A nice 1970s unionised cunting please for that four eyed raddled old would-be Chancellor of the Exchequer, who wants unions to have even more power:
What a fuckwit. Probably cost him the next election though so every cloud has a silver lining.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
well that’s a laugh!
I work for a French multinational that “does not recognise UK unions” but bows down to the native French ones.
I don’t recall any sympathy strikes from our French “Comrades” over any of the shit that the company has pulled over here.
So much for solidarity to say the least, any way the whole idea is a load of toss, because realistically they should have gone on strike when our industry was moved to europe (for cheaper energy, from the same supplier that supplies the UK!)
its all a fucking shambles, I seem to have the right to vote yet its more and more like the right to put my hand in a dog shit bin, there are a lot of them and non particularly pleasant.
well thats my monday fucked depresion overcomes me,
Never mind the fucking Chilean junta who overthrew democracy in the 1970s. The cunt ought to be worrying about the overthrow of democracy right here, right now, right under his fucking nose.
But he’s not though because he’s all part of the whole shitty system. Fuck this cunt……. and his beardy fucking mate.
What do people think about Tube Drivers earning over a £100;000 for a 35 hour week for holding a handle down?
I think if I lived near Londonistan I’d be applying for the job.
It’s a closed shop.
Not meaning to offend any Tube drivers out there, but how the fuck can they justify earning more than an airline pilot..?
McDonnell is a modern day Scargill, and completely out of touch with reality.
All he wants is the power, but not the consequences, determined to dump all that shit on everyone else’s doorstep (government) rather than his own.
Trouble is our snowflake society have never known a truly militant union era such as the 1970s when nearly every union and its dog went on strike for such petty little reasons (British Leyland being one of the worst fuckers!)
The 3-day week, power cuts, black-outs (can I say that?), bread shortages, postal strikes, ABBC strikes, Winter of Discontent etc etc. Welcome to the 1970s and the unions shafting successive governments for 20 or 30% pay increases for less hours.
Of course all that changed when Maggie came along and kicked them all in the bollocks in the 80s.
But the snowflakes of today know fuck all about that; and given that they go into full panic mode if the batteries on their phones are about to die, or Shitbook is offline for 10 minutes, then god help them if the unions flex their muscles and take the country back into the Stone Age!
This is something those Labour-loving cunts don’t realize when they hope for a Labour government.
Fuck it: in my fury I posted the above bollox in the wrong bit of thread.
What a cunt I am
But you’ve surely found the way business can show snowflake cunts just a tiny fraction of what a Labour government would be like: they simply turn off the mobile masts altogether for 4 days a week, and the other 3 days are restricted to 8 hours, overnight. See how fucking keen they are then.
I believe they earn every penny,I mean can you think of a more boring job,and you cant even have a nap now and then coz you might kill yourself and a hundred other cunts
Yeah, but the hundred cunts are most likely remainers, so no loss there.
I think they wish they fucking got paid that instead of just reading about it in the rich cunts media.
I also think whatever they get paid they fucking deserve it because they got up off their arse and didn’t sit around waiting for the crumbs to fall off the rich mans table.
Good luck to them.
My own trade union is a joke. It seems you no longer need to have a trade to be in it, they just want numbers and the subs that go with it.
Already I’m supposed to support uncle Tom Cobbley and all when some bus driver wants the same wages as the CEO of British Telecom.
It’d be a bigger cuntfest still to ask us to support some foreign workshy tossers.
It is cunts like McDonnell that helped push the UK manufacturing industry into extinction in the 1970s. I bet McDonnell has pictures of Red Robbo and Bob Crowe in his WC that he tugs himself off over every morning whilst pawing a crumpled copy of the Morning Star.
God help us if this cunt took the reigns of power. What with him, Beardy and Flabbot, the country’s infrastructure would probably be given to the Venezuelans for a Peppercorn.
A gigantic cunt.
I still reckon the railways should be nationalised without compensation.
The look on Branson’s face would be priceless.
So when the peoples of Europe rise up (hopefully) against their EU overlords and bring them to their knees, McDonnell and the rest of the Westminster parasites will go on strike in solidarity?
I Cunted this Commie bastard sometime ago. He’s consumed with hatred of anyone that’s financially better off. Their is something deeply sinister and instantly unlikeable about him. Him and his Momentum thugs would have us all wearing Mao suits and living off minimum wage. I truly believe that he would have people rounded up or intimidated that didn’t go along with his Khmer Rouge utopian view of the world.
Have you read Animal Farm, Fenton? He and his comrades would be swilling champagne whilst our pips squeeked.
Yes I have Sgt, good observation.
Can’t help thinking that because of that cunt May, the next election and probably quite a few that follow are already Labour’s to take. Whilst my vote is totally ignored by May and 200 others in the Conservative party, they won’t get my vote ever again.
Totally agree Micheal, For what it’s worth I will be voting UKIP or something more extreme just to prove a point.
What fucking difference does it make which one of the cunts is in power? They all piss in the same pot,sing from the same hymn sheet, they even have similar Effnic icons,Labours Sadick (my dad was a bus driver) Khan and the Tories Sajid (my dad was also a bus driver) Javid.Fucking Cunts
Then it’s Corbyn and McDonnell you’ll get. That won’t be fun.
“In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve.” – Joseph de Maistre
McDonnell is a modern day Scargill, and completely out of touch with reality.
All he wants is the power, but not the consequences, determined to dump all that shit on everyone else’s doorstep (government) rather than his own.
Trouble is our snowflake society have never known a truly militant union era such as the 1970s when nearly every union and its dog went on strike for such petty little reasons (British Leyland being one of the worst fuckers!)
The 3-day week, power cuts, black-outs (can I say that?), bread shortages, postal strikes, ABBC strikes, Winter of Discontent etc etc. Welcome to the 1970s and the unions shafting successive governments for 20 or 30% pay increases for less hours.
Of course all that changed when Maggie came along and kicked them all in the bollocks in the 80s.
But the snowflakes of today know fuck all about that; and given that they go into full panic mode if the batteries on their phones are about to die, or Shitbook is offline for 10 minutes, then god help them if the unions flex their muscles and take the country back into the Stone Age!
This is something those Labour-loving cunts don’t realize when they hope for a Labour government.
Gargantuan cunt !
Somewhere to the left of pol pot and uncle joe !!!!!!
We’ll just have to ask McNationalise who gets the bed on night shift this time around.
“Never vote for Labour, they cast a bone idle workforce!” – my Dad. RIP.
Back to the seventies we go.
Dilapidated buildings, strikes, power cuts, high inflation, need I go on.
Old labour, taking us back to the dark ages.
Fuck me. Watching Sly news , there’s a labour MP on, Rushanara Ali. No, I’ve never heard of her either, but boy can she yap, the poor cunt interviewing her keeps looking at the camera with a look that says ‘ Where the fuck’s the off button ? ‘
Goes without saying, she’s a remoaner.
As for John Mc.Donnell, he’s a Fenian loving cunt who probably still parades round his bedroom in a Bobby Sands t shirt.
Fuck right off.
Good afternoon.
This cunt is the most dangerous man in British politics. Thanks for the McNationalise nickname though Rebel!
I think it just goes to demonstrate what an absolute shower of shitty incompetent bastards we have in power at the moment.
Because in any normal world, this absolute cunt and his comrades should not have a hope in hell of achieving high office.
The fact that it is a possibility at the next General Election frightens me beyond belief.
Continuing uncontrolled immigration would be the least of our worries.
The more folk who realise that – red or blue – they’re all shite and should go the way of the Whig Party, the more chance there is of empowering new representation who may actually
They don’t represent anyone other than themselves and they champion nothing other than their own interests.
They are a shower of shite.
I saw the PMs statement today and after it all you heard was “…to avoid a no deal at all costs…” time and time again.
Why? Why should we avoid what actually better than May’s deal!?! As for all of the vitriol and verbiage about the economy by this one, that one and the next “so called” economics and finance experts, the truth is nobody knows.
If “no deal” is the deal then we can graciously offer the EU a tariff free trade deal (which is in their interest considering the deficit) and – again graciously – allow the 3.5 million EU citizens residence without strings, so long as that is reciprocated to our 1.2 million UK citizens who reside in one of the other 27 countries.
What’s so hard about that? It’s only the underhanded, nefarious twats of the EU power structure who don’t want that arrangement because they’re desperately clinging to that power so’s to bind over other nations from following suit. Too late.
Les Dawson is a lame duck. Granny fucker is fucked. The two EU stalwarts reduced to sub 10% approval ratings while national popularists are gaining huge ground in most EU countries – especially those blessed with the benefit of Les Dawson’s open invite to the 3rd world’s problems.
A “no deal” actually puts us in a really strong position (if we had any cunt with balls enough to see it through). No deal scares those cunts (the EU) and their shrinking economy far more than it should us.
What are they going to do, tell us they don’t want our trade, thus guaranteeing them further – if not unrecoverable – economic shrinkage.
I’ve heard of the saying: “Cut one’s nose off to spite one’s face.” – but I’ve never seen anyone actually do it!
It’s the same with the EU, threaten them with “No Deal” (and no £38bn to boot – which they need desperately to cover Druncker’s wine bill) and watch the cunts fold like a bad poker hand!
Mc donnell and his full on leftie mates look back on the 70,s as some kind of utopia!!
They would happily bring the country to a standstill if given half a chance, foreign investment would run for the hills and catweazele would start to dismantle our armed forces like Costa Rica who he admires so much….
nuclear deterrent? Who needs that ? Jezza can pop over an have a cozy tea and a chat with the aggressors!
Airforce? What’s the point
Army ? Waste of money, we’ve got 100,000 of thousands a year pouring in and they all need a roof over their heads and money from the “ well fair” ?
Mc donnell is a seriously dangerous cunt…….
There are many questions that we may never know the answers to. Were aliens here before us? How did huge slabs of rock get from west Wales to Stonehenge? Does Rachel Riley take it up the arse? But one question we do know the answer to is lefty governments especially far left always, always wreck the economy.
They have that in common with unregulated financial markets…
I’m sure someone here will know the answer. But is Nationalisation against EU rules ? If it is. Then methinks Mcdougal is fucked !