT and there was absolutely nothing untoward from Bruce, it’s just that Flabbott is so inept that she can’t handle these situations, and her default position on this occasion was to play the waycist card. Oakeshott told Julia Hartley-Brewer in an interview later that Bruce was fine, and Abbott was make a fuss about nothing. Flabbott and Labour are acting like a bunch of total fannies, as are the loony left types who’ve been slagging Bruce off on social meeja since.

    • Fair play Ron… but you need to take into account the one or two rational, sane people in the audience – the sheer trauma that their presence would have caused poor Diane and the Labour Party could not be overestimated!

    • In Momentum’s Soviet Britain, speaking against the Chief Comrade’s Chosen Crumpet would be a capital crime. The proof that Corbyn is a total incompetent is evident in his decision that Abbott was worth shagging.

    • She’s as pathetic as she is useless Ron.
      Yet tens of thousands of people vote for her.
      So much for cultural enrichment.
      Good evening.

      • Thats an easy one Jack, in her constituency its only her colour that got her in. Ditto Lammy. Pair of useless cunts there simply because the local Imam fills in all the ballot papers on behalf of the rest of his community. Postal fraud rife throughout in that manor too. Oh, and Clammy Lammy’s “friend” (you mean you didnt know he had a very close long time personal friend??) who was toasted a few shades blacker at Grenfell grotto increased his chances of Beatification multiple fold. Has that whingefest ended yet? The longer it goes on the greater the increase in the liebour vote. Last I heard the list of toasted was 86 (?) but strangely the compensation / expenses / topped up credit cards / cash claimants was 200+. Bunch of Londonistan thieving cunts.

  5. Speaking of the delectable Flabbot, what’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

    A hippo is very heavy and a zippo is a little lighter.

    I’ll get me coat.

  6. Diane Abbott is a total retard She should not even be on Question Time the thick bastard Regarding Nick Griffin He got a rough ride on Question Time I don’t remember the BBC coming to His defence regarding abuse.He was right when He said Asian Gangs were grooming white vulnerable girls for sex that was 14 years ago

    • Shouldn’t you man up and accept that Flabbot has a difference of opinion instead of wasting our time on this cunting site? You know, like apparently I should be doing when I criticise dogs?

      • I’m more than a man then you will ever be You are not opinionated you are just a Cunt Touched a nerve did it regarding the dog drivel you stupid twat

      • Just thought it would be funny to see your reaction when I behave the same way. Like it or not this is a site built on difference of opinions and some of those opinions you’re not going to agree with. If you get annoyed at that then you’re on the wrong site.

      • I’m merely responding in kind to a comment he made on another post. I’m not attempting to cunt him, rather I’m just putting on the other foot and seeing if he likes being treated the same way.

      • That’s the second time someone has told you to take a chill pill and I suspect others think the same but are too polite to say so. Time to take the hint?

      • Look, if someone goes at me I don’t ‘take a chill pill.’ I go back at them. I certainly want things to be civil but if people are gonna be cunts to me then I’m gonna respond in kind. If you lot don’t like that then tough – that’s your problem. I have the right to voice an opinion on here without people personally insulting me or telling me to ‘get off the site’ (as George did) and that same right goes for everyone else as well. That’s all – I have no desire to be a cunt or blow this up into something far bigger than it should be. But I’m certainly going to defend myself if I feel.tje need to do so.

      • And I agree. But George cunted me so I’m gonna respond in kind to him. I hope that’s the last of it because truth be told I regret that this has blown up into something bigger in the first place.

      • I’m no fan of Nick Griffin or the BNP lets get that out the way first.As Cunstable Cuntbubble says first golden rule on here is don’t cunt other cunters just because they respond in kind and don’t agree to your stupid comments. It’s obvious you and Diane Abbott have a lot more in common than you think IE a total lack of brain cells let’s agree to disagree and leave it at that.

      • You insult me then ask to agree to disagree? That last part I agree with – why undercut it with another insult? If you’re really sincere about not carrying this on you will apologise for your behaviour,, and I will in turn apologise for how I have behaved.

      • Having a different opinion is fine but she doesn’t have an opinion it’s always complaining, need more police but they can’t stop and search, she can’t differentiate between illegal and legal immigration , “white men like to play divide and rule”
        She deserves to be cunted on a regular basis, the bullshit around the complaint about her “treatment” on QT proves it

      • Oh, I agree Flabbot deserves to be cunted routinely. I just saw one of George’s comments on the dogs cunting and thought it would be fun to see how he reacts when treated the same way.

      • Things ought to be kept cordial though. This isn’t Cunts Corner or 4chan, for fuck’s sake.

      • Hey, I don’t start fights but I certainly finish them. He attacked me so I responded in kind. I could’ve been a lot worse if. I wanted to be but precisely because I didn’t want to go overboard I kept it tame.

      • I agree. To be fair bamboo did go for oc on that tread and it was a bit cuntish so he’s within his rights.
        Let’s hope the argument is over now and every one has gone back to cunting the real cunts of the world.
        Like the fucking BBC. And dogs.

      • Thank you, finally someone who’s backing me up. I don’t like going after fellow cunters like that but if they strike first I’m certainly not going to back down.

      • Stupid fucking idiot grow up how old are you As has been said chill out stop trying to win brownie points

      • It’s not about ‘trying to win brownie points’. He attacked me on another post so I simply used his exact rhetoric in a different context to go back at him in the interests of seeing how he would react. Why are you people criticising me for reacting to provocation whilst turning a blind eye to the provoker? Yes, I could’ve and should’ve handled it better – I’ll own up to that – but this didn’t come out of nowhere and I didn’t do it for no reason. The original comment is right there on the Dogs cunting if you don’t believe me.

      • Have a feeling you’re wasting your breath OC. I would not have shown such patience…

      • Here we are:
        ‘Clearly you are not a dog lover Dogs are a mans best friend and always have been so you are a cunt. Don’t waste our time with drivel this is a cunting forum Man up’ – George W. Bamboo, Jan 27 at 4:27pm.
        OK, I overreacted but can you at least now see why I might have felt within my rights to respond in kind? Or is it acceptable when he does it?

      • As George so eloquently put it agree to disagree I’m afraid OC He’s a lot more intelligent than you face facts you have lost the argument move on pal Cunt others not forum members

      • Agree to disagree I’m perfectly fine with but he didn’t do that. He actively had. A go at me merely for daring to express a dislike of dogs. Phrases like ‘don’t waste our time’ suggest that he’s only OK with opinions on such things being expressed when they are ones that line up with his.

  7. Mcdonalds and KFC?

    The only people i know who regularly eat from them are dole claimants.

    Obese workshy inbred zit-faced gormless cunts.

      • I know, the ocassional mcdonalds is not really a problem, but i know people who get all of their money from taxpayers and blow a lot of it getting bloated on McDonalds, KFC, Domino’s and kebabs, all delivered so they don’t have to walk (they dont drive, either).

  8. My patience with the BBC is now exhausted. The World At One is murder with it’s extreme anti-Brexit bias, especially bad when that snide little cunt Mark Mardell is hosting it.

    I am just hoping now the old harridan controller of Radio 4 has jumped before she was pushed, they appoint somebody who doesn’t hold to the male bad, women good, black women even better, who don’t keep forcing antique and exhausted old programmes back year after year.

  9. The scary thing about Fatbott is she could be home Secretary if Labour (god forbid) won a general election

    If she can’t handle Isabel Oakshot without crying into corbyn’s cock we will be truely fucked.

    • The delectable Flabbopotomus looks for unwarranted sympathy as a black victim. Yet, it is solely her skin colour which got her into University, the civil service and politics, as she has demonstrated no other qualities during her time in the public eye. Without being black she would not have got this far in life. Rather than being a victim, her skin colour (which is wholly irrelevant) has been her meal ticket.

    • Cats shit in other people’s gardens not their selfish owners Kill Songbirds not so cool

      • Large flat open mushrooms… not those horrid white button cunts. And sliced obviously…

      • Evening RTC.
        I wonder how some magic mushrooms would go in a curry?
        I had some with some soup a few years ago…that was a veeeeery weird afternoon and evening!

      • Man it’s difficult enough taking a piss or looking in the bathroom mirror whilst on mushrooms. Taking a horrendous curry shit half way through a trip, you’re courting disaster I reckon.

        I’m sure the patterns in the bowl would be something to behold.

      • Evening Mr Cunt Engine, evening Chunky.

        We discovered a relatively rare crop of Hyphaloma Cyanescens in the local park during mid 1980s… originally ate them raw but later made soup, fucking mind-blowing! And truly mind expanding, doubt I’d be half the cunt I am today without them. A sort of organic version of acid.

        Never considered having them in curry however. We tended to consume them on an empty stomach… intensified the experience I think.

        Food was the last thing on our minds!

      • Evening RTCP.

        Sounds like you’re the resident fungi expert! I wouldn’t know where to begin in picking them.. probably pick ones that make you shit out your liver. Back in the day grow kits were easy to find, especially for a novice teenager.

      • Surprisingly few mushrooms are poisonous or make you shit out your liver Chunky.

        We bought a handy guide book in the local ‘head’ shop and experimented with several varieties before we hit the jackpot.

        Fuck me, just Googled the book and Amazon have the actual guide we used listed!

        £55? ha ha, I paid £1.25.

        Anyway, now you know how I got to be a Doctor Of Psychotic Enlightenment…

      • Cats are indeed cunts, but I’d still rather see lardbucket Gemma Collins plummet to the ground on top of a muzz1e in a burka rather than an innocent pussy.

  10. I’ll add Channel 5’s news to this discussion. Tonight’s lead item (5pm) ticked so many boxes the Brussels BC must be fuming they missed it……

    You’ll never guess but apparently those paragons of inaccurate polling Yougov have reported that “4 out of 10 people have mental health difficulties caused by Brexit”. Nope I’m not making this up. They interviewed some completely barking mad woman who was beside herself with nerves but failed to ask the obvious question , “Madam, have you considered that your own hysterical behaviour may be the cause of your daughter’s anxiety?”

    So there we have Brexit fear; yet another angle on the overblown mental health ‘crisis’ and snowflakery all in one item.

    Footnote: Weren’t Yougov the same idiots who called the Referendum completely wrong and predicted that May would convincingly win the snap General Election?

    • I had a Facebook friend that moaned and gnashed and wailed about brexit relentlessly.

      On the morning of the result, she was beside herself because….apparently…her 9 year old son was crying his eyes out over the result. I pointed out that 9 year olds do not give a shite about politics and that she must have been filling the child’s head with project fear nonsense.

      I was unfriended about 5 minutes after that!

      • I saw plenty of the same on flakebook. Some of my more gormless underemployed ‘friends’ sharing anecdotes and screenshots of poor middle-class mothers whose children have witnessed horrendous bigotry towards little Zoltans and Svetlanas, including impromptu performances of ‘So long, farewell’. from Sound of Music

        I and a host of other sane adults took the piss with, ‘something else that never happened…’

        Also, what kid wants to fuck with some slavic kid called Zoltan?

        The gormless people decided to shut up for a bit.. before the pound dropped!

    • What are the chances that prick Clegg won’t be censoring MISinformation, but just the wrong information. The information that he doesn’t like.
      I doubt the fucking cunt will censor the lying project fear adverts or the religion of peace bollocks….
      The twat.

      • Mr Clegg and his gorgeous Spanish Mrs will be too busy with their new 4.5 million mansion in California to worry about things like that

  11. BBC South today has a regular feature, cuts in benefits, not enough council houses, bleat bleat bleat..

    • The NHS is on the edge of collapse… gibber gibber… mental heath… cluck cluck..

    • Did they tell the truth and relate it to supply and demand and the fact that the country is overpopulated?
      Or did they blame it on Tory cuts?

  12. Just watched al-beebera. More project fear bolleaux. Now coming from supermarkets and fast food vendors. It’ll be the end of the world, blah blah. What they actually mean is that their shareholders could lose a limitless source of cheap labour.

    I am so, so fucked off with this brexit nonsense. We voted to leave over two years ago. So let’s just go. We’re a tiny island nation, and yet we used to govern 3/4 of the entire planet not that long ago. I doubt that’s still fucking taught in schools.

    It’s the stepford wife evangelism for the EU that kills me – anyone with half a brain cell in their head could tell you it’s little more than a corrupt, undemocratic globalist cartel that works solely for the 1%ers.

    France is in flames on a now daily basis. Germany has seen crime skyrocket because of the ‘new Germans’. Sweden is now only behind Lesotho as the rape capital of the world, because of the ‘new Swedes’. Greece and Spain are spotless with serious unemployment.

    There is serious civil unrest in the post and I don’t think people realise how bad it’s gonna get. Throw a few million recently arrived snackbars and mtembes into the mix and it’s hard to tell how it will all end.

    Sorry, I went off reservation a bit there. Always happy to see the beeb getting another cunting.

  13. As for flabbott, when her fellow Labour monster loony Munro Bergdorf got skewered over some bbc three crap where she laid into white people and slavery (Niell gave her a list of non-white regimes who killed and enslaved other non-whites), she objected to the ‘inquisition by white men’ and then had a meltdown on twatter.

    Sorry that historical facts and statistics don’t give the slightest fuck about your feelings, daaarrling.

  14. BBC news invariable leads with or blows up Project Fear. Inevitable really when you consider that:
    they are London based.
    They tend to be lefty and luvvie.
    The BBC is a bloated, overstaffed bureaucracy just like the EU.
    They have ridiculous levels and job titles, just like the EU.
    The money rolls in regardless. Just like the EU.

  15. Everybody is going on that it’s gonna get worst, well whoopy fucking doo. When we went to war with Germany it was pretty fucking obvious things would get worse, didn’t stop us doing it, and who, looking back, would say it was a bad decision. And what we are about to do is just as serious to the future of our country as war. Shortages of lettuce? For fuck sake. What about shortages of unwanted immigrant cunts.

    • Precisely.

      Cunts these days can’t see beyond the Starbucks Caffe-Latte at the end of their noses.

  16. Let’s hope nobody thinks up the idea that Brexit is going to close those coffee shitholes.
    The snowflakes will be crying in the street and throwing themselves off buildings. Whatever would we do without the brainwashed, terrified , whining little shits?

  17. Another peaceful rant in the shape of some Nike Air Max trainers that have some lettering on the sole which if you squint hard enough apparently looks like ‘Allah’ in Arabic. Inevitable demands to stop selling them and climbdown by Nike a formality, these cunt don’t take a day off do they?

    • I think I’ll buy a pair, so that I can deliberately go and tread in some dog shit.
      What a bunch of primitive fucking gobshites.
      Get to fuck.

    • Have I missed something, here?

      Surely if you were that into islam and its cruel, vile attendant customs, you’d be like a dog with two dicks having a pair of Allah Nike’s?!?!

      Especially when most of them in this country live in fucking tracksuits anyway….

  18. And have you heard Radio 4? No? Don’t. Extended interview with the Godmother of Cunt, Germaine Greer, who will be 80 tomorrow unless someone is very quick with a cleaver, touchy feely ‘what is it like for a Romanian to live here’ effort, more ‘Brexit Is Bad for You, You Thick Cunts’, with ‘Why Nationalism Is A Dirty Word’ and every other presenter ethnic, with two out of three being wimminz. That was just tonight.

    Though the News did carry the immigration figures as well as the violent crime ones last week, so perhaps that’s still just passable as an alternative to the TV offering.

    • Give Greer credit for one thing – she’s right about the transgender issue. Still a huge cunt though.

      • I will yield slightly on this. She’s still as sharp as a needle and can take it as well as handing it out.

      • On balance I (just about) give her the benefit of the doubt as it seems she has more recently upset the MeToo bitches by suggesting that some wimminz are practically inviting to be abused. Christ that caused a meltdown on Twatter!!!

        In her 1970s prime she was hot as fuck and certainly ‘enjoyed plenty of male company’ (ie cock) as well as possessing a dazzling intellect. The public destruction of Norman Mailer remains a YouTube highlight.

    • Compared to most of Twitter’s poisonous, perma-offended androcidal, intersectional freaks, Germaine Greer is a female Roger Scruton.

  19. The reason people loathe Abbott isn’t her race or gender, or even the glaringly obvious fact that she’s as thick as a fucking post, it’s that arrogant holier than thou attitude. That eyes closed, head back, ‘better than you’ tone in her voice. You can tell she’s a nasty piece of work whenever someone disagrees with her or challenges her, she just gets this ‘how dare you’ look on her face that she rather feebly tries to cover up with a fake smile.

    I never thought I’d ever defend the theiving corrupt criminals that are the BBC, but this time, and against such a colossal cunt such as the abbopotomous, I’m on their side.

    • Yes, a quick delve into, leaf through, perusal of my well-worn profanisaurus suggests that Flabbott is inndeed a patronising bitch.
      To call her plug-ugly is, well, an insult to plugs throughout the world, but especially the West Indies and the EU…

    • She’s thick alright as demonstrated by that sub-GCSE Mathematics performance in calculating the cost of extra police. I see she’s (somehow!) got a Cambridge degree but I’m suspicious that she got that through some sort of ethnic quota requirement.

      Having said that most of the Oxbridge folk Ive ever met may indeed be highly intelligent but are completely lacking in common sense!!

  20. I don’t have a view on Germain Greer
    but I do feel that 43 years ago I would have definitely tried to jump her. However I am certain she would have been the sort where soon after and god forbid the following day you would have paid a high price once fully sober – having to spend your morning with her pretending you might leave your telephone number and leaving a false name etc etc all that malarkey – I bet we all did it a few times.

    I hope this make sense but I have a cold and have taken two night nurse capsules. Also it blocks out thinking of the BBC – project terror and most all elected MPs.

    Mushrooms in Vindaloo – not sure but keeps by an open mind for now.

  21. In fact that’s 33 years ago or at 43 years I would have been just 10. I must have been delirious last night on night nurse when I posted the above ……..

    If Germane Greer would have been 47 I may in fact have passed on any mythological opportunity in the ‘ special cuddle’ Dpt. It’s all because I saw a sexy photo of her once but come to think about it she was probably in her late 20’s. At least I have cleared everything up for myself now.

    Good morning All.

  22. Feminists and wimmin were thin on the ground when Greer first popped up as a Cambridge academic in the 70s. Nor were they as irritating, know-all and ugly as they are now. She was also not bad looking and became a thinking man´s crumpet like Joan Bakewell from BBC2 who is now a raddled old bag like Greer. On the other side of the pond Pattie Smith has also turned into a crone straight out of a “blasted heath”. In fact the three of them could make a good coven for the Scottish play. If you want to know why I have not given the Scottish play its full title check this link out:–HR7PWfp0

    • Mr Polly – interesting points!

      As to the Scottish play I thought everyone who is even slightly suspicious referred to it as such?

      Anyway got to dash and will check out the link which I am sure will fill in the gaps as soon as I get home.

      Cheers CW

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