Wiltshire County Council

Wiltshire cunting Cuntcil. Again. As many of you will be aware from my previous cunting of them a few months ago, they were deliberating whether to shut my brother’s school down, along with the two other special schools in the area, to make way for a ‘super school’. Well, what do I happen to come across before going to bed? THIS!

Yep, to the surprise of absolutely nobody their plan has been approved. If there’s one small silver lining it’s that my brother will have left by then as it’s not going ahead until 2023 but that means absolutely fucking NOTHING to the pupils who are younger than he is and their families who will very much be affected by it. Jane Scott, Laura Mayes and the rest of Wiltshire Cuntcil – you can all burn in fucking hell for this and the myriad of other times you have fucked the good people of Wiltshire over. Evil Tory cunts.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

13 thoughts on “Wiltshire County Council

    • Fuck me, she’s ugly (see wiki…). Apparently has kids, but these days, anything is possible.
      Looks like an ex-Jeremy to me.

  1. It seems that councils are equally if not worse than our Westminster bunch in some respects. Lots of hambeasts and gravy train extraordinaires just looking for an easy ride. At least the MPs tend to present themselves with some sense of decorum (Abbott excluded).

    Lots of cost cutting. Except their bloated salaries and pensions. I just looked up my council chiefs salary.. fuck me sideways, over 200k! Total grade A bullshit.

  2. Council Cunts are usually corrupt too, particularly willing to take bribes from rich property developers. As mentioned previously stated, Councillors and Chief Executives are in the same premiere league of cunts as MPs, lower than a snake’s cunt the lot of them.

  3. You should see the councillor lists in Luton and Milton Keynes, they read more like a Tandoori menu!

    That aside, all councils are as corrupt as their upper echelon compatriots in Cuntminster, where the machinations of governance are lubricated with palm grease.

    Local contracts are given not based on service or cost but on the kickbacks to be had.

    It’s not uncommon to see house planning given to create homes far too costly for all but the wealthiest in those locations to purchase only to find some months later – surprise, surprise – that one or more councillors have moved into that exclusive estate. Funny that, eh!

    And then in the next breath they’re on local radio bemoaning the government of the time for not doing enough to create affordable housing to give away free of charge to Mo and his 8 kids, and M’Tembe “children” types, while our current and ex servicepeople live in squalor and on (or below) the poverty line.

    The cost of this “Super School” will be absolutely eye-watering. Far in excess of simply running the others. But there are no kickbacks in maintaining the status quo are there? So a new school it is then (whether you – the taxpayer – want it or not) and a new car (or whatever) for Councillor ‘X’.



    And in other news…

    I caught a glimpse of Michelle Obama returning to a school whose pupils were so *inspired* by her last visit. Well, just looking at the images, I mistakenly thought she must be in Riyadh. She was in fact in Londonistab!!! Not a clit in site, apart from Michelle’s o’course, I bet that fucker is like Frank Bruno’s punch bag!

    No doubt her and Barry are over here to interfere with Brexit again and to lend their full support to Treason May’s most wonderful deal…


  4. Sorry to hear that Opinionated.

    Understand where you are coming from.

    Ipswich borough council are approximately £8m in the red last time I heard.

    Nearly half of this (£3.6m) was for a new town square, because an “important visitor” to the town said the old one was uninspiring and bland. Probably right, but in these difficult times would have thought it more important to prioritise and maintain vital public services than on making cosmetic changes to something that is already fit for purpose.

    Glad the cunts are not managing my finances.

    • I’ve actually seen it Willie, it’s rubbish. A complete waste of £4million (that’s the figure I heard) and a year of unnecessary disruption for the local hard pressed traders.

      This country hasn’t always been a shithole..

    • Loved the town in the 70’s when I lived there.
      Now it appears to be cunt and immigrant infested toss hole of immense dross.
      And what they did to the Great White Horse is fucking criminal

      • I lived in Ipswich, just off Norwich Road, in the mid 1970s, and apart from a few fully integrated blacks and Indians there was barely anyone of foreign appearance otherwise.

        And the ONLY language I ever heard there was English, albeit mangled in several instances.

        Last time I passed through the Norwich Road /St Matthews Street area it was a right shithole, almost entirely made up of peacefuls and East Europeans, not one word of English did I hear, incredibly disheartening… Willie you have my sincerest condolences.

        This country is finished.

  5. Worked for Notts County Council over 40 years ago. The councillors were all twats then, but now they sit in “cabinets” (oy, you pretentious wankers, they’re resources committees), they’re all utter CUNTS!!!!!!!!!

  6. Quite honestly you would have to go a long way to find a bigger bunch of cunts than Exeter City Council. They are weapons grade cunts measuring a full 10 on the Sphincter Scale. They have set up a company called Exeter City Futures which us run by cycle Nazis who have the express intention of banning motor vehicles by 2025. So by the time my elderly mother is 90 she will have to ride a bicycle into town. Besides this appalling example of social justice warriors attempting to impose misery on the town population the council has also interfered in my personal life to the extent that I’d happily throw their smug Chief Executive off the roof of the Civic Centre. Usually I have a chuckle when I use this website to give someone a good cunting but on this occasion my sentiments are 100% genuine. Why are we plagued with such awful councils these days? In the good old days they emptied the dustbins, ran the schools, kept the highways tidy, collected the rates and stopped people building unsightly extensions. Otherwise they used to mind their own fucking business. So if you read the headline “Exeter CEO goes base jumping off Civic Centre without a parachute” then ring 999 and tell them Ethelred Bedhead did it…
    Or was that Colonel Mustard in the library with the lead pipe?

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