The ‘People’s’ Vote

I Would like to nominate “The Peoples Vote” for a good cunting

The phrase itself is so fucking sweet shop candy it just pisses me when the snowflake cunts roll it off the tongue like they are doing us all a big favour

They are so affraid to use the words “Second Referendum” and will try anything to deflect us from the truth, the truth being that the only way to stop brexit is to have a second referendum which gives them a 50/50 chance of winning.

The Westminster, Media, Luvie and Political elite are desperate, and I mean fucking desperate to stop brexit and they know the only way they can achieve this is to gamble on a 50/50, if they win they have done so without getting their sticky snowflake hands dirty, if they loose then they have actually lost nothing as they had already lost in 2016.

All I say is “be fucking honest” you wank snowflake liberal cunts, say you want a rerun of the referendum because you didnt like the result of the first and stop caling it “A FUCKING PEOPLES VOTE”

Nominated by sick of it

84 thoughts on “The ‘People’s’ Vote

  1. Whenever I hear the words ‘People’s Vote’, that’s when I reach for my revolver…

    And don’t get me started again on Gina Minger!

    • When I hear those fucking words “People’s Vote” it immediately reminds me of elderly camp ex PM Anthony Blair (remember his “People’s Princess” which was ostensibly about Diana but probably he was thinking of Mangledbum).

      Interesting how the very rich are so in favour of it:

      Dickhead Branson
      Gina Miller (The People’s Trollop)
      Mandelson, Heseltine , Blair, Adonis and of course the crisp King Gary

      Cunts to a man (and a woman and pansy)

  2. Whilst I have given up caring about this shit, the phrase ‘second referendum’ is extremely irritating. Who voted in 2016? Badgers? Daleks? Cunts?

  3. We are the people, I don’t want another vote, does any other cunt want a people’s vote. No. Do we fuck. So fuck off back under your rocks you snowflake rabbit food munchers.
    Cuppa tea time for me and bent Dennis I think. Catch you all later.

    • It’s only the Remoaners who want another vote. Strange that…

      Now if it was Leavers clamouring for a second referendum, that might be another thing. But they’re not. At least I’ve not met any. My brother, who voted Remain, told me he would now vote Leave if there was another vote.

      Either way, any second referendum will be well fixed. They’ll add brainwashed 16 year olds to the mix, EU citizens who have resided here for 5 years or more, expats who haven’t set foot in this country for over 15 years… there’ll be no end to their vote rigging cuntishness, you can bank on it!

      • Can’t agree more. I wondered what bullshit excuse they would come up with to re run the vote and get the answer that these cunts wanted, and the people’s vote is it. Too lazy to rig the last vote, because they thought the brainwashing of the last thirty years had worked, the powers that be were caught completely by surprise. And, don’t forget how most people don’t like change, and prefer the known to the unknown mean that the fact that the leave vote won by any margin is astonishing. They can spout the bollocks about ignorance of the consequences all they like, but I would argue that it is the Remainiacs that don’t know what they voted for. The cunts.

      • And they had EVERY establishment organisation (including trade unions) and Government bodies on their side. As they will have again…

      • A “Sheeples Vote” would result in an even bigger margin of victory for Leave.We Brits are cunts but we dont like being taken for cunts.

  4. God damn. I was able to make breakfast and wash up, and that crusty turd Heseltine still hadn’t finished mumbling on LBC! Almost 10 minutes of unintelligible gibberish, demented cunt clearly ate a sock for breakfast.

    The British Museum must stop loaning him out and pin him securely back in the archive draw along with the rest of the fossil turds.

  5. In 2016 we were asked to vote on something we knew about… you want to stay under the EU jackboot of the last 44 years or get the fuck out.
    Now the remoaner scum want us to vote on SOMETHING THAT HASN’T HAPPENED YET.
    That’s just not logical but logic doesn’t come into as far as these cunts are concerned.

    • Logic?
      Don’t you realise those are constructs created by the racist patriarchy, or something…

  6. What fucking gets me is the argument for the second referendum (I can’t bring myself to say the PV because that just sends me into a fit of rage) is that in 2016 we did not know then what we were voting for.
    How fucking dare they?
    I knew exactly what I was voting for along with 17 million others.
    Did you see ‘This Week’ on Thursday?
    Some young girl promoting the need for a PV, What a cunt and glad Portillo (The best PM we never had IMO) put her in her place
    I have a sinking feeling that we will not get what we voted for though.

    • Have you noticed that it’s only Remoaners who say people (Leavers) didn’t know what they were voting for?

      Do these PV cunts honestly expect the electorate to read and fully digest ALL 585 pages of May’s withdrawal document before voting for a second time?

      If not, the people wouldn’t “know what they were voting for”, would they…

  7. I don’t want a people’s vote, not because I am a leaver, but because to do so would send us into a perpetual cycle of vote and re-vote as you are never going to get 100% agreement on anything.

    That will then permeate into all decisions: don’t like the outcome, let’s do it all again.

    And while the UK embroils itself in constant cycles of voting and campaigning, we take our eye off the “real issues” ball of avoiding becoming a “peaceful” Kalifate and mass 3rd world migration from every shithole under the sun courtesy of the Marrakech Agreement that no cunt asked us about.

    May’s deal is dead.

    We were promised we’d leave on WTO terms. Not only is that how we should’ve started from from day 1 and let those cunts beg us for a deal, it is the only honourable decision to be made now. May could actually save herself politically if she did this, it is in her remit after all!

    Moreover, a bit of hardball with those coward cunts in the EU might call their bluff. They need our trade far more than we need theirs, meanwhile we begin negotiating lucrative deals away from the failing EU protectionist economy.

    I don’t want a perpetual vote situation and if “No Deal” is NOT an option (when it absolutely and legally fucking IS) then they should simply shit on democracy and revoke Article 50 full stop.

    That will at least legitimise the withholding of taxes and monies mandated by them. They day they do this is the day my Council Tax and ABBC Licence Fee direct debits get cancelled.

    A non-violent and legitimate protest against a government who does not serve the people and a national media outlet whose abject propaganda is a betrayal of our country and citizens, in deference to a morally bankrupt and economically corrupt organisation, all the while promoting the RotW’s flotsam and jetsam as having more rights to our country than those who built it!

    It’s shameful, so let’s hit them where it hurts them the most, their coffers!


  8. The second referendum wont give them a mere 50% chance. It will be worded to give them a 100% chance – Remain or Leave with May’s plan, which of course is actually Remain as well.
    And who are these ‘People’? Outside of fucking London, Scotland and Academia they are few and far between.

    • The “people” have already voted to Leave, so ‘Remain’ or ‘No Brexit At All’ have to be ruled out from appearing on the ballot paper.

      That leaves only two legitimate options:

      1. The Government’s deal (as dictated by the 4th Reich)
      2. Leave on WTO rules.

      I wonder how long it would take Merkel to come up with a reasonable offer if Parliament threatened to put that to the British people…

    • I wonder if a legal challenge could be mounted against the wording of a 2nd ref. There must be some grounds, but of course our glorious leaders would openly state that jumping off Beachy Head is life-enhancing, should it suit them.

      One thing that COULD go against remainers, legally, is the implication that the poulus was too dense to understand.

      If I were a judge, I’d use that against them, and say that any further refs must be unambiguous, and (something else that the lefty libtards ADORE…) offer “equal opportunities.”

      Therefore, if one question is “Remain ??”, it MUST be countered by “Leave ??” – and put VERY, VERY simply…

      But I am a naive cunt for hoping, am I not ?

  9. Good post mate but I’m afraid you are missing the point slightly. It won’t be 50/50 chance for them. They have had 2 and a half years of totally one sided fear project and fake news and doom scenarios. This is all fucking deliberate as to motivate the 10million who never got off their arses the first time round to panic into a remain vote. It also has the affect of scaring the half hearted leavers into changing their minds.

    It’s not particularly machavellian or clever but it has been effective. I say 17 to 18 million will vote remain and 15 to 16 million will vote leave. We won’t revisit it again. Democracy dies and corporate globalism finally wins

    We tried though….

  10. People’s Vote?…Mug’s Vote,more like. If it does get to that,the very fact that they feel able to ignore and disregard the first referendum result makes running a second meaningless. It is telling 17 million people that their vote didn’t count. If it didn’t count then,why would it count now?No point trudging along to vote in some new referendum,however it was worded,if the result can be ignored unless it gives the “correct” result..If they lost again,would they just continue to rerun it ad infnitum?
    If “Brexit” is overturned,which now seems almost inevitable, be it through a new referendum or a BRINO deal,it is a betrayal not only of Brexiteers,but Remainers too. It is a betrayal of every voter because it makes the principle of democracy redundant.
    The best thing to come out of this whole Brexit farrago is that it has opened peoples’ eyes to the fact that our national politicians are weak,self-serving and actually,redundant. Why bother with a bunch of windbags when we might as well just admit that Big Business runs this and many other countries? Our elected “representatives” are just there as a sop for the masses.

    If,by some miracle, we had an election that returned a leader of whom Big Business or The Establishment disapproved, presumably the result would be voided and the election rerun until we got it right. They may as well just do away with the whole pretence and just appoint a Gauleiter to run the British province. Save everyone a great deal of bother.

    A new referendum would cause a Constitutional crisis and be an utter betrayal which could (hopefully) lead to civil unrest on a grand scale. I’ve got plenty of Giletes jaunes, if anyone needs one.

    Fuck them.

      • Yes, RTC, but what happens,as I say,if some future vote isn’t acceptable?…..Presumably a fair few Remain voters would be voting for Corbyn in the next General Election, now, regardless of your opinion of Corbyn, if “the Establishment” decided (rightly or wrongly) that he would be a disaster for the country,they have (if running the Peoples’ Vote) set a precedent for overruling the will of the people if they decide that it is in the peoples’ “best interests”.
        A slippery slope indeed.

        Good Morning, All.

      • Dick, the lovely Fanny wants to know if you want to invite Krav or Mince Pie Guy to Christmas lunch so you’ll have more ‘company’ than the hounds when we adjourn to her boudoir.

        She’s still refusing to invite weird Uncle Kiddie to the New Year Party in the other pub in the village.

        I am well pissed.

      • There’ll be none of you coming. Following last year’s rather over-exuberant display, I find myself under seige in Fiddler Towers. An irate mob of villagers bearing burning torches and pitchforks have over-run my outer ramparts and are currently attempting to gain entry to my inner sanctum…I don’t think that they wish me well,tbh.

        Although….perhaps the sight of a gang of drunken old Cunts screaming “Brexit means Brexit”,several visible enraged Poofs and Rough Tuff Creampuff gibbering maniacally about “James O’Shithead” may be enough to spike their guns.
        Although (again)…the cure is undoutedly worse than the complaint. I’ll take my chances with the lynch mob…..

        Oh,nearly fotgot….Fuck Off.

      • I take your point Dick, but think the referendum is a special case. After all, in every country where EU referendums have been held and lost by the political establishment, they’ve then been held again until they get the answer they want, and that hasn’t effected the normal democratic workings of electing governments in those countries.

        If Corbyn was elected I’m sure big business etc would react predictably, but I see no chance of his election being overturned, unless he was to lose a vote of confidence in Parliament and then fail to win a subsequent General Election.

        Referendums and General Elections are as different as chalk from cheese.

        The next IN/OUT EU Referendum should be scheduled for 2057 – that’s 41 years from now, the same amount of time that lapsed between the first 1975 Referendum and the one held 2 years ago in 2016.

      • There is one option, if Parliament cannot decide HOW TO LEAVE, ask the electorate , The May Deal or No Deal, I wonder where the remoaners would mark their crosses?
        The governemnt would have to support the May deal and if the 2016 vote is any indication the No Deal will take it.

  11. My limp wristed 9 stone brother in law came round the other day. Cunt has gone vegan. Predictably wants the people’s vote.

    Now those two things alone already make him an arch cunt. However, he proceeded at one point to ask me if I had any soy milk for his tea.

    It was all I could do not to cave his head in with the kettle.

    • Put soy sauce in his cuppa instead, and if he complains, tell him he’s phobic against soy sauce, and you’ll call the plis.

      Judging from what you’ve said, he might not notice, in any case !

    • Thing is, if you’d had surprised the cunt and said “Yes” I’ve no doubt his response would be “Is it Soy Light?” (yes ladies and gentlemen that really is a thing, soy is already cuntitude personified, soy light is double-cuntitude).

      You should have just given the cunt an empty cup and told him you saved him the bother of having to ingest anything.


  12. Turning it the other way if leave had lost as the establishment expected what kind of reception would the mention of a second vote have got? Would we have had endless programmes with wonky eyed leavers attacking the token remainer on the panel? Would Rees mogg and bojo be given endless airtime to moan?
    Would some irrelevant cunt like Caroline Lucas who is the green party’s only MP be given such disproportionate Television time to her political relevance ?
    Absolutely no fucking chance!!!
    Anybody daring to mention a second referendum would have been sectioned and immediately fitted with a straightjacket….
    You would .have struggled to find any dissenting voices on the bbc or sky,
    Leavers would have been completely marginalised and cast aside, It would have been business as usual the day after!
    The only fucking thing the referendum changed was how long the establishment cunts wait before they press reset and we go back to business as usual …….

  13. Nice article in today’s Telerag –

    “BBC turning ‘blind eye’ to Lineker’s Brexit tweets.”

    Nice to see the Brussels Propaganda “Forschungsamt” getting some stick from their own, more lowly employees…

  14. Whatever. The moo slime birthrate time-bomb has been detonated across Europe anyway, so all this agony around voting and democracy is just frippery to fill in the countdown to the inevitable form that future government of the continent is going to take. The next truly significant decision that European countries will be faced with will be one of eugenics.

    • Everyone will end up looking like Verminhofstadt…

      We have a head start in Cardiff, especially amongst some of da wimminz…

  15. Slightly off topic, but earlier I mentioned the ‘This Week’ show, Emma Pengelly of the DUP was on, and she would have to fucking have it

  16. Everything that’s happened over the last 2 1/2 years has been concocted to bring about another referendum so they can then withdraw Article 50. Project Fear went into a frenzy after the first referendum. They’ve all been in cahoots – the EU and Elite and our own politicians and Establishment. They went after Leave supporters to make sure the Press moved more to Remain than Leave. All for the next referendum universities and schools are in full swing to brainwash people, employers (bosses on huge performance bonuses) fearing for their profits and status quo are making sure their employees vote Remain to keep their jobs etc. all to get the UK to Remain. Democracy is dead and the UK will be nothing but a vassal state with the EU and Germany sucking the life out of it. It will become another Italy and Greece. Spain has been teetering and France is in real trouble when you look at the numbers. Germany has powered its engine by sucking the life out of the other EU states and used the protectionist EU to protect its traditional industries. Unfortunately some are too blind to see or too young to have any experience of the world and business let alone be weary of politicians.

    • Are there no depths this scum won’t stoop to in pursuit of money and power?
      Anyone remember that “devils eyes” poster the Tories produced in 1997? There was a big row and they withdrew it in the end.
      Yeah, it seemed over the top at the time but we now know it was the most accurate poster in political history.

    • I wish someone would hold that traitor to our nation – B.Liar – down and smear dog shit in his eyeballs!

      The demographic of our country was irrevocably changed by that twats attempt at flooding the UK with shit bags in a “votes for free shit” stitch-up.

      That cunt – and other PM predecessors like Brown and John Bull Major – should fuck off into over-privileged obscurity!


      P.S. The latest Ernest Jones advert is a cunt! Usual cultural virtue-signaling couple dancing to some breathy, warbling, bint destroying Etta James’ “At Last” song. Fucking cunts!

    • Blair could be Cunt of all Worlds…..
      What does say about the EU if,
      1. This cunt has any influence at all, not in office, his record as PM irretrievably damaged by the war in Iraq.
      2. The EU did try the engineer a second referendum in the UK, interferring in the electoral process of a sovereign state would be the end of the EU.

    • Even his full name – Anthony Charles Lynton Blair – reeks of entitlement and privilege. Also, is it just me or does his skin look more and more like Donald Trump’s with each passing day?

      • His voice, I am happy to say, has been sounding like a toad with laryngitis for months, and it’s getting worse. Nodules on the vocal cords from blairing at the top of his voice at anyone who will pay him? Or something much, much better? Fingers crossed…

  17. Morning cunts.

    I’m just watching live coverage of today’s protest in frogland on Russia today. Looks to me like the plod are marshalling/kettling pretty aggressively so could kick off later.

  18. I will not take this shit anymore, if we have a second referendum, then violence and cival war will be unleashed and I will fucking start it

  19. I will vote yes to anything that puts less politicians between me and my meagre pay packet. Every time, without fail. Incompetent, self serving, grasping troughers the lot of them, proving that there is equality between the sexes too, as both gender are as useless and ruthless as each other. Cunts.

  20. The People’s Vote? Who voted last time? Feral animals? Robots? Plants? Inanimate objects?

    • Yes, they were last time and I thought exactly the same. The European Army (if it ever happens) will be used for countries that step out of line.

      We need to get out of the EU now or the chance will be lost. Those in power will not let us vote again.

  21. There are so many bollocks options being brandished about on Peoples Votes, ‘No Deal’ etc …. am I right in believing the next (current) correct Governmental procedure in the process, should Theresa May’s ‘deal fail, is for us to leave without a direct deal with the EU and on to WTO …?
    I’ve heard a few level headed, albeit ‘Leave’, politicians and ‘commentators’ say this is so, but it seems to get mentioned very little in the media .. I heard on the radio this morning that this was actually the case, but in order to make ..’No Deal’ ..NOT.. an option (as per current law), it would have to go through the House of Commons and then The House of Lords to pass it ‘in legislation / law’. There wouldn’t be time for this before March 29th 2019, so Article 50 would have to be ‘delayed / suspended’ …. an awful lot of fucking around against the will of the 17.4 million Leave voters …. and damned near every politician having to stick his / her head above the parapet to be seen to be going against the will of the result …..

    If I’m correct in what I’m hearing, it certainly seems that ‘the Establishment’ are whittling down their ducking and diving of convoluted excuses and options of saying it’s difficult to get a leave result … to them simply saying … ‘This is how it’s going to be ….’ I’d be calling that a Dictatorship then …. Cunts..

  22. After 21 years of subscription, I have cancelled by membership of National Geographic as I feel both content and orientation are no longer to my taste. I did however quite enjoy the supplements.
    I wrote my cancellation, but demanded that ( even though no longer a member ) I would like the supplements and the bi annual special offers.

    National Geographic wrote me a nice letter telling me that I was either a member or I was not a member. If I remained ( a member ) then of course they would supply the supplements. If I left, then I would not.

    I wrote again. This time telling then quite clearly that even as an ex member, I was entitled to some compromise arrangement.

    National Geographic have replied. “FuckOff”.

    I am clearly doing something wrong. Any hints?

    • They bombarded me with begging letters and offers for fucking years after we cancelled our subscription.

      Let them know in advance that you will sue their arse if they market to you aggressively (which they undoubtedly will).

  23. And if the ‘peoples vote’ were to be won by leave again within days the usual suspects would be saying ‘ yes, but we don’t know what sort of brexit they voted for, a soft brexit or a hard brexit’ ad infinitum.

  24. We now have pretty much a Brexit free house, and avoid the TV and radio channels who favour continuous coverage like the plague.

    I have so far done as much as I can in the process, and voted to Leave in the referendum. I also voted Tory who said in their manifesto that they would leave the EU, including the single market and customs union.

    The matter is out of my hands and up to the cunts in parliament to sort out, I like most others apart from my vote have no influence in proceedings. I have written to the Tory party twice now, and in no uncertain terms told them I will never vote for them again so long as I live. As if they really give a fuck anymore.

    Saw Nigel last night saying he might even favour a second referendum now. Even he seems resigned to the fact it may happen.

    Glad to see the yellow jackets in France kicking off again, especially after Macron said he was sorry and promised them a Xmas present if they were well behaved. Will be glad to see the back of the Froggy cunt.

    • I hope Le P’tit Con getts offed.
      I am now at the state where I condone the pre-emptive execution of poilticians. It is sacrificing a few cunts to save the rest of us.

      • A pair of concrete boots and a nice deep part of the North Sea for Blair, Mandy, Dame Keir, Heseltine, Soubry and Adonis would not come amiss, either

  25. To say I am utterly fucking sick of this second referendum vomitus that continues to spew out of these remoaner cunts mouths is an understatement.

    A noose or a bottle of ‘Draino’ is looking increasingly attractive to me…..this Brexit shite is driving me fucking nutjob.

    It is like having to listen to ‘The Birdie Song’ on an infinite loop.

    I really cannot fathom how these tedious cunts just cannot grasp the fact that a vote is a vote, a result is a result and once done, there are no second chances. Is there something extremely complicated about that concept?

    Wasn’t the original referendum a ‘PEOPLE’S VOTE,’ or am I missing something here??


    • I had to listen to ‘Lady In Red’ on a tape loop once. At a funeral reception. ‘The Birdie Song’ would have been a walk in the park by comparison.

      • Fuckin’ ‘ell, my most sincere sympathies, RTC. That is another definite ear bleeder.

        Enough to make you want to jump in a coffin yourself……..

  26. Church of England bishops have said they are praying for “courage, integrity and clarity for our politicians” after a week of turmoil over Brexit.

    In a joint statement issued on Saturday, the bishops also urged the country to “consider the nature of our public conversation” and called for more grace and generosity.

    Christ almighty, the stupid delusional cunts are more out of touch with reality than I thought.

  27. I am leaving the EU on the 29th March 2019.

    That’s what I voted for, that was the choice that won the referendum in 2016 and that is what is in the Conservative manifesto.

    End of.

    Goodbye for now.

    • It was in the Labour manifesto too. In fact 85% of the voting public voted for parties claiming they were committed to leaving the European Union. All lies of course.

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