
You could spend all week cunting BBC speak, but there is one word in particular, as one of our esteemed cunters puts it, that really boils my piss. That is the poofy non-gender specific sibilant pansy word “sibling”.

I have a brother. We might not be as close as Ant and Dec or Even William and Harry (if they are), but he is my brother. Likewise Mrs Boggs has a sister – not exactly like a pair of the Brontes or Elsie & Doris Walters, but they are sisters not *siblings”.

It is such a fucking irritating word, specially when mouthed by BBC ladies who sound like Victorian poets, or one of their brown hatters. The type of cunts who are forever using words like “unacceptable” and “not appropriate”. Yet another snowflake word

Ban the word.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

44 thoughts on ““sibling”

  1. They will be banning “ladies and gentlemen” next.

    I can also see it happening in sports: rather than having “the men’s 100 meter sprint”, it will be something like “the non-gender-specific 100 meter sprint” – but even that might be deemed offensive to the disabled, and to those that don’t like or understand the metric system.

    In fact, they might ban sport completely because of its competitiveness, that will doubtless offend all the weak-minded cunts who were shit at sports when they were fat and useless kids!

    As for the world “Siblings” – sounds like something you get out of a turkey; or is that giblets?

    World’s gone mad (oops, can’t say that: might offend the mental health wallahs (oops, can’t say that, might have colonial connections to India and slavery (oops, can’t say that, might stir up racial overtones against non-white men and women (oops, can’t say that because its sexist and genderist (oops……..)))))

    Fuck this, I’m off down the pub

    • I heard a while back they banned that from announcers using the tannoys for the London Underground. If it came to fruition or not, I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Ridiculous.

  2. I think that it came about to replace the “half-sister”or”half-brother” classification.

    Nowadays most children in a “modern” family are not bred to the same Mother and Father. This is due to feckless Darkies impregnating some skanky,drug-addicted,pasty Mandingo-jockey. Once the Darkie has got the slapper up the duff,he fucks off and the white trollop calls the benefit-office to see how much the next on-the-spectrum,multi-hued rug-rat is worth.
    I’d stop all child benefits….if they can’t afford to raise them,don’t fucking have them or their “siblings”. No Job?..No fucking brats.

    Fuck them.

    • It’s not that simple Dick. My dad does have a job but as I’ve mentioned before my brother’s disabilities are severe enough that he requires long term care, so my mother can’t work because she’s looking after him (without any help from social services or any of that may I add) and due to a combination of things including fuel costs (my dad was commuting 3 hours a day to and from work around this time) my brother’s care costs and other things we had no choice but to get by on child benefits for a while. They do serve a vital purpose at times for families like ours – my parents aren’t in that kind of financial state now because some stuff got paid off and my father managed to find a job closer to home but those were dark times.

    • The word that could be uttered phonetically as”ponts” certainly is moderated. One of my favourites too. I foresee the demise of “cunt” in the not too distant future. Once that happens then we are all fucked on here!

    • I think it must be, I used it to describe Jon Snow’s wife some cuntings ago, and my comments were removed. She looks like a brown lesbian.

  3. Here’s yet another I keep reading and it has boiled my already steaming hot piss…..


    Always in connection with some unmemorable Hollywood slapper or authoress type.

    J K Rowling is Urdu for skankily entitled cunt

  4. Same goes for “partner”. Mrs Fimbriations is my wife. I’m not in business with her. She is not my fucking partner and I am always very quick to disabuse any pc fuckwit of the fact in no uncertain terms. Cunts.

    • Partner really fucks me off too. Always refer to Mrs Stroker as “my wife” as that is what she is.

      If we were not married she would be my girlfriend.

      Or engaged she would be my fiancé.

      Never partner.

    • Agree with that. I hate it when some cunt refers to Mrs Fistula as my Partner. Why does PC language have to make everything sound so sterile. She’s my wife You Cunt. What’s wrong with boyfriend ,girlfriend , wife , husband , bird or fella ???

  5. Actually, I rather like ‘siblings’ – it’s much shorter than ‘brothers and sisters’, and much shorter than ‘brothers, sisters, step brothers and step sisters, half brothers and half sisters, adopted brothers and adopted sisters’. It works especially well if referring to children of Peacefuls who might also be cousins, uncles, aunts, neices and nephews thrown into the mix.

    • Agree – ‘siblings’ is a legitimate term when used appropriately, as above. Would never use the word ‘sibling’ though.

      Mind you, if the PC brigade get their way there’ll be no such thing as a brother or a sister in the future, just gender neutral snowflake drones.

    • THIS. Getting ‘triggered’ by a word used to be a liberal thing. Looks like everyone’s in on it now. Great.

  6. Well if that lickspittle Carney has anything to do with it, it will definitely happen. Not that I will ever see a fifty quid note.

    • Gina Miller would be Carney’s sub-primate of choice. Or Flabbottomus… if Catweasle’s PM.

      • If Corbyn gets in nobody will ever bank notes again, just a few magic beans grown the People’s Republic.

    • I usually think of 50 quid notes as being drug dealer money anyway, so I guess it would be appropriate to put an eggand on them. Stephen Lawrence, perhaps ?
      As soon as they go into circulation, someone will point out what I’ve just outlined, and the Abbopotamus will go on the rampage, spraying liquid sewage down Ackernee ‘igh Street.

  7. Tony Blair described on Nigel Farages Twitter page as “a jobbie that won’t flush”.

    Think that’s putting it extremely nicely.

    • To me Anthony Blair always looks and sounds like an old queen with constipation. Given that earlier in his reign he got rushed to hospital one Sunday morning because of a heart scare, I suspect the lovely Cherie will one day go to the bathroom to put a bit of Sanilav round her clit and find the old cunt keeled over on the crapper. She and Mangledbum will look lovely in black veils.

      On The World At One that little pro EU fuckwit presenter Mark Mardell is starting another Project Fear campaign on farming this time and his just been joined by ex EU Commissioner and EU arse licker Chris Patten. Cunts.

    • The cunt spent last week in Africa, touring shitholes with his very good chum Naguib Sawiris, whose private jet they were using. Sawiris is the richest man in Egypt, possibly in Africa. He does construction, telecoms and gold mines. Sawiris (who assisted Sisi’s military coup and re-establishment of a dictatorship) frequently tweets the Blair line on Europe. Blair also receives payment from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and as far as is known, JP Morgan, Zurich Insurance and Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy. His wife is on the board of Renault and of Dangote Cement (prop: Nigerian zillionaire)

      It is a long time since Blair declared his total lack of interest in the UK (although he still lives here, rot him) by jumping out of Parliament two years early, and into a foreign sinecure, the first of many.

      So why the coruscating fuck do the UK media give him time at all?

      On the bright side, he seems to have something wrong with his throat. I pity the tumour that has to live on Tony Blair, but…

  8. I don’t want to be reminded that I have a sibling. She’s a cunt and she always was. She lives in another country and that’s fine by me.

    • Similar. In fact, I think of mine rather as a sibling than as a sister. (And as a sellout to corporate globalism).

  9. We have to be non gender specific in all things now to appease the 0.000000000001% of society who suffer from this particular mental condition.

    Money well spent I say…

    • A transgender REME captain was on Radio 4 Broadcasting House this morning as the token spasmaloid. It had a female name but still sounded like a bloke. It’s fucking annoying that this grease monkey has been given a platform. He’s just a REMF subaltern. Cunt

  10. I can honestly state that I have NEVER in my entire 47 years on this planet used the word ‘sibling’ to refer to my sister or anyone elses brother or sister.

    It is a load of fucking stuck up ponce.

    It sounds like your sister/brother is a fucking THING rather than a gender. I know that the word IS genderless to cover all options, but is it such an annoying stretch to use the word ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ or the plural?

    The word ‘sibling’ also reminds me of a body part or some sort of fleshy growth…..

    – ‘Who do we have on the theatre list today, Nurse Cunty?’
    – (Thinking: Do I fucking care? but answering) ‘Oh, Fanny Flange in bed 4 is having her sibling removed today.’

    …..or two wombles having a conversation in Poundland (blocking the queue with their shopping basket on wheels usually)……

    – ‘ How are you keeping then, Doris?’
    – ‘Me siblings have been playing up something awful, so I’m looking for a good cream in this cheap shit’ole.’

    The word is nothing but PC twattery nowadays. God forbid we actually indicate a gender in case we offend some libtard idiot.


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