
‘Aspiring’ Cunts

Anyone else tired of this useless platitude? Seems to be that every darling dindu who is furiously converted into a useless pile of meat is ‘aspiring’ to be this or that. A boxer. A architect. A musician. Maybe if they had tried not ‘aspiring’ to be involved in a vacuous gutter culture of drugs, easy money, violence, otherwise known as thug life.. and actually became a boxer, architect, musician, then they wouldn’t be fucking useless to the world in some marble orchard.

Aspiring doesn’t mean shit. It’s like calling retarded children exceptional. No, they’re retarded, and so are you for denying what is and what they are. They look at you in the same way a dog looks at its owner fondling its recent meaty chuds laying in the grass.

Fucking cunt media and dindu mothers trying to pretend their aspiring jackoffs were little angels. Give me a break. You failed, ok? Stop aspiring to be a good parent, because you’re not.

People aspire to be a lot of things. Until you actually become something you are not that, you are what you currently are. If you die being a grotty two-bit thug because you thought it was cool, then you’re a dead thug, and also a foolish cunt.

Just another trite PC catchphrase designed to soothe the unease of city dwellers who have the misfortune of living around these useless conglomerations of Cunt, and subdue any lingering possibility in their minds, even if slightly waycist, that these people may not actually be ripe for the ways of modern society yet.

Nominated by The Big Chunky Cunty

66 thoughts on “Aspiration

  1. Without fail, according to his mammy, the deceased young Festus, Rastus, DeShawn, Tyrone, etc. was “a good boy” and he was “turning his life around”.

    I have lost count how many times I have seen these phrases uttered. It seems the default position for this detritus is a life of crime, but some vague notion was that huge improvements were on the horizon.

    What utter dogshit. Once a stabby architect, always a stabby architect.

  2. Although I’m certainly no fan of these “aspiring” whatevers, I have noticed that a lot of them seem to be UK bred. In a way, I sympathise with them. Most have no positive male role model in their lives, and the only people that they see with money are drug-dealers and other criminals. I suspect that if I was born in some shithole where the only chance of making real money and respect was to graduate into a life of crime, I’d probably do the same.

    A lack of jobs,an increasingly toothless justice system and a society in thrall to the liberal manta of “you’re not to blame,you’re a victim” are, I believe, much of the real problem.

    Fuck Off.

    • Dirty Harry’s psycho killer Scorpio squealing “WHAT ABOUT MY RIGHTS” often springs to mind….

    • The problem is, Dick, even the simians that have some talent these days have to have a pop at whitey when they get the chance. The cast of Black Panther:

      So we whiteys roll our eyes and mutter “typical kneegroes” and so the divide goes on. Talented simians just get on with it and are role models: Trevor MacDonald, Moira Stuart, Morgan Freeman, etc. I would include Lenny Henry, but he’s doing that BAME cuntery now. Even Morgan Freeman doesn’t see being black as a barrier to success and has no truck with the whining aspirants.

      Thank fuck I live in a part of the UK where contact with these under evolved cunts is minimal.

      • Black Panther.
        Set in the fictional African country of Wakanda, which is portrayed as a closed borders nationalist ethnostate.
        Uncle Adolf would have been so proud of them….

      • They are the most technologically advanced people in the world apparently.

        Quite funny when set against the backdrop of every single African state in real life.

      • Sgt. Major – I did the North Coast 500 a couple of weeks ago. Fuck me what a gorgeous neck of the woods you live in, would highly recommend it. Never been further north than Glasgow before. Maybe the contrast between where I live and there is obvious but the almost total lack of peaceful/ Somalian types combined with the friendliness of people and stunning, stunning scenery really made an impression. Would do it again in a heartbeat, and hopefully Bealach na Ba won’t be shrouded in mist next time. Fucking hell, from there (Applecross) all the way up to J o’ G. Gorgeous. And no other tourist cunts at this time of year.

      • I’m glad you enjoyed it, Final. The problem is, what you think could be living the dream is different when you actually attempt it. Sadly, Scotland has its cunts too, although none of them tanned. My view on Eastern Europeans has changed, too, because they work hard whilst the locals do what jocks do best – leach. Still, it’s nice to see the Cairngorms from the office window everyday.

      • Spot on.

        Whenever Flabbott the Hutt whines about being attacked because of her skin colour, I always think that if I were in the studio with her and Trevor MacDonald, I’d show him the greatest respect, but her…just a pit of pig shit.

        Simples. We are NOT racist, but I have a problem with stupidity. Particularly, when, in Flabbott’s case, it is 50/50 with outright lies.

      • Agreed, some good points made by Herr Fiddler. However, don’t overlook the fact that there are many impoverished areas in the UK, but not all of them have such a high incidence of gang activity and stabbings as does Londonistan.

        Statistics are clear; the majority of these crimes are carried out by young black males. Of course, being poor born into a shithole is part of it, yes, but only part of it.

      • I agree, Paul. However, I would say that London seems to be the city most influenced by the “bleeding heart” types who scream about various “isms” the loudest, and then scream like stuck pigs when actually directly affected by the problems that they have done so much to cause.

    • There’s certainly many factors and despite my cuntitude I do have a lot of sympathy – children are a reflection of a society, and we’re failing all of them spectacularly.

      How many have ever seen the countryside? Or a real animal besides a rat, pigeon, or the local dregs mauling pitbull? Or seen more than the moon and venus in the nightsky? Inner city children grow up in a totally fake environment.

      A religious moral code kept the plebs in check, but we abandoned that for free love and free will. A justice system that has failed to evolve, or devolve, with our degenerating social psychology also offers no brakes on behaviour.

      That said, keep your drill and brap de brap-brap ghetto bullshit away from my personal space.

  3. The Hackney hippo at it again: “we need a holistic approach to tackle knife crime.There have been too many cuts to youth services
    ” Of course! Going to a youth club full of tracksuit wearing drill rappers will cut knife crime…..
    Dozy fat bint.

    • I hear the word “holistic” thrown about all the time but couldn’t even guess at what it means.

      My guess would be that it’s defined as a word used by cunts.

      • It means,
        “You know, like everything to do wiv what you just said. And all that stuff”
        See also ‘ vague’, ‘nonspecific’ ‘unclear’ and ‘can’t be arsed thinking’
        Always happy to help with etymology.

      • Morning K.
        Re. your hunt question….
        I fear that the hounds may have had the final word in their discussions with Opinionated Cunt…he’s been a bit quiet.
        Speak up, O.C. Both you and Mr. Bamboo are Cunts(as am I)….what do the pair of you think of that?

        🙂 .

      • Morning Mr F.
        Thank you for responding to my enquiry, and please pass on my compliments to your hounds. Who I hope are now well fed and rested, although it is my understanding that the pack should not be encouraged in a taste for human flesh as a general rule. Circumstances alter cases, though.
        My compliments to your bad lady.

      • Morning Mr F.

        My response to your kind answer snagged the spam filter , I’m afraid. It may have been the reference to ‘human flesh’…let’s see.

      • Morning Mr F.
        I rather think I got away lightly with my appalling allusion towards your personage yesterday afternoon and was rather surprised that you didn’t defend the butchness of your Hilux.
        I believe that in the hierarchy of Toyota ownership, my Carina outranks your Hilux?!
        Bow down to the £250 Carina!

      • Morning, Mr. Cunt-Engine,

        Rather than descend to the level of coarseness displayed by several members of this site, I behaved with the usual decorum and understanding..

        Never let it be said that I over-react….I’m coming for you, Cunt-Engine. I demand satisfaction,Sir,and when you feel my calf-skin
        driving gloves slappped across your cheeks,you’ll know what it means when to impugn a Fiddler…chose your weapon with care….a double-ended,axle-greased dildo won’t get you out of this particular pickle.

        🙂 .

      • ‘Slapped across my cheeks’? Which cheeks do you mean?
        A man’s cheeks are his own private kingdom and I will defend them with life against Tom Daley types.

      • …….

        Well,possibly not quite Hell, but I’m picking up Krav and Mince Pie Guy, your delicate little botty cheeks’ll be the least of your problems…it’ll be tempting the traumatised gerbils out when they’re done.that’ll be your biggest worry

      • Pah, gerbils are for amateurs. Some rabid guinea pigs might be more suitable.
        I now have the most appallingly grotesque mental image of you using poor Krav and Mince Pie Guy as boxing gloves, each of your arms impaled up to the elbow in a double über-Lubbocking, swinging them both wildly in the air as the three of you charge, bellowing loudly.

      • Careful guys… am reliably informed that the Kriddler’s arm is long and his vengeance is total!

        Not to mention Bent Dennis…

      • Bamboo was unbending Mr F. But now shows signs of yielding. See other thread. Let’s hope he does not bend too much and become merely ‘a reed in the wind’. Let’s hope Opinionated responds in ‘kind’. And for God’s sake everyone avoid the subject of household pets. Or else they will be back to fighting like cats and dogs again.

    • …and that’s always the response, isn’t it?

      ‘I think we’re gonna need another drum n bass workshop over here, sarge’

  4. I’ve heard this morning that the Govt and Police believe the way to stop architects stabbing each other is to ban them from social media so that they don’t call each other nasty names before escalating to full scale violence.

    I nearly crashed my car laughing

    • Great. Then they just spray paint their bragging and threats on walls like they used to. Much cheaper to let them use soshul meeja.
      Also much cheaper to let them kill each other but that’s a different argument.

  5. Excellent cunting. Part of the problem seems to be the strange notion that everyone can succeed in whatever they choose to do. Not borne out by data, I’m afraid. And for the good reason that to succeed relative to the herd, the herd has to fail relative to you. And the herd is continuously growing. Aspiration is fetishised because it’s the very useful social equivalent of the old marketing principle – always make the punter slightly dissatisfied with what he’s already got. And that means Business Opportunities and Growth and Gravy for those on the train.

    I would add to Aspiration, Entrepreneurship, incidentally. The other face of the same coin. Entre: French,’between’. Preneur: Frenchish, ‘one who takes’ Aspiration is a common descriptor for those who make a pile from interposing themselves between the producer and the customer and adding profit, sorry, ‘value’.

    • If we could only stop wanting to be better at doing stuff then everyone would benefit.

      • Hmmm. I sense a tongue in contact with a cheek, though not in the Kravdian sense. No objection to anyone wanting to be better at what they do; file under ‘pride in your work’. More concerned at people wanting to be better at buying stuff or shafting others, really. Which is what ‘aspirational’ seems to be used for nowadays.

      • As a teenager my aspiration was to grow my hair long, smoke tabs, and spend all day listening to rock music and avoid my parents.

        Since then I’ve ditched the long hair and tabs, parents are no longer applicable, but the rock music has remained a constant, albeit down to one or two hours a week now due to an unhealthy obsession with a site called Is A Cunt, which you may or may not have heard of…

      • Mine too, but the old man threatened to disinherit me if I didn’t join the Forces. Good move, as it happened, but most of the cash had gone on a care home when he went. Is A Cunt, seem to vaguely remember a site full of cunts like me, must revisit it,

      • Oh – forgot to mention wanking!

        Another constant, again sadly now decreased in regularity…

        My old man was pretty hardline too, but my determination to be a bum was even harder line. I eventually came to my senses after turning 40.

      • Your sex life is your own concern. But a good bash of the bishop never did anyone any harm, and may be preventative of prostate cancer, so don’t give up entirely, despite your threateningly advancing years. Why not email me at for further advice on your condition? Terms and charges apply.

  6. It’s comical really, how an aspiring architect soon turns into an expiring architect.

    Goodbye for now.

  7. The day will come when a decision has to be made. Descend into chaos, or get a firm grip and start culling.
    My money is on chaos.
    Good cunting.
    Good morning.

  8. Last day of January and there have only been eight murders in London this year. That means fewer than 100 by the end of the year.

    How is 2018’s record going to be broken? You’ve let your city down and you’ve let yourselves down.

  9. The Metropolitan police increased its use of stop and search last year (2018) with a 19% rise among London’s minority black population, which was targeted more than the white population, official figures show.

    Analysis commissioned by the Guardian also shows that searches of black people were less likely to detect crime than those conducted on white people, and most stops found no wrongdoing.

    Black people make up 15.6% of London’s population while white people make up 59.8%. In 2018, 43% of searches were of black people, while 35.5% were of white people , according to official figures from the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).

    Clearly by inference the Guardian are implying the MET must be raaaaacist, picking on those poor innocent young black dudes, and should instead focusing their attentions on crime committing white scum.

  10. Excellent cunting Chunky

    Fucking pissed myself at paragraph 2. ?

    How consoling it is that the cops think that banning these underclass types from soshall meeedja will stop them stabbing one another.

    No. It. Won’t.

    Stop and Search will go a long way in affecting that but that’s waaacist.

    Different day, different name, same story.

    They say you get the leaders you deserve….

  11. “What’s the best Chinese takeaway I’ve ever had?” That’s easy, Fellaini fucking right off …

  12. I have no sympathy in any way whatsoever with someone who chooses to carry a knife. The emphasis is on the word choose. The choice is the individual’s responsibility as are the consequences of using a knife. I think the law as it stands and the judicial system does not treat knife crime with sufficient severity. The majority of knife crime is committed by impressionable young men. According to research from UK universities many of them are in employment and their crimes are not gang related. They lack trust and faith in the police and justice system and feel it necessary to carry a knife for their own protection. Ego and macho image plays a part. “Nobody is harder than a steel blade” is the ethos. Yes, social and economic disparity are relevant but it’s not confined to drug dealers and London housing estates. Knife crime is a national problem. Young men see footballers, bankers, TV presenters, NHS managers etc etc earning big money. Greed and the amoral accumulation of wealth is all around them. Being young and impressionable they equate success and self-respect with money and what it can buy. If they don’t wear the latest overpriced trainers or possess the latest overpriced phone they have no street cred.
    Police stop and search alone won’t solve the problem but robust police powers and action are required. The courts need to impress upon young people the seriousness of carrying a knife – a mandatory 5 year custodial sentence in prison might be a good starting point. A society that appears to value and highly reward the vacuous, self-serving and inane really needs to examine it’s values and start valuing education that provides a path of opportunity for young people. An old chestnut but national service taught many young men self-reliance and respect as well as a useful trade. There is not one simple answer to the problem.

    • There are still plenty of opportunities out there. If you go and tell one of these kids that there’s a job vacancy at McDonald’s he/she will just shrug their shoulders and say “Nah, I don’t want to work at McDonald’s.” Now that might not be everyone’s ideal career choice but you have to start somewhere, and kids these days just don’t get that. They want it all at once. They think the world owes them everything despite the fact that they’ve never lifted a finger for any of it.

  13. This is tricky. At the risk of coming across as a bleeding heart liberal I refuse to believe that these black youths stabbing each other and others are ‘ born evil ‘ don’t get me wrong they need to be locked up for a long time but there are other non white areas of the UK with similar levels of knife crime.and yes I am fully aware the final responsibility rests with the individual but look at it this way, what are the chances that any of William Rees Moggs 6 kids ends up as a knife wielding thug? Are you really saying that’s unlikely Because they are born ‘ better people’ ?

    • That’s the thing really – ultimately the parents have failed these kids and they have to be held just as responsible as the aspirings themselves.

      • Much has been made of the fact that these young men have often been raised without the influence of a father figure. Perhaps it would be an idea to educate the single teenage girls living on housing estates and convince them that it isn’t mandatory to make sure they pump out a kid before they reach the age of twenty.

  14. ‘People aspire to be a lot of things. Until you actually become something you are not that, you are what you currently are.’

    Hear hear, although I find this is something many friends of friends on flakebook didn’t want to accept.

    On various profiles in ‘Employment’;
    Aspiring graphic designer (on the fucking dole)
    Aspiring actor ( on the fucking dole)
    DJ, music producer and ‘media entrepeneur’ (living in a flat in London, on a trust fund)
    Freelance writer (unpublished, and on the DWP/Maximus work programme for at least the 3 years I knew them).
    Jewellry designer (on bennies because ‘social anxiety’ watching Gems TV all day).
    ‘Political blogger’ (on the fucking dole, because of ‘stress’).
    Aspiring writer/author ( self-published ebook on Amazon, on the fucking dole along fat obnoxious baby machine).

    You can see why i deactivated my account.

  15. There isnt any easy answer to the issue of knife crime, for sure all these words like aspiring are just pointless, it doesnt mean anything.

    The BBC role out these former gang members who are now youth workers or “pastors” but it does mean a damn thing.

    There are leaders and followers and the enslaved, I use that word because some of these stabby types are pushed into the life of gangs because they are scared not to be.

    The main obstruction to dealing with the problem at the coal face are the people like Abbott who refuse to admit that the vast majority of stabby types are black and must be the group where the police should focus most if not all of their attention.
    This is not racist, it is cold hard fact, if all the stsbbings where carried by and on white kids there wouldnt be any cries of racist if the police where targeting only white kids.

    I still maintain there is acultural aspect here, the black population, particularly inner city, are more inclined to crime, but that is just an opinion not based on fact.

    • I loathe Abbott and Lammy. They dance their fat asses all over the graves of these kids just to score political points. Without something to scream waycism about they would be total non-entities.

      • I agree, you would think being black they would want to stop the killings but all they want to do is cry racist at every opportunity.

  16. Great cunting. Dem aspiring all drive top of the range cars round my gaff. In my line of work I go to lots of different workplaces and there are hardly ever see any of them at work. It begs the question where do they get the cash from.

  17. cf “The Demonisation of Chavs” by national cunt Moaning Jones.
    Surprised he hasn’t moved on to me-do-what-I-likey thieving bastards.

    Did I read some good news in the papers that the MP who was done for perving the course of justice may actually get her sentence INCREASED ?


  18. Ah yes, the chicken children, I know them well. “Aspiring artist”, which translates into; “Local filth talks about stabbing, dealing drugs and postcode wars over a mediocre drill / grime loop made on a cracked copy of Ableton”.

  19. …… It will never end……Todays Mail on-line headline –

    ‘Aspiring footballer, 17, who inflicted ‘horrific injuries’ on ex-UK ambassador to the US in Tube attack after the former diplomat called him a ‘b******’ is spared jail’

    Fucking unbelievable.

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