Traci Redford

Traci Redford deserves a cunting of epic proportions. This dim witted no doubt right on, yank, libtard absurdly chose to christen her child ‘ABCDE’ (apparently pronounced ABSIDEE) and then had the temerity to complain that the SouthWest Airlines check in staff mocked the absurdity of said child’s given name.

Listen you silly bitch, if you are going to act in such a cuntish way and saddle your child with that ridiculous name then you and unfortunately her are going to get what you deserve.
If I had my way, immediately any parent tries to name their child in such a way i’d Immediately have it taken into care and have the cunt parent sterilised to prevent any future similar cuntish behaviour.

Act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt. Just a shame the poor kid is copping the outcome of your vanity and general wankishness you utter, utter CUNT.

Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus

19 thoughts on “Traci Redford

  1. Bang on. What a fucking airhead. Oh, and notice the affectation in the spelling of ‘Traci’ to boot. No matter the degree of cuntery on display over here, the Yanks will always outcunt us in the end.

  2. Fucking children shouldn’t be allowed on planes no matter what they’re called. Snotty,squalling disease-carriers,in the main…I bet that it suffers from “allergies” too.
    The parents are obviously just attention-seeking Cunts. Give the brat a stupid name.and then whine on about it being bullied. The child will either grow up,change it’s name at the first opportunity and realize what selfish Cunts it’s parents were,or will end up some kind of over-indulged, spoiled Mental.

    Get Fucked.

    • Afternoon Mr Fiddler, good call. I avoid public transport whenever possible, never mind the minefield of horrible kids with their illnesses, social anxiety issues or addiction to social media.

  3. What about the father? First of all he allows his daughter to be given a spaz name then allows his Mrs to show him up in public. Must be a right cunt.
    Or is the father a turkey baster?

  4. Silly fucking bitch, like everyone should know it’s pronounced
    Ab – c – de, maybe she should have spelt it
    Absidee – but No, it’s the snowflake fucking idea to be “different” and just use the first 5 letters of the alphabet , there should be response from the world to call the kid
    “FIRST FIVE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET” , that would be politically correct .

  5. I seem to recall a brown fellow in americant years ago tried to change his name by poll to abc defghi ( abisee def gay) snort fnaarr .think he woz told to fuck right off at that time. fuckin spoons these people.
    yours etc,
    not a gay Gordon.

  6. In addition to going into anaphylactic shock when thinking about baked beans, the cuntspawn is undoubtedly on The Spectrum. So why didn’t they call it ROYGBIV?

    My suggestion for an easily-mastered pronunciation to be adopted by her fellow rug-vermin: Herbicide.

  7. Thank you for this cunting. I wholeheartedly agree and was only slagging off the twat a few days ago myself after seeing this cuntery online.

    She is spewing her ‘this is a disgrace, making fun of my child’ shite on Youtube. No cuntwaffle, actually YOU are the disgrace as you have saddled your child with a name which will make her a figure of mockery for the entirety of her life span, so not only does that make you an attention seeking, selfish cunt of epic proportions, but it makes you a disgusting parent. Who fucking does that to their child?

    If she did not want her kid to be a figure of fun for the masses she could have spelt her name phonetically….’Absidee’ or ‘Absiddy’ (which is still a load of pretentious cunt, but at least more bearable for the poor sod)

    These twats who give their offspring ludicrous names (celebricunts are the worst for that) just do so to say ‘look at me and how radical and different I am’. None of them have the best interests of their child at heart.


    • Great bedside manner NC, are you a real nurse? If so, maybe the best cunter to see the best and worst of ‘the great unwashed’.

      • Yes LL, shortly after my lobotomy I became a nurse and managed to make it to the ten year mark (as the old cliche goes, you get less time for murder)

        I think this accounts for my cuntitude and mammoth cynicism, lol.

        I think anyone who works with the public sees it all (and more) I do think that it is a bit more eye opening in the NHS though. Every mutated amoeba under the sun walks through THOSE doors…..

  8. Absiddy? Absent father more like. As for the sprog being epileptic, why saddle it with a fucking stupid name knowing that the kid was probably going to have a hard enough life as it is. She should have gone doll shopping with fatty from the previous cunting, as real children should be kept from her.

  9. More “Look at ME! ME! ME!” cuntitude at the expense of her child being ridiculed throughout her formative years.

    I can see the poor cunt eventually flipping out, proclaiming herself a man, and ending up OD’ing on Fentanyl.

    That’s if she’s lucky of course…

    Cunts like this “mother” should be had up for child abuse!

  10. So she’s got her 15 minutes… and will probably bathe in the glow of self-righteousness via social media for a few months.

    But I also hope she gets a shitload of abuse via the same outlets: she’s a total cunt for being a total cunt of a mother by treating her daughter like a social media trophy.

    It’s another one-upmanship blag to get one over her peers. In the old days you had parents bragging about how brilliant their brats are at school sports, music or acting at the local school play. But now cunts like her have taken this to the next level: by giving their kids stupid fucking names just so that it would create this kind of incident and for her mother to be given the opportunity to wade in with a “my precious daughter is now traumatized…” bullshit

    Perhaps mom should consider renaming herself to T.W.A.T

  11. as part of the job I have to ID people so passport. driving licence ect.
    I had some poor bastard who had the unfortunate middle name of seamen, I am guessing his parents were punk rockers and wanted to call him spunk, jizzer, or something like that and a degree of compromise came into effect at the registry office.

  12. Fucks sakes. Yet again, we have another freshly cultivated snowflake cunt of the highest order, looking for their desperate few minutes of fame. These fucking libtard wank receptacles clearly live on another planet. We’re now firmly in the dipshit epoch, where commonsense has died and been replaced by wankery on a grand scale. This dizzy cunt goes and saddles her kid with a spaz name, then starts bleating because people are rightly taking the piss. What in the jam covered fuck did she expect? She primed and loaded the pistol, now she complains for being shot in the arse by it? This has “I’m a fame hungry cunt, please notice me” stamped all over it. Jesus wept.

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