Justin Welby [8]

Justin Welby

Urgent repeat cunting required for scumbag Justin Welby, Cuntuar.

He has refused to apologise for smearing the late George Bell, Bishop of Chichester, as a paedophile.

It seems that there was never any serious evidence to back up allegations made almost 40 years after Bell’s death. And his 94-year old niece is still having to deal with Welby’s cuntitude.

The Christian community have, I feel, rightly accused Welby-Cuntuar as lacking in any Christian compassion.

I must be honest, and declare my own interests. I have always thought Welby to be an obnoxious, smug runt; out of the same warped mould as Miranda B. Liar. As someone pointed out, Bishop Bell’s war records were exemplary, helping many Jewish and child refugees; perhaps today’s tissue-paper sky-pilots are just about intelligent enough to realise that they are intellectual pygmies by comparison with Bell.

Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

32 thoughts on “Justin Welby [8]

  1. Excellent choice by HBH. This twat cannot be nominated often enough, I cunted him myself in 2015. This brain dead Islamophile has absolutely no sense of irony as he lectures the government about poverty whilst living in a palace. Wanker.

    Looking at the current standings in the Premier League and Championship, I’ve decided to make early preparations for disputing the results if Liverpool win the League and Ipswich get relegated. I will argue that 52% of players, managers and supporters were too dim to understand the rules and the whole thing must be replayed. I intend to call this campaign the ‘People’s Season.’ I’m sure Gina Miller, Nick Clegg and Tony Blair will be right on board.

    You read it here first. If Liverpool win the League, guaranteed some Scouse cunt will say ‘we won it for the 96.’

    Here’s my Xmas Eve thoughts, shamelessly stolen from GeeDee’s post yesterday…

    Meet in the pub at 7, Dick?

    • Mind you if it was actually the population of Brentwood then the world would be truly fucked.

    • 7 o’clock, The Blue Oyster, Mike.Dress code…sunglasses,leather waistcoat and cap,black mesh chaps…..I may be slightly late so be sure to play a game or two of bar-billiards with the regulars.

      • Now Dick you know the lovely Fanny won’t go to the Blue Oyster to meet your special friends. Can’t we just piss off your favourite landlady then adjourn to the other pub in the village?

        PS: can breakfast at Fiddler Towers be a bit later tomorrow? I promised your delightful sister a morning seeing-to to celebrate the birth of the Saviour.

    • People’s season ?
      I was looking for a New Years resolution and thanks to CMC I have one . I’m going to protest, challenge and refuse to accept any result in absolutely anything no matter how fucking trivial….
      Excellent cunting HBH
      Welbys a cert for the wall ……

      • Since he is a champion for the poor, oppressed and vulnerable maybe he can open up the dozens of rooms in his official residence Lambeth Palace. He only needs one room for his ridiculous hats and another for punishing naughty choirboys.

  2. This simpering cunt should stick to his bearded sky fairy worship and keep his pointy fucking beak out of politics and other affairs.

    Only earlier this month this arsehole was pontificating on how a no deal Brexit would put more people in poverty. Really? How could he predict this with so greater certainty? Did God tell him this whilst he was knocking one out over a vision of a 12 year old boy’s bare bottom?

    Fuck off Welby you establishment mouthpiece and stick to what you are paid to do along with anointing young boys and lifting their cassocks.


    • He’s demonstrating the two things all religions have in common, silly fairy tales and silly hats.

  3. The Christian churches have made a rod for their own backs by shamefully covering up for the actions of Perverts and Psychopaths within their own ranks for years. Now,in their desperation to make amends they have fallen into the same trap as the Police did with Carl Beech and are prepared to smear innocent men regardless of evidence.
    I’m not religious,but in these times I think that a strong Christian church would be a good thing. Instead of kow-towing and trying to appease the Peaceful religion they should be preaching a more “Old Testament” version of religion,enough of their “turn the other cheek” and “the meek shall inherit the Earth”,we need our own religious nutters fired up by pulpit-bashing Hellfire and Brimstone style religious leaders.

    Welby always reminds me of the old-biddy type who peeps from behind her net curtains,tut-tutting and maliciously gossipping about her neighbours while being lovely to their faces.

    I rather expect that when the Peaceful religion takes over,Welby will find himself nailed to the nearest church door.He can continue his remarkably accurate Mavis Wilton impersonation while “turning the other cheek”…rather like he instructed several choirboys,probably.

    Fuck him.

    • Shit, I hadn’t read this Dick as I was busting to cunt this most Holy of Cunts.

      Agree with you entirely mate.

      And this evening’s tipple will be a number of Robinson’s Old Tom beers.

      Only 330ml bottles but at 8.5% abv it will get you there!


      • Morning, Rebel.
        Welby cannot be over-cunted, I reckon.

        Enjoy the Old Tom.must admit that I tend to steer clear of real ales. I had a friend who was a landlord and we used to try any new tipples as soon as they came in….with disastrous results for the old thunder-box the next morning in too many cases.

      • Well I am a fan of real ales but the variety of ales is only outmatched by the variety of shits they produce: between rusty liquid to a grape-producing anodised rod!

        And darkness of ale is no guarantee of solidity either (unlike the ever faithful Guinness stool).

        Luckily I will be in falling distance of my own throne this evening and so it’s worth the risk!

      • Never had Old tom beer before whats it taste like cunters?! seeing how its 8.5% alcohol content I’m guessing its thick syrupy and disgusting like most heavy old fashioned ales I wonder if its the same historic brewery that made old tom gin or if its just a namesake

  4. I completely agree. In my experience every one of the imaginary friend in Jesus herd are cunts.
    Fancy believing in such a preposterous story. What a bunch of motherfucking cunts.
    My dear wife, mrs spaz, says gnn gnn

  5. This fucker can’t be cunted enough. An establishment man through and through, his family history is littered with the entitled and privileged. He has had / has connections with some very dodgy characters and organisations. A proven liar, I would trust him as much as I would a rabid dog.
    Get to fuck.

  6. I am eagerly awaiting the day when he reaches 10 cuntings and joins the uber cunts on the wall of cunts.

  7. So, Peter Schmichel would ‘consider a role at Man United’. would he?
    Well, he can fuck right off… The arrogant blue nosed City loving cartwheeling goose stepping Judas cunt…

  8. Modern Christian clergymen are spineless tossers. I much prefer the old-fashioned, fearless, crusade-organising Christian priests.

    Justin Welby should learn from Revd Buckner H. Payne the art of Political Incorrectness:
    (THE N*gro: What is His Ethnological Status? Is He the Progeny of Ham? Is He a Descendant of Adam and Eve? Has He a Soul? Or is He a BEAST in God’s Nomenclature? What is His Status as Fixed by God in Creation?)

  9. This posh Eton cunt is, literally, a bastard. His posh mother liked a drink and couldn’t keep her knickers on for five minutes. Upper class twat and absolute pillar of the Establishment, hence his undying love for the EU fascists.
    Just looking at the hypocritical wanker turns my stomach.

  10. Him and that other cunt in Rome are just “peaceful” appeasers.

    Not once did him or the pontiff condemn the “peaceful” terrorist atrocities across Europe, instead it was the usual “come together” bullshit, but woe-betide any non-peaceful who even does the hate-crime calling one of the cunts a “Letter Box”, oh that’s sharply condemned isn’t it you sell-out cunts!

    The Bible is made up of two testaments, the old and the new. The new is made up of hearsay/stories and contains such bollocks as “turn the other cheek”.

    The old testament (as per our Old Testament Allies) has some historically noted events, the timeline may be suspect but there is corollary in Hebrew, Greek and Egyptian texts.

    The Old Testament also contains phrases such as “eye for an eye” and “smite me and have that returned tenfold”.

    We need a little more of Old Testament and a lot less of the bullshit New!


    • * such bollocks as “turn the other cheek”.*

      Then that will be the ideal job for Blairite pansies who resign/get kicked out of Westminster after Brexit

      I am sure Mangledbum and perhaps even Adonis would consider toying with the priesthood

  11. Praying is just like chronic gambling, you never remember the losing bets.

    Benjamin Franklin had it right…

    “Lighthouses are more useful than churches”….

  12. Yet another top quality bit of cunting.
    Welby is a simpering, hypocritical cunt of the first magnitude, and I’ll echo the thought that he can’t be cunted enough. The picture says it all; not just a cunt, but a cunt dressed up from a Monty Python sketch.

  13. Most hard-core religious types are smug condescending hypocritical cunts. Just listen to some of the Radio 4 shower each morning. For hi-fi pomposity Justin Welby and Richard Coles should be teamed up for the final of the Prick Of The Pulpit Award.

  14. Welby is a new world order stooge. He is also a humungus patronising cunt, a perennial arselicker of the establishment and an embarrassment to the Nation.He deserves to be shoved head first up Merkels clam!

  15. I am shocked and disappointed to read the scurrilous allegations made against this fine gentleman.

    I’d like to remind those responsible that this is the season of goodwill to all men. Someone who selflessly dedicates his life to the achievement of peace and brotherhood deserves our utmost respect.

    And may the blessings of the baby Jesus be with you.

  16. Good cunting HBHubbard (you related to LRon Hubbard by any chance?), Anyone find it ironic and kinda hilarious that hes wrongly libelling a priest of pedophilla when the RC churches infamous history of shielding and ignoring rampant sexual and physical abuse of minors. I mean i just don’t understand Welby here, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones if you get what i’m saying

  17. Interesting comparison with Blair (sorry, but this is a subject I have researched in depth) Peter Welby, a carrier of Justin’s DNA – his son – had his first job as managing editor of ‘The Centre on Religion and Geopolitics’ . Who dey? Yet another division (or pillar, or platform) of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (formerly the Tony Blair Faith Foundation), where as I remember he a shoo-in:
    Peter now describes himself as a consultant on religious matters, whatever the fuck that is, and the last CV I saw of his rather pointedly failed to contain the word ‘Blair’.

    Call me a naif cunt, but aren’t ministers of the various churches and indeed the other Book religions, supposed to be consultants on religious matters? Are there so few of the cunts that some wet-behind-the ears cunt who happens to have an influential dad has to set himself up in business to deal with the lack of information on the subject? Apparently so. (P. Welby’s company, Portal Advisory Limited, is listed on Companies House as a management consultancy.)

    Son of a cunt.

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