The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times is cuntish publication.
I have to say that it is the only newspaper I buy or read, so why the cunting?
Well, I enjoy the sport, crosswords and comment pieces. Lawson, Fergeson, Liddle etc. The ‘news’ is only about 70% royal/celeb shite compared to 99% in other papers. The analyses are usually very good. Book reviews likewise.
But then there is the rest.
A magazine full of shite topped off with restaurant reviews, usually London, where you pay £100 for lunch.
A thing called ‘Style’ which is a sort of smug Vogue.
Property section where £million gets you a flat in some shithole in of course, London.
Travel which is right-on trendy holidays a snip at £2500 each.
Trendy out of touch articles by India fucking Knight, Josh Clancy.
Clarkson going vroom vroom over a £250k fucking car.

The question is, am I the only cunt outside of the middle to upper classes of London and the Home Counties who buys the fucker?
Why no property pieces on Sunderland, Brum, Hull or Scunny? Holidays in Benidorm? Road tests of Fiestas?

The Sunday Times is a smug cunt and I am a cunt for buying it.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

20 thoughts on “The Sunday Times

  1. I used to read the ST 20 or 30 years ago – was a perfect way of spending Sunday morning in bed, especially the sports and arts review sections.

    But it became to unwieldy with so many fucking individual papers and shitloads of flyers inside. And I had to feel sorry for the paper boy/girl/non-gender-specific-person delivering the fucking things round our street – the bag must have weighed a ton!

    But you’re right about the Londoncentric news. It was if the rest of the country outside of the SE of England didn’t exist, or if it did it would only get a mention via the weather or the footie.

    But I suppose the same could be said for most of the “national” papers. They may as well own up to the truth and have a separate paper for “the rest of the country” shoved inside the main one.

  2. I know it sounds “snobbish”, but the FACT is MOST working-class people don’t give a tuppence about “crosswords, analyses, or book reviews”. MOST working-class men are content with their pints and birds-with-big-tits in their tabloids.

    Newspapers, like all other businesses, need to cater their papers to their main audience (which in The Sunday Times’ case is middle to upper classes of London).

  3. You say you’re a cunt, Cuntstable Cuntbubble? Well, you are what you eat. I’m therefore also a cunt but I’m definitely not a prick. Any thoughts, kravdarth and mince pie guy?

    • You a gay Smeggy? Fuck me, more gays than straights on ISAC nowadays – who’d have thunked it?!

      • No, RTC, I’m not of the gay persuasion. Read my previous post again, to fully understand my thought process. I have nothing against gays, however. I’d like to add that I’ve never had a homosexual bone (or boner) in my body and never will have.

      • Gotcha Smeggy – am a bit slow on the uptake these days. Depression does that to a person terminally disillusioned with the state of their once advanced and democratic country.

        PS: concur with you comment on gays.

  4. Great cunting CC, I absolutely feel your pains

    I’ve been reading the ST for about 25 years and really try hard not to but there’s just something I can’t gjve up, maybe it’s Rid Liddle?

    Whatever I found smoking easier to give up.

    Why is it that in the ‘Money’’ section they always feature the a picture showing the happiest family in the world.

    The picture is always taken at floor level looking upwards at nice mummy and daddy playing with perfect children, always 1 boy and 1 girl.

    Who are these cunts and why don’t they just fuck off.

    • I hate all those happy-clappy-family stock pics used in papers and online magazine and general websites.

      Typical nuclear family- beautiful, middle-class, sparkling white teeth, perfect hair, thin, nice tits and adorable fucking brats. Oh and always white!

      Much as I loathe diversity, it would be nice to see a typical working class family, or an underclass scum family – no dad, fat cunt of a missus with gummy teeth, red scabs on her face, dead eyes due to all the meths, straggly hair etc. and 15 kids of different colours and flavours in the background.

      You never see that kind of family in the Sunday Times – can’t imagine why!

  5. I’ll confess that I’m still reading the thing most weekends but you are dead right CC. I concur exactly with your analysis of the various sub-sections – Liddell and Lawson especially. Camilla Long is also hilarious but is on Mat Leave.

    I’ll confess that it has taken me decades to warm to Clarky. His Magazine car review is wanky (although it contained a typically analytical yet amusing demolition of electric cars recently). His inside-the-back-page column is however hilarious and worth it just for his ritual cunting of Catweazle.

    It really should go against the grain to shovel £2.70 into Murdoch when I refuse to subscribe to Sky for that very reason but I just can’t bring myself to buy the Grauniad on Sunday instead. What we really need is the sort of stuff like “Lancaster Bomber found on the surface of the Moon” brought to us by the Sport.

  6. Newspapers in general are lying themselves out of business – it’s that simple. For decades, actually centuries, they have gone unchallenged; their lies have started and perpetuated wars, destroyed businesses and reputations, and influenced elections. Now the internet has taken all of that away and exposed journalists for the talentless, self-serving cowardly liars they are. Bloggers who are free from the shackles of paymasters are far more informed and bold. These days they are the first place to go for real news.
    Had the internet of today been around in 2003 there would have been no war Iraq!….

    • That arsehole George Osborne will probably be the last editor of the Standard – it’s so shitty they can’t even GIVE it away. Every night another Brexit scare story. I’m sure that, and a few of the daily tabloids are now on borrowed time, and the “I” and “New European” should crawl away and die today.

  7. I’ve never bought The Sunday Times, or any other newspaper for that matter… apart from the Mail On Sunday’s royal wedding souvenir edition*, featuring the fabulous Princess Eugenie and some chinless wonder’s wedding day nuptials. Then again, everyone bought that one, didn’t they? The Mail’s coverage of the big day was utterly breathtakingly, NOTHING will ever rival it again – a once in a lifetime experience!

    The only time I get a glimpse of a newspaper these days is when I’m at the dentists or waiting for an Indian takeaway.

    Top-Tip: Save £££ thousands not buying newspapers – the money I saved was enough to put down a deposit on Creampuff Manor (aka Sandringham House)!

    * Will treasure my copy forever… or until Lady Creampuff runs out of Guardians to wipe her big fat arse on.

  8. Sunday Times and all other newspapers are only good for: arse wiping when the soft 4 ply has run out; lighting the fire; wrapping vegetables in the fridge; and using as curtains when moving house.. Otherwise they are totally irrelevant to us IT experts. Cunts.

  9. In the newsagent this morning to buy my copy of The Peekaboo
    Rubber Corset Pictorial (I buy it for the Spot The Ball competition) and I noticed the headline on today’s Daily Star. Fucking Madeleine McCann again. I’m really sorry about the kid but I hate her fucking smug parents getting yet more free publicity – probably dreamt up by that motherfucker Clarence Mitchell – Prick.

  10. ‘The Sunday Times’ and ‘The Times’ have always struck me as elitist, snobby ponce. Plus, the ST is a broadsheet (I think?) and I could never get on with the fuckers. I need an entire tube of ‘Deep Heat’ on my arms after stretching to read the bastards.

    The other thing that puts me right off are the twats that write or have written for them or have columns or whatever. Two that spring to mind are that monumental cunt, Jeremy Clarkson and that even bigger cunt, A.A.Gill. (A BIGGER cunt than Clarkson? No, surely that isn’t possible?)

    If they inflicted me with their smug drivel of a Sunday morning, I would be throwing back up my Weetabox quick smart.

    I am more of a ‘Daily Mail’ type of woman. It suits my miserable cuntery of a morning.

  11. I used to buy The Observer on a Sunday for the cryptic crossword. I then used to shout out the answers in the pub at the group of “clever” Cunts who liked to sit round a table being oh-so intellectual with their specs on the top of their heads discussing the clues. Drove the Cunts mental that some Hick could finish it before them.

    Four-eyed Wankers.

    • Fuck me Fred, do we have a secret nerdishness in common? I do the Azed, Mephisto and ST crosswords but keep quiet about it lest I be thought a bit of a cunt.
      By the way, I get Azed (Observer) on-line and sneer at their begging for money to keep the Observer and Grauniad afloat.

  12. I used to be a journalist and remember the days when newspapers were important sources of information and entertainment. The Internet has made them virtually irrelevant in terms of breaking news and it now provides so much information that the press cannot compete. Remember the 2016 “Panama Papers” leak of about 11.5 million documents showing secret personal financial data about individuals and companies?

    There was such a volcanic eruption of information that when The Guardian and the other media outlets that were part of the smug-sounding International Consortium of Investigative Journalists got hold of it, they were overwhelmed. Sone prominent names hit the headlines but so what? There was probably far more damning stuff hidden in the Panama Papers that no-one had the time to check up on. As for the public, I don´t think anyone was interested.

    In closing, I suggest the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists investigate journalists´ expenses claims. Then they will uncover real invention and corruption.

  13. Never read it,never wanted to read it, and never will read it . You need to be an octopus to read that kind of pap.

  14. Just to veer a tad off topic, The Mail on Sunday has the ‘YOU’ magazine supplement…..and what a monumental pile of utter cunt that is.

    Every week has the same fucking format:

    – Fashion section where the clothes all require a fucking lottery win to afford.

    – Some Z-List celebricunt waxing lyrical about their ‘favourite things’ which consists of a toenail clipping their great Auntie Mabel gave them or a picture of themselves that hangs in their bog or some other utter shite bit of tat.

    – ‘Real life’ story, which is usually some random plugging a book about their experiences in a nut house or some near death experience when their pet terrapin ripped their nuts off, or suchlike.

    – A health page where some libtard old hippie is asking for homeopathic suggestions to treat their rampant yeast infection or some other grim shite.

    – Cooking section – usually Jamie ‘fucktard’ Oliver plugging his ‘How to make toast’ latest cunt book or Nigella Lawson flashing her rack whilst licking some shite like couscous of a spoon.

    The only saving grace of this bog roll is the weekly crossword and the horoscopes, which I know are utter twattery, but I like to read anyway for a laugh.

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