How do I cunt thee? Let me count the ways.
Sadiq fucking Khan, his uselessness and his administration of right-on loons (including a fucking Night Czar for fuck sake)
Property prices that ordinary working Londoners can never aspire to.
Remoaner central.
Right-on champagne socialist central.
Feral, armed, aspiring architects, footballers, rappers and so on. (Always aspiring, never actually achieving anything in their pointless, baby father existences)
Vast amounts of moolah extracted from UK taxpayers for London infrastructure – Crossrail being a prime example but also HS2 (which is to benefit London not ‘the North and Midlands’) Heathrow expansion and fuck knows what else.
Immigrant central, council property provided of course.
Whitehall and the fucking useless, eventually ennobled civil servants. Being fucking incompetent no barrier to the K.
The city, greed, incompetence and money launderers to the world.
Russian oligarchs gangsters, African despots and Arab slave owners all have their bolt holes there.
Fucking Westminster and its total disconnection with the rest of the UK.
The fucking Olympics which seem to have benefited nobody except West Ham.
Fucking hipsters, vegans and more trendy cunts than anywhere on earth.
There is much more but that will do for now. No doubt cunters will have other examples.
London, a fucking disgrace to Britain.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Here in Wiltshire we have a lot of Londoners fleeing down here in order to raise their families in a safer environment.
Same in Norfolk where I lived before moving abroad, not surprising really, one of them a relatively young woman sold her flat in London and bought a big house with 10 acres of land and barns for her horses, runs a business now, good on her I say, weird woman though.
Mostly trash and wide boys from East London/Essex moved in though.
As much as I liked going to London, which was once a week or so, there was no fucking way I would want to live in or anywhere near it.
One thing I can’t work out about London is that unless you are fucking minted, have a significant income (200k+) or are benefits scum there seems no way anyone ‘normal’ can afford to live there. OK if you bought your house in 1983 then yes OK a reasonable wage/salary would do but what about those leaving the family home today earning 25k (or less) a year? Just where the fuck do you live? How do you afford a 400k flat or 1300 a month rent? How?
Fucked if I know.
There is no place in Britain I would less like to live in than London (aside possibly from Moss Side in Manchester)., it’s a complete and utter shithole. .
Leaning against an open door on that one.
Fucking hateful place.
You on about Moss Side? Because I’ve never been but one of my work colleagues has and he saw ‘no whites’ signs on the doors of businesses owned by our peaceful friends when he was there.
London it’s like the future for the UK writ large as some kind of terrible warning. A country split into factions by money, religion, race etc and all being deliberately enabled by those in power. They are cunts dividing to conquer. This country of ours that we should be cherishing and being proud of for being tolerant and welcoming is being manipulated so that the indigenous population is made to feel inferior and threatened thereby doing what any normal human would do and that is to attempt to protect itself. But of course that is seen as racist, religionist, etc thus making defence illegal we are royally being fucked over.
Weak government manipulated by NGO’S and Big money.
I live in London and the place is now a fucking shithole. Large parts of the place actually used to be nice but, even in the nicest suburban areas there are fewer and fewer English people left. It gets noticeably worse by the day.
I see this morning that another aspiring architect has been offed in Hendon – just down the road from me and hardly what you would consider as an edgy inner city area.
I will be joining the white flight in July and am counting down the days!
A fuckig shame that.
Having to pull up roots because your community hasn’t become a melting pot of ideas and shared values…..all done without your permission.
Just one more benefit of “cultural enrichment”!
Im fucked propercunt,born and bred in Norf Landan,skint,sporadic employment at best,can only afford to live in East London(a shithole in Victorian times,still a shithole) no relatives or close friends outside Londonistan,doomed to exist and die here unless a miracle happens ie lottry win,im doooomed
I thought a bit like that a few years ago but managed to turn it around. I am off to the Fen outside Huntingdon and am building a 3,000 sq. ft. gaff and will move in without a mortgage.
London is a hell hole and you pay through the nose for everything while some cunt nicks your car, robs your house or snatches your mobile. To give you an idea, last time I was up in Huntingdon I took the family of 4 to a nice carvery, had the splash, 2 J2O’s for the kids and a bottle of Prosecco for us. Came to £42 all in – not sure that would cover the drinks bill in London.
A robust cunting, with subtle undertones of poetry and rich notes of irony and common sense. Provokes much head nodding and grunts of agreement.
A vintage cunting from a classic year.
Hats off to you sir.
Good morning..
In a brave attempt to stem the flow of illegal immigrants across the English Channel, ISAC Air Mobile Group launch a surprise attack on Calais type jungle camp.
Note the particularly fine shooting from Messrs. Fiddler and Creampuff.
Fucking DFCs all round!!
Thanks Jack, I much appreciate the due recognition.
Good morning.
Now that is what I call border patrol.
That’s the kind of firepower I wish could be brought to bear against socialist cunts who randomly protest, clogging up Whitehall, Regents Street and Trafalgar Square. When such protests are held, the socialist magic money tree has to pay for the clean up, particularly of the Socialist Worker Party placards.
Sound cunting. Lewisham born and bred me. Left London 10 years ago at the age of 34 when my daughter was on the way and there was no way on earth I was bringing up a child in what was now a 3rd world city.
My decision was vindicated when on the very morning of my leaving, I was walking down the street and barged onto the ground by some brick shithouse care-in-the-community effnik for no reason whatsoever.
London is finished. Best thing to do would be build a brick wall round it, turn all the utilities off and let them get on with it. Then the humans could move back after about 6 months.
Like Cockroaches the Coons could probably survive a small scale nuclear weapon so to paraphrase Ellen Ripley from Aliens “I say we take off and Nuke the fucking entire shithole it’s the only way to be sure”
I keep telling you all. Emigrate now. Australia has some problems but nothing like you poor cunts are enduring. If you can qualify for Australia, NZ or Canada do it now.
I keep telling my eldest to get out to Canada. Her and her boyfriend would have no problems getting in. If I was forty years younger I’d fuck off myself.
Not Canada Jack.
With the feckless twat Trudeau at the helm Canada is becoming the fastest 3rd world transforming nation in the West.
Think Merkel’s open door policy but on steroids.
If that cunt stays in power (another cunt bankrolled by Soros – surprise, surprise) then Canada will be as “culturally enriched” as the UK within a generation.
So you manage to climb out of the shark infested waters only to then fall into the snake pit!
Avoid at all costs until the failed drama supply teacher Trudeau (yes that’s all the qualifications that cunt has to run a G7 country) has been ousted. If he gets 5 more years, Canada is fucked!
I believe what you actually mean Rebel is ‘substitute drama teacher and part time ski instructor.’
If you want to be eternally mollycoddled and bored shitless by its self righteous citizens, move to Canada. I have a cousin who’s lived there for over 50 years and he’s the dullest, most condescending, humourless snowflake fuck in the entire universe. You have been warned.
If they need to expand Heathrow airport at all, do it in the direction of the most heavily immigrant populated areas and bury them under it.
I hate having the capital of my country taken over by people I never wanted here or have any interest in.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Christ there’s been some quality cunting on here of late.
Visited friends in London in Nov and it just seems to get a little bit worse every time I go (fucking Villa lost at QPR so seeing that game didn’t improve my state of mind).
Things always seem weighted in favour of London, which get my fucking goat. Remember the ‘national debates’ about where the Millennium Stadium and the new national football stadium would be built? Oh the excitement!! Might the MS be built in Glasgow or Edinburgh, or Leeds? How about ‘the new Wembley’ in Brum or Manchester? And where did all that massive investment, and all the jobs end up going? Er let me see now…
Hear hear. London is the bumhole of Britain.
I hated it there and I’m much happier now in Yorkshire.
The way the prices are going down there soon there’ll be no nurses, police, plumbers, electricians etc…
Probably why they’re so desperate to stay in the Reich. They need slaves coz us English ain’t gonna do it anymore. You work your arse off just to hand all your money over to some fucking Turk….
Fuck London.
What did Dr Johnson say? ‘If you’re tired of London you’re tired of life’. Now if you’re tired of life go to London. About the Tommy Robinson Rebel. No one could admire him more than me. Especially exposing grooming gangs. But I agree with Willie he isn’t an asset to UKIP. He’s not articulate and has that whiff of extremism. You wrote that waycism ‘has no power anymore’ of course it has. Ordinary people are put off. The word I want to use is RESPECTABLE. And respectable now means NOT talking about religion/ race. What UKIP or a similar party needs to do is concentrate on the core message-just go on about all this immigration destroying community cohesion and all the rest- no school places, hospitals overwhelmed etc…and bringing back control of our borders etc…nothing about race. Or religion. Robinson is tarnished with that brush. All a bit soft I know but that’s where we are.
Agree with much of that Miles. UKIP won’t get anywhere with the wider electorate if it simply comes over as the 21st Century equivalent of the BNP.
Btw, I think the actual Samuel Johnson quote was:
“when a man is tired of London, he is tired of uncontrolled immigration; for there is in London all that benefits can afford.”
Think both of you RTC and Miles are spot on re Tommy Robinson he just comes across as a bit of a footie hooligan to me and I used to be one of those when younger so the vibe is noticeable, or maybe it’s a bit of small man syndrome as he is quite teeny tiny but either way his excellent work on showing up our shite law enforcement and social services regarding grooming gangs and the MSM continuing to conflate disorganised mainly white paedophiles and highly organised mainly Pakistani heritage not Asian paedophile grooming gangs should be applauded. But his involvement in UKIP is a HUGE error of judgement which I’m not even sure if is deliberate for some crazy reason.
Unfortunately Miles being respectable has gotten us where we are today, and that is purely down to what was one of our finest traits: thinking the best of people.
Alas our kindness and tolerance has been used against us (from within and without) for salacious reasons that even Ted Heath knew about when he signed our sovereignty away back 1972.
We are now a “cuck” nation who indigenous workforce provides taxes to be pissed away on the Rest of the World’s flotsam and jetsam who now have more rights than either you or I do for merely arriving here.
As for Tommy Robinson, I would much rather vote for him – given the chance – as I would some plummy Conservative twat or Labour fucking communist! And I’m not an uneducated dole-wallah sat in bitter resentment of struggling to get by.
No. I’m just fed up of having our nation being slowly eradicated (again from within and without) and transformed into something it was never meant to be.
I will align myself with anyone who feels the same, and if that’s a working class lad from Luton (and I work there now and that definitely is more like Islamabad than a Bedfordshire hillside town), then so be it.
None of the cunts in Cuntminster will, that’s for sure!
Anyone who dares intimate or breathe that the capital has been transformed into a 3rd world shithole – which it quiet clearly has – is immediately shot down as being “waycist”, etc., so’s to avoid the very real discussion about uncontrolled immigration, especially from 3rd world shitholes.
The lie that they are of a net benefit to society is exactly that, a big fucking lie! They contribute fucking all, take from the pot several times over (as they breed in rates far higher than the national average) and bring their tribalistic traits with them. I mean how many acid attacks were there in 1988 compared to now for example?
Another fact – which no one wants to consider – is that through lack of education in their homelands, most Africunt gimmegrants have IQs that would be considered remedial in the West. So they cannot complete for the jobs that would actually make them a net contributor to the UK. The jobs they can do – if indeed they do work – are the ones that our own low skilled labour force needs to survive.
So all this uncontrolled “cultural enrichment” from Africunt/Middle Eastern basket cases is to drive down the quality of life for our own working class while introducing the horrors of actions we only used to see John Simpson reporting on in some far flung shithole!
Well who would have thought it, eh!?! What a complete and utter mystery!!!
And the authorities come down on YOU for speaking the truth, rather than dealing with the problem and starting to fuck cunts off who have no right to be here, deporting any non-national who’s on any “watch list” (along with their families – don’t care, fuck off), and lock up those who are deemed nationals.
It gets even better with the Marrakech Agreement being signed by our weak government which makes nay-saying against migration illegal and that the authorities should clamp down on any such “hate speech”. Well our spineless lot will lap that shit up now that we have 800 new “officers” whose sole roll is to look for nasty tweets and CuntBook dislikes!
For fuck’s sake, we’re eradicating ourselves with our complicit administration (controlled by the globalists), at what point do we say: “Enough!”
Well that was probably about 40 years ago but now we’re not even allowed to say “Enough!” because that will get you more time in chalky than what you’d get for a misunderstood bombing attack in Manchester during a kids filled pop concert!
I lived on Essex / east London border for 30 odd years, I decided to move to the south coast 20 years ago without question the right move, all of my close friends have run away from London and are spread far and wide, not a single one has ever entertained the thought of moving back, most wished they had made the move earlier…..
London is completely fucked and it’s only going to get worse…..
Excellent cunting CC …………
Roll up roll up,
It’s the Black and White cunt tour of Lahndan special festive offer.
For only £170 you will get the experience of a lifetime.
Firstly we’ll begin at Tower Hamlets where we can all have a go at guessing the road signs which are in some Urdu or something language, then swiftly on to Peckham where we can buy some high grade weed off of Errol the Jamaicunt. We’ll stop off at the Albanian cafe in Shepherd’s Bush for a very special lunch of Sheep’s bollocks and rice. Next on the list is a visit to the Polski Sklep where my mate something ski has many gift and souvenir for special price.
How can we have a tour of London without a peaceful evening meal on Edgware Road. I have arranged for any takers to stay at the hostel in Shoreditch where Farquar has beard trimming facilities and a gluten free, vegan, organic, English breakfast. I won’t be staying unfortunately as I have to get back to my Notting Hill flat and poo ut the heating on.
Put the heating on.
Piss off.
I think the original had a pleasing ambiguity about it.
Angelina Jolie hints at move into politics….
Oh fucking great… A batshit crazy serial cockgobbling celebrislag cunt as a future US President? That’s just what the world needs, eh?
The fucking arrogance of these Hollywood cunts…..
She was guest editor on Today, R4 this morning. We were treated to the plight of poor Africans. None of the killing and raping their fault of course. Archbishop Tutu gave the mealie mouthed god spot. Ironically he was talking about tolerance and non discrimination. From S. Africa where the indigenous Africans are burning other Africans to death and murdering white farmers daily.
A fine, caring, in-touch woman.
Slagelina Jolie is such a total cunt that even her tits have fucked off and left her… And as for her being a ‘victim’ of Uncle Harvey? Yeahhh right…. Wonder what all these holier than cunt celebrislappers wiil do when Harvey Boy is cleared? The words fox and chicken coop spring to mind… I hope he slaughters the lot of ’em…
I could not agree more with this cunting.
I was born, raised and still live in North West London. It is the most rancid pile of rotting excrement that man will ever encounter, but much more pronounced when you have had 47 years of living here, and have seen the vast changes that it has undergone.
Personally, I am both sad and revolted by it.
It has no national identity anymore. When I used to go ‘up taaan’ when I was a teen, it was really thrilling, it FELT like London, England and had a certain hip vibe to it. I lived 20 minutes by train outside of the city (still do), but still it was like travelling to another planet for me at that age, and a cool one.
Now it is not like travelling to another planet, but like travelling to another fucking COUNTRY…..take your pick – Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, anywhere and everywhere in Eastern Europe, you name it, the shithole will vomit it up. I feel like a stranger in my own city…..and WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I, OR ANYONE??
Apart from this very depressing fact, I loathe Londoners. This may sound ridiculous seeing as I am one, but I would like to think that I am not cut from the same cloth as those dog eat dog fucktards. Londoners are rude, self-serving, totally focused on their own needs and fuck anyone who gets in their way (this is most evident when on public transport) Most of them- especially city stiffs in suits – strut around like they are the shit and sooo entitled and special because they are high flying city types (or so they believe) when in fact they are just up themselves bags of shite who would cosh a grannie out of the way to get that seat on the tube.
I rarely go up to Central London anymore. It is packed with foreign fuckwits all looking vague and lost, who stop in the middle of Oxford Street and open their 10ft fucking map so no fucker can walk around them, annoying buskers who blast their dirge shite out so you cannot hear yourself think, beggars (usually foreign) who just raise your blood pressure further when you wonder why the fuck this country has let them in TO BEG (makes total sense) and the list goes on and on…..all bad, that you can be assured of.
Pure cuntery…. and run by the biggest cunt of them all, Khan. The fact that HE is Mayor of London tells you everything you need to know about the disintegration of this city and exactly WHO we have here, dominating the show now.
London is over. Fucked.
All the ‘real’ Londoners (myself included) have moved to Kent, Essex and the other surrounding counties…
The only thing that keeps me here Mecha is my family (Mum and Dad in their late 70’s) Were it not for them I would be out of this craphole. I would actually like to leave the whole bloody country! I see nothing but shite ahead for the UK and total obliteration of ANY national identity we may still be clinging on to. I honestly couldn’t stand to see that shite when it happens……
A sublime post.
But apparently you’re wrong according to our ruling class.
Well the answer to that would be to buck the two party trend and vote in a new ruling class, one that actually cares about its own people over and above the Rest of the World.
Enough is enough.
Ok, that’s enough – fucking nuke the cunt!
Better learn to ‘duck & cover’ quick Nurse Cunty…
Indeed RTC….just nuke the fucker.
Frankly, even nuclear fallout would be preferable to the fucking shite we haveto tolerate here these days.
Assuming my arse hadn’t been blasted into a pile of dust, I would take a good dose of radiation sickness over that cuntwaffle Khan any day.
The really annoying thing is you never see this kind of shit in the movies. I watched “Love Actually”, “Four Weddings” and “Bridget Jones” with the missus, and even though I can’t stand romcoms all three films showed London to be a swinging, hipster middle class overly white-centric place, and not the shit hole it has become.
I bet those cunting Guardian opinion writers don’t live in those shithole parts of London either. They bang on about diversity and multicultural society, but I bet they don’t live in that kind of underbelly us plebs have to tolerate day in day out
While those films certainly had rose tinted specs on the place remember they were shot 15 – 20 years ago.
The place has changed beyond recognition. British citizens are now a minority and growing smaller.
It is going to get 4 smaller still come July!
Stupid whites are outbreeding sensible whites. And peacefuls are outbreeding everyone.
This country is finished.
What happens in July?
Never mind, somehow didn’t notice the 4.
Couldn’t agree more. As someone who’s also born and bred in London I’m disgusted at what has happened to our capital.
I used to love going for a night out in the West end 20 years ago but I wouldn’t go anywhere near the shithole any more.
I’m going to move away from here in the next few years and I simply cannot wait.
Fuck London and the new Londoner cunts
BBC ‘News’ headline today… ‘Whatever happened to Stormzy?’
All I know is that the cunt’s not dead, so the BBC can fuck off… If it’s not that, then I don’t give a fuck what has happened to him…
Have you ever seen Stormzy and Donkeykaku together?
Yeah separated at birth!
All I know is that one used to be quite good at football and the other is Romelu Lukaku.
Be interesting to see what Ole gets out of Lukacunt and Sanchez… Be damning for The Special Cunt if they too have a Pogba-esque return to form…
It’ll be the same old story Norman, certain players get pissed off with the current manager and stop playing, whilst they’re getting paid by the club.
New manager comes in a they all of sudden find form. Most players are cunts and Pogba is not only a cunt but a knobhead ‘I’ll dance’ c u nt who is an embarrassing cunt. Pogba is poison (hence why Fergie got rid) he probably thinks he’s untouchable now Mourinho has been sacked.
Ps. The Table looking nice eh Norman? ?
All the cunting in the world isn’t enough for what London deserves. I lived there for years, and thankfully, I’ve moved up north and it’s great (other than the fucking peacefuls, but you can’t escape them).
Common sense would say you head to a “nice area” to live, such as Muswell Hill or Crouch End to get away from the filth that populates the likes of Wood Green and Edmonton, but they have their own set of bastards – white, middle class, yummy mummies, cuck husbands and their cunt Harry Potter reading children who are annoying as fuck. I’m not sure which scenario is more hellish. Other than that, wanky, vegan, hipster cunt areas popping up in pockets of shit-holes like Bromley-By-Bow and Archway, and the giant, shitty tourist trap that is central London.
All of it is overpriced, overrated and overpopulated, and I’m glad Ieft. Now I made the decison to up sticks to the north, I can enjoy a delicious, locally brewed pilsner for less than £3:50 a pint. Lovely.
I fucking hate London – pity it can’t fuck off and become an independent state or something.
It already is, in all but name.
JOB must have it completely wrong .he’s forever telling us how marvellous ‘diversity’ is, how wonderful it is that we now have restaraunts producing every conceivable type of food, that immigrants are a ‘ net benefit’. He had a real go at Farage when he said he was On a train and heard few English voices ( actually O ‘Brien might have had a point here since Farage is married to a German) he even comes out with that old standby ‘ there is only one race, the human race’. The NHS would collapse without immigrants blah blah blah. No mention of the fact that it’s under strain partly do to ever increasing numbers demanding to be seen, many of whom have never paid into it. We have another 100 that have crossed the channel this very week who will require assistance. ‘ stands the clock at ten to three? , and is there honey still for tea? In Grantchester, in Grantchester…….
I wouldn’t deny that immigration (controlled) is a good thing. In the 1970s the highlight of my week was a blowout at the one Indian restaurant we had in town. And without doubt my palate has profited immeasurably by the introduction of foreign muck in the food shops, etc. And I would not have met my wife if her parents hadn’t migrated here in the 1950s.
It was only with the advent of Blair that I started to notice uppity demands by migrants and foreigners that the indigenous culture should adapt or change its way of doing things to suit whatever shitty backwards way of life those minorities had been brought up with. It’s now gone beyond the point of no return imo.
Cunts like O’Shithead and Liebour are responsible for the multicultural basket case this country has become today.
Most posters blame the shittiness of London on immigrants and refugees and they may be right but I have had a couple of unpleasant experiences with native Londoners. A taxi driver refused to give me a receipt a few years back because he said he didn´t have any. When I wrote a chit on a piece of paper stating the journey and price and asked him to sign and date it, he refused saying he didn´t have a pen and didn´t know the date. I thought maybe he didn´t like me because I was Scottish but imagine he just treated everyone that way. I almost felt sorry for him as he was such a miserable prick.
Did a mini B&B tour around Scotland many years ago with my girlfriend at the time. Stayed in all sorts of places, Oban, Inverness and a few other places that I can’t remember now. The Scots get a bit of a slagging on ISAC, but that trip was ace. The scenery was amazing, the locals were pleasant, good food and beer. We even stopped at Loch Ness. I stuck my hand in the water just because. Fuck it was cold. Been to Edinburgh a few times too. Always enjoyed it.
Glad you’re hear Dr and since we’re on the subject, I too remember most London cabbies I’ve encountered to be miserable cunts. It’s like they hate their lives, hate themselves and hate everything and everyone one as a result. Shouldn’t really be in a service industry then, should they – the cunts.
“hear” – seriously? What a massive fuck brained toad I am. Lack of caffeine is my excuse. I of course meant “here”. Apologies to all concerned. My grammar school English teacher would be spinning in their grave. Now he was a cunt.
Build a wall around it. Godforsaken 3rd world shitehole full of jiggaboos and sand people.
Build the Wall of Cunts… have the giant mugshots facing in.
That could be the screenplay for a really fucked up remake of Escape From New York…
Just heard some cunt having a fantastic go at Afua Hirsch on LBC – well done mate if that was you – kicked her fair and square in the racist, British hating cunt!
Heard that RTCP, what a cunt Afia is.
I see a bright political future for her… Made me think of your list of women in charge the other day. Can’t be a coincidence everything is fucked.
I saw that cunt on spy news the other day, banging on about White Christmas! It should be banned in this day and age for its racist title! just fuck off you fuckin snowflake, racist, white British hating, camels arsehole faced fuckin shitcunt !
Here in Hove near Brighton we have had a lot of hipster snowflakes move down here from London and pushing the property up ten fold. Opening healing centres and gastro pubs with highly pretentious menus and shite beer at £6 a pint.
As for London, I fuckin hate the place, if I ever have to go up there I can’t get out quick enough. Crawling with fuzzy haired types and Peacefuls all trying to fuck you over.
Played a totally pointless game over Christmas called ‘Solved’.
Similar to Cluedo, but due to inclusivity and diversity it features a black character….
I’ve worked in London a few times in my career. Even lived there briefly at a Civil Servant hostel type establishment. The horror.
Living in Yankland I have to hear all the time about how wonderful London is blah blah blah. I tell all the Yanks who wax lyrical about the shit hole the same thing. It’s an interesting place to visit, but not to live or work there. It’s over crowded, very noisy, absolutely filthy, graffiti everywhere, rubbish all over the streets and pavements, eye watering prices for everything and full of cunts. And Buckingham Palace is a very ordinary and boring looking building. As far away from palatial as you can get really. Soldiers in red coats and giant loo brushes on their heads standing around outside doesn’t change that fact.
That’s central London. I remember the first time I ever went to White Hart Lane to see Spurs. Edmonton area. Oh my christ, I was horrified at what a nasty, filthy, shit hole it is and it’s only got worse over the years. Was the first time I ever saw a hairdressers/barbers specifically for black people. I could not believe my eyes. It is truly an awful place.
Our capital is not a pleasant place and it’s been a generation or several since it was half decent. At least according to my mum and dad who are from there originally.
I moved out of the city (Manchester) about 8 years ago and into a rural village. There are no peacfuls here, not one, no EU scum and no egg ‘n spoons.
There is however a fairly large gor blimey crowd who seem to have escaped their big smoke. It’s almost like the indigenous are moving and regrouping.
Honestly, it’s like being back in the 80s and I would recommend that ISAC contributors seriously consider a move if they hate their current situation.
Maybe we could then build a wall….
Goodbye for now.
Hello dare good eve and congratoooolashun. I pleased to tell you dat you are big winner of holiday.
You go on safari to big city. It sprawling messtropolis of cultooor.
It smell like Indian sewer, has 24 hour night, see peoples in blankets (homeless) see peoples in blankets (eritreans etc).
We heff exciterment all time. We take you to chicken shop and you get shot at and stebbed. You laugh at crazy time.
We charge big pounds for all food and drink.
We see you soon
I’m driving to the smoke from scotland. South East London is ok but a lot of places I wouldn’t go near.
Hopefully there are not to many cunts going to slow me up through london.
london not have night czar….she a cunting nightmare. have you seen it,or even more heard it. fackin lordy.!!!