A cunting for Rotherham Social Services please.
After being groomed and raped at 15 years old by one of our peaceful friends, which resulted in pregnancy, a young woman has been informed that Social Services have approached the man, encouraging him to apply for access to his child.
I despair as to what has happened to this country to the point of feeling physically sick, not to mention the rage that boils ever higher.
Can’t really think of the words. Calling it an absolute disgrace hardly seems adequate.
Nominated by Jack The Cunter
Is Rotherham council run by six year old retards or something?
The cunt Arshid Hussain, who raped the girl in question, Sammy Woodhouse, was sent down for 35 years. Very unusual in this day and age for a raghead, so should indicate how competent the fucking bastard should be at looking after another child.
To promote the cunts right to have a say so in his child’s upbringing, the product of the rape in question, is beyond belief even for this fucked up snowflake country.
Anyone promoting this stupidity should be sacked on the spot for gross incompetence and jailed misappropriation of public funds whilst in office.
Hussain should just be hanged.
Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire
We need to get used to this. There is a core of leftie fucking halfwits running things in councils, government, civil service and education.
“We were only following procedure”
These cunts only rape white girls but we can’t call them Asian grooming gangs. The council and police were shit afraid in case they were accused of being raculist.
We are fucked.
Don’t get me started about the aspiring architects in londomstan
I wish it were only Rotherham Soc Services. But alas it seems that there are many others around the country that are equally culpable and wanton in offering our children up for peaceful penetration. To call them all cunts is simply too fucking easy. I can’t honestly think of a word to describe these so called “educated and professional ” people who seem to be in charge of some of society’s most vulnerable people.
The whole rotten shebang needs dismantling. Common sense values need to be enforced, and far greater attention need to be given to our Dark Age Retarded Sandgollies, and their nefarious activities.
“Hussain should just be hanged.”
Yes,all the Rotherham abusers should be hung,drawn and quartered live on pay per view,all proceeds going to their victims.Sound extreme? Read up about Islam and the Profit Mohammed (cursed be his testacles) the only thing they understand and respect is violence
Piss be upon him.
The cunt.
Pishlam cuntz
Sorry guys had to add this: After just 4 days the petition Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019 already has 216,443 signatures and rising by dozens every minute.
I dont think its a coincidence that Maybot just announced plans for No Deal is are being intensified.
Signed…fuck Adonis,Clegg,Cable,Lucas,Blair,Campbell…….the list goes on n on n on …..
Every single branch of the Gestapo are fucking cunts. Wiltshire, Rotherham, Sheffield, Devon, Sussex… every one of them are cunts to a man. Oh, sorry, that last bit is wrongthink these days isn’t it?
The SS were only following procedure.
With all the revelations over the years in Rotherham and elsewhere, nobody could ever persuade me that these cunts, along with the police haven’t known for a very long time just what’s going on , but we mustn’t offend the peaceful mob.
On a separate note, I went to the hospital this morning for a minor procedure. I sat in my cubicle with my arse hanging out of my gown for a long while , when a darkie was brought in with the old bracelets on, from snippets of conversation between him and his two minders, I gathered he was an asylum seeker, he was giving some tall tale about how the rest of his group of migrant distributors of enrichment had been ‘shot down ‘ in some god forsaken foreign shithole.
Next thing, he’s prepped in double quick time and shunted off for treatment, leaving yours truly to wait even fucking longer. I was eventually seen two hours after my fucking appointment time.
What a fucking heap of fucking shite.
Get to fuck.
Good afternoon.
Sorry to hear that Jack.
Everyone seems to get preferential treatment over the decent British white population these days especially Peacefuls, Eastern Europeans, asylum seekers, economic migrants, and Pikeys.
Like many others I am fucking sick of it. Told to just carry on paying my taxes so that others who have paid nothing into the system can benefit.
Things are going to get really ugly here very soon. It’s about time and what the country needs.
Good afternoon Willie.
Eventually the shit will hit the fan.
Don’t know when, but hopefully soon.
I agree – they get the services, we get the bill.
All actively encouraged at the modern NHS I’m afraid.
No wonder theirs so much anger and resentment in this Country Jack.
You said your arse was hanging out ? I do hope they sorted out your Haemorrhoids dear boy.
A David Bailey job right to the end of the line I’m afraid .
Good evening Fenton.
I hope you checked the equipment had been thoroughly disinfected prior to your turn Jack. Also this type of procedure can precipitate late onset nancy-boy syndrome. Before you know it you might be stuffing larger and larger objects up your bunghole to satisfy your urges. It’s what really happened at Michael Barrymore’s pool party.
EVERYONE involved with this sorry state of affairs who either turned a blind eye to what was happening, lied, or did nothing when they should have done something should be prosecuted.
Otherwise lessons will not be learned, the right precedents will not be set, justice will not have been done and it will happen again.
These poor girls should get large compensation payments awarded against the perpetrators and or by the government. Why do the victims of Grenfell get financial compensation but these girls get fuck all?
It should be a national fucking disgrace that in the 21st century in a relatively civilised country such as ours that the knowing grooming of young white girls has been allowed to continue for so many years.
When is this government going to put the interests of the indigenous population of this country first and before the interests of others?
Clearly in the interests of not upsetting our peaceful friends, political correctness, racism and cultural enrichment our lords and masters feel the ruination of these poor young girls lives is a price well worth paying.
Fucking good point Willie. Every no mark that came out of Grenfell gets compo , but these poor girls are treated like damaged goods to be discarded and swept under the carpet. Fucking complicit Council Cunts
Nuke Rotherham…
Good afternoon Norman.
I’d rather nuke Parkingstan.
My wet dream would include nuking the European Parliament (when Farage and Woolfe are otherwise engaged and out of the building), the House of Commons, the House of Lords and all United Nations buildings.
The cunts in these buildings care little of others, self preservation, self entitlement, power and greed are all they aspire to. In order to achieve this are prepared to sacrifice the ruination of Europe.
Afternoon, Jack…
I think Pak-A-Makistan would be a better target too… But Rotherham, Bradford and Luton will do for starters….
For years all the public sector jobs in every field were advertised in the small circulation Guardian. Why? These leftie snowflakes that run every institution are convinced that because they have uni degrees in their made up mickey mouse sociology courses that they must be intelligent and the rest of us are just thick racists. Fear the worst i’m afraid.
“made up mickey mouse degrees”
This has to be my favourite
I believe Bernard Manning graduated from this with honoura
They are surely having a stand up laugh.
Nice one Mr Stroker.By the way cant wait to see the new film about you and Laurel ,Stan and Ollie,even if Stans played by that cunt Coogan
See you there next month CRU.
That must be the most expensive punchline
Today. White nationalists get sent down for six years for supporting some far right wing group and calling their son Adolph.
While Mohammed gets away with preaching hate and raping teenagers.
Fuck British law it stinks.
Has done for many years, and is a joke of a gravy train only for upper class twats.
If you expect justice you should look elsewhere.
We know from personal experience.
That rapist heap of shit should have no say with his kid. The fucker should be dumped a a gas chamber and executed. Social services are fucking useless I know from personal experience but this is bloody pathetic
Brilliant post D of C.
I don’t know a lot about this, but after the Rotherham scandal, I understand that many of the high ranking officials in the SS moved on to other no doubt very well paid jobs in other areas instead of being hung, drawn and quartered?
I share your despair, I am on the brink of giving up all hope, I see no end to this utter fucking madness.
Saw an episode of Steptoe and Son on BBC 4 last night. There was a joke about a Parking Stanley washing up on the coast in a rubber boat.
That was 1973!!!
I am willing to bet my bile duct that the person responsible for this calamitous decision is a fat bitch sporting a ridiculous haircut with a child resembling the back woods thicket from deliverance, I can only hope that she falls foul to a gang of said taxi drivers who cover her with curry tasting spunk in a 20 man Bukkake party.!!
Bet the wankers in social services, police force and any other group involved in the so called protection of these girls are all in line for massive pensions.
I read an article that claimed that when one of the many Rotherham girls complained to a fuckwit social worker the said social worker offered to arrange a course of Urdu so the kid could have meaningful conversations with the cunt who was raping her and passing her around for others of his ilk to abuse.
What really boils the piss is that these crimes for some reason never had the racist factor taken into account which if applied as it is to any crime committed by a white person against an ethnic, transbender whatever adds a few years to the sentence. Funnny that. Cometh the revolution.
Passive aggressive cuntburgers in Rotherham Social Services should have their gobs stuffed full of mashed taties and a breathing tube inserted for the rest of their tenure.
Damn right the rapist cunt deserves access to a noose and a short rope, not access to the child.But look at it this way. He’s probably going to eventually get a buttfucking in prison by a 300 lb cage-fighter who’s in for homicide and likes to hang onto dreads while he rides.
Rotherham Social Services= Cunts
Nice see you back Monique… bin on an extended ‘lost weekend’ perchance?
Yeah thanks Ruff! I got slaughtered over Thanksgiving and went AWOL . The cunts I was dealing with me daily got to me and I hit the bottle big time lol. Once I realized I could barely string a turn of phrase together and I was using the walls as a walking aid, I lined up a stay in the countryside; Posh Spice Styles: From the Daily Mail: “Victoria checked into a German retreat which specialises in emotional balance.”
“Emotional Balance” my arse. Of course it couldn’t be the shit that was going up her nose that caused her to check into a hardcore rehab. Right?
I blew a .38 on the way into detox. Lowest BA I’ve ever been admitted with.
Liver’s fine, thanks for asking. And there’s plenty of cunts here to Cunt to keep me busy. Food’s fucking awesome. Unfortunately they don’t serve wine in rehab.
Blimey – wasn’t expecting that! Been on an unofficial detox of my own over the past 12 years or so… not sure I’d be alive today if steps hadn’t been taken back then.
Have mixed feelings about the desirability of life now though, considering what a basket case shithole this country’s become.
Take care… always enjoy your posts, don’t make a stranger of yourself.